International Classification of Disease codes are extensively used in medical records, medical insurance data and health research to classify precisely disease states as well as injuries from exogenous agents.
This is the sort of data they will need to run death camps efficiently.
"First they came for the Z28.1's but I was not a Z28.1 so I did nothing ......... And then they came for me and there was no one left to stand up for me."
And people, by and large will allow it to happen. How can those who are unvaxxed ever get those who are to stand up with them against this? There will always be that resentment on their part.
I don't know why others are so slow to sign on to the idea, but my personal boycott of "all things Rockefeller medicine" will continue until my death, which will be somewhere north of the age of 150, thank you.
I believe they started collecting this data last year. I went to a few doctors last fall outside my normal natural path and they both asked if I had the Covid vaccination and flu shot and why not. They also both had huge questionnaires that spent an excessive amount of time asking about depression. It reminded me of other doctors asking about ownership of firearms. Now we know why ObamaCare was so focused on electronic records and centralization.
Whatever happened to HIPAA? Is not our health information confidential until we release it? With COVID HIPAA went out the window. If someone asks me my vaccination status, its none of their damn business.
No, Hipaa does not prevent the release of your health info. Facebook has it, the government has it...does not prevent the sale of your info i it is "so called anonymized".
Your refusal will let them know your status. And, by the way, they have immunity for even asking you the question...and recording the answer any way they damn please.
The Prep Act and the Cures act gave anyone acting on behalf of the govt total immunity.
Not only will your suit fail, good luck getting a lawyer to represent you. They have been warned if they do so they will be disbarred.
The tentacles of the monster are much deeper and broader than we can imagine.
Indeed I sometimes fail to comprehend just how evil governments can be. And it is all about just following orders. Thanks for sharing this about the PREP and CARES act. Ironically Pfizer and Moderna and J&J have immunity as well. EVERYONE is protected and has legal cover EXCEPT the people. We are the ones that are expected to assume the risks and have no recourse if we are hurt. Can you say "lab rats?"
Agreed that ABA is just as corrupt as AMA. All doctors and lawyers must toe the line or else lose their licenses. This is fascism at is very best!
So, how would I use common law in my everyday life?
I go to court to fight a speeding ticket and/or any other court room drama, how would common law work if I am dealing with a system that is subservient to ABA?
This is the only question at my company I answered, and it was the third option they had which was "I don't want to tell them my status." If I didn't answer it, I would have lost my job immediately. I ended up losing my job of 17 years weeks later when they threatened me to get the jabs. I had worked remotely as a software engineer for the last 2 years with them. I returned the threat (of using my job to force jabs) by telling them I am turning them in for "crimes against humanity." I kept all the email threats and a list of people who threatened me. Of course, nothing will happen to them as governments and large corporations are all in on the depopulation narrative. Others that played the "religious exemption" were put on permanent unpaid leave after they had to meet an "inquisition" board of people to hear their exemption. One friend of mine who went that route said they offered his job back 4 months into his leave if he only would get the jabs. I feel this was just an information gathering exercise to be used in future tyranny for the rounding up of people (e.g., Christian roundups.) Sadly, I had 2 friends that decided they need their jobs and got jabbed...They both died in this past year (one was in his mid 40's and the other early 50's.)
@PissedOffVeteran -Indeed...all of this is crimes against humanity. What ever happened to civil rights and right for self determination?
From what I gather, this is what we need to do when faced with corporate America pushing the jab on us:
1) Do not resign. Make them fire you. If you resign you have no recourse in the court system.
2) Play their game. Provide them an agreement that says that you will take the jab if they assume responsibility for any adverse health reactions. And that responsibility means paying for any health care costs including co-pays.
3) If they refuse the sign the agreement, then either they will leave you alone (some companies are known to do this) or they will fire you.
4) If they fire you, take them to court as yourself (do not pay an ABA lawyer) and the crux of your argument is this: The company is forcing you to take a vaccine that has not been throughly tested and the manufacturer has EU immunity. There are risks and they are not willing to assume those risks. Therefore by what basis can they fire you? Either they assume the risks by forcing you to take the vaccine or they leave you alone. To fire you is basically firing without cause.
