Smartest Guy, when Reiner Fuelmich was running the German Covid Committee, the prelude to his current ICIC, he interviewed a man and woman in one session where the woman commented that Boris Johnson had invested many millions of dollars in some new cancer program in spite of the fact that cancer rates had been declining in the UK. Additionally, in Canada, the Trudeau government absconded Dr. William Makis' cancer treatment center in Alberta, forcing him into early retirement, with a goal of setting up this cancer center in British Columbia, which is where UBC and Acuitas Therapeutics are located, the latter of which produced LNP technology for the jabs. Here we are a few years later, and cancer is spiking like never before. It is important that you are sharing these treatments. I wanted to mention the above because it smacks of the worst kind if premeditation that needs to be exposed. puts forth the scientific and anecdotal evidence that cancer is a parasite. Not that cancer is caused by parasites but that cancer cells themselves behave as parasites. Not surprising that the antiparasitic medicine fenbendazole kills cancer cells.
Dr. Lee Merritt, MD (along with other physicians) explains that a microscopic parasite enters the cell. It’s sucks the life out of the individual cell while replicating. Then those parasites move on to other cells. Why would a cell behave like a parasite?
Big Pharma has been telling the West that parasites are a third world problem for decades. In reality we all have parasites to some degree. (Off to take my ivermectin :-).
And, India, which deworms its population twice a year with albendazole, has one-third the incidence of all cancers compared to the US, see
Of course ... and then the doctor (good Pharma rep that so many are), will tell you to take “Photudo” ... brought to you by “Cahzzada” pharmaceutical. Gli Italiani possono apprezzare questa battuta ;-)
There are doctors that believe THEY ARE parasites. And this would explain why ivermectin combined with fenbendazole is so effective in treating cancer.
Well, I'll be finding that out before too long. I'm taking both for my CLL. 4 days on 25 mg IVM, then 3 on 250 mg Fenben. I'll report back here after testing in a couple of months. BTW, no side effects except some red, itchy breakouts.
Glad to hear there are no side effects. Are you on a zero sugar diet? If not it’s worth investigating. Glucose feeds parasites. People who have done the carnivore diet have said they’ve had numerous (unexpected) health benefits. I’ll be praying.
Well, not quite zero, but I've definitely cut way down on sugar. I read every label to check for it and any other bad stuff, like seed oils. I was vegetarian before being diagnosed, and I still am. I've seen a lot about a keto diet curing people, but I just can't bring myself to do that. I'd have to be a lot worse off before I'd try it. Thanks for the info and the kind thoughts. I was telling my husband just this morning that Substack people are really awesome!
I’ve never seen an oncologist, in fact excellent ones, give any advice to a patient being treated for cancer or during post treatment. Only focus is on treatment, e.g., radiation, chemo, and post treatment test results. Think about it. Nothing on how to build or protect immune system! Nothing on how to minimize treatment and post treatment ill effects and damage! These can be severe. Nothing on types of food which serve as nutrition for cancer. No advice at all! Why is that? Well, how about might be bad for business. Hate to say that, but even tho the professionals are very good, empathetic and save lives, something major missing.
That's so true! When I was diagnosed with CLL 3 1/2 years ago (right at the start of Covid), the first thing I asked the doctor was, "what should I do now?" Her answer was, "we'll just watch and wait." which was just what I expected. Luckily, I had already read Glenn Sabin's book, N of 1, about how he put his CLL in remission, so I've already been doing most of the things he did, and my CLL has not progressed at all. Now I've recently added IVM and Fenben, so I expect to see actual improvement soon. I haven't been back to that oncologist or any other in 2 1/2 years, except to get a medical marijuana card 2 years ago. I get my own blood tests done. It's worth paying for them myself to not have to see those worthless doctors!
Pepper, Thanks for your response and input. Very, very good for you! “We’ll just watch and wait” is one helluva cop-out and a disgrace. You certainly understand from experience exactly what I’m talking about. For those who may see your comment, CLL is Chronic lymphocytic leukemia. I think you’re a rare individual to have done your research and then implement to success and now added IVM and Fenben. I was not aware of Glenn Sabin’s book and will have to get it. Your intelligence and courage is paying off for you. Thank you again for sharing your experience, as what you have passed on is very important. Skip.
