I'm curious if the aluminum is part of the adjuvant. We know that aluminum, mercury, etc., is often contained in vaccines as an adjuvant to "enhance the bodies response" to the viral, or bacterial, particles being injected. Maybe these are not "self assembling", but rather "coalescing" as the product begins to dry on the slide?
Make no mistake, the aluminum adjuvant is toxic by itself, and we know that cats developed sarcomas at vaccines injection sites that were linked to vaccine adjuvants a few years ago. Any metal injected into the body causes harm, and the harm is cumulative over the repeated doses.
Both of the "vaccines" mentioned are required to be stored at insanely cold temps. Maybe the long transit and warmer temps caused plenty of degradation to where all that remained was the metal adjuvant?
Given that we know, (or think we know), that the spike protein is the part that does the damage, and many of the adverse effects of the jabs are often the same as, and usually worse than what has been seen in certain patients with actual COVID, my money is on the fact there is the code for causing the body to make the spike protein in the experimental gene therapy injection. Troponin levels increase with with many cases of COVID, but they are mild and transitory, whereas they are severe and lingering with the jabs. Blood clots form in the lungs of some COVID patients, and we have seen beyond any doubt that blood clots are induced by the jabs. There's even been a study that showed that 62% of jabbed persons had elevated D-dimer tests. That doesn't even include the "funky" amyloid clots. https://wellbeingaotearoa.wordpress.com/2021/07/12/d-dimer-tests-show-at-least-62-percent-of-mrna-vaccinated-patients-have-microscopic-blood-clots-reports-dr-charles-hoffe-m-d/
There's no question in my mind that different regions receive different batches/lot numbers, and that all batches are not created equal, with some being more toxic than others. But the jury is still out on this, as well as Dr. Jane Ruby's "self assembling" particles. They may prove to be true, but it is also possible that it can be attributed to the circumstances I mentioned above.
This article casts doubt on whether mRNA (spike protein) is even in the shots. What if it's all just Graphene Oxide/nanotech per La Quinta Columna? The globalists have lied about everything else- how do we know they really produce spike protein?
I referenced the comparison between the spike protein with COVID and the effects of the jabs. Hence why I made the comment that I did. I am aware the article was attempting to show no spike in the jabs. I only referenced what has been observed by many in regards to how severe COVID symptoms act, and how the jabs act in a similar, but worse fashion.
I have no firsthand knowledge regarding the jabs. They may, or may not, contain what someone else says they do. But I understand adjuvants being added to vaccines for decades, and that most are aluminum or mercury based. I can also understand how a drying slide can have the adjuvant appearing to "self assemble" if it coalesces, and is the only thing remaining on the slide. I'm the first to admit, there is a lot we the public, do not know, that we should be informed about, but expecting answers to be forthcoming reminds me of a saying my dad always had, "Wish in one hand and spit in the other, then tell me which one fills up the quickest." We need more facts!! Maybe this article is the beginning of them, or maybe it is another rabbit hole.
Because of the secrecy, I’m assuming that there were different recipes used in different lots/ batches. How bad is my batch dot com varies so widely- was it sloppy production or intentional?
There are several theories for the true purpose of the shots:
1) Sterilization (would explain the push to vax children).
2) Reduced lifespan.
3) Micro-chipping.
4) Transhumanism.
The batches seem to vary tremendously. No idea if this means there are several different versions of the shots (including placebos) or if the production process varies so much.
No, it tells our bodies to produce the spike protein. Or that is the theory they are claiming in regards to the jab. And it is the spike that does the damage, hence why the effects are worse, because the bodies are producing the very thing that causes the harm.
The typical adjuvant is Thimerosol which is a form of Mercury. Dysprosium Oxide is also in the vaccines. It has the highest magnetic moment of any non-metal element. I wonder if the injections acted to Seed those individuals with the attractant to draw on all the aerosol metals being sprayed as chemtrails over the planet... then those injected ones would constantly accumulate such just by living till their own systems become overrun and some disease of some sort manifests.
This article made me recall the disease called Morgellons. Its a little odd that the doctors aren't connecting the dots to that disease.
Wow! I hadn't thought about Morgellons. (Not in my field of study.) But, early in the gene therapy roll out a lot of people kept posting about how "things" were coming out of their skin, as they tried to detox. Some even posted videos of the fibers, although they thought they were really tiny "worm-like things". Maybe it wasn't the trying to detox that created the sensation and situation, but just the sensation created from the injection itself? Good catch/connection!
