Now you know why JFK wanted to end the CIA and was killed for it.

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And his goal was all the three letter agencies!

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Or, the idea that JFK represented Camelot ("a mythical time associated with a sense of unfulfilled promise"--per top result for "Kennedy Camelot" on Google), was itself a Psy Op.

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Don’t think so. He wanted to put the Fed and the CIA out of business. That was too much for the criminals.

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Yes, he wanted to "splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces" (serendipitous side note: commentator William Brown on this substack, on another thread, asserted Hillary Clinton stating she put 1,000 cracks in the glass ceiling, had numerological/mystical significance).

I've studied the JFK assassination in great detail, and at one time I agreed with you; I thought the theory that the deep state killed JFK was the most likely. But now I think it's yet another of many false rabbit holes (like the Mob killing JFK, although that's redundant to the deep state theory, or the Cubans/Soviets did it, or the lone wolf theory, or Dr. Mary's Monkey theory, etc., etc.). Also, people misinterpret the JFK Executive Order re the Federal Reserve and there's no other evidence supporting an intent to take on the banking cartel.

But the most likely theory is that JFK colluded with the deep state to fake his death and create the myth of Camelot and the cult of the presidency, and also scare people like us with the idea (probably true) that the deep state really controls the world, and not even a president can stop them (a black pill). This Psy Op was continued with the Trump presidency in the form of the Q-anon related theories that Trump was secretly thwarted by the deep state (rather than working with the deep state and playing a role).

The best evidence for this theory of the JFK "assassination" comes from looking at it as Sherlock Holmes would look at it. The main physical evidence is so contradictory that it can only be resolved with this theory.

First, just look at the head shot in the Zapruder film--it looks like an obvious doctored representation of a head shot. Fake, in other words. At the time the film was first released almost a decade after the event, by Jeraldo Rivera, it was shocking to the pre Quinten Tarantino America that was not yet decencitized to viewing graphic death on film. Most people averted their eyes and could not look dispassionately at what was represented. But to our modern eyes it looks fake!

Second, the physical evidence of the wounds is irreparably contradictory! Look at the picture of where the whole team of Parkland doctors pointed to where the head wound was (more to the back of the head). The autopsy showed a different location as did the purported photos. So basically the primary evidence shows three different locations for the head wound. Also, Jackie supposedly climbed on the trunk of the car to retrieve skull/brain material which is inconsistent to the gaping wound reflected in the autopsy (her doing this is yet another shocking detail meant to confuse).

How could all the eyewitness doctors at Parkland be so mistaken? How do we reconcile these conflicting details of the most basic fact in any murder investigation?

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In addition to ending the CIA and Federal Reserve, some purport that JFK wanted to get the U.S. out of Vietnam as being another motive. However, even though I don't trust Noam Chomsky and think he is controlled, he has the better argument on this issue when arguing JFK had no such intention.

See here for Chomsky's response to James Galbraith regarding this issue: https://www.bostonreview.net/articles/chomsky-galbraith-letters-vietnam-jfk-kennedy/

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This is just preposterous. Your tin foil hat must be a mile high!

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I don't think it's controversial to point out the head wound evidence conflicts with itself. Maybe my theory is wrong. But how do you explain the conflicting evidence?

Did the Parkland doctors tell the truth about the gaping head wound being in the back of the head? https://www.jfkassassinationgallery.com/displayimage.php?pid=694&fullsize=1

The autopsy results indicate a gaping head wound above the ear: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_F._Kennedy_autopsy#/media/File:JFK_posterior_head_wound.jpg (drawing based on photograph) and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_F._Kennedy_autopsy#/media/File:HSCA-JFK-head-7-125.jpg

The Zapruder film shows the gaping head wound farther anterior, nearer the temple: http://johncostella.com/jfk/intro/blood.html

So Parkland doctors say back of head, autopsy report indicates above the ear, and the Zapruder film shows a wound to the temple.

Which of these three spots is where the gaping head wound actually occurred? What evidence is doctored? Who is lying? Or what otherwise explains the conflicting evidence?

