Connecting The PSYOPS: How "Pandemics" Flow Into "Wars" Flow Into Whichever New State Supplied Fear Programs Du Jour
This Substack had previously traced the origins of the CIA to the NAZI SS and OSS, and how the Intelligence Industrial Complex created the PSYOP-19 “pandemic” and associated DEATHVAX™.
The CIA’s behavioral psychologists along with their partners-in-crime at the Pentagon, DoD, WHO, WEF, UN, CFR, Gates’ “nonprofits”, et al. manufactured consent through their mass induced fear program which cleverly leveraged “Trust the Science,” more at junk science.
Once the globalists realized maximum DEATHVAX™ uptake, they had to pivot to the next phases of their Great Reset program. To that end they simply deployed a war in PSYOP-UKRAINE-INVASION which they had been seeding for decades; in fact, they were positioning NATO to continuously further betray longstanding agreements with Russia by expanding right up to her borders. Then in 2014 the CIA orchestrated their Ukraine coup, which guaranteed that all of their pieces were in place for yet another convenient war when the time was most expedient.
A recent poll perfectly exposes the above points by tracking how respondents in the Scientism cult have been brainwashed by the State to mindlessly support the propaganda of the day versus those that have their critical thinking skills still intact; to wit:
We could easily infer that support for things like LGBTQIAP+, PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE, etc. would also as per above correlate perfectly amongst the “vaccinated” versus the unvaccinated.
The very same way the CIA was created with top NAZIS also happened to be how NATO was formed, with the identical fascist culture that to this very day informs their respective raison d'êtres:
All of these NAZI/Technocommunist agencies and organizations which are nothing more than One World Government nodes deployed to slowly erode the last vestiges of privacy and freedom from humanity. Now that their operations are accelerating and the technology is mature enough, they are gearing up for their CBDC consolidation scam, which of course will port directly into their AI-driven X Everything App social credit score system.
There are no coincidences, with ESG functioning as the corporate compliance side of the forthcoming CBDC control grid power grab:
When Larry Fink invokes “forced behaviors” he is also referring to the CIA’s et al. behavioral psychology programs that nudge feeble and fearful minds into complying with whichever One World Government psyops are being deployed (e.g. the forthcoming PSYOP-CYBER-POLYGON, PSYOP-23, and PSYOP-MARKET-CRASH.)
The CBDC along with PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE constitutes the final phases of their 4th Industrial Revolution, where you will own nothing, especially not your own life, and you will be behaviorally forced into being a “happy” genetically modified posthuman slave:
They are no coincidences.
They want you dead.
Do NOT comply.
Carter Administration DOJ Nazi Hunter Prosecutor, John Loftus
Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, The Nazis, and the Swiss Banks
Sarasota Reading Festival, November 11, 2000 (47:59)
(Between 20:44-34:44)
"There's a few pages in my book The Secret War against the Jews that talked about our unusual banking system some of my intelligence friends had stumbled across. I’m going to break a major news story today. It seems that during World War Two the leading Nazi industrialists secretly owned a bank in New York City. That bank was dissolved in 1951. However the records are clear. The Nazi bank in Manhattan was run by President Bush's father. Prescott Bush. And by Herbert Walker his grandfather. The Bush family was on the wrong side of World War Two."
"Let's put it back in context. After World War One the leading German steel magnate, August Thyssen, was very upset because the allies seized some of his companies for war reparations. And he was determined never to have this happen the next war. So he set up a series of banks."
"And then a bank in Manhattan, The Union Banking Corp (UBC).
So no matter which side won the next war his corporations could move their stocks and bonds from one bank to the other."
"So they went to a major investment firm Brown Brothers Harriman in Manhattan. Now this firm was founded by Herbert Walker and merged with a British firm Brown Brothers with a major Democratic firm Harriman. Now the Democrats have their own scandal here as well. Avril Harriman’s brother, Roland Harriman, was also on the board.
It is a matter of public record that Brown Brothers Harriman helped American investors move billions of dollars into Germany during the 1920’s and 1930’s. The German currency was worthless but German stock was worth a fortune. Because Germany had almost a high tech patents monopoly on all these advanced trade processes. So the Brown Brothers Harriman helped organize the flow of money into Germany from some famous American families like the Rockefeller's, the Ford’s, the DuPonts."
"Fritz Thyssen later admitted that he was the man who financed Hitler's first campaign The Thyssen family were the great steel and coal combines of Germany. They were the heart of the Third Reich's armament industry. They were actually larger and wealthier than the famous Krupp family. But the Thyssen name was kept quiet."
"So the Bush’s would buy the banks, the, the companies from the Thyssen’s and they'd set up American branches. Prescott Bush was the head of several of the companies that were actually directly owned by the Thyssen’s."
"The truth was he was making a profit on both sides. As were the Rockefeller's as were the Fords and DuPont’s and Bush’s"
"Their money was trapped there. So rather than take the loss some very greedy people made a war, made a war profit. And while American and British soldiers died they were making millions."
"Now the U.S. government was also studying the matter, and our Alien property custodians decided that this little New York bank that the Bush's ran was the subsidiary of a Dutch bank. And once the Dutch overran Holland it was a Nazi bank. So believe it or not the US government quietly seized President Bush's father and grandfather's business holdings as Nazi fronts.