Now I have have conflicting info, as I had heard otherwise, as what I was told is they contain an aluminum adjuvant. It seems that facts are hard to come by where the COVID jab is concerned. :sigh:
Just read the FDA/Pfizer Trial summary. The ingredients are listed. Adjuvants (aluminum, squalene, etc) are used in some vaccines but not those that infect or transfect cells like attenuated virus vaccines and mRNA vaccines. Also LNP is so inflammatory it acts as an adjuvant
some have said concerning the aluminium the problem is when the flouride comes into contact with it, flouride being a by-product of the aluminium smelting process they worry
what chemical effect could take place when these combine
Yesterday evening we went to a wine tasting and my wife told me a friend of hers was second boosted two days before. I made sure to stay away from her the entire time we were there.
I had to avoid my elderly mom for a few weeks. She is double boosted . I had menopausal bleeding after her second shot. Her eye got droopy, shaking hands. She says with a straight face that January omnicron was what caused it. She had an mri revealing a small embolism. Her cardiologist & neurologist in Ft Myers Florida both asked for vaccine records, a good sign.
Dr. Nagase was arrested at an indoor rally in Calgary, Alberta last early winter. He was later released without any charges. He spoke at a rally a month or so later in Nanaimo, BC, which I attended. Dr.Nagase is a wonderful human being that genuinely cares about the health and well-being of our society. Our communist leaders in most Canadian Provinces,and the police have put this man through hell.
First I would like to say that I was very impressed with Dr. Nagase. Speaking as a chemistry major from many decades back, he is well versed in chemistry and molecular biology. He also exudes both integrity and precision. I have a couple of questions and comments regarding the video. I wish the resolution of the download was greater despite doing Rumble at 1028X780. It was pretty blurry. But what is really great about this presentation is that an electron microscope was available, not something one finds at the Dollar Store. All previous videos I watched had been restricted to optical microscopes. And the elemental X-Ray scan was a huge plus.
From what I gather, these mRNA vaccines are not “supposed" to contain proteins. They are suppose to contain mRNA inside a lipid nano particle. None of the 21 human amino acids which compose proteins contain phosphorus, though all of course contain nitrogen, but RNA is composed of large amounts of phosphorus which help form the “chain" holding the nucleotides together. Furthermore all four nucleoside molecules composing RNA contain nitrogen atoms - guanine contains 5 N atoms in a small molecule. So as Dr. Nagase mentioned toward the end of the video, how is it possible that this mRNA “vaccine” is devoid of both phosphorus and nitrogen? The idea that these elements "leaked out" because they were at room temperature is ridiculous. At most they would depolymerize, but the component nitrogen bases would stay intact and stable as would the phosphates.
I suppose Dr. N added some material containing P and N as a control sample just to make sure that the X-Ray detection for these elements was behaving properly. If there were no flaws in his experimental method, the only explanation is that these “vaccines” are like the virus, a total hoax, and the spike protein, the “vaccine” containing mRNA , are part of a shaggy dog story as is SARS-CoV-2 and Christian Drosten’s fake rt-PCR “test."
Edit addition: I think it highly plausible that these strange structures composed of oxygen and carbon, and probably hydrogen, are the deliberate toxic elements in the fake vaccines. Also, as the "vaccines" are a water suspension, it is possible that the O is from the water and the structures are constructed solely of nano carbon, or carbon and hydrogen.
The nanotech stuff went dark for a while. This is the biggest smoking gun in history. So fucking crazy. All the jabs have it. What dark force has the ability to do that. Competitive companies all with the same graphene powered self assembling tech. See Jessica Rose post about amyloidosis maybe caused by scaffolding for nanotube tech?!?!
Well it's (allegedly) the whole virus but somehow disabled from reproducing. Meaning it's little bucky-balls covered in the spikes, like Novavax but the real thing.
I found my symptoms were identical to a group of nurses at a hospital in Thailand, numbed right arm (jabbed in left) and respiratory arrest. I thought it was a nerve thing, but they were successfully treated for blood clots and strokes, so yeah, it's still a clot-shot, no mini robots required.
Check out Tiberius software by Bilderbergers Peter Thiels Palantir that tracks each lot to the nearest zip code. If they wanted to deliver different recipes to different regions they can do so. Remember, Operation Warp Speed was mostly a military run operation
Not saying this is happening, nobody can say. It might be certain areas just report adverse events more than other more Pharma controlled area
This is enuf for me, thank you Moderna and Pfizer: “ball with the legs growing out of it” and “the head of the “thing” was made of aluminium.” Nothing like being injected with an aluminum headed octopus, for starters. Sample or not, limited to Canada or not. Never going to get near me.
I know. But I cannot tell you what the label put on their poisons in different countries is.