Thanks so much for your encouraging words, Skip. I know several other people with chronic diseases, and I don't understand why they won't do their own research on them instead of listening to their hack doctors who don't know a damn thing except how to order tests and write scripts. I'm actually pretty lucky that my CLL is very indolent and all my markers are as good as they can be. But I would never know that if I hadn't done the research myself!
Good for you (for taking charge of your own healthcare)! A doctor told me 45 years ago to do this. He didn’t explain anymore, he just repeated it. 30 years later I started doing just that. Never been healthier. D.O.s are good. They are not controlled by Big Pharma like allopathic medical schools.
There’s a couple different theories out there about cancer.
One theory says cancer isn’t actually a disease but signs that your body needs to shut down and eliminate all the toxins. Essentially cancer is the cure:
Long story short, we need to start rethinking how we look at cancer and what’s been told to us about it before because it could be another way for big pharma to profitize
My 92-year-old mother was just diagnosed with Lymphoma. No prior cancer history. Vaxxed 4x. I hope and pray she will be open to this treatment discussed in this Substack as traditional treatments are not an option.
Please consider getting power of attorney over her and no more jabs. Ivermectin has ZERO side effects. I took 10 of the "Petmectin" over a period of 2 weeks. I discovered that I'm no longer severely lactose-intolerant. I can handle the milk in my coffee with a great deal of normalcy. I almost forgot that I was once intolerant. Only difference in lifestyle was the IVM. I only tried N-A-C occasionally, not everyday. I don't think that played a role. I'll have to continue to monitor effects but I think this was an unintended side benefit. Even now a week off of the IVM I'm still handling the milk fine. No bloating, excessive flatulence nor runny stool.
Week 1: 3 consecutive days FenBen, 4 days off. See how it’s tolerated.
Week 2 – 8: Daily FenBen
Week 9: Diagnostic testing
I found this on Substack. Hope it helps. And to put my own 2 cents in, intermittent fasting would be of benefit for many reasons if you wish to do the research as well as a combo of fenben and ivermectin.
Allopathic medicine ... medical schools and hospitals have been totally captured by these evil (expletive). Consider that there isn’t a doctor or nurse that doesn’t know that masks are useless for stopping airborne pathogens that pass through masks like mosquitoes pass through a chain link fence. And yet all hospitals insist on everyone wearing masks. That should tell you everything you need to know.
Hi I’m new to this account but am learning a lot. Thank you for your post and being willing to help others. Would you be willing to help me learn how to learn more about baking soda and molasses, or anything you think will help with chronic swelling arthritis etc issues
Fascinating. I believe your theory about it being parasites and tumors the bodies attempt to encapsulate it. I’m going to try it. Is there a certain amount of each that you did or drank….thank you for caring about someone you’ve never met I really am appreciative of your help
Wow. Thank you so much for the link. I have seen many comments on different protocals which are very very confusing. That's why I never tried. I am not sick really but lack energy. Your recommendations to stay on an even keel? Thank you again.
Smartest Guy, when Reiner Fuelmich was running the German Covid Committee, the prelude to his current ICIC, he interviewed a man and woman in one session where the woman commented that Boris Johnson had invested many millions of dollars in some new cancer program in spite of the fact that cancer rates had been declining in the UK. Additionally, in Canada, the Trudeau government absconded Dr. William Makis' cancer treatment center in Alberta, forcing him into early retirement, with a goal of setting up this cancer center in British Columbia, which is where UBC and Acuitas Therapeutics are located, the latter of which produced LNP technology for the jabs. Here we are a few years later, and cancer is spiking like never before. It is important that you are sharing these treatments. I wanted to mention the above because it smacks of the worst kind if premeditation that needs to be exposed. puts forth the scientific and anecdotal evidence that cancer is a parasite. Not that cancer is caused by parasites but that cancer cells themselves behave as parasites. Not surprising that the antiparasitic medicine fenbendazole kills cancer cells.
