That is one of the many reasons I tell people not to pay taxes. Want some others? Over 5 lawyers have told me they stopped since 2015. The US never sees that money, it goes to other countries. You'll be paying an illegitimate crime spree, not a Constitutional Republic and Obama has admitted that HE is pulling the strings, somebody pulls his too.
That is one of the many reasons I tell people not to pay taxes. Want some others? Over 5 lawyers have told me they stopped since 2015. The US never sees that money, it goes to other countries. You'll be paying an illegitimate crime spree, not a Constitutional Republic and Obama has admitted that HE is pulling the strings, somebody pulls his too.
So your solution is to not pay taxes? And go to prison for the rest of your life? What do you accomplish by doing that? I am not saying paying taxes is a good thing because, yes, the US government is evil. However, we can pay taxes and stay out of prison and bring down the government in other ways.
When the People fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the People, there is Liberty.
So, I would opine that you believe we are living under tyranny. I believe this, too.
What’s the solution? A man, acting alone, is at risk. In numbers, we have power. Instead of cowering individually, we need to must stand in opposition together.
They cannot arrest us all. And what’s the worst they can do to us, individually? Kill us. Philosophically, we’re dead already, only the time has not arrived and the circumstances unknown. Personally, I would like to believe that I would rather fight and die than submit and be enslaved. I think my life is a reasonable trade for my grandchildren living with the blessings of Liberty.
We’re at a real inflection point in history. The path we choose - and it IS our choice - our descendants will have to travel for a millennium. Not a time for timidity.
Always remember, we outnumber them by orders of magnitude. Just my 2 cents, but I’ve always been an anarchist (absence of political authority).
Well said. Yes, we are living under a tyrannical government. The problem is too many people are distracted by the free flowing beer, the porn, vaping THC, gambling and watching all the streaming services. Only when there is mass collapse will we be able to fight back. Too many folks elect to take the blue pill. I would advocate that once everyone refuses to pay taxes, that would be a good time not to pay taxes. Otherwise, you will suffer in prison and forgo a life. That is not going to effect change.
I agree in that I'm not eager to be a martyr. But, there is never a good time for revolution. "The future's uncertain and the end is always near."
You and I seem to be on quite the same page as to the conditions we're living under. You recognize the danger. But, whereas, I am willing to act, in concert with others, you aren't. People won't come to some agreement, en masse, to a course of action. It has to grow from a seed, then others join in. Nobody is riding in in a white hat to see us.
The men that signed the Declaration of Independence understood the risks they were taking. They took them anyway.
"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."
Most of them lost everything. Yet, they gave us Freedom. As beneficiaries, we're not holding up our responsibility to future generations.
You won't be a martyr or if you are not alone. Here is that bit again, Phil Davis 303-810-8012 is the cell so text me at that number and state you want to join.
Stand for what you believe. Even if it means that you have to stand alone! I've been lucky, at least 45 others (my platoon in Nam) stand with me. Now we are 60 others (sons).
You say you are willing to 'act.' What have you done to change the course of events? Can you or even a large group people effect lasting change in DC? Just because I pay taxes does NOT mean I do not care or I am not willing to act in other ways. I choose to pay taxes as I do not want to spend the remainder of my life in prison. The US has the largest prison system on the planet. We are worse than the Russian gulags. The system is perfectly content to swallow me up and ruin my life and my family without a second thought. And when I am in prison, what good will that do? How can we effect change when the majority of the population is content to drink beer, surf for porn, smoke THC, gamble, and watch streaming movies? What makes you think that if I pay my taxes I am not willing to act? Unless I see large numbers of folks willing to step up and take risks, why should I languish in prison and leave my children fatherless? Who would care? Would I get a 60 minute interview? As for the Declaration of Independence, just remember that the folks that took the risks were the oligarchy. They stood to make even more money by getting rid of the British. How can you compare me with them? I am a 'nobody' of no rank and importance...
I can’t disagree with anything you write. I, too, am a “nobody of rank and importance.” I’ve called and written to my “representatives”. Seems to get the same results as not. I’ve been writing on forums such as this, starting with “letters to the editor” for over fifty years. I’ve been screaming at my family and friends for decades of the gathering darkness. Mostly lost family and friends for my efforts. I was visited by the FBI once for things I’ve written. That was an interesting encounter. I have no plan of action, but I can see CLEARLY what will be the result of our continuing inaction. Lives of hellish desperation for our future generations. Of THAT I am certain.
When they require your vaccine passport to keep your job or participate in society, what will you do? If your children are required to take that proven deadly vaxxine to go to school, what will you do? When the succeed in crippling the food supply, what will you do? When our “leaders”, in their hubris, provoke a nuclear confrontation with Russia, what will you do?
It sure seems, to me, that inaction is every bit as perilous. But, hey, if I can just stay under the radar one more day…
Forgive me, I’m not intending to bag on you. It’s just that my name is Cassandra
I feel for you. I also have brought up the impending darkness and I am laughed at. I am sorry you had a visit from the FBI. That had to be scary. Government tyranny is all around us and yet the rubes think all is well. As for your questions...I fight the vaccine passport. I pull my children out of public schools. I grow my own garden and know local farmers that I can buy produce and meat from. As for Ukraine mess, there is not much we can do other than pray that God will strike down the neocons and Zionists and kill them all before they kill us. All of these things I can do outside of prison. And I appreciate your time in this discussion. Keep the faith and never give up. God bless.