The reason they will never release Comirnaty is that they'll be fully liable for deaths and injuries and with millions dying around the world, they'll go bankrupt.
The US military on paper is quackcinating soldiers with Comirnaty (imaginary) but is using the EUA version of 2020. Go figure out!!!
The other thing people don't seem to be aware is in the vaccines is Dysprosium Oxide... it has the highest Magnetic moment of non-ferrous materials.
I'm a little surprised all these health people are looking at these fibers and things and not connecting the dots to the thing called Morgellons. It seems like that would be the first thing to come to mind to compare these "vaccine" samples to.
True that EM cannot form images of atoms - they are beyond its resolution. But the x-rays emitted from the bombardment of the specimen with high energy electrons emits a spectrum where every element has its own "fingerprint."
gates and mr fauci got smt to hide ... would be my guess.
not so sure about that experiment stuff. sure, pfizer is still testing it legally speaking until may 2023. but really do you really believe it they dont know what they are injecting the planet with ??? doubt it ... they got to know what they are doing.
dont underestimate them, they are good at what they are doing.
I'm curious if the aluminum is part of the adjuvant. We know that aluminum, mercury, etc., is often contained in vaccines as an adjuvant to "enhance the bodies response" to the viral, or bacterial, particles being injected. Maybe these are not "self assembling", but rather "coalescing" as the product begins to dry on the slide?
Make no mistake, the aluminum adjuvant is toxic by itself, and we know that cats developed sarcomas at vaccines injection sites that were linked to vaccine adjuvants a few years ago. Any metal injected into the body causes harm, and the harm is cumulative over the repeated doses.
Both of the "vaccines" mentioned are required to be stored at insanely cold temps. Maybe the long transit and warmer temps caused plenty of degradation to where all that remained was the metal adjuvant?
Given that we know, (or think we know), that the spike protein is the part that does the damage, and many of the adverse effects of the jabs are often the same as, and usually worse than what has been seen in certain patients with actual COVID, my money is on the fact there is the code for causing the body to make the spike protein in the experimental gene therapy injection. Troponin levels increase with with many cases of COVID, but they are mild and transitory, whereas they are severe and lingering with the jabs. Blood clots form in the lungs of some COVID patients, and we have seen beyond any doubt that blood clots are induced by the jabs. There's even been a study that showed that 62% of jabbed persons had elevated D-dimer tests. That doesn't even include the "funky" amyloid clots. https://wellbeingaotearoa.wordpress.com/2021/07/12/d-dimer-tests-show-at-least-62-percent-of-mrna-vaccinated-patients-have-microscopic-blood-clots-reports-dr-charles-hoffe-m-d/
There's no question in my mind that different regions receive different batches/lot numbers, and that all batches are not created equal, with some being more toxic than others. But the jury is still out on this, as well as Dr. Jane Ruby's "self assembling" particles. They may prove to be true, but it is also possible that it can be attributed to the circumstances I mentioned above.
Isn’t it a shame we aren’t privy to the actual ingredients?
This article casts doubt on whether mRNA (spike protein) is even in the shots. What if it's all just Graphene Oxide/nanotech per La Quinta Columna? The globalists have lied about everything else- how do we know they really produce spike protein?
I referenced the comparison between the spike protein with COVID and the effects of the jabs. Hence why I made the comment that I did. I am aware the article was attempting to show no spike in the jabs. I only referenced what has been observed by many in regards to how severe COVID symptoms act, and how the jabs act in a similar, but worse fashion.
I have no firsthand knowledge regarding the jabs. They may, or may not, contain what someone else says they do. But I understand adjuvants being added to vaccines for decades, and that most are aluminum or mercury based. I can also understand how a drying slide can have the adjuvant appearing to "self assemble" if it coalesces, and is the only thing remaining on the slide. I'm the first to admit, there is a lot we the public, do not know, that we should be informed about, but expecting answers to be forthcoming reminds me of a saying my dad always had, "Wish in one hand and spit in the other, then tell me which one fills up the quickest." We need more facts!! Maybe this article is the beginning of them, or maybe it is another rabbit hole.
Because of the secrecy, I’m assuming that there were different recipes used in different lots/ batches. How bad is my batch dot com varies so widely- was it sloppy production or intentional?
There are several theories for the true purpose of the shots:
1) Sterilization (would explain the push to vax children).
2) Reduced lifespan.
3) Micro-chipping.
4) Transhumanism.
The batches seem to vary tremendously. No idea if this means there are several different versions of the shots (including placebos) or if the production process varies so much.
Well said. The nuts running things seem to be striving for all the above.