5) Inherent to life is there are risks with everything we do. People are usually compensated for risks they take in course of employment. Police and Fire folks have insurance and all kinds of stop gaps in place. Why not for someone taking an experimental vaccine?
I sympathize with you but you did the right thing. You are alive because you are not jabbed. That is a "win" but we need to fight back. Use the court system as the company needs to make an argument that they know the vaccine is risky (manufacturer has immunity from any claims) but wanted you to take it no matter what. That is not an argument that will win over a jury.
With the corruption in my state of Washington even the law is not on the side of justice especially for the lower classes. They are only doing the bidding of the WEF to further the depopulation narrative. We had groups of people do the lawyer thing and it went nowhere but the people that lost their jobs also lost the money they paid to the lawyer. Haven't heard of anyone fighting it themselves yet. When I was on unemployment within weeks, they wanted to stop my payments as they claimed I had gotten terminated for not "getting the jabs" and they said that it was a company policy which I violated. The way I wrote the letter to them was that the company created a hostile work environment for me due to difference of opinion and we decided to terminate the contract. I got to keep my unemployment until it was exhausted. You have to know how to play your cards right in these games they are playing with people otherwise you will be without any means of support. I doubt there will ever be any justice in America for the little people anymore as our government has been taken over and ran by FEMA? It will take a revolution to correct it now.
The government has been taken over by corporate oligarchs that answer to no one and laugh at the Constitution. It is a dead letter. You are right. The good news is we do not need a revolution with blood. We just have to wait for the government to default on its obligations. It is going to happen very soon. Why do you think they are so hellbent on controlling the narrative and trying to take away our guns.
Yes, I am here in Washington, and they are trying to take away the guns and a new bill called HB 13333 sure sounds like the creation of a gestapo for those that disagree with them. It is time for me to get out before I end up in a camp or something. I don't agree with any of this crap, can't stand the tyranny and I just bought more pew pews when they ramped up the tyranny to insane levels.
Wow. Look at this...that is insane. So a white Christian cisgendered male has zero representation. This is the tyranny that is ramping up. They are scared of armed resistance so they are excluding those that are not of protected classes.
You need to get out of Washington. It is quickly getting "Californicated."
Six representatives from organizations representing groups
4 protected under RCW 9A.36.080, which may include but is not limited
5 to the following:
6 (i) A representative from the black/African American community;
7 (ii) A representative from the Muslim community;
8 (iii) A representative from the Jewish community;
9 (iv) A representative from the Asian or Asian American community;
10 (v) A representative from the Sikh community;
11 (vi) A representative from the Latino/a/x community;
12 (vii) A representative from the LGBTQ community;
13 (ix) A representative from the general immigrant/refugee
Definitely, time to get out. Yeah, they are getting insane here in WA. state. Sometimes I can't even keep up with all the BS tyranny they are trying to push on us. Yeah, the White Christians are going to be targeted. It basically comes out and tells you here: My wife is the only one against leaving the state. Pretty soon I am just going to move on my own and if she wants to stay in "occupied territory" she can. I won't be in any state on the West Coast. Nothing keeping me here anyways, just lost the two conservative friends I had as they fell for the vaccines and just died this past year. My remote family (brother and sister) are a bunch of boot lickers who gave into the tyranny. If I don't make it out in time, they won't take my guns as I will give them the lead first.
a shot in every arm - that was the push globally from the beginning when these no liability injections became available to the public. we know that these injections do not stop infection or transmission. now all so called cvd "vaccinations" will be coded and recorded as to who has what and who doesn't. fully dosed, you're good. partially dosed, not so good. without any injections, no good. I wonder what color no good's star will be? anyone seen Project Veritas' undercover reveal? From watching that, I'm convinced that the powers that shouldn't be have a full ongoing global eugenics program in progress. 7 billion people not needed on the planet anymore according to our owners. the great reset, the nwo, the green new deal, agenda 21/30/50, the 4th industrial revolution - call it what it is. the culling of the human population. it's too far fetched to think those in power give a fig about human health or human beings. as Carlin said "you have owners, they OWN YOU" - and proof of injection will be the owner marker, like the branding of cattle or the branding of Jews, or the paper documention that you own slaves. only this time, we're all truly in this together. we're all the same. we're all Anne Frank in the attic. We're all hanging from a tree. We're all hunted now, tracked and traced and surveilled, coded and branded. we all need to be branded and culled down to what is consider a reasonable number of slaves. As Catherine Austin Fitts has said "maybe death isn't so bad".