Yes Catherine Austin Fitts is on my list of folks to pay attention to! You and I have some things in common! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I've been an anarchist since being stationed in Vietnam, I've seen just how evil and narcissistic the US government is. THAT is what we call the deep state. Actually, the deep state has tentacles everywhere.
We DO outnumber the gubmint, we DO outgun them, Brandon's F-25 reference was comical. 50 years ago, F-25s were a good plane to have now they equal a Cessna or so. I've been working on how to "starve the beast." While we thrive. It really is simple, so simple that most should know it by now and if not that's what I'm doing for them.
I'm an anarchist, but right now I work within the system. I have a few solutions. A plan C you can get that at Pro America, the next I think is much more important a sort of database to get us together. There is a risk, will the enemy try to break in. The guy I'm working with; Phil Davis 303-810-8012 is the cell so text me at that number and state you want to join.
Yes, I have been writing one or two. The don't pay taxes is just a way to be a thorn in their side, they'll undoubtedly just print more money anyway if someone doesn't. As Beccera said, "The Fed is a hoax."
I agree. I spent many years being trained in business and accounting long ago. I now have structured my life to where I pay almost no income tax, but completely legally. Law is technicalities. Can’t dodge property tax sadly.
I would not say that. The ONE thing the US govt does not tolerate is non-payment of taxes. One will end up languishing in prison for a very long time. There are other ways to bring down the government without having to waste away your life in prison. I your taxes and live a fulfilling life.
Agreed Matt, nobody has to follow me on that. Those are just things I was told. My wife pays our taxes anyway. You've heard of homesteading? What I'm doing is a few steps before it. You aren't completely on your own yet. When people can handle it, I'm sure they will go off-grid and buy dome land with no address.
I did respond to the Vanguard and Blackrock bit, somehow it vanished. I don't find it important though. All I said were they were almost the ultimate power except for WEF. Obama is day to day. Remember his quote about Biden's propensity to f**k up? He hasn't been proven wrong, has he? On youtube he admits he runs the show as well as he is Kenyan two different places.
Someone tries to kill you, do you just say hello or level your rifle so that they are in your sights? That little voice is saying don't waste your time. So Merry Christmas.
That is one of the many reasons I tell people not to pay taxes. Want some others? Over 5 lawyers have told me they stopped since 2015. The US never sees that money, it goes to other countries. You'll be paying an illegitimate crime spree, not a Constitutional Republic and Obama has admitted that HE is pulling the strings, somebody pulls his too.
If you pay taxes, you’re complicit in all of this evil.
So your solution is to not pay taxes? And go to prison for the rest of your life? What do you accomplish by doing that? I am not saying paying taxes is a good thing because, yes, the US government is evil. However, we can pay taxes and stay out of prison and bring down the government in other ways.
When the People fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the People, there is Liberty.
So, I would opine that you believe we are living under tyranny. I believe this, too.
What’s the solution? A man, acting alone, is at risk. In numbers, we have power. Instead of cowering individually, we need to must stand in opposition together.
They cannot arrest us all. And what’s the worst they can do to us, individually? Kill us. Philosophically, we’re dead already, only the time has not arrived and the circumstances unknown. Personally, I would like to believe that I would rather fight and die than submit and be enslaved. I think my life is a reasonable trade for my grandchildren living with the blessings of Liberty.
We’re at a real inflection point in history. The path we choose - and it IS our choice - our descendants will have to travel for a millennium. Not a time for timidity.
Always remember, we outnumber them by orders of magnitude. Just my 2 cents, but I’ve always been an anarchist (absence of political authority).
Well said. Yes, we are living under a tyrannical government. The problem is too many people are distracted by the free flowing beer, the porn, vaping THC, gambling and watching all the streaming services. Only when there is mass collapse will we be able to fight back. Too many folks elect to take the blue pill. I would advocate that once everyone refuses to pay taxes, that would be a good time not to pay taxes. Otherwise, you will suffer in prison and forgo a life. That is not going to effect change.
I agree in that I'm not eager to be a martyr. But, there is never a good time for revolution. "The future's uncertain and the end is always near."
You and I seem to be on quite the same page as to the conditions we're living under. You recognize the danger. But, whereas, I am willing to act, in concert with others, you aren't. People won't come to some agreement, en masse, to a course of action. It has to grow from a seed, then others join in. Nobody is riding in in a white hat to see us.
The men that signed the Declaration of Independence understood the risks they were taking. They took them anyway.
"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."
Most of them lost everything. Yet, they gave us Freedom. As beneficiaries, we're not holding up our responsibility to future generations.
You won't be a martyr or if you are not alone. Here is that bit again, Phil Davis 303-810-8012 is the cell so text me at that number and state you want to join.
Stand for what you believe. Even if it means that you have to stand alone! I've been lucky, at least 45 others (my platoon in Nam) stand with me. Now we are 60 others (sons).
