Grow a garden and build your life off grid while you still can. Amazon can deliver seeds to remote places but not for ever. Put dollars into tangible items. Anticipate scarcity and focus on new life skills. You will be rewarded by every step you take away from this cratering society.

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Do NOT patronize Amazon!


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I disagree…..We have to use their system to our advantage to build our new system. We use dollars because we have to….Not because we think it is a stable currency. Example…..use dollars to buy tools and silver.

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While I have your attention…..THANKS…..you are amazing and have contributed so much to setting the new “common” knowledge. Keep up the great work.

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I enjoy your substack. I sense that you tend to be sensational to produce an effect without claiming that you are attempting to solve the problem. Interesting analogy for the gene therapy narrative. I was an agitatior in my late teens/early 20s and I regard your content as top notch propaganda to help us wrestle for the prevailing narrative. Is it too late to fight within the system though? If so and the value of currency is falling, I would suggest people on a budget use whatever means necessary to achieve herd immunity from the perfect storm. At what point do you shift from propaganda to building the resilience network for the greater reset? Thanks!

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Jan 6, 2023
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Remote as in absolutely nobody within many miles of you?

Every tried living without electricity - without spare parts -- without a water pump to irrigate the garden -- without shops to buy anything -- without petrol --- ever tried cutting splitting and hauling a tree from hundreds of metres from your house with an axe and no mechanical means to shift it to your house -- and the trees get further away every years....

Read some stuff on pioneers in north america - these were tough men who grew up in the 1800s and new how to live like this - and even they were on the verge of starvation much of the time.

There are 4000 Spent Fuel Ponds Around the Globe…who maintains these?

If you don’t cool the spent fuel, the temperature will rise and there may be a swift chain reaction that leads to spontaneous combustion–an explosion and fire of the spent fuel assemblies. Such a scenario would emit radioactive particles into the atmosphere. Pick your poison. Fresh fuel is hotter and more radioactive, but is only one fuel assembly. A pool of spent fuel will have dozens of assemblies.

One report from Sankei News said that there are over 700 fuel assemblies stored in one pool at Fukushima. If they all caught fire, radioactive particles—including those lasting for as long as a decade—would be released into the air and eventually contaminate the land or, worse, be inhaled by people. “To me, the spent fuel is scarier. All those spent fuel assemblies are still extremely radioactive,” Dalnoki-Veress says.

It has been known for more than two decades that, in case of a loss of water in the pool, convective air cooling would be relatively ineffective in such a “dense-packed” pool. Spent fuel recently discharged from a reactor could heat up relatively rapidly to temperatures at which the zircaloy fuel cladding could catch fire and the fuel’s volatile fission product, including 30-year half-life Cs, would be released. The fire could well spread to older spent fuel. The long-term land-contamination consequences of such an event could be significantly worse than those from Chernobyl.


Japan’s chief cabinet secretary called it “the devil’s scenario.” Two weeks after the 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunami devastated the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, causing three nuclear reactors to melt down and release radioactive plumes, officials were bracing for even worse. They feared that spent fuel stored in pools in the reactor halls would catch fire and send radioactive smoke across a much wider swath of eastern Japan, including Tokyo.


The Chernobyl accident was relatively minor, involved no spent fuel ponds, and was controlled by pouring cement onto the reactor. This was breaking down so a few years back they re-entombed.

Estimates of the cancer burden in Europe from radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl accident


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We're all living on borrowed time. Enjoy your family and give your bro Hoolio a hug for me. That's the only thing that matters right this moment. How you are treating the people close to you. Cheers.

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I was going to go out dancing and decided to stay home. Boy tiger cat finally decided to sit beside me on the couch after a few years since last time. Priceless.

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What sort of dancing?

Disco Dancing?

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You are right of course - people use the words "self-sufficiency" and think of a TV gardening show. In my climate, off-grid life without animal husbandry would be impossible, and they are making all efforts to de-legitimize the way of life.

