Dear posthuman WEF-owned slaves, you require mandatory “vax” passports because they do not work in relation to non-pandemics due to “breakthrough infections” more at “vax” AE’s.
But “climate change” and social credit score systems require surveillance apps; thus, you must comply, except that there is no point in checking DEATHVAX™ status; to wit:
Bill Gates Says at Davos that there is no point in checking if soneone has been vaccinated if there are break through infections...
Reality inversion atop reality inversion atop reality inversion ad infinitum until you own nothing, and are happy as you are depopulated.
Do NOT comply.
(Hat tip StellaMaris.)
BTW, why are they called "Breakthrough infections"? Until the COVID jab rollout, those were always called VACCINE FAILURE.
Beam me up now. Can't take this planet any more. Own nothing and eat nothing, more like.