CAF is right. Been looking actively for two years for a place populated by a majority of resisters who grasp all the pieces and the necessity of constructing self sustaining community (food, water, energy, building materials and know how) that is armed and hyperlocalized (incl developing a local currency) and not seduced by Starlink surveillance as are MOST rural communities incl the one I am in now...if such a place exists, we will head there tomorrow. I see lots of excellent analysis of the dangers that will be in full forces and effect by 2025 but nothing on SStack or elsewhere regarding life strategy in a CBDC COV-ID FEMA camp martial law one can survive this solo. Duck and cover as CAF advises is not a long term strategy.
If you find one let me know as I am looking for the same. I suggested to my wife we sell everything and buy an Carribean island with likeminded people. She didn't want to do that. I already lost my job of 17 years for not getting the poison injection. I know they are going to come after the "unjabbed" anytime soon. My neighborhood is full of a bunch of jabbed idiots and "Karen" types here in Washington state. Some friends who I thought were stronger minded took the jabs and they have died in this past year at early ages. Sad that my family outside my own is jabbed up and some are in various stages of the post jab issues and they have ignored me as I stood up against the tyranny.
Yes, Inslee and his sidekick Ferguson are working on our disarmament now.
Once that is complete then they will do those roundups. They were talking about roundups of "unjabbed" for these camps a year ago or so, but the public had something to say about it and stopped it back then. We all know it is just a matter of time before they come after us. Nothing is tethering me here now, but my wife is attached to this area, and she ignores what is going on around us and refuses to believe anything out of the ordinary is happening. She didn't even wake up when I got terminated from my job due to the mandates.
I went to the next level and bought a used Ambulance shortly after the job loss. I swapped out the Maserati Granturismo I had for it and used the leftovers to keep the roof over our heads for the past year. The ambulance has lots of storage space for all the prepper stuff I have. My wife hates my prepper supplies, the Ambulance and the hole punchers I have. She won't survive long in the future with her stubbornness. Everything I have done in the past two years such as gardening and hatching and caring for Coturnix quail for their eggs/meat has provided me with skills. She laughs at all this preparation.
It’s frustrating for me because all my bf’s relatives and friends are jabbed. He lost his job of 17 years and I lost my job of 23 years...these people just carry on like nothing has happened!
I cannot be around them anymore. it’s like Bizzaro World. I thank God my family is gone so they don’t have to be a part of this nightmare.
Nearly described what I am going through. I lost my job of 17 years as well. I went out with a blaze of glory though by threatening the HR right back which according to them was the final reason they were terminating me and not because of "refusing the jab." They are just playing games along with having had people put in religious exemptions when they were never going to honor them. They put most of those people on "unpaid terminal leave" and then said we would give your job back if you get jabbed after several months trying to make them suffer along the way without money. These assholes are evil. I had put these HR people and managers who did this on a list and I told them I would turn it in for a future Nuremberg trial but this was an empty threat I believe as the system is so severely compromised it is a pipe dream. You want to talk about evil; my parents died during the Covid crap and my remaining sibling's brother and sister (both jabbed of course) kept my portion of the inheritance. Well, they had been telling me I killed my mother for not getting jabbed, etc. so they think they are in the right. They even did this after I lost my job. I even had an aunt (jabbed up) who was wishing the death of the unvaccinated; sadly but I think karma came into play here she died last year. These family members are definitely not to be trusted. They had better not show up on my doorstep asking for anything. I also like you believe we woke up in a "Twilight Zone" episode or we are in our own version of the "Truman show" and I even blamed the Satanic Elite bastards for turning on CERN and turning the world upside down. I called it "Clown World" as well. There is something to this as the Satanic Elite were releasing TV shows like "Stranger Worlds" which actually had something called the "Upside down" world in the show. Then they have all these movies and TV shows bringing up the topic of "parallel realities and universes" like they know what is going on but won't tell you the truth.
