All pandemics are fake. They are invented to create fear and to push the use of what is much more deadly...the vaccines and mRNA poisons. There is no proof that any vaccine can save you from anything. And there is no proof that any of these viruses exist or no explanation as to how they are transferred. No believable or rational explanation where they come from and why they come and go. Trust the medical experts? No way, as they all are in bed with big pharma murderers.

Case in point as I am in my mid 70's and have had no vaccines in 50 years. So if all these bad viruses are floating around why haven't I been sick, let alone been killed? I had a flu in the 1970's and 1980's but nothing really worse than severe colds in over 30 years. I used to travel for work over half the country and never got sick and never picked up any viruses. Why?

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Great comment -- and good for you! I used to cram onto the NYC subway and ride from Brooklyn to midtown -- about 40 minutes on a good day? Winter time all bundled up to wait on an elevated platform. Train arrives already jammed, heater blowing. Shove on and ride up close and personal with coughing, sneezing, nose blowing, sniffley masses.

Later, did the same in Boston on its subway -- and I can tell you honestly -- I cannot remember the last cold I had, much less the flu. Last major respiratory "thing" I had was a case of bronchitis. 1990? Working two jobs, father had heart attack. Stress of that, visiting him in the hospital, taking care of his new kitten...Once he got home and was OK, I went down for the count. :)

Yeah...this whole "viruses" make you sick baloney? I think it's just that.

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Its usually a great amount of toxic stress as Shethinksliberty's comment shows, that weakens your immune system to the point your body does a detox. Getting sick/detoxing is our bodies way of teaching us we need to rest and reset. We are more bacteria than cells and when our biomes are out of balance we get sick from an increase in bad bacteria and their endotoxins. The body is always seeking homeostasis IMHO. This is how I look at things right or wrong.

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Your immune system was whole and vibrant and did the job against all pathogens. Viruses do exist. Why the disinformation being pushed is beyond my comprehension.

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What makes anyone call a contrary opinion or someone hanging a question mark on something -- anything -- "disinformation" is beyond my comprehension.

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Maybe something as simple as documented evidence? Hmmm.....

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Oh, please. "Documented evidence." Whatever. As if we live in a world that actually gives a rat's a$$ about evidence...or produces "evidence" outside of entrenched special interests and agendas...

Spare me.

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Agreed. Meryl Nass addressed the "no viruses exist, and they don't make anyone sick" narrative a while ago. She now refuses to engage with crazy-making energy vampires from that camp. It was something about "if viruses don't exist then there should be no vaccines." Now maybe I'm misremembering but I'm pretty sure that's how it went, believe it or not. Viruses obviously exist, in spite of the naysayers who'll tell you that the electron microscope pics we have of them are just showing "artifacts," meaning "cellular debris," l.o.l. But I think these flat-earthers are half correct in that, as long as you have good immunity, plenty of good food and nutrition, stay away from processed foods and processed seed oils, get plenty of rest at the right time, have a good social network and can manage excess stress, you're likely going to be resistant to any pathogens taking advantage of your weaknesses.

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To kill?! Why else. Enough didn't die yet.

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I imagine the cancers, autoimmune disorders, and fertility complications will be the long-draw from these democide injections

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"The deadliest payload is always the slow kill bioweapon “vaccine.”"

Dam straight!!

Kill someone in a drop dead fashion and you perhaps have the expense of the cleanup, burial and memorials etc

You have a sudden psychological trauma from which you may recover

And the victim may even have an estate and assets to bequeath in order to do it

But SLOW KILL them as in AIDS (anyone ever wonder about AIDS?) and you can strip the victims AND THEIR FAMILIES of EVERYTHING on the way to their inevitable reward. For years/decades you strip and traumatize the victims and the care takers. EVERYTHING is on the table for the looting. Dignity, strength, assets, happiness, hope, EVERY DAM THING THERE IS IS ON THE TABLE when you slow kill people en masse. You can only hope by the time the inevitable death occurs there is enough left to bury the poor soul. More likely someone (or perhaps a tax subsidy) will need to dig deep to even dispose of the victims because they'll have been stripped clean previously.

Slow kill also has the all important plausible deniability to protect the guilty so they may continue the evil. When you nuke someone it is pretty obvious who's at fault and gives the target lab rats the opportunity o come after the perps with their pitchforks.

When you are talking bang for the buck slow kill wins every time. You can probably kill 10k people rapidly and the civilization survives. But if you slow kill them the real and intangible effects of such an event exacts untold harm. Perhaps culture and civilization destroying harm.

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C0VID was orchestrated by DARPA/ US government to usher in the cl0t shots.

