Funny story, I had an ER patient tell me once about his dog who had incurable cancer. Instead of paying through the nose for expensive treatments from the Vet, he gave his dog CBD, and the tumour in his best friend's neck shrank. I congratulated him on beating the system.

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If you gave every oncologist on the planet a button that if they all pressed it cancer would disappear never to return cancer would still be with us. If you said only 10% of them had to press it to rid us of cancer it is highly likely that cancer would still be with us.

Same with every other medical speciality.

They see you as a cash cow not as a human being.

The guy that showed that the bug helicobacter pylori caused over 90% of stomach ulcers and most stomach cancers and that both of these usually went into remission if you got rid of the bug was asked why it took over a decade for specialists to take him seriously and he said "Too many people were making too much money out of cutting people open and the drug companies were making too much money pushing the drugs for them to want to stop doing that." The only thing the average "medical professional" gives a damn about is their bank balance.

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Criminal. Maybe their motto needs to be “Do AS MUCH harm.”

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Or "Earn as much as you can without killing the golden goose"?

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John let me share an interesting story with you. Within the last twelve months I stumbled upon a research paper a Korean study from memory whereby in studying helicobacter pylori they discovered the helicobacter hiding inside candida albicans. As you are no doubt aware prior to Marshall's revelation the stomach was considered sterile due to its low ph. Normally around 1 to 2 on the ph scale, but as you age you don't make sufficient acid as you did as a young person.

In my late forties I suffered terribly with so called acid, and was cured with 2 antibiotics and bismuth.

Now fast forward some months and one of my sons mentioned he and his wife were both suffering terribly from acid stomach and i mentioned to him the details of the Korean study and my self having the same thing at his age. As I was visiting him that week end, I took up some fenbendazole, a potent antifungal in addition to it being used as a medicine for intestinal worms. I suggested he and his wife take it for 3 days a week for a couple of months. A while later he rang to say I haven't got the acid anymore nor has the wife. And it hasn't reoccured. I should add here they took 5ml. Of liquid fenbendazole 10%.

When Marshall made his discovery I'm reasonably certain he swallowed the digestive juices of a person with acid stomach and in no time was suffering the same acid stomach. As helicobacter is near impossible to cultivate outside the stomach today it's a fair bet he didnt swallow a pure culture of helicobacter and if he did see some yeast/fungi it would have been discounted as a contaminant.

As to helicobacter causing stomach cancer I have serious doubts about that after Aykut et Al's ground breaking study on pancreatic cancer and the dimorphic Yeast malassezia globosa. In that study he shows conclusively that malassezia is the cause of cancer. More recent studies have shown that malassezia is prevalent in the stomach and everywhere else in the human body. In another study 17400 tumors of 35 different cancers were studied and malassezia was found in all types.

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Fantastic information that the Lord has provided us with simple treatments for our health from a plant we could literally grow in our yards if it were not made ‘illegal’ by the drug laws, perhaps in conspiracy with the medical profession. In the USA people are using legal medical CBD oil and other medical marijuana products for MANY different conditions in states where it is ‘allowed’.

However, our medical insurance system does not cover the costs for these medical products and you have to meet with an approved doctor to get a ‘card’ for $375, followed by $175 per every 6 months, plus many of the products cost between $50 and $200 for a small quantity. Still, this is actually far cheaper than any traditional cancer treatments with surgery, chemo, and post treatment radiation all of which is painful, deleterious, and often ineffective with full cures very rare yet fully covered by insurance.

I am in Florida and seniors I know use the medical marijuana products for pain, insomnia, migraines, and other ailments that our doctors are unable to deal with as effectively as these products.

IN MY family many died of cancer and I have witnessed both the futility of the traditional treatment and the pain and suffering caused by it. I am well aware that the Tippens protocol has been used effectively as a personal choice for an alternative treatment that has actually cured MANY people of cancer based on case reports with before/after scans proving the remission and cures.

Yet the protocol is NOT properly researched by the Pharma/Medical industry because of the huge monetary rewards of the cancer care industry.

I absolutely would do the same as this woman and take my treatment into my own hands and with the help of God pursue a cure. If possible, I would avoid the dreadful medical treatments that have largely failed people with cancers for decades and left many them with disabling consequences due to gruesome surgeries and chemotherapy that causes more cancer.

It has to be said that the implementation of the allopathic medical system with chemical pharmaceuticals as the primary treatment modality and vaccines as a ‘preventive’ medication, has been largely a disaster in the USA. This system mandated the abandonment centuries of knowledge about natural treatments and traditional remedies, because they could not be patented. Homeopathic and naturopathic practitioners and treatments, even chiropractic doctors, have been under legal attacks and restrictions since the early 20th century although some states have loosened restrictions in recent decades due to public demand.

Yet naturopathic doctors cannot legally practice in the State of Florida due to the powerful opposition of the Medical Associations, which do not want the competition. What right do they have to prevent access to helpful effective therapies? It is all about money, not health.