These properties were quietly returned after the war. Because after all they were just Dutch banks. And when the Dutch got their banks back, so did the Bush’s. Of course it wasn’t a Dutch bank at all, it never was. It was always, always secretly owned by the leading Nazi industrialists in Europe.
The comic opera continued. In 1951 the Allied investigators finally gave up trying to find the missing Thyssen money. Fritz Thyssen, the Nazi brother was actually held in an American prison in Germany for more than four years.
And we grill him, “Where did the money go?”
He goes, “Oh, the Nazis took all my money, you know, I don't own anything anymore. You know it all went out to relatives and things. I don't have anything.”
So he was lying through his teeth, he said “I don't have any foreign bank accounts.” Well that was technically true we didn't have foreign bank accounts. He owned foreign banks.
So one of the reasons that Thyssen got away with it was that he had a very good lawyer. And his lawyer was Allen Dulles [First CIA Director]. Now, Allen Dulles was in charge of U.S. intelligence investigations in Germany after the war. It was very convenient. Because Allen Dulles was also the lawyer for the Thyssen’s. And also the lawyer for the Bush’s."
"After the war the Thyssen’s slowly brought money out of hiding from New York and Argentina and they began to rebuild. In 1971 they merged with another bank and formed the Thyssen-Bornemisza Group. Chase Manhattan Bank in New York owns 31% of this holding company. It’s now worth $50 billion.
So all of the poor Jewish survivors and American P.O.W.'s are trying to sue the Swiss banks. When the Bush family may have laundered more money than all the Swiss banks combined. The Thyssen-Bornemisza Group consists of assets that were Nazi assets and fraudulent hidden from both the U.S. and British governments. There's no question about this because the U.S. and British interrogation files are in our National Archives." [About those National Archives? Mar-a-Lago? "Who controls the past controls the future?" National Archives "classified documents" about something else?]
The law firm of Sullivan & Cromwell to which Allen Dulles brother belonged was actually the law firm that handled most of these bank transactions and set up the companies. They were the people who helped direct American investment in Germany during the 1920’s and 1930’s. And now it was up to the Dulles brothers to help their clients get their money back. In particular the Rockefeller's had to huge chunk of money in Brown Brothers Harriman which the Bush’s had invested in Thyssen empire. And the Rockefeller's had no sense of humor about going broke. They wanted their money back.
And so in 1951 everything had quieted down. Allen Dulles and his brother were about to become members of the Eisenhower administration. The New York bank that the Bush's ran was quietly liquidated down. Now, the Bush’s, Prescott Bush and Walker each got one share of stock worth three-quarters of a million dollars. So the Bush family took out $1.5 million in 1951 dollars. That's where the Bush family fortune came from. It came from the Third Reich. That was blood money.
Yes, the Thyssen’s were among the largest slave holders in the Nazi empire. They, they use their huge coal mines where they used Jewish slave labors as if they were disposable chemicals. Thyssen Steel was the United Steel, Vereinigte Stahlwerke, was the heart of the Nazi war machine. But they all got their money back."
"This whole issue of being able to hide money through multinational shells has a direct effect on our political system. It's not just a question of double-punching ballots. The more important question is “who's funding our political campaigns?”"
"And that the Thyssen’s and their business partners, the Rockefeller's, have been the Wall Street wing of the Republican Party, financing candidates for the last forty years in the U.S.
But there was this almost bottomless slush fund of campaign money. There are numerous Thyssen outlets in the U.S. So legally Thyssen employees in America can donate money to campaigns. And I don't know if we will ever know how much of that money was actually donated by Thyssen employees and how much was reimbursed from abroad. Reimbursements from abroad are, of course, a felony. Foreign corporations may not contribute to American politics.
So perhaps, when we sit down in Congress in a few weeks and begin to debate how best to reform our ballot counting system we should also take a look at campaign finance reform as, you know, this one thing that all of us Republicans and Democrats would agree on is that Nazi’s are bad. And we have always suspected that someone was pulling strings. And I think what we have had is a series of multinational corporations behaving like pirates. And they have no ideology. They don't care about America, they don’t care about Nazi Germany. They only care about money.”"
Does this moment from Obama’s 2010 SOTU, Citizen’s United, the wink and nod between Obama and Bush-appointed Justice Roberts take on a different meaning now?
Fascists. These are Fascists. Mussolini's perfect government:
Hitler's Banker Bush:
It's not just Communists on the left. We have Fascists on the right. Totalitarians.'s really not about ideologies, -ism's after all. It's just a bunch of the top crime families figuring out how to best divvy up the spoils of the world, enslaving the people under a thugocracy masquerading as government? Like the Apalachin mob family meeting of 1957:
Everything we post on Twitter and other social media profiles and posts are saved into our permanent files to be connected to our digital ID/CBDC prison system. Privacy is a luxury of the oligarchs of governments and their unaccountable international organizations. They feed on our taxes and make the rules to suit themselves. In other words a global extortion racket. A system of digital slavery. Welcome to the future. The future is now.