All of the principal participants in the vaccine/Big Pharma industries must be prosecuted for committing crimes against humanity. Those found guilty of committing these crimes must be publicly executed. Period.

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Especially pediatricians who know that vaxxes cause injury. How can they not when they see kids change after jabs? Or die soon after? They’ve turned a blind eye to it.

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Yes, indeed. Pediatricians specifically and many other doctors and other people in the healthcare trades in general that knowingly, and willingly participate in this are every bit as guilty of these crimes against humanity as are the instigators, perpetrators and propagators of these injections.

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Of course...Why waste money on expensive trials when you can just bribe people at the FDA and CDC? Pharma? The executives and politicians who pushed the mRNA vaccines should be shot...And everyone injured given full compensation, which will bankrupt everyone except Merck...

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I read "Turtles All the Way Down" a couple of years ago and just finished a second reading. It's nice to see the news getting out! Aaron Siri is a treasure.

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The first voice in the wilderness of America warning of the Psyop/ Crime of the Century I read 4 yrs ago.. Thank you! For your unrelenting Focus on the Reality of America’s plight.. and for your Creative solutions that make a difference..! Keep them coming!!!

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"Not a single childhood vaccine on the CDC's schedule was licensed based on a long-term placebo-controlled trial. Not one."

People, go no further. Don't bother with any other commentary on vaccinism. You've got it all there.


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Even for the two vaccines which did use a placebo, if and only if the placebo was a inert saline solution, would this constitute a bona fide control.

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There is another substack in the comments also..


Hypothesis: Intramuscular Injection of Saline Solution is Not a Placebo Control

Saline injection adverse events caused by innate immune responses model




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Thank you. I have long been of the thought that injection of any substance should be forbidden, but it will probably be when hell freezes over that the allopathic paradigm will finally be debunked.

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Darn. For those of us on fixed incomes we can only hit the sales around the first of the month. Maybe you will schedule one then? Thanks.

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Contact the company directly and they will supply you with whatever you require at whichever price that you can afford. Tell them 2SG said so 😀

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Thank you!

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In 1957-'58 as my family prepared to go to my father's work assignment in the jungles of Sumatra, I received many vaccinations, as a four-year-old. In light of recent developments in the field of vaccine injury, I see a parallel between my life experience and interpersonal relationships and what I know of people on the Autism spectrum. I have been clinically diagnosed with ADD as an adult. I have also known Missionary Kids and others who would have been vaccinated in the late 1950s. Has anyone studied "third-culture kids' syndrome"? I suspect that many personality quirks and difficulties plague people who have been vaccinated as children, and while other factors pertain, and the quirks and difficulties vary and are not blatantly obvious, this would be an appropriate population in which to investigate vaccine injury long-term effects.

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I wish someone would inform Dopey Fauci.

🤪 or 👺

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Our current situation is not as desperate as it was back in the days of smallpox. Everyone needed protection from smallpox. No healthy person needs protection against a common cold virus, especially the means promoted is a viral mRNA product.

To see why this is so, consider how certain people in the present day, understanding neither the situation then, nor the concepts and processes of vaccine immunology now, criticized Edward Jenner for vaccinating the son of a friend against smallpox, for “experimenting” on a child.

However, in those days before Edward Jenner’s discovery, one’s choices were between

A. just hoping that one’s child did not get smallpox or

B. inoculating one’s child with pus from the lesions of someone with an active case of smallpox.

If that was done right, the inoculee would have a 49 in 50 chance of getting a mild case of smallpox with only a few lesions that generally disappeared without scarring.

He would have a 1 in 50 chance of developing a full-blown case of smallpox that carried a serious risk of death, scarring, blindness, or insanity.

In either case, though, anyone coming into contact with the lesions risked a full blown case of smallpox.

The question was why injecting small amounts of pus from the lesions was as effective as it was.

We know now that as few as a half dozen or so smallpox virions were enough to cause a full blown infection. But we also know now that the pus also contained the products of innate and adaptive immune attacks on the smallpox virions as well as many fragments of the destroyed virus.

When this mixture was injected subcutaneously over a fairly large area of the body, the presence of a lot of partially destroyed virus kicked the innate immune system into high gear and a much more rapid training of T and B cells of the adaptive immune system to produce a wide variety of specific antibodies and T-cells.

But Jenner had heard that people, principally milk maids, who had contracted cowpox, a rather mild and non-life threatening disease, were ever after immune from contracting a clinical case of smallpox.

His first job was to identify which of several different pox-like diseases was the one that conferred adaptive immunity (though no one then knew what those immune systems were). Having done that, he vaccinated the son of a friend using pus from a cowpox lesion from a local milk maid.

After a few days, the boy developed the pustules typical of cowpox. After a week or so, everything cleared up and he recovered from the cowpox as usual with no ill effects.

Now it was time to test the effectiveness of that by inoculating the boy with pus from lesions from someone with active smallpox.

And this is where modern morons get everything screwed up.

It wasn’t sufficient to just wait for years to see if the kid ever developed smallpox. If he did not, no one would know why and he could still be susceptible of getting infected by smallpox in a way that did not give him a solid 49/50 chance of surviving it with no ill effects.

Because of this, inoculating him with smallpox using that method was, for him, the safest thing to do and it would also be a test of the vaccination with cowpox.

Again, leaving infection with smallpox up to chance would, if he were not immune via the prior cowpox infection, almost certainly doom him to very serious adverse effects.