Medical doctors have received a deliberately limited and incomplete education that ignores natural cures and healing practices and does not teach proper nutrition as the key to vibrant health. Instead, they are trained to accept the science as settled on vaccines (provably false) and pharmaceutical treatments as the key treatment for everything, and to disregard any ‘natural cures’ patients may seek. There is often an attitude of superiority toward everyone who is not a medical doctor but has extensive knowledge about alternative treatments.

This is a sorrowful state of affairs as I believe many doctors want to be healers, not pill pushers, plus the ‘standard protocols’ must be given to patients even when inappropriate to avoid malpractice.

The CV19 debacle is the apotheosis/outcome of this rigid nonsensical system, wherein the false science is weaponized. This approach injured and killed many, but as long as the profits of government agencies and their personnel as well doctors, Pharma, Hospitals and big medicine were/are maintained proper science was/is ignored.

The Doctors who pursued cures by using off label RX drugs (ivermectin,Hydroxychloroquine) were demonized, lost major careers and jobs, and had professional credentials removed in some cases. Even though the science they used was legal, correct, and curative, they were a threat to the cash cow traditional medical science is used for today and were made an example of the economic warfare consequences for pursuing truth and cures. These are the righteous few who are our true healers. I thank each and every one including Dr Makis.

It turns out that ‘safe and effective’ is a marketing slogan, not a scientific statement. The lies need to end.

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I’m currently sitting in the pediatric oncology ward with my almost 17-yo daughter who had lost the ability to walk due to a mass on her spine compressing her nerves. She experienced lower back and leg pain for about a week, we went to the ER Thursday night where an MRI discovered the mass, had surgery Friday to remove about 75% of the mass, and she had her 1st chemo drugs Sunday. 😩 I would much rather use natural treatments, but doubt I could convince her father of that. Plus, while I’ve read much about ivm, fenbendazole, and now cbd for a few different cancers, I haven’t heard anything for fast-growing childhood cancers, and worry the state could claim we were neglecting/abusing her if we don’t do conventional treatment. This has all happened so fast and we are overwhelmed...

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Some of these can be done along side the conventional treatment. Do your research and stay strong. ❤️🙏🏻.

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was she vaxxed?

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No. None of her immediate family is.

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This is all ver shocking to us; she is the healthiest person in our family. I wouldn’t have been surprised if we were vaxxed...

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Sep 3
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Thank you Elusive1!

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How difficult would it be to track down the source of the CBD oil she was using and analyze its contents? If she doesn’t know where she got it, certainly the referring relative will know.

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I wonder if the chose not to share the source for fear of them getting shut down.

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For the CBD oil she used, “Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) at 19.5%, CBD at 20.05% and tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) at 23.8%” how does this compare to the CBD oil recommended on this page? Also, isn’t that ALOT of THC? Does the CBDX product have THC in it? (From what I understand, I don’t think it does as it’s illegal in some states).

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You can see at the product page that it has under 0.3% THC.


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Isn't nicotine now being touted by some as a potential cure for some diseases -- maybe her continued smoking also helped her to get better? I am a non-smoker by the way.

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It's probably the additives put in cigarettes by the manufacturers which makes them harmful, not the tobacco:

"The Many Health Benefits of Smoking Tobacco"


In traditional South American cultures, tobacco is seen as a healing plant:


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If you haven't already done it go to the "dr Bryan ardis show" there you will find the transcript of a long and detailed talk on nicotine. I've watched many of his videos usually on other peoples platforms and is a wealth of information, he does very little speculation and backs up everything with study after study. Go to beforeitsnews and watch his latest video on David Rodriguez platform. A must watch.

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In the EU area - you should be REALLY CAREFUL about telling your doctor in you take any non-conventional medication be it herbal remedies / cbd oil or otherwise.

Just head about a case from a co-worker where a doctor tried to have the patient (co-workers relative) declared as 'mentally unstable and delusional' when they told the doctor about using certain herbal remedies and vitamins to get better from a medical condition.

Apparently that caused the person in question all kinds of problems and costs, having to hire a lawyer and 3rd party mental health evaluator to prove that they were not in fact 'unstable and delusional' and this is not the US - so near zero per cent chance to get any legal costs compensation from doctor/hospital.

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Yes, look for this kind of thing to increase as they fight back against the building trend of people rejecting their "medicine"; they won't go down easily.

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It was strange the way that study was written, we had to get through 100 lines before we found out it wasn't cbd alone but also thc and thca. Did they write it that way to protect the person in whom the study was on as to the THC content of the oil ? I'm wondering what other reason they may have as to the misleading title on the page.

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I am a fairly recent subscriber so apologize if you covered this already. What kind of information has been gleaned from CDB being used for autoimmune diseases?

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Enlighten yourself by googling " chronic diseases associated with malassezia yeast " you will then understand the cause of nearly all chronic diseases. Malassezia was only found to live within us in the last 5 years although known as the cause of dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, tinea versicolour and other skin conditions, it was thought since the 1800s to only live on our skin.

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