The question is how did Fauci, Gates and Moderna get the British Crown, first under the late Queen Elizabeth, and now King Charles to enforce all their greed upon the entire British Commonwealth, Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. The British Crown came down hard on everyone throwing citizens in Jail for standing up for their right not to be turned into a human mRNA experiment. For just 1 example of how the Crown's entire justice department has become an arm of organized crime ... https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/a-criminal-surprise

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Great point, but you have the power structure backwards, The Crown crowd are part of the Davos crowd, they are running this show, world political leaders, minions, Gates, etc., are all doing their bidding, not the other way around.

Here is an excellent reason the Crown would want a LOT of people dead IMO. The Crown is the largest landowner in the world (link). Read the info at the link, imagine the change in the lives of their "subjects" if that portfolio was divested. If they gave up just their UK land, every UK citizen could have an acre. That kind of thinking must keep Charles and family up at night. https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/is-queen-elizabeth-ii-worlds-biggest-landowner.html/

Ever heard of the Enclosure Act? (link) In England the peasants were poor but self sustaining. The Lords knew with the end of feudalism that the peasants would become harder and harder to control. It started with Henry VIII, he took peasant land to pay off his debts. https://www.fff.org/explore-freedom/article/enclosure-acts-industrial-revolution/

Later Lords drove the peasants off the land they held in common saying that their farming methods were inefficient (sound familiar?). They drove the peasants into cities that could barely accommodate them (15 minutes cities ring a bell?). Once there they were desperate, starving and had to take the low wages, long hours of the factories of the Industrial Age. (you will own nothing, we will be happy).

Nothing is new under the sun, we are seeing a redux of the Enclosure Act run worldwide, along with a massive vax program that slaughters people JUST as the vax program at the end of WW1 run by the US led to the Spanish Flu epidemic (link) These guys run the same plays every damn century. https://thegranddisillusion.wordpress.com/the-spanish-influenza-epidemic-of-1918-was-caused-by-vaccinations/

They are running their time tested plays again but THIS time they want 90 percent of the world dead. And they are not stopping, we are only in the first act people, plan accordingly.

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Very insightful and accurate analysis!

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Thank you!

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mind if i share your comment? people in the commonwealth need to know this.

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Certainly, as long as you represent it as being, "one man's opinion"

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I will present it as such. It gets very interesting when you break down english to latin. To turn means to turn, but to re-turn it means to turn back towards oneself. To spect is to watch or a mirror, but to re-spect is to look back upon oneself. Common english is a moving language, and any institution built on a moving foundation of words is unstable. Thus the english meanings that all english institutions are built on have fixed meanings that don't change over time. I suspect the masonic dictionary of unchanging meanings is "Black's Law". Black as in dead and unmoving. The really deep dive get into whether the DE-claration of independence really means de clarification. If the "founding fathers" really meant it, they should have said PRO-claimation.

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Thank you for that.

I have English as a first language and had what today would be viewed as a very formal education. One of the rules of language we were taught was that it is a living thing, it evolves over time, and draws from many different cultures from many different times. We always had unabridged dictionaries in each classroom and time was spent considering accepted meanings, evolving meanings and historically accurate ones.

The fellows who created the Declaration of Independence and other US governing docs were highly educated, multi lingual, many were wealthy and would have had classical educations. Meaning they would have been well versed in Greek, Latin, French and possibly German. They would have approached the document's linguistic creation with great care. I suspect they would have welcomed your observations!

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The Answer is:


and other S.S. affiliates in collusion with Communist infiltrators. The Minions.

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Feb 21
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And for more than a few centuries it’s been since they’ve taken full control/power re ‘London’. They own London per se. Long time now. Thanks.

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Only over those that don't accept SALVATION through THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE - AMEN HALLELU-YAH and thereby consenting to slavery under the gospel of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN!

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I just dont see how anything but violence against the one percent will change anything. They control everything.

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They should fear us as much as the government is supposed to fear us.

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Unfortunately they don't. And we pay for all their atrocities, both foreign and domestic.

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Actually they do fear us, that is why they are killing us off, or at least trying to.

They are horrified that there are so many that did not take the vax, that so many are pushing back. And Trump makes them extremely unhappy, 2024 is going to see them double down IMO.

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Public private techo-fascist partnership. This was a DoD/Darpa Op all the way funded by the US government in collaboration with their big pharma buddies and #BillGatesBioTerrorist

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Plandemic. Death to traitors, death to tyrants.

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One cannot dismiss the very large possibility that Communist China thru the Wuhan Lab was also in on this. They sent the genetic sequence of the virus to Baric who holds the patent for the virus / genetic sequence. Who’s to say that the CCP sent Baric a sequence that was destined to encourage the use of the mRNA lipid nanoparticle genetic treatment citizens received.

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Wuhan was involved but it was the other way around. Baric sent the samples to Wuhan via Fauci and Eco-Alliance because the GOF research was illegal in the US.

