It must be an effective treatment because John Hopkins who co-sponsored Event 201 with the World Economic Forum & Gates of Hell Foundation prior to leaking Covid virus is researching this as treatment using Mebendazole (a related drug) in pancreatic cancer. If the trials show just the slightest benefit it can be brought to the FDA for ap…
It must be an effective treatment because John Hopkins who co-sponsored Event 201 with the World Economic Forum & Gates of Hell Foundation prior to leaking Covid virus is researching this as treatment using Mebendazole (a related drug) in pancreatic cancer. If the trials show just the slightest benefit it can be brought to the FDA for approval and it would cost big bucks. Very hard to believe there has been little advancement in cancer treatments since Chemotherapy was introduced since the 1950's and maybe before, just too profitable I guess. Products are brought to the market at astronomical prices that often just extend human suffering but do not cure the condition. My sister had Stage 3B lung cancer and went through chemo and radiation treatment only hoping for it to go into remission which it did not. We asked Doctor if it might help to restrict sugar and he said just let her have whatever she wants. That should have been a clue. I looked into alternative treatments but really did not find anything. I sometimes think she may have lasted longer without treatment. It was odd how they first diagnosed her with Mesothelioma but there's the huge class action against Asbestos and they probably did not want to get involved and changed it to lung cancer. They do have more treatments available now then they did 15 years ago but then again I think this just extends the suffering as there was zero quality of life during her treatments.
It must be an effective treatment because John Hopkins who co-sponsored Event 201 with the World Economic Forum & Gates of Hell Foundation prior to leaking Covid virus is researching this as treatment using Mebendazole (a related drug) in pancreatic cancer. If the trials show just the slightest benefit it can be brought to the FDA for approval and it would cost big bucks. Very hard to believe there has been little advancement in cancer treatments since Chemotherapy was introduced since the 1950's and maybe before, just too profitable I guess. Products are brought to the market at astronomical prices that often just extend human suffering but do not cure the condition. My sister had Stage 3B lung cancer and went through chemo and radiation treatment only hoping for it to go into remission which it did not. We asked Doctor if it might help to restrict sugar and he said just let her have whatever she wants. That should have been a clue. I looked into alternative treatments but really did not find anything. I sometimes think she may have lasted longer without treatment. It was odd how they first diagnosed her with Mesothelioma but there's the huge class action against Asbestos and they probably did not want to get involved and changed it to lung cancer. They do have more treatments available now then they did 15 years ago but then again I think this just extends the suffering as there was zero quality of life during her treatments.
Irony here is that Fenbendazole is superior to Mebendazole.