MRNA is not a protein
No, it tells our bodies to produce the spike protein. Or that is the theory they are claiming in regards to the jab. And it is the spike that does the damage, hence why the effects are worse, because the bodies are producing the very thing that causes the harm.
But he is looking at the vaccine which does not make protein outside of the body, and says he is looking for protein. Lol
The typical adjuvant is Thimerosol which is a form of Mercury. Dysprosium Oxide is also in the vaccines. It has the highest magnetic moment of any non-metal element. I wonder if the injections acted to Seed those individuals with the attractant to draw on all the aerosol metals being sprayed as chemtrails over the planet... then those injected ones would constantly accumulate such just by living till their own systems become overrun and some disease of some sort manifests.
This article made me recall the disease called Morgellons. Its a little odd that the doctors aren't connecting the dots to that disease.
Wow! I hadn't thought about Morgellons. (Not in my field of study.) But, early in the gene therapy roll out a lot of people kept posting about how "things" were coming out of their skin, as they tried to detox. Some even posted videos of the fibers, although they thought they were really tiny "worm-like things". Maybe it wasn't the trying to detox that created the sensation and situation, but just the sensation created from the injection itself? Good catch/connection!
The mRNA vaccines have no adjuvant, aluminum or otherwise
How do you know? Access to any inspection of vials? Or going by a document? & who published it?
No offense, just questioning everything now
Now I have have conflicting info, as I had heard otherwise, as what I was told is they contain an aluminum adjuvant. It seems that facts are hard to come by where the COVID jab is concerned. :sigh:
Just read the FDA/Pfizer Trial summary. The ingredients are listed. Adjuvants (aluminum, squalene, etc) are used in some vaccines but not those that infect or transfect cells like attenuated virus vaccines and mRNA vaccines. Also LNP is so inflammatory it acts as an adjuvant
seriously you can not believe ANYTHING FIZZER says half a dozen
convicted fraud cases, they lie and lie and lie
some have said concerning the aluminium the problem is when the flouride comes into contact with it, flouride being a by-product of the aluminium smelting process they worry
what chemical effect could take place when these combine
Yesterday evening we went to a wine tasting and my wife told me a friend of hers was second boosted two days before. I made sure to stay away from her the entire time we were there.
I had to avoid my elderly mom for a few weeks. She is double boosted . I had menopausal bleeding after her second shot. Her eye got droopy, shaking hands. She says with a straight face that January omnicron was what caused it. She had an mri revealing a small embolism. Her cardiologist & neurologist in Ft Myers Florida both asked for vaccine records, a good sign.
Shedding is real and Dr Ryan Cole has explained why in a very understandable way. So many people just refuse to see things realistically.
Dr. Nagase was arrested at an indoor rally in Calgary, Alberta last early winter. He was later released without any charges. He spoke at a rally a month or so later in Nanaimo, BC, which I attended. Dr.Nagase is a wonderful human being that genuinely cares about the health and well-being of our society. Our communist leaders in most Canadian Provinces,and the police have put this man through hell.
Metal Gear was a true story.
First I would like to say that I was very impressed with Dr. Nagase. Speaking as a chemistry major from many decades back, he is well versed in chemistry and molecular biology. He also exudes both integrity and precision. I have a couple of questions and comments regarding the video. I wish the resolution of the download was greater despite doing Rumble at 1028X780. It was pretty blurry. But what is really great about this presentation is that an electron microscope was available, not something one finds at the Dollar Store. All previous videos I watched had been restricted to optical microscopes. And the elemental X-Ray scan was a huge plus.
From what I gather, these mRNA vaccines are not “supposed" to contain proteins. They are suppose to contain mRNA inside a lipid nano particle. None of the 21 human amino acids which compose proteins contain phosphorus, though all of course contain nitrogen, but RNA is composed of large amounts of phosphorus which help form the “chain" holding the nucleotides together. Furthermore all four nucleoside molecules composing RNA contain nitrogen atoms - guanine contains 5 N atoms in a small molecule. So as Dr. Nagase mentioned toward the end of the video, how is it possible that this mRNA “vaccine” is devoid of both phosphorus and nitrogen? The idea that these elements "leaked out" because they were at room temperature is ridiculous. At most they would depolymerize, but the component nitrogen bases would stay intact and stable as would the phosphates.
I suppose Dr. N added some material containing P and N as a control sample just to make sure that the X-Ray detection for these elements was behaving properly. If there were no flaws in his experimental method, the only explanation is that these “vaccines” are like the virus, a total hoax, and the spike protein, the “vaccine” containing mRNA , are part of a shaggy dog story as is SARS-CoV-2 and Christian Drosten’s fake rt-PCR “test."