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“Warp Speed” ? According to Dr David Martin, the gain of function research & resulting patents goes all the way back to the 1990’s. The Obama administration publicly stopped it in 2014 , then they kept it going in Ukraine “secret labs”. Makes you wonder why the US in so invested in Ukraine?

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Also lends credence to the “ indiscriminate “ shelling of Kiev and other Ukrainian cities near the Russian border at the beginning of the war. Some very solid investigator had a look at where some of the shelling was targeted and discovered many “ pharmaceutical labs “ were being targeted. This eventually resulted in Hearings on Capitol Hill where the fact of US funded labs was verified.

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Jan 12 2016

Moderna Therapeutics said today it received an initial $20 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop a new affordable combination of messenger RNA–based antibody therapeutics geared toward preventing HIV infection.The grant is intended for use in the antibody combination’s preclinical study and a Phase I clinical trial. Gates Foundation’s $20 million funding could potentially grow into a total $100 million commitment—including the HIV antibody project—toward development of additional mRNA-based treatments for various infectious diseases, Moderna said.The foundation’s mission to help all people lead healthy and productive lives is well aligned with Moderna’s mission to deliver on the promise of transformative mRNA science to bring new medicines to patients,” Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel said in a statement.

Moderna said the development effort would be led by its infectious disease–focused venture company, Valera. Launched in January 2015, Valera has focused exclusively on using Moderna’s platform to advance vaccines and therapeutics for prevention and treatment of viral, bacterial, and parasitic infectious diseases.

Valera’s efforts have resulted in the demonstration of preclinical efficacy of Moderna’s mRNA-based vaccines in multiple viral disease models, Moderna said.

In the partnership with the Gates Foundation, Valera will apply its mRNA vaccine platform as well as Moderna’s drug platform Messenger RNA Therapeutics™. Designed to produces human proteins, antibodies, and entirely novel protein constructs inside patient cells, the therapeutics are secreted or active intracellularly.

Just yesterday, Moderna said one Valera-developed infectious disease vaccine, mRNA 1440, is the subject of a Phase I study that has begun in Europe. Another, mRNA 1850, is the subject of an IND filed with the FDA, with a Phase I study expected to begin later in the first quarter. Moderna has not disclosed the targets and indications for either vaccine, nor for a third vaccine candidate, mRNA 1566, which the company has licensed to Merck & Co.

Moderna last year completed the largest funding event among privately held early-stage drug and diagnostic developers last year, raising $450 million in a private investment round.

As reported in GEN Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News. Jan 12 2016

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This plan is why the French just pushed through that law saying that disagreeing with medical "facts' is a crime and why the punishment is severe. https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2024/02/18/french-democracy-establishes-medical-tyranny/

In addition, the world media/UN/govts are going with disinformation being a crime. They want the internet shut down to any dissent, they are doubling down, you can see it worldwide. https://www.libertynation.com/disinformation-and-the-uns-global-war-on-free-speech/

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Yup. Goodie!

Gates name among others brings up not so nice thoughts re Bill & Melinda Gates & their illustrious foundation.

Their healthcare direction (& past ‘direction’) re a positive humankind via the UN/WHO stance, seriously? To extend & expand our human lives including the well-being of our offspring? Really?!

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Wow. I had read something about this at some point, but without all the detail.

In regards to this: “the majority of which are mundane items like “laboratory equipment for Kyiv” and “office furniture for Kyiv.”

If we lived in a sane world, these items might be considered ‘mundane’. Notwithstanding the fact that we should not be giving a penny to Ukraine, or any other country for that matter.

But in this case, those dollars were likely funding the exact type of research that may have led to Covid (although I’m not convinced there was an actual virus).

Irrespective of that, is there any doubt that the funding for labs or office furniture etc made its way into the pockets of both Ukrainian and US oligarchs. The level of corruption and malfeasance in that document alone should send many people to prison. But of course it won’t.

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Yes they could begin with the financial crimes and then 1st degree murder.

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Yep. Good example. My 95 year old dad was in a senior living facility. Very nice place, great staff, great care, great food. Locally owned in the middle of WI farm country. He’d been there 15 years. Of course, they shut down all communal activity. No dining. No trips. No exercise classes. While they waited for the vax. Then when it arrived they told the residents they could opt out. But if 90% of them got it then they would re-open the dining room and start having social activities. I pleaded with my dad to wait and see. But my mom had recently died and he was lonely and he wanted to be part of the solution. First jab late January. Second late March. He was Dx with Stage 4 bladder cancer in July which by then had spread all over his body and he died in November 2021.

There was no malice on the part of the facility. I’m sure of that as I spent a lot of time here and knew them. They were doing what they had been told to do. I am sure some of them had doubts.

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Good grief...and they are still breathing! It’s time to tear the house of cards down!

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The war in Ukraine has multiple purposes: Cover up the American gov't's full blame, eliminate evidence of American biolabs there, distract the public, to create the Boogeyman Russia, to steal all the money from the American people in "aid" and launder said money back to themselves. It is entirely demonic. We the People have allowed ourselves to be governed by Psychopaths. If they find it harder to contain the truth of what they've done, they will start WWIII.