Because of this, if the cowpox vaccination did not work, then his inoculation using pus from smallpox lesions, done in the manner known to be effective, would protect him from future cases of smallpox at only the small cost of a mild, relatively non-scarring, and non-lethal infection.

If, however, he was given the smallpox inoculation in the prescribed manner with pus from someone with an active case of smallpox and he did NOT develop the 49/50 mild infection of smallpox, then that was a significant level of evidence that a deliberate vaccination with pus from cowpox, followed by the relatively mild disease of cowpox, was as effective at preventing the developing of a clinical case of smallpox as that experienced by milk maids who were accidentally infected with cowpox and never went on to develop smallpox.

To distinguish the two forms of preventive treatment, the term vaccination (derived from the Latin word for cow) was coined.

We know now that the reason being deliberately infected with cowpox was effective in preventing smallpox was because the two viruses shared a large enough number of identical viral proteins that the antibodies and T cells formed against those in cowpox were sufficient to allow the adaptive and the innate immune systems to quickly take out the smallpox virus by their action against the viral proteins they had in common.

Several things follow from this:

1. No living viruses need be used if there is a sufficient amount of a sufficient variety of viral proteins.

The large enough amount of the viral proteins will stimulate a large enough innate immune response followed by the adaptive immune system training.

But the large enough variety of viral proteins will ensure a large enough variety of specific antibodies and T cells to seriously screw up any viruses they bump into.

The later vaccinations against smallpox contained about 500 different smallpox antigens. They also contained such a large amount of them that the initial innate immune response caused a large lesion to form followed by the characteristic smallpox vaccination scar. As a result, there was a strong adaptive immune response AND it was one that was against a huge number of viral antigens. As a result, in exchange for a scar on their shoulder the recipients were totally protected against developing a clinical case of smallpox. Sure people still got infected, but it was taken out so quickly and thoroughly that transmission was interrupted.

And since humans were the only vector for smallpox, once it was eliminated in humans it was eliminated everywhere.

2. The degree that you try to skimp on the quantity of antigen load by using an adjuvant and that you try to skimp on a large enough antigen variety by just using a few or even a single viral antigen is the degree to which you’ll make an adaptive immune response that is too weak and too limited in viral target to be effective.

3. If you use a cell transfection reagent to introduce viral genes into healthy cells indiscriminately throughout multiple organ systems, then the resulting innate immune inflammatory attack, instead of being mounted against bits and pieces of viral proteins in the extracellular fluid compartment, will, instead, be mounted against the organs containing those product-compromised cells in an effort to kill those cells because they appear to be virally-infected. This is not vaccination. It is an artificial viral disease.

And if cells in a sufficiently large and diverse number of organ systems are compromised, then the innate immune inflammatory attacks on them will seriously mess up a lot of nearby cells, resulting in damage to organs, dysfunction, and possibly death. This is not vaccination. This is an artificial viral disease.

And if this is repeated with successive injections, then the amount of damage will be compounded in a dose-dependent manner. This is not vaccination. It is the equivalent of multiple infections by an artificial super virus against which you can never develop adaptive immunity with only more and more serious insult to organs leading to increasing dysfunction and, finally, death.

Everything that immune systems were designed to protect you from and that stimulation of immune systems by the use of viral PROTEINS was designed to protect you from.

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Is it at all suspicious to anyone that everyone at the pharmacy, everyone at the doctor's' office, everyone around me trying to inject me or promote these "vaccines," is either from India or China? And that these are the two groups of people buying all of the most expensive properties in the United States, and populating most of the universities in the United States? Or is that just a "coincidence?"

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A neighbor from South Asia brought her infant twins home from America several years ago to meet the family's relatives. I am sure they got vaccinated to protect them from all the tropical diseases. Now, at about eight years old, both children are severely autistic--nonverbal. The parents, technically educated, are sure it's their fault (bad genes) and refuse to consider whether their children could have received vaccine injuries.

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That's interesting. I notice that most of the Asian community in San Diego is fully bought into the virus and vaccine narrative. It is a Borg-like unquestioning worship of materialist "science" and anything in the techno-sphere. I believe in many western countries, believing in God--belief in a higher power--gives us the strength to question the notion that that human powers and government have the ability to decree "highest good." I also notice an incredibly high number of people from the Sino-sphere that seem "autistic" to me, regardless of whether or not they are vaccinated.

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Insurance companies, doctors, Pharma industries promote the high levels of vaccines. If doctor doesn't meet insurance company level no bonus but at higher levels more money. If vax is a combination and a reaction occurs which one is it. The CDC and FDA let the experiment occur on the people as receive the vaccines while pharma donates a nice sum of money to the agency for faster approval. License and testing seems to me mushed in there study a day or three days at tops with the control being anything choose could be another vaccine. The amount of mercury and aluminum appears to illicit the response and that's immunity.


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2SG - If you use the Joe Tippins protocol for cancer, is that a forever thing? Is there a time to stop? That isn’t really clear. Would appreciate your direction on this!

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Irrespective of what protocol you use always continue it for at least 2 years after being given the all clear. In addition take 2 or more grams of vit. C daily to clear the biofilm the malassezia yeast hide in to evade the immune system. Take your vitamin c at the other end of the day if you are using fenbendazole as there is some evidence that it may interfere with its effectiveness if taken too close. And that goes for people that haven't got cancer minimum of 2 grams per day.

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Good to have that chart

Thank you

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