Depopulation program. Simple really.

Get rid of the uppity white Christians and replace them with compliant brown people who are used to a different living standard.

Also... how can it be a terrorist attack if it was perpetuated by our own people?

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Ever since this attack started ... I've been contemplating the similarities of the "flu epidemic" of 1918 to all the crap they ran on us this time!! Even some of the pictures are eerily similar!!!

I would love to know what the actual numbers were then compared to the hype they've been shoveling for the last 100 years!!

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I do remember reading that the people that got the vax in 1918 were the only ones that died.

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Gee!! What a coincidence!! There must be some records hidden away somewhere...I hope!! They might shake out the oligarchy behind all this!!!

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Great & accurate comment!

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No, Second smartest guy in the world, Covid-19 was just another instance of a relatively innocuous common cold virus of the Coronavirus family.

No more people died during 2020 from colds than they did the few years before.

Know why?

Because the people that are killed by common colds, especially weak ones like the Coronaviruses, are very old, very sick people. Having another cold virus around isn’t going to change the mortality rate because you can only die once.

But the population of old sick people is replenished every year because younger people get older and older people are more likely to be sick.

The mortality rate throughout 2020 was the fifth lowest in over 60 years.

But the all-cause mortality rate jumped in 2021. The cause of that wasn’t Covid-19.


Because there was Covid-19 throughout 2020 and there were other Coronaviruses then and in previous years, and about 197 other common cold viruses.


Question 1: What was different in 2021 and following years up to the present?

Answer 1: 2021 was the year of widespread introduction of the viral mRNA products.

Question 2: What population group had a sudden jump in all-cause mortality?

Answer 2: That was the population group consisting of people who had been shot up with any of the viral mRNA products.

Question 3: Is there any relationship between the number of injections of viral mRNA products and the recipient’s risk of all-cause mortality?

Answer 3: Yes. The more times someone has been shot up with a viral mRNA product his risk of all-cause mortality rises in a dose-dependent fashion.

Question 4: What population group did NOT have a sudden jump in all-cause mortality but remained consistent with 2020 and the 5 years before that of VERY low all-cause mortality rates?

Answer 4: That was the population group consisting of people that NEVER had been shot up with any of the mRNA products.

Question 5: Can that population group in 4 grow in size?

Answer 5: Sure. As babies are born and grow up and are NOT shot up with viral mRNA products the population of 4 will grow.

Question 6: How likely is that to happen?

Answer 6: Not very likely with the companies of Covid Inc pushing more and more injections of viral mRNA products at ever younger ages.


So, Second smarter guy on earth, which is the bioweapon, whether inadvertent or not,

1. A common cold virus that the majority of the population is already immune or resistant to and doesn’t kill anyone but those that about 200 common colds regularly kill every year?*

2. The viral mRNA injection that causes healthy cells in multiple organ systems throughout the body to become infected with a single viral gene, triggering all the same immunological responses as a viral infection but much more suddenly and in many more organ systems than any virus ever does, with all the complications that compounding results in and then does the same thing with every single injection, with all the complications THAT compounding has?

The answer is pretty obviously NOT Covid-19.

*And a seriously compounding tragedy wrought by the companies of Covid Inc in addition to their products is this:

Up until the brouhaha of Covid-19, old people succumbing to common cold viruses was just an ever-present sad reality.

But something different happened in 2020.

People started looking for things that could treat and prevent infection by Covid-19 and a number of things were discovered, among them, hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.

It didn’t make much of a difference among younger and healthy people because Covid-19 was a relatively innocuous common cold virus that seldom, if ever, infected them and, if it did, seldom caused any problem if it was noticed at all.

But for the vulnerable elderly and sick, it was a revolutionary game changer.

But what happened?

Covid Inc got those treatments black-listed and doctors threatened for prescribing them.


Because it would remove ANY justification of the EUA for their products that were going to make them billions and billions of dollars in perpetuity.

How many people, at the most, could get infected by Covid-19?

About 40%

What was the outcome?

Almost nothing, except for the very sick weak elderly who could suffer and die.

And the others? They became immune.

How many people have been infected by the viral mRNA products?

More than sixty percent of the entire human race.

How many times?

Between 1 and 6 times.

The outcome?

Vulnerability to repeated infections by Covid-19.


Because of only a single antigen.

The result? More and more injections with more genes for single antigens with exactly the same results.

And the effects on the elderly?

The elderly die from the viral mRNA products at a disproportionately higher rate.

What does this mean?

Three things:

1. They remain vulnerable to death from ANY common cold virus.

2. They are prevented by Covid Inc from using the products that, for the first time in history, could change the odds for them.