Yeah, we love our Italian cars in my family. I have owned a Coupe Cambiocorsa as well. We kept one Italian vehicle and that is an Alfa Romeo Stelvio as I gave it more value to other vehicles we had. The ambulance being the most useful out of all except for the gas mileage; it sucks more gas than any Italian vehicle but that is why it has two fuel tanks.
Where can I go/where do I find information on a place like you describe....I too have been looking and cannot find/figure it out . Any advice? Gratefully appreciated in advance if you can.
Basically, no matter where you go, they will come for you. I am a software engineer (was until I lost my job due to mandates and refusing the jabs) and another patriot software engineer said they (evil governments under WEF control) were trying to hire him to write an application to track "unjabbed" people in the state of Idaho. I suspect this will be in every state that has patriots and a majority of the "pureblood" unjabbed people. Once they find a big enclave they will bring out the DEW's and incinerate everyone like they did with Paradise, CA. While it is best to be surrounded by likeminded people in any situation you have to think it could get more attention than you want. To survive it may be advisable to "go mobile" and never give out any information to anyone about your preps, vaccine status, etc.
Oft thought about TN, esp when learned CAF chose Hickory Velley TN when leave g DC after an 11yr persecution attempt and attempts on her life by the Feds...what does she know and why did she pick there? But much of TN is a huge mess...and now the recent tragedy in Memphis (Antifa). TN has had an ENORMOUS amount of ppl move there past two to three years. Likely saturated. I don't relate to the mindset of the South so not sure I could integrate. Keep me posted if you find resources for identifying 'GreaterReset' communities?
The South has a 'culture' unique to the "mindset of the West" "mindset of the Midwest" Mindset of the East coast" "mindset of the West coast". Much as Hawaii, Alaska and PuertoRico are all unique cultures and mindsets.
I’ll refuse to disclose and walk out. We need a physical infrastructure, to support medical pros in the freedom movement. Can’t do a mammo via telemedicine...
Dr. Harvey Risch: Thank you for the wonder of what you do. In my case the vaccine denial code would be “took one look at how the mRNA works and knew that the human body can’t do that.”
Most people are totally unaware of how the Jewish people in Germany & Austria were initially stigmatized as a new & unknown disease carriers & spreaders
This is the sort of data they will need to run death camps efficiently.
"First they came for the Z28.1's but I was not a Z28.1 so I did nothing ......... And then they came for me and there was no one left to stand up for me."
And people, by and large will allow it to happen. How can those who are unvaxxed ever get those who are to stand up with them against this? There will always be that resentment on their part.
2 + 2 = 5. And if you disagree, the establishment will ruin your life and wellbeing. But thanks for paying your taxes, they help fund your own demise!
Stop calling the kill shot a vaccine, it's a Bioweapon!!
So, my takeaway is that this is the new WW3 Star of David. Grim times ahead.
Well put.
I don't know why others are so slow to sign on to the idea, but my personal boycott of "all things Rockefeller medicine" will continue until my death, which will be somewhere north of the age of 150, thank you.
Very good. My record is running for the same goal and at age 80 I'm at 15 years.
I believe they started collecting this data last year. I went to a few doctors last fall outside my normal natural path and they both asked if I had the Covid vaccination and flu shot and why not. They also both had huge questionnaires that spent an excessive amount of time asking about depression. It reminded me of other doctors asking about ownership of firearms. Now we know why ObamaCare was so focused on electronic records and centralization.
The same happened to me!
thanks for this. seems risch is speaking out as much as he can without publicly acknowledging the obvious: these icd codes lead straight to the death camps
hollerith erfasst
Whatever happened to HIPAA? Is not our health information confidential until we release it? With COVID HIPAA went out the window. If someone asks me my vaccination status, its none of their damn business.
Obama Commie Care took care of that.
Remember Nancy didn’t have time to read the bill.
No, Hipaa does not prevent the release of your health info. Facebook has it, the government has it...does not prevent the sale of your info i it is "so called anonymized".
Don't beleive it.
Even so, when my employer asks me for my vaccination status, via HIPAA, I should have to right to refuse. Or am I wrong?
