Where can I go/where do I find information on a place like you describe....I too have been looking and cannot find/figure it out . Any advice? Gratefully appreciated in advance if you can.
Where can I go/where do I find information on a place like you describe....I too have been looking and cannot find/figure it out . Any advice? Gratefully appreciated in advance if you can.
Basically, no matter where you go, they will come for you. I am a software engineer (was until I lost my job due to mandates and refusing the jabs) and another patriot software engineer said they (evil governments under WEF control) were trying to hire him to write an application to track "unjabbed" people in the state of Idaho. I suspect this will be in every state that has patriots and a majority of the "pureblood" unjabbed people. Once they find a big enclave they will bring out the DEW's and incinerate everyone like they did with Paradise, CA. While it is best to be surrounded by likeminded people in any situation you have to think it could get more attention than you want. To survive it may be advisable to "go mobile" and never give out any information to anyone about your preps, vaccine status, etc.
Oft thought about TN, esp when learned CAF chose Hickory Velley TN when leave g DC after an 11yr persecution attempt and attempts on her life by the Feds...what does she know and why did she pick there? But much of TN is a huge mess...and now the recent tragedy in Memphis (Antifa). TN has had an ENORMOUS amount of ppl move there past two to three years. Likely saturated. I don't relate to the mindset of the South so not sure I could integrate. Keep me posted if you find resources for identifying 'GreaterReset' communities?
The South has a 'culture' unique to the "mindset of the West" "mindset of the Midwest" Mindset of the East coast" "mindset of the West coast". Much as Hawaii, Alaska and PuertoRico are all unique cultures and mindsets.
Where can I go/where do I find information on a place like you describe....I too have been looking and cannot find/figure it out . Any advice? Gratefully appreciated in advance if you can.
Basically, no matter where you go, they will come for you. I am a software engineer (was until I lost my job due to mandates and refusing the jabs) and another patriot software engineer said they (evil governments under WEF control) were trying to hire him to write an application to track "unjabbed" people in the state of Idaho. I suspect this will be in every state that has patriots and a majority of the "pureblood" unjabbed people. Once they find a big enclave they will bring out the DEW's and incinerate everyone like they did with Paradise, CA. While it is best to be surrounded by likeminded people in any situation you have to think it could get more attention than you want. To survive it may be advisable to "go mobile" and never give out any information to anyone about your preps, vaccine status, etc.
PS...was including Tennesse....and wondering if that is why Antifa has been re-activated in that state?
Oft thought about TN, esp when learned CAF chose Hickory Velley TN when leave g DC after an 11yr persecution attempt and attempts on her life by the Feds...what does she know and why did she pick there? But much of TN is a huge mess...and now the recent tragedy in Memphis (Antifa). TN has had an ENORMOUS amount of ppl move there past two to three years. Likely saturated. I don't relate to the mindset of the South so not sure I could integrate. Keep me posted if you find resources for identifying 'GreaterReset' communities?
How do you define the тАЬmindset of the South?тАЭ
The South has a 'culture' unique to the "mindset of the West" "mindset of the Midwest" Mindset of the East coast" "mindset of the West coast". Much as Hawaii, Alaska and PuertoRico are all unique cultures and mindsets.
What do you think it is?