My suggestions in response to your comments would be: buy a hand winch now, as well as rainwater collection systems. At the very least, small off-grid power for charging tools. Begin to lean how to live with animals. Think strategically about how you will navigate changing landscapes in the law.

And join me on the blog of course. It's free to read.

Here is an example, discussing what animal husbandry really means.


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You don't need seeds. You can get free seeds from almost every plant in existence.

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Futile. The mob including your neighbours who dont have gardens - and most certainly your extended family who currently think you are a doomsday nutter -- will show up at the gate demanding to be fed

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They just might get some most delicious lead sandwiches.

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And they mob doesn't have weapons?

Try weeding a garden when there are snipers with military experience hiding in a tree waiting to put a bullet in your head....

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I’ll have my wife cover me while I’m weeding….She is a better shot than me anyway.

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Remember, if they advance to that point, they will also take away the guns🤦🏼‍♀️!

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You all are all speaking of the point after the world collapses... what about using this knowledge now and stopping this cabal and crushing these motherfuckers.... what happened to us

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What are “tangible items” if the ultimate plan is to steal everything whereupon they totally control all aspects of society through digital means? Property?

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Sharon….my thought is that they will steal my 401K first….and my garden shovel last.

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I'm writing about my journey towards self-sufficiency in the face of the Great Reset here:


It has been one of the toughest challenges of my life - as well as the most meaningful. Please join me. The words are free and always will be.

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Agreed. Very much: "The Covid-19 Pandemic story makes little sense when viewed through the lens of health, safety and science. Viewed through the lens of money, power, control, and wealth transfer, however, then all of it makes perfect sense." Also, when viewed through the lens of nasty Big Pharma, greedy politicians, etc, this is all looking at smoke and mirrors, distractions. Yes, yes, yes - one needs to look at who is doing all this and why - power control wealth transfer - and even much nastier stuff. I would say that even looking at this as a "global financial operation" is not looking at nearly enough.

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Ultimate goal is biotech breakthroughs for the top 1%. Everyone else is a lab rat to conduct experimental treatments on to gather data. They are okay with population reduction, and financial gain, but their focus is on defeating their own mortality using science and technology regardless of how many people have to die. Elsa is correct. Lots of smoke and mirrors. They already have wealth and control, but they have not obtained freedom from their fear of death and disease. That’s their top priority.

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Their top priority? Their immortality. Yes, that's one. I have the sense there's another, very very powerful - coming from hatred and rage. The urge to destroy, hurt, humiliate. Also my sense is they are way way way less than 1%. Plus I've been listening to the Dark Journalist and Joseph Farrell (plus a couple of others) - so I wouldn't overlook the possibility of alien plans and priorities.

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I agree. I know of a couple sadists in the upper echelon. And I was using 1% as a simplified example. The real percentage is much closer to the IFR for Covid lol.

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The super rich are deluded by their own wealth and power, into believing their own hype. We dont have to accept their hype and grand plans, and we need to push back in every way possible, including staying connected and informed, and listening to people with good ideas. Self belief is everything.

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No human, not even psychopaths, have ever been able to predict the future. "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans" John Lennon. The best way to rid us of the globalists is to render them irrelevant.

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How do we do that? I mean look at what already they have done??? Informing more ppl seems part of the answer but so many seem impossible to get to no matter bc of the constant barrage of fake news manipulating thinking and causing confusing🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🙅‍♀️!

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easier said than done. do not participate. ditch the electronics, use local credit unions, buy local from small businesses and farms. you're not going to stop the cabal as they have been at this for many decades. forget about informing the brainwashed, connect with your like-minded neighbors.

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From my little knowledge of e I o ice this crash began in proper in 2008 with the GFC . Banks worldwide were propped up by Federal bank money printing. The biggest winners appear to be Blackrock and Golman Sachs and other big investment groups. There were laws passed in Australia wherein in the case of another bailout the customers loose all their money deposits whatever the bank can take- called a bail in. There has been universal denial this is like a snowball.