Dr. Lee Merritt, MD (along with other physicians) explains that a microscopic parasite enters the cell. It’s sucks the life out of the individual cell while replicating. Then those parasites move on to other cells. Why would a cell behave like a parasite?
Big Pharma has been telling the West that parasites are a third world problem for decades. In reality we all have parasites to some degree. (Off to take my ivermectin :-).
And, India, which deworms its population twice a year with albendazole, has one-third the incidence of all cancers compared to the US, see
Even though a lot of commercial s for prescriptions say Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection.
Of course ... and then the doctor (good Pharma rep that so many are), will tell you to take “Photudo” ... brought to you by “Cahzzada” pharmaceutical. Gli Italiani possono apprezzare questa battuta ;-)
There are doctors that believe THEY ARE parasites. And this would explain why ivermectin combined with fenbendazole is so effective in treating cancer.
Well, I'll be finding that out before too long. I'm taking both for my CLL. 4 days on 25 mg IVM, then 3 on 250 mg Fenben. I'll report back here after testing in a couple of months. BTW, no side effects except some red, itchy breakouts.
Glad to hear there are no side effects. Are you on a zero sugar diet? If not it’s worth investigating. Glucose feeds parasites. People who have done the carnivore diet have said they’ve had numerous (unexpected) health benefits. I’ll be praying.
Well, not quite zero, but I've definitely cut way down on sugar. I read every label to check for it and any other bad stuff, like seed oils. I was vegetarian before being diagnosed, and I still am. I've seen a lot about a keto diet curing people, but I just can't bring myself to do that. I'd have to be a lot worse off before I'd try it. Thanks for the info and the kind thoughts. I was telling my husband just this morning that Substack people are really awesome!
Key question, since my doctor won't know...What dosage of these two drugs is recommended for prevention of cancer?
I’ve never seen an oncologist, in fact excellent ones, give any advice to a patient being treated for cancer or during post treatment. Only focus is on treatment, e.g., radiation, chemo, and post treatment test results. Think about it. Nothing on how to build or protect immune system! Nothing on how to minimize treatment and post treatment ill effects and damage! These can be severe. Nothing on types of food which serve as nutrition for cancer. No advice at all! Why is that? Well, how about might be bad for business. Hate to say that, but even tho the professionals are very good, empathetic and save lives, something major missing.
That's so true! When I was diagnosed with CLL 3 1/2 years ago (right at the start of Covid), the first thing I asked the doctor was, "what should I do now?" Her answer was, "we'll just watch and wait." which was just what I expected. Luckily, I had already read Glenn Sabin's book, N of 1, about how he put his CLL in remission, so I've already been doing most of the things he did, and my CLL has not progressed at all. Now I've recently added IVM and Fenben, so I expect to see actual improvement soon. I haven't been back to that oncologist or any other in 2 1/2 years, except to get a medical marijuana card 2 years ago. I get my own blood tests done. It's worth paying for them myself to not have to see those worthless doctors!
Pepper, Thanks for your response and input. Very, very good for you! “We’ll just watch and wait” is one helluva cop-out and a disgrace. You certainly understand from experience exactly what I’m talking about. For those who may see your comment, CLL is Chronic lymphocytic leukemia. I think you’re a rare individual to have done your research and then implement to success and now added IVM and Fenben. I was not aware of Glenn Sabin’s book and will have to get it. Your intelligence and courage is paying off for you. Thank you again for sharing your experience, as what you have passed on is very important. Skip.
Thanks so much for your encouraging words, Skip. I know several other people with chronic diseases, and I don't understand why they won't do their own research on them instead of listening to their hack doctors who don't know a damn thing except how to order tests and write scripts. I'm actually pretty lucky that my CLL is very indolent and all my markers are as good as they can be. But I would never know that if I hadn't done the research myself!
"order tests and write scripts" You've got it, Pepper. There are exceptions, but too rare.