Your refusal will let them know your status. And, by the way, they have immunity for even asking you the question...and recording the answer any way they damn please.
The Prep Act and the Cures act gave anyone acting on behalf of the govt total immunity.
Not only will your suit fail, good luck getting a lawyer to represent you. They have been warned if they do so they will be disbarred.
The tentacles of the monster are much deeper and broader than we can imagine.
Indeed I sometimes fail to comprehend just how evil governments can be. And it is all about just following orders. Thanks for sharing this about the PREP and CARES act. Ironically Pfizer and Moderna and J&J have immunity as well. EVERYONE is protected and has legal cover EXCEPT the people. We are the ones that are expected to assume the risks and have no recourse if we are hurt. Can you say "lab rats?"
The “ BAR”’is corrupt.... use Common Law... we ALL need to learn it... I’m just starting to!
Agreed that ABA is just as corrupt as AMA. All doctors and lawyers must toe the line or else lose their licenses. This is fascism at is very best!
So, how would I use common law in my everyday life?
I go to court to fight a speeding ticket and/or any other court room drama, how would common law work if I am dealing with a system that is subservient to ABA?
This is the only question at my company I answered, and it was the third option they had which was "I don't want to tell them my status." If I didn't answer it, I would have lost my job immediately. I ended up losing my job of 17 years weeks later when they threatened me to get the jabs. I had worked remotely as a software engineer for the last 2 years with them. I returned the threat (of using my job to force jabs) by telling them I am turning them in for "crimes against humanity." I kept all the email threats and a list of people who threatened me. Of course, nothing will happen to them as governments and large corporations are all in on the depopulation narrative. Others that played the "religious exemption" were put on permanent unpaid leave after they had to meet an "inquisition" board of people to hear their exemption. One friend of mine who went that route said they offered his job back 4 months into his leave if he only would get the jabs. I feel this was just an information gathering exercise to be used in future tyranny for the rounding up of people (e.g., Christian roundups.) Sadly, I had 2 friends that decided they need their jobs and got jabbed...They both died in this past year (one was in his mid 40's and the other early 50's.)
@PissedOffVeteran -Indeed...all of this is crimes against humanity. What ever happened to civil rights and right for self determination?
From what I gather, this is what we need to do when faced with corporate America pushing the jab on us:
1) Do not resign. Make them fire you. If you resign you have no recourse in the court system.
2) Play their game. Provide them an agreement that says that you will take the jab if they assume responsibility for any adverse health reactions. And that responsibility means paying for any health care costs including co-pays.
3) If they refuse the sign the agreement, then either they will leave you alone (some companies are known to do this) or they will fire you.
4) If they fire you, take them to court as yourself (do not pay an ABA lawyer) and the crux of your argument is this: The company is forcing you to take a vaccine that has not been throughly tested and the manufacturer has EU immunity. There are risks and they are not willing to assume those risks. Therefore by what basis can they fire you? Either they assume the risks by forcing you to take the vaccine or they leave you alone. To fire you is basically firing without cause.
5) Inherent to life is there are risks with everything we do. People are usually compensated for risks they take in course of employment. Police and Fire folks have insurance and all kinds of stop gaps in place. Why not for someone taking an experimental vaccine?
I sympathize with you but you did the right thing. You are alive because you are not jabbed. That is a "win" but we need to fight back. Use the court system as the company needs to make an argument that they know the vaccine is risky (manufacturer has immunity from any claims) but wanted you to take it no matter what. That is not an argument that will win over a jury.
With the corruption in my state of Washington even the law is not on the side of justice especially for the lower classes. They are only doing the bidding of the WEF to further the depopulation narrative. We had groups of people do the lawyer thing and it went nowhere but the people that lost their jobs also lost the money they paid to the lawyer. Haven't heard of anyone fighting it themselves yet. When I was on unemployment within weeks, they wanted to stop my payments as they claimed I had gotten terminated for not "getting the jabs" and they said that it was a company policy which I violated. The way I wrote the letter to them was that the company created a hostile work environment for me due to difference of opinion and we decided to terminate the contract. I got to keep my unemployment until it was exhausted. You have to know how to play your cards right in these games they are playing with people otherwise you will be without any means of support. I doubt there will ever be any justice in America for the little people anymore as our government has been taken over and ran by FEMA? It will take a revolution to correct it now.