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As Icke has been saying for many years - if you want to know where they are taking us - look at China. That's the template. I fear many of us, still sleeping, who have digested the conflicting lies and hang on to irrational narratives, will still go along.

Thank you for continuing to point out where we are and where 'they' wish to take us.

More than ever, Do Not Comply.

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"Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded, not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering a high morale and community purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.”

-- David Rockefeller, CFR chairman, New York Times, 1973-08-10

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In 1971, Rockefeller agent and lifetime CFR member Henry Kissinger made his "secret trip" to open relations with China. Later that year, China was admitted to the UN. All this while Mao's bloody "cultural revolution" was still in progress: www.britannica.com/story/chinas-cultural-revolution

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What this guy said a few years ago.


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2nd. What's your take on this?

Blood transfusion risks are hot topic today with Kirsch interview in NZ:...

Listen to what Dr. McCullough actually said recently. It's clear he thinks both mRNA and the ability to reproduce spike protein INDEFINITELY Is transmissible via exosome shedding ect to unvaxxed persons. (He recommends min on no sex for 90 days but admits this may be way too short). All of this seems transmissible by transfusion, so when he told Steve it's "safe" he really just means we're trusting the blood bank to spin out the platelets 100% perfectly so other components don't get injected too? I'll pass. Listen!!


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Risks all around.

Shedding is real.

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Especially with the babies and children getting sick from their vax’d parents and /or caregivers.

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Yes, very real. I'm unjabbed and have experienced it firsthand. This was no cold, no flu virus. Felt synthetic, as if I'd been severely poisoned. Have never experienced anything like it before and never want to again.

Affected my neurological/vascular/circulatory/cardiac systems. Lasted 2 full mo's and truly didn't think I was going to survive.

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If you can find any further information on whether mRNA shedding is an actual, functional risk and write about it it would be greatly appreciated and, I would assume, of great interest to many of your readers.

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Worth listenting to the dozens of interviews on left hand column of rense.com with medical researcher Erica Kahn, going back over a year.

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Any take on mask wearing to paritially mitigate it? Yes. I know it makes one look like a covidiot but this is a separate issue with different particle size considerations I'm told.

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Because spike is a protein subunit of a virus particle, masking makes no sense. Somebody employing pretzel logic to demonstrate otherwise?

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I know, but they had another angle and source was pretty reputable. I'll try to find...

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Yes Jimychanga. You look like a covidiot. Somebody has to tell you. Remember the story about the emperor with no clothes!

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Jimychanga is a smart commenter, so he gets the benefit of the doubt in my book. I know better than to be certain about everything.

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The vax mRNA is way too small to be blocked by an n95 mask.

In all 3 jabs, the mRNA averages 100 nm in diameter.

By comparison, measles virus is 120 x 260 nm in diameter and tuberculosis bacillus is 200–500 nm wide and 2–4 µm long & its bioaerosols measure 1000x5000 nm.

N95 masks don't block anything smaller than 3 microns & they don't protect against measles or tb.

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Always found it odd that everyone was worried about masking yet, no one was concerned, or ever considered the eye's, especially given their sensitivity, vulnerability & importance?

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The only reason to wear a muzzle is if you wish to announce clearly to all observers that you are stoooooopid and/or evil. The muzzle is effective for no other purpose.

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Why are these type of China videos always in Portrait frame with zero context. None of the previous ones (e.g. people dropping dead in the streets) were factual. I don't doubt something is in the works, but Propaganda goes both ways 🤷

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I want off this planet.

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why are the citizens not burning the internet to the ground?

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Why did US citizens not rise up to a stolen election? Why did US citizens not stop their children from being masked in schools and all the damage it caused?

The reasons are all the same.

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TPTB haven’t taken our firearms...yet. Do you realize how many guns are in the USA? If you wanted to truly take over a country and her people, wouldn’t you want the guns?

The military would have to step in. What military, I have no idea.

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I used to think that Americans were mad for wanting guns.

Now, I get it.

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“Babylon is global and God is pulling evil out of the darkness so we can see it, so we can make our choice. Those who want to go the way of Babylon, there’s no hope for them.