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Our country desperately needs another 1776.

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It was also planned to weaken Russia over time.

The people behind this HATE Russia, want it broken up into 5 or 6 countries, all to be set upon each other so the cash can flow. The same breakup plan is to be used in the US.

I wonder if the reason they hate Russia so is because of Edgar Casey's prophecy of Russia rising to save the world (from them)? The link below has some additional quotes relating to Russia from Casey, this is the best known one:

“In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the communistic, or Bolshevik, no; but freedom, freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallized, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.”

(Edgar Cayce, 1944, No. 3976-29)


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Don't forget about EcoHealth Alliance and MetaBiota (MetaBiota has cashed up ans vanishedwith all its 50 million of US taxpayer money - EHA is still getting money on top od the 70 million it has been paid.

I wonder what projects Labyrinth plus Black&Veatch involved with now?


months before anyone else – Ukraine bio-weapons labs involved - 115 million bucks of funding over 14 years from DoD + DHHS for Ecohealth Alliance and Metabiota

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Yawn. Maybe the collection of flu-like symptoms we’re calling Covid-19 while flu had all but disappeared is a legitimate clinical diagnosis. Maybe there was a pathogen that created those symptoms such that some co-morbid unhealthy people needed emergency care. Or it’s all a figment of collective media-generated mass delusion propped up by endless normie narratives masquerading as newsreel commentary to reinforce a grotesque psyop charade to facilitate and conceal iatrogenic genocide.

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Yes. This does show whatever the explanation, it was a premeditated iatrogenic genocide with the bonus of billions of dollars and world power. The psychopaths are on full display in this expose. Now these psychopaths are trying for complete domination through the WHO "treaty" and bringing in jab passports or digital ID. All premeditated.

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In Canada, the Bank of Canada did a survey about digital currency vs cash and the majority of Canadians said no thanks. However this is just more theatre to make the public feel like they have a say.(which they ultimately do). Shortly afterwards in November 2023 Trudeau announced a partnership has been formed with the EU to employ digital ID in Canada similar to the vaccine pass used by the EU. I read this on alternate media. I don't know if this was reported on MSM as I don't watch it. If they did, they would have made it appear to be a very positive development propaganda style. I am thinking they will offer a universal income to get people to say yes to digital ID or a chip in their arm. Permanent digital prison.

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The answer to your question is in your question: they are "controlled" so the answer is never. For why would they?

And they are all losing their jobs anyway, all being replaced by AI under planned "disinformation" legislation. The UN will send out a script, the AI will print it, AI "people" will read it off, end of.

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Labyrinth, indeed...

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Pyramid, I would say….

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Ralph Baric who’s attended conferences at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and is described by Wuhan’s “bat woman” Shi Zhengli as one of her “longtime collaborators” – made the comments at an April 2018 event hosted at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. Baric – who’s described lifting bans on gain-of-function research as “critical” – also provided the Wuhan lab with humanized mice to likely conduct the controversial form of research with SARS-like coronaviruses. He also mentions about how to make money due to a pandemic at the conference. Here is the clip of his statement at the conference …….


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Yes it’s even older than 2019. The name, patents and more. Dr. Kerby or Kerry revealed the paper trail…

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Outstanding piece of reporting. A question that is probably on many peoples mind is what is going on in Kyiv, Ukraine? The answer begins when the Soviet Union broke up. At that time, there were dozens of bio research labs with scientists in that were no longer being paid by the Soviet union. The US DOD in its wisdom, decided to take over the labs and fund those scientists research rather than have them sell it on the open market to potentially dangerous regimes (hope the irony here is not lost). Most of those labs are still in operation today, which should explain the importance of Ukraine to certain politicians in the US and NATO (the US DOD). As for COVID-19, I have always hypothesized it was part of a game panned operation by various US three letter agencies and senior politicians, created and released for the purpose of causing havoc, panic and legal chaos in order to steal the 2020 presidential election. Any death and destruction was acceptable collateral damage.

As more information is being tracked down and released publicly by 2nd Smartest Guy and others, it’s making my hypothesis more plausible. Unfortunately, in the short n term their plan worked, and today we’re all suffering with the blowback.

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For a really complete picture, I recommend Peter Breggin's book: We are the Prey.

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They are just part of this EVIL- the REAL MONSTER is our own GOVERNMENT!

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The government are just the foot soldiers. It's the peerage families that own the Fed, IMF, CFR, BIS. The same ones who have ruled from the shadows for probably thousands of years. The real question is what is the truth of our history, since they control all media, education, institutions. We have been lied to our entire lives.

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We’re waking up. But it’s shocking (although, it should not be) and deeply sad. All of the lies, fake history, phony-baloney, sneaky, sly, thieving, greedy politicos.

Still it’s better to see/learn, to know added truths & continue to gain knowledge. So a huge thank you to all here who share & contribute toward an ultimately new, & better world (and not the [DS] BS re their tyrannous, one-dictator lead ‘One World Order’ planned takeover attempt).

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