The government has been taken over by corporate oligarchs that answer to no one and laugh at the Constitution. It is a dead letter. You are right. The good news is we do not need a revolution with blood. We just have to wait for the government to default on its obligations. It is going to happen very soon. Why do you think they are so hellbent on controlling the narrative and trying to take away our guns.
Yes, I am here in Washington, and they are trying to take away the guns and a new bill called HB 13333 sure sounds like the creation of a gestapo for those that disagree with them. It is time for me to get out before I end up in a camp or something. I don't agree with any of this crap, can't stand the tyranny and I just bought more pew pews when they ramped up the tyranny to insane levels.
Wow. Look at this...that is insane. So a white Christian cisgendered male has zero representation. This is the tyranny that is ramping up. They are scared of armed resistance so they are excluding those that are not of protected classes.
You need to get out of Washington. It is quickly getting "Californicated."
Six representatives from organizations representing groups
4 protected under RCW 9A.36.080, which may include but is not limited
5 to the following:
6 (i) A representative from the black/African American community;
7 (ii) A representative from the Muslim community;
8 (iii) A representative from the Jewish community;
9 (iv) A representative from the Asian or Asian American community;
10 (v) A representative from the Sikh community;
11 (vi) A representative from the Latino/a/x community;
12 (vii) A representative from the LGBTQ community;
13 (ix) A representative from the general immigrant/refugee
(x) A representative from the African community;
Definitely, time to get out. Yeah, they are getting insane here in WA. state. Sometimes I can't even keep up with all the BS tyranny they are trying to push on us. Yeah, the White Christians are going to be targeted. It basically comes out and tells you here: My wife is the only one against leaving the state. Pretty soon I am just going to move on my own and if she wants to stay in "occupied territory" she can. I won't be in any state on the West Coast. Nothing keeping me here anyways, just lost the two conservative friends I had as they fell for the vaccines and just died this past year. My remote family (brother and sister) are a bunch of boot lickers who gave into the tyranny. If I don't make it out in time, they won't take my guns as I will give them the lead first.
Question: Do you suspect the dastardly jab had anything to do with your friends passing?
a shot in every arm - that was the push globally from the beginning when these no liability injections became available to the public. we know that these injections do not stop infection or transmission. now all so called cvd "vaccinations" will be coded and recorded as to who has what and who doesn't. fully dosed, you're good. partially dosed, not so good. without any injections, no good. I wonder what color no good's star will be? anyone seen Project Veritas' undercover reveal? From watching that, I'm convinced that the powers that shouldn't be have a full ongoing global eugenics program in progress. 7 billion people not needed on the planet anymore according to our owners. the great reset, the nwo, the green new deal, agenda 21/30/50, the 4th industrial revolution - call it what it is. the culling of the human population. it's too far fetched to think those in power give a fig about human health or human beings. as Carlin said "you have owners, they OWN YOU" - and proof of injection will be the owner marker, like the branding of cattle or the branding of Jews, or the paper documention that you own slaves. only this time, we're all truly in this together. we're all the same. we're all Anne Frank in the attic. We're all hanging from a tree. We're all hunted now, tracked and traced and surveilled, coded and branded. we all need to be branded and culled down to what is consider a reasonable number of slaves. As Catherine Austin Fitts has said "maybe death isn't so bad".
CAF is right. Been looking actively for two years for a place populated by a majority of resisters who grasp all the pieces and the necessity of constructing self sustaining community (food, water, energy, building materials and know how) that is armed and hyperlocalized (incl developing a local currency) and not seduced by Starlink surveillance as are MOST rural communities incl the one I am in now...if such a place exists, we will head there tomorrow. I see lots of excellent analysis of the dangers that will be in full forces and effect by 2025 but nothing on SStack or elsewhere regarding life strategy in a CBDC COV-ID FEMA camp martial law one can survive this solo. Duck and cover as CAF advises is not a long term strategy.