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Cull the perpetrators. Become ungovernable - Do Not Comply and make yourself hard to kill. Wake up the sheep before Darwin takes over. Great article and I highly agree with it.

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A superb, word-perfect, essay. Thank you.

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I disagree…..We have to use their system to our advantage to build our new system. We use dollars because we have to….Not because we think it is a stable currency. Example…..use dollars to buy tools and silver.

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This is a pretty good summary, if you want a much deeper dive into these topics I recommend reading https://politicalmoonshine.com/

"There is no such thing as “Covid 19” except as a criminal conspiracy."

Totally disagree, that is really letting the bastards off the hook for their biowarfare programs, which have been running for a very long time.

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Out of context and isolated the quote you chose is certainly erroneous, but in context his point was that covid itself presented a flu-like threat and as such was/is grossly disproportionate to the evil destruction of the mandates and slow kill bioweapon.

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Hey mate, Happy New Year.

It wasn't out of context on my behalf because he chose to end his article with it. I'm deeply suspicious of Off-Guardian, and they seem to have painted themselves into a corner somewhat because they heavily promoted the "viruses don't exist"/"Covid doesn't exist" psyop narrative. Try reasoning with people in their comment section. If you last more than five minutes you are a better man than me. 🙂

On that basis, I wonder if he added that last line as "playing to the crowd" of OG readers.

I also have personal experience of trying to contact Off-Guardian in relation to EU Articles 11 and 13, which, if passed whilst the UK was still in the EU would probably have destroyed their website if instituted. Crickets. It seems they like to complain a lot and not actually undertake any kind of activism.

I absolutely agree with you that the virus was never a threat to the vast majority of the population and was hyped massively. A psyop to scare people into the "cure". That's thesis and antithesis. I'm waiting to see what the "synthesis" will be, which is why I'm vigilant of what the MSM is promoting (and yes, I know most of it is fear porn/limited hangout BS).

Political Moonshine I think give an incredibly well-sourced meta version of this article, but they painstakingly show how the "sausage was made" in terms of the GoF and the players and benefactors.

I don't agree with their "they had to get rid of Trump" stance, even though that was my original thinking as well. I think Trump is balls deep in this, given he constantly bangs on about his "beautiful" vaccines.

This is all just basic racketeering. Give it fancy names like "enterprise fraud" if you will, but it all boils down the same thing.

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Thank you mate. We live in hope. 🙂

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"The financial elites know that they have run up massive unpayable debts and deficits."

How is it the "financial elites" will come out of this with all the wealth when it sounds like they have the majority of unpayable debts and deficits?

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Their psychopathy is their weakness

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Because of all the extra money that has been printed during the pandemic, and paid to the employers to employ the masses. So all the rich get paid all that extra equity to employ the public for free pretty much. New Zealand Govt printed billions of extra $$ during the pandemic, and most of it went to the rich businesses. This causes inflation, and everything becomes more expensive, like is happening now.

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Some encouraging points to factor in, notwithstanding Smart Guy's post:

1. It's significant that many US states either refused to go along w the scam or relatively quickly stopped complying. Implication is that the future plans by the Oligarchs won't go as planned and won't achieve the uniformity they need for the kind of totalitarian serfdom they envision. (As example, think Iron Curtain post WW2. The existence of western Europe forced the Soviets to imprison their own populations to avoid losing them. Imagine a federal government that tries to implement their schemes and any of these Red states refuse. People will flee by the tens of millions to these free states. Already are).

2. The feds simply don't have anything close to the manpower to control this many non compliant people over such a large landmass. The US military won't do that kind of job and any attempt to try will result in a 1930s style Spanish civil war. Yes, the Oligarchs will try to brainwash people into voluntarily wearing chains but there will be tens of millions who won't go along. Then what? There aren't enough fed agents to arrest these people. Cut off their digital accounts? Oh yeah, that'll go over real well. That will make J6 look like girl scout camp. Once that genie is out, nothing will put it back. Tip your hat to the new revolution fellas.