Let’s not lose sight at what God is doing. Right now, we’re in judgment, and this is sifting. There is a split going on for two different paths. Then there’s going to be those, a remnant, who choose to go the path that’s going to lead to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

With these quantum systems, instead of an explosion of evil - that’s global - what we’re seeing is God is pulling evil out from behind the scenes where it’s always been. And what’s going to happen is an implosion of evil that’s all going to get sucked into these quantum systems; which is going to become an alternate reality and those that go in it are going to be locked in it until it’s eventually thrown in the lake of fire.

But what we have to understand is that Babylon is global, and we are all embedded in it; and the Bible says,

“Come out of her my people, unless you partake in her sin.”

We have to understand the pyramid schemes and the root of these problems, but we also have to understand that it is our financial system, our governmental systems, our education systems, our logistics systems… It’s all tied to Babylon.

None of it is the way of the Most High and how He intended us to be. So, His remnant (us) has to be willing to break free at this point in time. Can you leave the money system behind and walk as Jesus taught us to walk in community and love with your neighbors? Can we stand on biblical morals and principles as a community? And Commandments, we have only one law which belongs to the Most High - no centralized bodies of control. So the world we’re in now, no, there’s no hope, but if we’re willing to make the changes and break free, we’ll be placed on a path to the Kingdom of Heaven.” - love.lee.777

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I completely agree there is an enormous gift in the midst of this. I often think of diamonds and how they form under high degrees of pressure, under the earth. Some emerge fully transformed as diamonds, which minus that pressure would never have been. We're in that kind of transformative process. And yes, we must walk away from the enslavers if we are to survive this, let alone discover ourselves anew in a new world.

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WE are all living in an amazing historical and spiritual time. When I get bogged down about OUR world, I think of that.!

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Yes Lena. I think you are correct. It’s like being in a spiritual matrix. I don’t think everyone sees this or FEELS this. I do.

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Let’s consider the birth of big data-

I’m using Black’s finding of IBM and the Holocaust.

It was the card punch/reader Hollerith system that enabled the cross referencing from the census, tax offices, and health authorities to firstly identify the unproductive useless eaters that later progressed to J’s. It was always under the auspices of maintaining the health of the nation.

IBM never apologized for setting the German system up and maintaining them at camps (extermination HEALTH CONTROL CAMPS, and Slave Labour until death camps )

Speaking of not apologizing-Bush Shwab Soros Ford Rockefeller

So computers (Big Data Analysis) were borne for evil purposes.

Then are computers under the control of Satanic Powers?

Recall modern internet was a DoD device.

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Nothing will change here/USA until people are literally starving in the streets, then those light posts will come in handy. It happens like this every time revolution starts brewing. We're not even remotely close to that. Never comply and read the bible.

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The China file. Is a file that we see so that we are prepared when they try it here. And or for the moral authority to go to another expensive war. Stand with tianemen. That's why they cover it but not any other single protest. Let's guess what the Cia calls the Op. Project ?

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It's too HORRIFIC for Words. But this is what happens when people follow without question. This tyranny was lined for!! The ones who resisted have been terrorized; now it's the other way around. Shame on China! ... but maybe this is what it takes for these people to stop being soldiers of the State. Here in SF, with few exceptions, most people are un-masked. I walk through chinatown, and everyone is still masked, INCLUDING THE LITTLE CHILDREN. It brakes my heart, but even here they follow China's ways, and here the have a CHOICE! Live and learn my friends; this is a TURNING POINT. Drones and Big Pharma Policing us!? Really!? ... HA, I laugh at the millions who called us CONSPIRACY THEORISTS!!

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Not just for Uyghurs.

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Who says the prison is for Chinese citizens? Why do we think a burgeoning imperial power like China wants to enslave only those within its borders?

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Maybe its for the Taiwanese survivors?

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People in the UK/Wales now EATING PET FOOD warmed over candles because that's all they can afford.

- Some are HEATING food with candles because they have no power

- What pet food would you eat if that were your last remaining option?


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It will never happen here...in other words (best said by Kunta Kinte's old man), there must be much bleeding.

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