If you find one let me know as I am looking for the same. I suggested to my wife we sell everything and buy an Carribean island with likeminded people. She didn't want to do that. I already lost my job of 17 years for not getting the poison injection. I know they are going to come after the "unjabbed" anytime soon. My neighborhood is full of a bunch of jabbed idiots and "Karen" types here in Washington state. Some friends who I thought were stronger minded took the jabs and they have died in this past year at early ages. Sad that my family outside my own is jabbed up and some are in various stages of the post jab issues and they have ignored me as I stood up against the tyranny.
I’d get out of Washington ASAP. Inslee has his camps.
There are rural areas below you that would be safer.
Even if you bought a travel trailer, it would be better than Washington.
My friend lives on our property. In hers.
Many are renting out space.
Yes, Inslee and his sidekick Ferguson are working on our disarmament now.
Once that is complete then they will do those roundups. They were talking about roundups of "unjabbed" for these camps a year ago or so, but the public had something to say about it and stopped it back then. We all know it is just a matter of time before they come after us. Nothing is tethering me here now, but my wife is attached to this area, and she ignores what is going on around us and refuses to believe anything out of the ordinary is happening. She didn't even wake up when I got terminated from my job due to the mandates.
Sorry wife. Time to listen to the wisdom of your husband.
Head in the sand out of fear, will not make the evil go away.
Buy a small trailer, packed and ready to roll at a moment’s notice?
I went to the next level and bought a used Ambulance shortly after the job loss. I swapped out the Maserati Granturismo I had for it and used the leftovers to keep the roof over our heads for the past year. The ambulance has lots of storage space for all the prepper stuff I have. My wife hates my prepper supplies, the Ambulance and the hole punchers I have. She won't survive long in the future with her stubbornness. Everything I have done in the past two years such as gardening and hatching and caring for Coturnix quail for their eggs/meat has provided me with skills. She laughs at all this preparation.
A Maserati 😢😢😢
My favorite car.
Beautiful, understated, beautiful engine…
But good on you!
I am so grateful my husband is completely on board with being aware and ready, god forbid needing to be prepared.
Who wants to right about any of this?
No one.
A sign of intelligence is not memorizing crap in school, it’s seeing repetitive things/ behaviors. And being aware.
Carry on.
Hopefully she can scoff at you years from now. Because no one wants anything to come to fruition.
If we are reading the events correctly, you will be a hero.
Like my mom always said
Better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.
BTW. I have friends in California that mock us.
Let them. 🙄
I’m in Commifornia and I was on board YEARS ago!
It’s frustrating for me because all my bf’s relatives and friends are jabbed. He lost his job of 17 years and I lost my job of 23 years...these people just carry on like nothing has happened!
I cannot be around them anymore. it’s like Bizzaro World. I thank God my family is gone so they don’t have to be a part of this nightmare.
I’m from Marin.
Now the highest vaxed county in the US I believe.
They were vax questioners not too many years ago, a late night host mocked The moms questioning vaxes.
Now it’s a literal zombie ville.
Masks in cars, on bike paths.
Friends not seeing a problem with banning unvaxed.
Waving their vax cards like a Ukraine Flag……
Intelligent people acting like utter morons.
Zero critical thinking skills.
Just the Hive Mind High , Mass Approval Dopamine Rush.
I find it all so nauseating.
Grateful to be out of there now.
I’m 3rd generation SFer…I went to Marin often!
Great comment! I get it. BIG TIME!
Nearly described what I am going through. I lost my job of 17 years as well. I went out with a blaze of glory though by threatening the HR right back which according to them was the final reason they were terminating me and not because of "refusing the jab." They are just playing games along with having had people put in religious exemptions when they were never going to honor them. They put most of those people on "unpaid terminal leave" and then said we would give your job back if you get jabbed after several months trying to make them suffer along the way without money. These assholes are evil. I had put these HR people and managers who did this on a list and I told them I would turn it in for a future Nuremberg trial but this was an empty threat I believe as the system is so severely compromised it is a pipe dream. You want to talk about evil; my parents died during the Covid crap and my remaining sibling's brother and sister (both jabbed of course) kept my portion of the inheritance. Well, they had been telling me I killed my mother for not getting jabbed, etc. so they think they are in the right. They even did this after I lost my job. I even had an aunt (jabbed up) who was wishing the death of the unvaccinated; sadly but I think karma came into play here she died last year. These family members are definitely not to be trusted. They had better not show up on my doorstep asking for anything. I also like you believe we woke up in a "Twilight Zone" episode or we are in our own version of the "Truman show" and I even blamed the Satanic Elite bastards for turning on CERN and turning the world upside down. I called it "Clown World" as well. There is something to this as the Satanic Elite were releasing TV shows like "Stranger Worlds" which actually had something called the "Upside down" world in the show. Then they have all these movies and TV shows bringing up the topic of "parallel realities and universes" like they know what is going on but won't tell you the truth.