3. People are generally way more resourceful than we think and Americans are particularly so. No cash? Big effin deal. People will narter, trade, set up black markets of all kinds. Again, what do the feds do? Arrest everyone? Impossible. People will move to states that are free and permissive as we've seen already.

4. Desantis and Abbott are nothing special as governors, don't kid yourself. They didn't do one bit more than what they knew their citizens expected and demanded. (And Abbott of Texas is a turd who pretends to be a good guy. Even so he bows to the popular will mostly). Point being that any governor of Florida or Texas or TN or many of these states had better say no to the feds when that day of red lines comes or the people will find a new governor.

5. Bottom line. These oligarchs only win if people all comply and continue slaving away. How hard would it be to call for national work stoppages, slow downs, strikes, and such? How long do Oligarchs stay fed, warm, and healthy when the plebes all stop serving them. We keep working now only because it suits us to do so, because we still have too much to lose. But if we ever decide it no longer works then we stop.

6. We always look at the big fear but ignore what we have close at home. We have family and neighbors and community. When times are good we forget. When times are bad we will remember and be better for it.

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Thanks very much for this post.

Are you able to say more about how one might go about “migrating into decentralized local patches both in the digital and analogue realms”?

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I worked in the NHS in England. From day 1 I knew it was a scam (I am immunologist). They called me delusional etc. We closed down clinics for a year. When we opened up there were so many cancer patients (and other) that many couldnt be saved (they were undiagnosed for a year). People were left without healthcare. My friend's dad died, because the ambulance wasn't sent due to covid. He died at home of heart attack. It is crime against humanity and the bigger defraudation of public money in the history. Today all those who called me delusional back then, apologise. Well, this is too late, because of such morons it was all possible to happen. Too many easily controlled idiots in the world.

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I couldn’t have said it better I had a similar past 8years. I’m a retired now Defense Engineer. Which gives me a unique skill set and access to uncommon knowledge. Family friends all either ignored my warnings or flat out insulted me.. only differences for me pal is the assholes still do t see I was correct so no apologies for me hahaha but I am sick over this we have the best military and we could if we could get thru to them take our country back to start. And then plan to crush the rich bastards starting this shit show

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Well, first get away from people. People are mostly self serving, self interested scum. Buy remote land. Stay away from anyone professing to be from a group other than humanity. When it all crashes, these are the first to go from people like me or the cunts that run the whole mess. Cartel is knocking each other off having served their purpose. CIA? Avoid all government.

Stay away from social media.

Grow food for barter or eating.

Learn to hunt or grow animals for food. Smaller animals are better. Chicken and goats.

Make true friends with your immediate neighbors. Work together if you can.

Crossbows and guns. Own them for protection.

What is the point of bugging out? Where are you going to run? Drone or squad of soldiers will take you out in 10 minutes. Stay out of site by letting them see you but not being seen. You can appear compliant.

Be careful when trading gold or silver to any entity. Then they know you have it.


Or comply. That is certainly the easiest option.

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I agree the rural areas are where they’ll begin herding people back into “smart cities”. Drone technology is going to eliminate the allure of living off grid.

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Exceptional post! You capture the most critical element of the fraud we have been living through and yet, aside from one other powerful article from Unbekoming (https://unbekoming.substack.com/p/repocalypse), I see absolutely no one talking about this issue. This is existential. We should note the confluence of supporting strategies in big tech, finance, public health, etc. From this perspective, how should we extrapolate the future?? I think it's the most important question we can answer. I don't see any macro strategy to avoid the likely collapse which means we can't find respite in a slightly changed balance of power in the House or a Ron Johnson investigation or a Jan6 committee to do anything but distract us from the train wreck that is barreling down upon us. How does this future play out? What are the most likely scenarios? How do regular folks anticipate and prepare? What do the mileposts look like? These are the questions we should be asking ourselves. I hope you continue to dive into this issue as our very survival depends on preparation for this ongoing event. Thank you!

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All I can say is, “yep”

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