This substack has previously covered the WEF penetrated Canadian government and their various crimes against humanity:
And if any Canadians refuse to subject themselves to the slow kill bioweapon injections and never-ending boosters, then the government will classify all bio-refuseniks as mentally ill, thus nudging them hard into ingesting psychiatric drugs which will presumably “cure” them into unreservedly accepting continuous “vaccines” and other State tyrannies:

In a seemingly unrelated development, Canadian bank Vancity, which claims to be member-owned, but is for all intents and purposes a WEF, UN, CFR, BIS and BlackRock captured ESG bank, will soon be issuing their very own PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE credit card:
“We know many Vancity members are looking for ways to reduce the impact they have on the environment, particularly when it comes to the emissions that cause climate change,” said Jonathan Fowlie, Vancity’s Chief External Relations Officer.
“As a member-owned financial cooperative, we believe it is our job to do everything we can to help, especially when it comes to the decisions people make with their money. This tool will equip Vancity Visa credit cardholders with valuable information on their purchases and enable them to connect their daily spending decisions to the change they want to see in the world.”
The State and its corporate partners-in-crime eagerly provide its citizenry with the very tools and materials for them to construct their own digital prisons. In other words, the populace needs to be “looking for ways” to imprison themselves as a direct function of ceaseless State propaganda.
And the most powerful propaganda program that has ever been foisted on the planet is the hyper-centralized PSYOP-19 con, which also happened to have been and continues to be the greatest grifting operation in the history of the world.
The entire “pandemic” was always a coordinated global Central Bankster scheme whereby unelected central planners funded themselves and their partners in financial terrorism like BlackRock under the guises of public health and global financial stability in order to buy additional time propping up their untenable debt-based system.
And which WEF puppet “penetrator” do you think would hugely benefit from such Central Bankster power grab schemes? Perhaps someone whose greatest private sector achievements were a pastime of wearing blackface, working as a schoolteacher and sexually abusing women?
Every time a Canadian got a shot, Trudeau experienced “a really amazing feeling” tracking his bank account balance. By simply following orders and securing millions upon millions of DEATHVAX™doses, puppets like Trudeau were all handsomely rewarded with backroom BigPharma deals:

If you do not take the “vaccines” that you paid for from money stolen from you via taxes, and if you do not comply with the CO2 monitoring scams, and if you do not take all of the experimental boosters that the government demands of you, and if you do not take all of your psychiatric meds for refusing said boosters or any other unconstitutional government mandate, and if you do not incorporate the “vaccine” passport in every facet of your life, then how will sociopathic grifters like Trudeau ever get to amass great fortunes from relatively modest salaries that you pay for under direct threat of violence from the Canadian government?
These very same Central Banksters and the likes of BlackRock worked closely with illegitimate Federal governments and their criminal agencies like the NIH and Health Canada in setting up the BigPharma DEATHVAX™ program. And what better way to discharge liabilities like social security and pensions then by administering eugenics injections and/or encouraging State sponsored euthanasia for being poor, sickly, “depressed,” etc. & etc.? And they are also aggressively promoting euthanasia for not just adults, but for children too.
Making all of the above connections: if you do not comply in any way in State imposed groupthink, then your social credit score will be triggered such that your UBI will be limited, and/or you will be transferred to a reeducation camp where they will medicate you into conformity, at which point the AI algorithms will reassess your social viability metrics for genetically modified posthuman ‘own nothing’ society reintegration OR granted the freedom to be happily euthanized.
The future will be that binary.
If for any reason you believe that the above is some kind of dystopian sci-fi high octane speculation, then know that the Canadian sponsored euthanasia scheme MAID is now fully operational:
Trudeau and his administration of fellow WEF puppets and NAZI descendants are not even bothering to hide the fact that they want their citizenry totally controlled and ultimately depopulated.
They are blatantly telegraphing their murderous agenda.
The Death Cult dots are purposely too easy to connect for anyone bothering to look; these same dark forces throughout history have always publicly seeded their evil psyops in order for humanity to unconsciously comply and actively participate in their very own mass ritual suicides.
Canada, along with the other WEF “penetrated” nations like Israel, Australia and New Zealand, provides a terrifying glimpse into the near future of a technocratic boot stamping on a human face— forever.
Do NOT comply.
You forgot to mention that Trudeau is literally a commie bastard, illegitimate spawn of Castro ;)
His master Xi dressing him down at G20 was superb... he walked off like a little kid that just got grounded for talking back to his parents..