Before he was installed by the CIA as “president” and sometime after he retired from his gay porn “acting” career, Zelensky the “comic” would go on Ukrainian teevee and run through a painfully corny set of jokes that would be considered egregiously politically incorrect by the very Western leftists that now mindlessly support all things Ukraine.
From partial admissions to being a homosexual, to his admiration of Hitler, to pointing out that the CIA and other criminal entities were running his country, Zelensky basically exposed the truth about the sick relationship between Ukraine and the West, replete with sniggering and snide clapping from an audience comprised in no small part of Neo-Nazis. The very same Neo-Nazis that both American political parties support in order to better money launder the looting of We the People through theft via taxation, as they carve up the last vestiges of wealth from the very Constitutional Republic that they swore to uphold, but, instead, are actively killing off.
Watch in horror:
Also, ask yourselves how the definition of a useful idiot communist bubblehead could amass such wealth (hint: warmongering and selling out the country):
This “government” and its rigged elections must be overhauled, and fast.
Do NOT comply.
Hey! The little guy goes to jail if he doesn't pay! Between a rock and a hard place! Corruption is so deep we can't see the bottom!
That is one of the many reasons I tell people not to pay taxes. Want some others? Over 5 lawyers have told me they stopped since 2015. The US never sees that money, it goes to other countries. You'll be paying an illegitimate crime spree, not a Constitutional Republic and Obama has admitted that HE is pulling the strings, somebody pulls his too.