What I can see it is independent private labs that has done these examinations in UK.
It is great that so many in the world are real concerned and involved in and of collecting evidence for the evil bastards perpetrating these horrific crimes against humanity.
As a nurse anaesthetist who stepped out of the matrix many many months ago it is hard to swallow what the medical professionals are doing. We are some that has been very vocal from the beginning and didn’t buy the narrative. Have not really been that ostracised but maybe I was, behind my back, do not care. When they after almost a year and then after 18 months in the respective countries I work in kind of mandated masks all of a sudden, no more show up for me.
Cannot perform theatre at the cost of human beings.
i might reactivate my facecrap page just to repost this image
Wow! Gross!
Thank you so much!
Ugh! That is definitely no ordinary clot!!!
i havnt had time toread this but thought you might find it interesting https://download-files.wixmp.com/ugd/a904eb_dd0349411d5341d39aefa5075e4b65a1.pdf?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOmU2NjYzMGU3MTRmMDQ5MGFhZWExZjE0OWIzYjY5ZTMyIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDplNjY2MzBlNzE0ZjA0OTBhYWVhMWYxNDliM2I2OWUzMiIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTpmaWxlLmRvd25sb2FkIl0sImlhdCI6MTY0NDY3NTE1NywiZXhwIjoxNjQ0NzExMTY3LCJqdGkiOiJmMGE0NmJhYzYwZWMiLCJvYmoiOltbeyJwYXRoIjoiL3VnZC9hOTA0ZWJfZGQwMzQ5NDExZDUzNDFkMzlhZWZhNTA3NWU0YjY1YTEucGRmIn1dXSwiYXR0YWNobWVudCI6eyJmaWxlbmFtZSI6IlVLIExBQiBSRVBPUlQgQlkgJ1VOSVQnLSBNb3JlIGluZm8gZ3JhcGhlbmUgZ28gdG8gTm90T25UaGVCZWViLmNvLnVrIC0gR3JhcGhlbmUucGRmIn19.e7b4GxkCfrIqnvKn8ZFJ_6My32rKDIQk-C9iVKiyEaM
Thank you for linking this very interesting document.
Where is this UNIT located? And how many people were involved in the analysis, do you know?
As hard as it is to get vials to examine, the harder it is to get information out.
this is where i found the pdf https://www.notonthebeeb.co.uk/post/uk-lab-report?utm_campaign=7940383d-a53b-49ca-9103-555b034b8e20&utm_source=so&utm_medium=mail&cid=4532dac1-5e29-4499-a5c4-ab98c85b42e1
Thank you again.
What I can see it is independent private labs that has done these examinations in UK.
It is great that so many in the world are real concerned and involved in and of collecting evidence for the evil bastards perpetrating these horrific crimes against humanity.
As a nurse anaesthetist who stepped out of the matrix many many months ago it is hard to swallow what the medical professionals are doing. We are some that has been very vocal from the beginning and didn’t buy the narrative. Have not really been that ostracised but maybe I was, behind my back, do not care. When they after almost a year and then after 18 months in the respective countries I work in kind of mandated masks all of a sudden, no more show up for me.
Cannot perform theatre at the cost of human beings.
Lots of bruising around & below it too!
So thankful of what the truckers and people of Canada is doing.
Awful to see the police advancing instead of saying NO to an unlawful order.
It shall NEVER be forgotten.
Sacrificing has to be now or you should be deemed forever by your fellow citizens.
Do not EVER comply.