I work in healthcare. VAX Kool Aid people like to see systemic side effects because they believe it shows the jab is working. Unless lots of kids drop dead immediately following vax AND it is reported on MSM, the opinions will not change.

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These people live in a different mental universe and trying to talk sense them is a waste of time. Yuri Bezmenov explained why decades ago.

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Here is one argument I’ve heard from a relative “yes they (or I) might get sick from the jab but at least I get to choose when they get sick. I can get them vaxxed (or myself vaxxed) on a Friday and they’ll be sick over the weekend but ready for school Monday and they won’t have to miss school and I won’t have to miss work. If I wait for the random Covid illness, I never know when it’s going to strike. It could ruin a vacation, or I would have to miss work. This way it’s planned. “ so Hugh, are absolutely right, they have an explanation for every possible rational counter argument.  there is no point in engaging.

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And to them I would ask, what if your child was one of the unlucky ones and got a life changing, debilitating side effect that doesn’t go away? What if it permanently disables your child? Is it worth the risk?

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Sadly the immediate effects are probably the tip of the iceberg. What about a longer time horizon and the potential for jab related sickness to then surface.

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When you have the perfect theory which cannot be falsified that’s not science: that’s pseudoscience.

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This logic is not logical! No wonder the world is such a mess.

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still it could be climate change all sort of reasons ... not necessarily from the vaxx.

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Sadly, I think you’re right.

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More horrific data... when does this dam break?

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give it a few years ...

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I remember reading that many years ago and wondered how those numbers would be achieved. Its not a mystery to me anymore.

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Adverse reactions: Unknown to me re: babes in arms suffering...however, in my position as an

RN (thanks @GigiRN), I have been told many times from grieving Mothers, "I lost my son at

18 mos" just after having the 3rd MMR jab. From then on, it is quite a struggle raising their

child. They will never be independent, work, marry and so on. There are problems at every

milestone. Parents can never launch their children into adulthood.

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trump's emergency authorization, otherwise they all would bankrupt by now ...

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55% showed systemic effects that were recognized. Interesting about babies, however, is that we don't even see when they are having a stroke much of the time. Prior strokes are often diagnosed months or years later, when realizing that the child has deficits on one side of the body.

You can't look at the surface of a baby and determine what's happening at the cellular and organ level, or what the long-term implications of that will be.

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Covid and the jabs have probably already caused as much or more human suffering in the past two years, as every other disease combined. I may be getting it why the Georgia Guidestones went down this year. There was a statement on that monstrosity about maintaining the human population (more likely the serfs) at 500,000,000. Since the Georgia Guidestones are no longer standing. We can only speak of what was written on them. I'm starting to suspect that maybe, the covid jabs are one part of the plan to get the world pop down to 500 million. It's starting to look that way to me. It seems to me too that the covid or any other mRNA jabs will only end when unhinged medical or political fascists are no longer exist on earth.

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who knows ...

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Even 500K people genocided is too many for me. Yes. I'm all for God putting an end to evil once and for all. I trust and pray that I will land on the overcomers side to reap the eternal blessings mentioned in Revelation Chapters 20-22 and other scriptures.

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No, the guidestones suggested 500,000,000 people populating the Earth. That would mean genocide for 4.5 BILLION!

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Amen the numbers suggest on the stones

7.5 billion people dead if there’s 8 billion

People on this plant. That’s a lot of killing.

I am firmly convinced that there is NO justification for these mRNA medical experimental jabs for anyone.

But now the dye is cast

People just say NO

This movement relies on us the masses

Bc they are still using kovid as cover

Still insisting mask in medical communities

None of this is science but pre meditated

Murder ….

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It’s just so depressing that you need to report this. Some parents have lost their minds - no child or adolescent should ever have received this jab!

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They should be charged with CHILD ABUSE because that is what it is plain an simple. Kids have great immune systems so let them develop otherwise then you don`t deserve to have children

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Why won't parents listen to parents whose children have been killed or injured in other countries. There is so much proof that children do not need any vaccination for the flu/coronavirus & above all that these dangerous & experimental so called vaccinations are neither safe nor effective for what we are told they were designed to do. With excess deaths of the population often over 1000 per week globally please save all children every where in the world from further harms being inflicted upon them with these experimental & extremely harmful jabs.

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Horrendous. There will be hell to pay for sacrificing our children on this #GreatReset Alter.

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"The mercury didn't kill him - he was going to die anyway." - medieval gp

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The 6% unable to do normal activities is especially alarming -- only the most hard core pro-Covid-Vax parents got their infants vaccinated. For example, only 4.6% of infants in Washington State are vaccinated.

This group might be eager to report systemic effects to “prove it worked” but they would be expected to want to underreport the vaccine actually causing a disability in their child.

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It’s so discouraging that some parents would succumb to this evil propaganda, and allow their children to be injected.

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This is unacceptable. I feel sorry for these children who have parents who are so deluded they are harming them by following in lockstep to the dictates of a corrupt, lying, government. This confirms to me that this action against our children is being done on purpose, mindfully if you will, otherwise these crapshots would be withdrawn and stopped.

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as the FDA panelist said during the approval process, you got to try it to see if it works.

lets hope the new boosters work too.

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I believe it's the same (or higher) percentage for adults and teens taking the jab, they just don't report to the CDC, Vigi-access, etc

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Sep 16, 2022
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Don't ever look at anything on the website, Real Raw News, it is a KNOWN satire site (even though he writes very well & convincingly.) Here's the disclaimer from the RRN home page:

"Information on this website is for informational and educational and ENTERTAINMENT purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice on legal counsel."

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