Never forget, never let them forget, never let their followers and cultists forget.

The internet is forever. Bombard them with supersets of every Opposite Day utterance. Comment and question reminding everyone what they said. Dr. "Communist Piece of Dog Shit" Wen promised to ruin our lives and urged the federal government to confiscate our driver's license, right to interstate travel, and every constitutional right.

Don't allow anyone to believe they have changed. Throw them from power. If you can, try them and hang them.

But never, EVER fucking forget.

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The decision to wear a muzzle should NOT be an individual choice. It should be outright illegal. Wearing a Covid muzzle is like wearing a swastika - it's a symbol of pure evil.

Yeah yeah, some judge would probably overturn the ordinance on 1st Amendment grounds. Just like you are technically allowed to wear a swastika around town. But I don't care. The ban would send a strong message. And at least a handful of muzzle creeps would get arrested.

Any candidate for City Council who promises to introduce a muzzle ban has not only my vote, but my active support.

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New York Penal Law 240.35(4), it is illegal to congregate in public with two or more people while each wearing a mask or any face covering which disguises your identity. The law has existed since 1845, when tenant farmers, in response to a lowering of wheat prices, dressed up as “Indians” and covered their faces with masks in order to attack the police anonymously. There are exceptions for masquerades and other entertainment events that are deemed appropriate by the city (such as Halloween).


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Now do burqas and other dehumanization of women under orthodox Islam.

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They will coordinate this pivot with further censorship to try to cover up the totalitarian clown show.

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These people are pathological and serial liars. They simply realize that with Omicron not playing along and instead fading fast, that they’re losing popular support for masks and restrictions and thus won’t have the ability to keep the fear narrative going all the way until November. So they’re switching sides as the political winds change and claiming science supports it.

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Desantis already took their sails away


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“Covid” has been all politics from the start. All but the willfully obtuse recognize that.

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Alas, the willfully obtuse are many in number.

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It's "the science" when they want you to unquestioningly follow their rules. "The science changes" when they arbitrarily change their rules but want you to follow them all the same.

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CNN is to journalism what VD is to sex.

The network is beyond fake news, and has been for years. One would have to be in denial or a complete moron not to recognize this. Let's face it, why would CNN continue to have as their 'legal expert' a disgraced lawyer who got caught jerking off in a zoom call with his work colleagues at the New Yorker? He's not the only whack job employed at CNN.

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She's quoted a lot on the Substacks I read, but does anyone really follow her advice (other than the CNN toadys)?

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