3. They are being knocked off by the immunological effects of Covid Inc’s viral mRNA products at a disproportionately higher rate than anyone else.

So, again, Second smartest guy in the world, what is the real bioweapon and who are those wielding it?

The real bioweapon is NOT the Covid-19 virus. And the ones wielding it are not, as the companies of Covid Inc and their yapping social media co-conspirators claim, the “unvaccinated.”


Stop trying for dopey, sensationalist fear-porn headlines and start paying attention to what’s actually going on or people are going to start wondering if you’re actually fronting for Covid Inc continuing business interests of trying to shoot up everyone in the world with their products by trying to make the Covid-19 virus look like something it has never been.

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Absolutely! Those that are still pushing the GOF narrative are merely keeping it warm - and fear on a slow burner.

I question any source that still pushes this as ‘fact’. The truth is they don’t now, and never did need, GOF. Just scare the pants of people to say they have!

No more half truths to maintain the status quo for their next planned ‘event’ eh?

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Phillip Haney, a DHS Whistleblower and author, made a phone call to a Russian translator friend who was with a Russian team in the Canary Islands trying to figure out how Covid got there. He told her that he thought the virus was deliberately released from the Wuhan Lab by a few actors that were connected with a powerful government or a powerful wealthy elite and that he was close to learning exactly who it was and they reason for the release. Soon after the phone call, his friend was questioned by the local authorities regarding who she had been talking to. Within a few days after the phone call, Phillip Haney was shot to death. The local police ruled it a suicide, but his close friends made it clear he was not suicidal and he was soon to be married. His documentation had also been stolen.

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The World Bank Project ID# P173789. Project Title is COVID 19-Strategic Preparedness & Response Program. Approval date: 4.2.2020 Expected Project Closing Date: 3.31.2025. So yes according to their plan, March 31 2025 this phase of the world take down shifts after 3.31.2025.

Now you know why Project 2025 is getting major press recently which should be an interesting year. Keep in mind, their depop goal is working but I believe it is not going fast enough for them. Project 2025 should speed things up a bit.......

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911 was also from within....it was bush.

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Covid 19 was MK Ultra to inject you with NEURAL LACE BCI.

Welcome to the AI war

Covid-19 = MK Ultra: The Ultimate Divide & Conquer


MK Ultra Covid-19 Unit8200 Israel and the coordinated Madness that is coming


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It's time to stop being nice to those who blindly accepted the depopulating mRNA injections without considering the possible consequences. You've all been genetically Modified. You now have a reduced Natural Immunity and are liable to more diseases and illnesses than pre-jab.

If the 'jabbed' escaped the Vax CULL without serious injury or DEATH, they will now, at best, have a reduced Life Expectancy! My unqualified guess = maybe 3 years for every mRNA injection.

'Panic' is the WEF's New World Order tactic. To use Monkey-pox as their next SCAMDEMIC scam!

Bill Gates's corrupted "World Health Organization (WHO) says it will keep its alert for mpox at the highest level amid a surge in cases". Now nobody believes a word that comes out of the WHO!

The 'pretence' of a resurgent Monkey Pox (probably one of Fauci's concoctions?) was expected.

Because Gates's corrupt World Health Organisation is trying to resurrect monkey Pox as the next 'Scamdemic', I guess this means Pfizer, Moderna J&J etc, must be very busy re-labelling out-of-date, useless, dangerous, surplus mRNA Covid jab crap!

With NO LIABILITY for their useless but dangerous mRNA jabs, the now surplus, 'RUBBISH' VAX continues to cause INJURIES and VAX RELATED DEATHS, but with NO LIABILITY, it matters not!

People are dying from deadly Vax but nobody's checking. FDA & CDC should but there's too much money in the highly profitable 'slush fund' to rock the boat! That's how I see it!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live a lot longer without poisonous jabs from mercenary Big Pharma!

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It was, indeed! Posted a comment on Fakebook at the onset about COVID being a Bioweapon. Another of my friends did the same & we were ridiculed to the utmost by the easily-led believers!

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It was, indeed! I posted same comment about a Bioweapon on Fakebook, the day it was 1st mentioned!

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It was, indeed & posted so on Fakebook at the onset!

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Very big and good contribution again through you, 2nd Smartest Guy! We need to take over every part of the Apparatus waging war on our health and humanity.

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My Grandmother worked in a boarding house from roughly 1915 through 1920, she told me that boarders returned to the house ate dinner and socialized with others apparently well. But the next morning they were dead. These were working aged men. It is a mystery or they took too many aspirin...

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