Edit addition: I think it highly plausible that these strange structures composed of oxygen and carbon, and probably hydrogen, are the deliberate toxic elements in the fake vaccines. Also, as the "vaccines" are a water suspension, it is possible that the O is from the water and the structures are constructed solely of nano carbon, or carbon and hydrogen.
Ever get the feeling we're living through the backstory of the Borg?
The nanotech stuff went dark for a while. This is the biggest smoking gun in history. So fucking crazy. All the jabs have it. What dark force has the ability to do that. Competitive companies all with the same graphene powered self assembling tech. See Jessica Rose post about amyloidosis maybe caused by scaffolding for nanotube tech?!?!
plenty of false leads ...
I developed heart issues with Sinovac, a deactivated Chinese vax. Again the only common thread is the spike.
And I agree, all talk about self-assembling WiFi-equipped laser-wielding nanotech robots is just distracting and discrediting.
good to know sinovax again has the common denominator ... wondered about that.
Well it's (allegedly) the whole virus but somehow disabled from reproducing. Meaning it's little bucky-balls covered in the spikes, like Novavax but the real thing.
I found my symptoms were identical to a group of nurses at a hospital in Thailand, numbed right arm (jabbed in left) and respiratory arrest. I thought it was a nerve thing, but they were successfully treated for blood clots and strokes, so yeah, it's still a clot-shot, no mini robots required.
Not a good idea that a problem has only one cause.
It is the same story with every examination of the "vaccines."
What the fuck is going on here?
"Give me 20 minutes with the 'usual suspects' and you'll have your answers."
Give me the keys you $@$$6&@!
Check out Tiberius software by Bilderbergers Peter Thiels Palantir that tracks each lot to the nearest zip code. If they wanted to deliver different recipes to different regions they can do so. Remember, Operation Warp Speed was mostly a military run operation
Not saying this is happening, nobody can say. It might be certain areas just report adverse events more than other more Pharma controlled area
todd callender told us the covid operation is being run from the top levels of the DOD
another thing look how many military are at / part of "event 201"
pompeo also said "we are in a live exercise"
This is enuf for me, thank you Moderna and Pfizer: “ball with the legs growing out of it” and “the head of the “thing” was made of aluminium.” Nothing like being injected with an aluminum headed octopus, for starters. Sample or not, limited to Canada or not. Never going to get near me.
Micro-Tech in COMIRNATY Quackcine – New Zealand D SOS
How to Detect your MAC Address (e.g: “Pfizer borg 00:00:5e:00:53:af”)
Micro-Tech Patents (50) – Charles Lieber – Caught!
there is no comirnaty fizzer pulled the ole switcheroo with that one they have admitted
they have,nt manufactured it yet and may never
I know. But I cannot tell you what the label put on their poisons in different countries is.
The reason they will never release Comirnaty is that they'll be fully liable for deaths and injuries and with millions dying around the world, they'll go bankrupt.
The US military on paper is quackcinating soldiers with Comirnaty (imaginary) but is using the EUA version of 2020. Go figure out!!!
It occurred to me to ask "are there inorganic proteins?" and that search produced this reference:
"Protein- and Peptide-Directed Syntheses of Inorganic Materials
Matthew B. Dickerson†, Kenneth H. Sandhage‡§, and Rajesh R. Naik*†"
URL: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/cr8002328
Check out the chapter headings for chapters 5 and 6. Almost seems like it could be applied to Create Morgellons.
Heres a reference to Morgellons for those unfamiliar with such, its been around 20years at least.
The other thing people don't seem to be aware is in the vaccines is Dysprosium Oxide... it has the highest Magnetic moment of non-ferrous materials.
I'm a little surprised all these health people are looking at these fibers and things and not connecting the dots to the thing called Morgellons. It seems like that would be the first thing to come to mind to compare these "vaccine" samples to.
No protein in vaccine, just lipid containing mRNA. EM cant see atoms. Very suspect
True that EM cannot form images of atoms - they are beyond its resolution. But the x-rays emitted from the bombardment of the specimen with high energy electrons emits a spectrum where every element has its own "fingerprint."
gates and mr fauci got smt to hide ... would be my guess.
not so sure about that experiment stuff. sure, pfizer is still testing it legally speaking until may 2023. but really do you really believe it they dont know what they are injecting the planet with ??? doubt it ... they got to know what they are doing.
dont underestimate them, they are good at what they are doing.
wishful thinking ... read this and you will see lots of similarities with whats going on today. these guys are copying and paste, nothing original ...