You say you are willing to 'act.' What have you done to change the course of events? Can you or even a large group people effect lasting change in DC? Just because I pay taxes does NOT mean I do not care or I am not willing to act in other ways. I choose to pay taxes as I do not want to spend the remainder of my life in prison. The US has the largest prison system on the planet. We are worse than the Russian gulags. The system is perfectly content to swallow me up and ruin my life and my family without a second thought. And when I am in prison, what good will that do? How can we effect change when the majority of the population is content to drink beer, surf for porn, smoke THC, gamble, and watch streaming movies? What makes you think that if I pay my taxes I am not willing to act? Unless I see large numbers of folks willing to step up and take risks, why should I languish in prison and leave my children fatherless? Who would care? Would I get a 60 minute interview? As for the Declaration of Independence, just remember that the folks that took the risks were the oligarchy. They stood to make even more money by getting rid of the British. How can you compare me with them? I am a 'nobody' of no rank and importance...
I can’t disagree with anything you write. I, too, am a “nobody of rank and importance.” I’ve called and written to my “representatives”. Seems to get the same results as not. I’ve been writing on forums such as this, starting with “letters to the editor” for over fifty years. I’ve been screaming at my family and friends for decades of the gathering darkness. Mostly lost family and friends for my efforts. I was visited by the FBI once for things I’ve written. That was an interesting encounter. I have no plan of action, but I can see CLEARLY what will be the result of our continuing inaction. Lives of hellish desperation for our future generations. Of THAT I am certain.
When they require your vaccine passport to keep your job or participate in society, what will you do? If your children are required to take that proven deadly vaxxine to go to school, what will you do? When the succeed in crippling the food supply, what will you do? When our “leaders”, in their hubris, provoke a nuclear confrontation with Russia, what will you do?
It sure seems, to me, that inaction is every bit as perilous. But, hey, if I can just stay under the radar one more day…
Forgive me, I’m not intending to bag on you. It’s just that my name is Cassandra
I feel for you. I also have brought up the impending darkness and I am laughed at. I am sorry you had a visit from the FBI. That had to be scary. Government tyranny is all around us and yet the rubes think all is well. As for your questions...I fight the vaccine passport. I pull my children out of public schools. I grow my own garden and know local farmers that I can buy produce and meat from. As for Ukraine mess, there is not much we can do other than pray that God will strike down the neocons and Zionists and kill them all before they kill us. All of these things I can do outside of prison. And I appreciate your time in this discussion. Keep the faith and never give up. God bless.
I'm not a huge fan of Greg Hunter, but Catherine Austin Fitts is well worth listening to.
Yes Catherine Austin Fitts is on my list of folks to pay attention to! You and I have some things in common! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas, Matt.
I've been an anarchist since being stationed in Vietnam, I've seen just how evil and narcissistic the US government is. THAT is what we call the deep state. Actually, the deep state has tentacles everywhere.
We DO outnumber the gubmint, we DO outgun them, Brandon's F-25 reference was comical. 50 years ago, F-25s were a good plane to have now they equal a Cessna or so. I've been working on how to "starve the beast." While we thrive. It really is simple, so simple that most should know it by now and if not that's what I'm doing for them.
I'm an anarchist, but right now I work within the system. I have a few solutions. A plan C you can get that at Pro America, the next I think is much more important a sort of database to get us together. There is a risk, will the enemy try to break in. The guy I'm working with; Phil Davis 303-810-8012 is the cell so text me at that number and state you want to join.
Keep in mind it was a small tireless minority that began this now failed experiment in government
Yes, I have been writing one or two. The don't pay taxes is just a way to be a thorn in their side, they'll undoubtedly just print more money anyway if someone doesn't. As Beccera said, "The Fed is a hoax."
I agree. I spent many years being trained in business and accounting long ago. I now have structured my life to where I pay almost no income tax, but completely legally. Law is technicalities. Can’t dodge property tax sadly.
I would not say that. The ONE thing the US govt does not tolerate is non-payment of taxes. One will end up languishing in prison for a very long time. There are other ways to bring down the government without having to waste away your life in prison. I your taxes and live a fulfilling life.
Agreed Matt, nobody has to follow me on that. Those are just things I was told. My wife pays our taxes anyway. You've heard of homesteading? What I'm doing is a few steps before it. You aren't completely on your own yet. When people can handle it, I'm sure they will go off-grid and buy dome land with no address.
I voted Obama. Biggest crime I ever committed to the USA.
If you really believe Obama was decent, it’s obscene
Didn't read "somebody pulls his too," did you? In too much of a hurry to defend your Kenyan God? I see him differently, very differently.
I did respond to the Vanguard and Blackrock bit, somehow it vanished. I don't find it important though. All I said were they were almost the ultimate power except for WEF. Obama is day to day. Remember his quote about Biden's propensity to f**k up? He hasn't been proven wrong, has he? On youtube he admits he runs the show as well as he is Kenyan two different places.
Someone tries to kill you, do you just say hello or level your rifle so that they are in your sights? That little voice is saying don't waste your time. So Merry Christmas.
Sorry, trolling time is over.