Geez I’m so sorry.
I saw a perfect meme.
“ ever wonder how you’ve behaved in 1930’s Germany?
Now you know”
People are hive minded to the point of insane.
Yeah, we love our Italian cars in my family. I have owned a Coupe Cambiocorsa as well. We kept one Italian vehicle and that is an Alfa Romeo Stelvio as I gave it more value to other vehicles we had. The ambulance being the most useful out of all except for the gas mileage; it sucks more gas than any Italian vehicle but that is why it has two fuel tanks.
Very cool!
Hope you don’t live near here.
I wish you all the luck finding the place you are looking for.
Look at the CIA in Q tel site.
Tethered drones…..
Where can I go/where do I find information on a place like you describe....I too have been looking and cannot find/figure it out . Any advice? Gratefully appreciated in advance if you can.
Basically, no matter where you go, they will come for you. I am a software engineer (was until I lost my job due to mandates and refusing the jabs) and another patriot software engineer said they (evil governments under WEF control) were trying to hire him to write an application to track "unjabbed" people in the state of Idaho. I suspect this will be in every state that has patriots and a majority of the "pureblood" unjabbed people. Once they find a big enclave they will bring out the DEW's and incinerate everyone like they did with Paradise, CA. While it is best to be surrounded by likeminded people in any situation you have to think it could get more attention than you want. To survive it may be advisable to "go mobile" and never give out any information to anyone about your preps, vaccine status, etc.
PS...was including Tennesse....and wondering if that is why Antifa has been re-activated in that state?
Oft thought about TN, esp when learned CAF chose Hickory Velley TN when leave g DC after an 11yr persecution attempt and attempts on her life by the Feds...what does she know and why did she pick there? But much of TN is a huge mess...and now the recent tragedy in Memphis (Antifa). TN has had an ENORMOUS amount of ppl move there past two to three years. Likely saturated. I don't relate to the mindset of the South so not sure I could integrate. Keep me posted if you find resources for identifying 'GreaterReset' communities?
How do you define the “mindset of the South?”
The South has a 'culture' unique to the "mindset of the West" "mindset of the Midwest" Mindset of the East coast" "mindset of the West coast". Much as Hawaii, Alaska and PuertoRico are all unique cultures and mindsets.
What do you think it is?
If you find such a place, Kate, I’m in.
Yup. Beginning to think so myself.
Logans Run goes live in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Bamm!
I’ll refuse to disclose and walk out. We need a physical infrastructure, to support medical pros in the freedom movement. Can’t do a mammo via telemedicine...
Get a thermography instead! Safer, catches things earlier .....
Wow thanks!
okay yeah there's this whole stuff too:
cc: @plag_erat and then their database project..
This is already implemented in United States. There was a nurse talking about it over a year ago...
To implement globally, they will have to start a program to bring "universal health care" world wide, so be watching for blather to that effect
Dr. Harvey Risch: Thank you for the wonder of what you do. In my case the vaccine denial code would be “took one look at how the mRNA works and knew that the human body can’t do that.”
The complete playbook rerunning again.
Most people are totally unaware of how the Jewish people in Germany & Austria were initially stigmatized as a new & unknown disease carriers & spreaders
Right out of the playbook, huh?
Never answer a question honestly again. Whether it’s race, gender, or vax status.
I wonder how many "disease" codes they will need to cover the 9 comma-delimited pages of damages caused by the "immunizations".
They already got rid of the code for vaccine injury. So no, there will be no code for that.
So yea ... what a bunch of ... I don't have the words to describe them.
I've decided I do not want a parental government, they cannot have my medical data.