Chelsea Clinton has the IQ of a rocking horse....f*ck off you evil tool!!! You are as evil as your arsehole parents !!!

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Chelsea also has the face of a race horse.

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one that is not Best in show.

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Neigh! Nay! Not even close

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She may not eat hay but knows how to make it.

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No, she has the face of Webb Hubbell, her real father...


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It’s TIME to punch a Vaccinazi!

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May 8, 2023
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Jewish medicine? It was Rockefeller-Carnegie medicine and last I heard they were both christians. I haven't heard anywhere that Fauci, gates, Schwab,, Offit, Deborah Birx, Biden, Clinton, Obamas, Cuomo ad nauseum have converted to Judaism. But when all you have is a hammer, I guess everyone looks like a nail - or a Jew. I suggest you change your name from anti-communist - my guess is you don't even know what communism is - to anti-semite. Or is that too obvious?

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Oh please stop with the "they were ...christians" stuff. Seriously. They are globalist, elitest, luciferians, masons -- they are liars all. New Testament (Matthew 7:16+) states we shall know them by their fruits. Their fruits are mass murder, disease, depopulation, destruction, poverty, slavery, etc. Does that sound Christ-like to you?

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Klaus Schwab isn't a Jew either. His family was NAZI! Reformed NAZI's apparently want genocide regardless of race, creed or color. Such an imporvement.

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May 8, 2023
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Successful? Nazis crushed.

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I oppose Communism 100%

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Too erroneous maybe. How many people who claim to be Jewish actually have semitic DNA? 2-3%?

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He never stops. He’s full of hatred.

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May 9, 2023
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Are you a practicing proud Jewish person or someone who has this heritage from long ago? The reason I say Anti Communist is full of hatred is because he blames ALL Jewish people, including me for these terrible JINO’s. I have said to him many times that I denounce these people, I do not consider them representative of the average Jewish person. I don’t think that any of those people even remotely remember what it means to be Jewish. I have also said that in the neighborhood of 60-70% of American Jews are leftists, socialists & probably some are outright communists. I also denounce them. I am part of the minority of Jews who doesn’t fit into the picture that Anti Communist paints. He never makes a distinction. It’s just “theJews.”

I am sick & tired of seeing him on a SUBSTACK that I pay for, constantly blaming “the Jews.” And if you can’t understand that I’m very sorry. But I don’t care. I hate him as much as he hates me. And I hate him for bringing out that hate in me because I am not a hateful person. But he NEVER STOPS. It’s revolting.

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The development of the German psycho-social milieu prevalent at the time of Hitler's rising should not be laid entirely at his or the Nazi's doors. Germans started experimenting with 'scientific' or psychological methods of childrearing starting in the late 18th Century, but they culminated in truly horrific guidelines promulgated by the time Hitler rose.




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May 8, 2023
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May 9, 2023
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Valid criticism is one thing, blaming an entire group for all the ills in the world is another.

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May 9, 2023Edited
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I really don't think Trump is a Zionist. It's a role he's playing since most Conservatives support Israel due to generations of brainwashing.

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Chelsea Clinton is competing with Momma witch Killary. Unfortunately, I still have brainwashed family members that believe vaccines saves lives. sigh.

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No more Clintons, Bidens, Bushes, and Obamas!!!

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Demonic posession can be intergenerational. C. Clinton has also been pushing paedo literature to children in schools.

In Jesus' name we cast out these demons!

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Like mother like daughter. She’s not Bill Clinton’s biological daughter.

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Same hideous face. Same hideous beliefs.

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Like Bill Clinton is anything to look up to!

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Careful, you don't want to be another accidental victim of Arkancide.

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May 8, 2023
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... who is ..... ?

A hint here please?

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Nevermind. I got it.

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Read everything they say in the opposite: vaccines kill lives, vaccines cause these diseases, etc. The inversion of reality. Thanks for calling her out. Is that pic with her and the yellow teeth photoshopped? Yikes.

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She gets those yellow teeth from her daddy, Webb Hubbell.

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While this is good advice, one must remember how fake heroes are created: they are vehemently condemned by the official narrative, they also carry a message that is valid, but ultimately, they are devastatingly misleading. DeSantis is a good example:




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So are Jessica Rose and Tess Laurie.

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Please, explain. I understand what you are saying, but what's the point if you are only talking to people who do?

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Forgot to include Peter McCullough in that list. Ask any of them about reverse transcriptase. https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/the-novelty-of-mrna-viral-vaccines

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The list is endless. In fact, it's a lot more challenge to find names not to be included. :)

Of course, anyone pushing mRNA is a suspect:


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This is why I unsubscribed to you. Your logic goes like this:

You: Cut me a piece of cheese from the moon.

Me: I cannot do that.

You: See! I told you space was fake.

You're chasing your own tail. You do you though.

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How so?

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They (along with Peter McCullough) are pushing the mRNA technology now 'subject to modification' and do not address the reverse transcriptase issue. They're trying to walk it back but I don't trust them. https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/the-novelty-of-mrna-viral-vaccines

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Yes, it occurred in vitro. Do you really want to leave it to chance that it doesn't occurr in vivo? https://www.mdpi.com/1467-3045/44/3/73

None of them are talking about this, addressing this paper or any like it.

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Here's a thought. I think every child should have the chance to develop real, naturally acquired, durable, broad immunity to a variety of infectious childhood illnesses that are extremely unlikely to cause death or disability when the child is well nourished and promptly treated (e.g. therapeutic dose retinol, C, zinc etc.) to mitigate severity (e.g. measles) that pretty much guarantee survival. Then as mothers they can protect their very young children with passive immunity that vaccines do not and cannot confer. There must be 50 ways to prevent children dying from childhood infections without destroying their immune, digestive and neurological systems with injected toxins and foreign antigens, not to mention killing them outright and increasing their risk of death by age 5 from other causes especially if they are female.

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Here is the unfortunate reality: all children are the property of the state. The state can do anything with them: it can forcefully poison them (vaccination, psychiatric medication etc.), it can bodily mutilate them (transgenderism), it can forcefully indoctrinate them with state propaganda (public schooling), it can force them to fight in wars and get murdered for no reason.

You are a slave, just like me. The sooner you can admit it for yourself, the better.

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My kids aren't vaxxed and we homeschool. My oldest will graduate high school at 12 years old. Then take online courses for college, even though he's already taking college level math.

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That is very respectable, and probably the best way, to deal with the current situation.

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In my case, I'm property of King Charles and by extension, the WEF.

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It would be interesting to know, who is really in charge the royals or the WEF, or both of them are just a front for somebody else. I didn't find a conclusive answer to that yet.

Although I think the only way to fight this for the average person, is to locally dismantle or take over the petty bureaucracies, that are the enforcement arms of the globalist degenerates.

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Notice Chelsea wears an upside down cross pendant.

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Good catch!

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Hide your children.

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Chelsea Clinton is either certifiably insane or controlled by monsters. Wanting all to be jabbed by a DeathVax is criminal and insane.

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Could these people be any more evil? Mind boggling.

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& SIDS also declined concurrent with decreases in childhood vaccinations during “pandemic”?

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It shows a real weakness when you use Chelsea Clinton to "Double Down."

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And this is why these people MUST face charges for crimes against humanity, tried and when convicted punished in a way they can harm no more. I have hope for RFK Jr not much as he's a socialist authoritarian but was hopeful. However it's obvious now that he is no better than the rest. His not wanting to try these mass murderers has green lighted their continuation of mass murder.

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May 8, 2023
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I got a big diesel truck

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Someone deep dive into her finances

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