Good for you (for taking charge of your own healthcare)! A doctor told me 45 years ago to do this. He didn’t explain anymore, he just repeated it. 30 years later I started doing just that. Never been healthier. D.O.s are good. They are not controlled by Big Pharma like allopathic medical schools.
There’s a couple different theories out there about cancer.
One theory says cancer isn’t actually a disease but signs that your body needs to shut down and eliminate all the toxins. Essentially cancer is the cure:
Another theory is similar to this one saying that cancer is a fungus:
Dr. Thomas Cowan has also done some work on the cancer fraud as well:
This guys substack takes about medicine all differently as well:
Long story short, we need to start rethinking how we look at cancer and what’s been told to us about it before because it could be another way for big pharma to profitize
My 92-year-old mother was just diagnosed with Lymphoma. No prior cancer history. Vaxxed 4x. I hope and pray she will be open to this treatment discussed in this Substack as traditional treatments are not an option.
NAC ... research the protocols and have her take a bunch of this. It’s a great detox.
Thank you, Antonio, for the NAC idea. I am also interested in Dr. Paul Marik’s Cancer Protocol. I hope my mom will be open to it.
Best to her
Thank you.
Please consider getting power of attorney over her and no more jabs. Ivermectin has ZERO side effects. I took 10 of the "Petmectin" over a period of 2 weeks. I discovered that I'm no longer severely lactose-intolerant. I can handle the milk in my coffee with a great deal of normalcy. I almost forgot that I was once intolerant. Only difference in lifestyle was the IVM. I only tried N-A-C occasionally, not everyday. I don't think that played a role. I'll have to continue to monitor effects but I think this was an unintended side benefit. Even now a week off of the IVM I'm still handling the milk fine. No bloating, excessive flatulence nor runny stool.
I will start the Fenben soon.
Pine needle tea...
like Momma said, keep out the bugs,
but do it according to your Ph
or you will really eff yourself up!!!!!!!!!
(Momma didn't know that part!)
Please say more about that.
Can you elaborate?
where does one find actual treatment protocols?
What to do.
Week 1: 3 consecutive days FenBen, 4 days off. See how it’s tolerated.
Week 2 – 8: Daily FenBen
Week 9: Diagnostic testing
I found this on Substack. Hope it helps. And to put my own 2 cents in, intermittent fasting would be of benefit for many reasons if you wish to do the research as well as a combo of fenben and ivermectin.
So why aren’t these used routinely in cancer treatment? Will they be prescribed if one asks?
Allopathic medicine ... medical schools and hospitals have been totally captured by these evil (expletive). Consider that there isn’t a doctor or nurse that doesn’t know that masks are useless for stopping airborne pathogens that pass through masks like mosquitoes pass through a chain link fence. And yet all hospitals insist on everyone wearing masks. That should tell you everything you need to know.
More info for the uninformed to search and shop?
CDS rhymes with TDS
Interesting timing for the gubbamint warning right before the woke virus came out:
Must be a covidcidence
Is this what they mean by “drinking bleach”?
If so, why is drinking bleach OK diluted into municipal drinking water but not diluted into your own drinking water?
Is this “bad” in the same way HCQ and IVM are “bad”?
Would love to meet up and get more ideas from you.
On the road, need to order later.
Hi I’m new to this account but am learning a lot. Thank you for your post and being willing to help others. Would you be willing to help me learn how to learn more about baking soda and molasses, or anything you think will help with chronic swelling arthritis etc issues
Fascinating. I believe your theory about it being parasites and tumors the bodies attempt to encapsulate it. I’m going to try it. Is there a certain amount of each that you did or drank….thank you for caring about someone you’ve never met I really am appreciative of your help
Wow. Thank you so much for the link. I have seen many comments on different protocals which are very very confusing. That's why I never tried. I am not sick really but lack energy. Your recommendations to stay on an even keel? Thank you again.
Look up Shilajit and CBGa
The other
Who removed/banned this poster?
Over the target with TDS Bleach cure.
Chlorine Dioxide is amazing. I resolved a number of health issues with protocol 1000.
Any recommendations on where and which brand to purchase