ALL jabs are bad. If someone doesn’t understand this by NOW, they’re literally stupid people. Being stupid is a choice…and being a collectivist is a choice as well.
Agree completely!! All jabs are meant to 'trick' our God given immune systems - God was not negligent in creating us, our immune systems are magnificent because we are created in His image. :)
So, including polio, smallpox, chickenpox, and other vaccines that actually work? I know COVID doesn’t and the Flu shots are iffy, but we’ve actually gotten rid of polio and others with effective vaccination. How are those ones bad?
I’ll be sure to look into all of that. The two titles you mentioned in your first comment are books on the topic? Also, one final question concerning your position if I may: do you oppose only intravenous vaccination or oral vaccines as well? I know that might sound stupid, but I was wondering if submitting the contents of certain vaccines to digestive processes (e.g. simultaneously boiling the germs with one’s body heat and dunking them in hydrochloric acid) might lower certain risk factors as opposed to just pushing it into straight into one’s bloodstream. Thanks for your help and God bless!
May God be with you too Matthew! I oppose all “vaccines”. I’m 61 and I’ve had no vaccines or flu shots. I did have the MMR (separate “vaccines”) when I was an infant, but that’s it.
Our bodies KNOW what to do! It’s only when human beings fuck with it, we have a problem. And THAT is the problem!
The dating world has become a war zone and toxic wasteland. The real scary part of this is that the mixing of vaxxed with unvaxxed is a potentially fatal risk to the unvaxxed due to the shedding of the toxic material now made perpetually by the vaxxed individuals. And, dare ye unvaxxed to utter the question of vax status to a potential partner, ye will be scorned and cancelled. Ironically, this rejection may well be a lifesaver.
My dear hubby of 40+ years insisted on getting the toxic shot. It affected his health so badly, he is now cured of wanting another.... but his health is shot now. life is much harder than it needed to be. I love him & am committed to him, so I stay, but it's so hard.
please, friends, don't forget those of us who are left behind.
half our kids got the jab, half didn't... trouble is, its such a sad thought, but so valid! in one nearby town there are whole blocks where half or more of the houses are empty. But being alive may not be adequate. The shots have damaged so many (I'm preaching to the choir); will survivors be able to handle their inheritance, physically or mentally? I'm glad we have ours in a trust; it's a start anyway.
Meanwhile in lovely Victoria BC where I have the personal misfortune to live, nothing like that at all, and this is what mobile homes on native land are going for:
The risk of shedding the toxic byproducts to you as a result of the perpetual processes now going on in your dear hubby's body is ever present for You as well... I'm so sorry for your situation. :(
Almost everyone I know is vaccinated. Some regret it. The super libs are either deeply ignorant about the risks/history of the vaxx or too ideologically twisted to acknowledge the problems and failings and so keep going back for boosters. They are totally impervious to any information that contradicts their thinking on the subject. It kind of freaks me out. Vaxxes are the sacrament for the new religion. Too bad they are so dangerous.
“They are totally impervious to any information that contradicts their thinking on the subject.”
Vaxes are not the only thing they are impervious too. Have two sister in-laws that won’t look or listen to ANYTHING that doesn’t confirm their thinking. Period.
Sounds like you're describing the vast majority of my friends. My closest friends are jabbed to the max and can't understand why they can't get over a cold or why they are getting numerous SAEs and have to take greater and greater numbers of prescriptions. 😳🙄🤪🤪🤪
Which is another reason for flooding the country with third world illegal alien invaders. They are more compliant than the natives and besides the aliens have no seditious ideas like those contained in the Declaration of Independence or the Bill of Rights.
Most of them were also pre heavily armed for when they later arrived. During the Obama years ammo and guns were being bought up and stored by the government.
Yes, and that was the 3rd central bank in the US. The banksters run this world, the politicians are just there to divide and distract while the true operators carry on unperturbed behind the smoke and mirrors.
The entire banking/money creation scheme is the greatest trick ever played. Or maybe there's another level above that we're not aware of. This world is all an illusion.
the government has been stocking up on weapons, since the world war II treaties were signed. Luckily so has the civilian population where still allowed to own firearms...
Various sources have written about how blood from un-vaccinated people is becoming indistinguishable from that of the jabbed, due to "shedding". If so, how can anybody *prove* that they have neither been jabbed nor shed upon?
The blood is only part of it. The other part is finding someone who can see through all the BS, who stands strong under pressure, whose values align with your own.
The shotted people I know -- some of them are still true believers and quite a few of them now say they only took it for this or that reason that seemed important at the time, but that they won't take any more. I'm not sure I believe them.
Sure - I understand all that. But the question remains - how to 'prove' that you did see through the BS & never took a jab in the first place? Blood tests could backfire, as said earlier. Lie detector tests have always been BS in their own right. It's a genuine question.
I have known people who would lie & make any required declaration in pursuit of a quick shag - not all of them male, I might add. It's just a variation on "Of course I'll still love you in the morning" & so on.
here's where I'm at with it. I can totally tell, by talking to people, whether they got one or more shots, or none. Maybe not on a dating app, but I don't do online dating. I'm older.
But meeting people in person is really the only way to tell.
All you have to do is set up a few "get to know you" types of questions that approach this a bit sideways, and gauge their response. People cannot fake this. Also.... ask questions in a neutral way, without giving away your own POV or status.
They respond basically in 3 ways:
1. "I really locked down during 2020, and that was hard. Thank goodness those vaccines came along, and if it weren't for those horrible anti-vaxxers, we would have been out of the woods far sooner. I hear there's a new flu-COVID booster coming out this fall, which is good because I know so many people are sick right now, and this variant doesn't even show up on the tests."
2. "well, you know.... there was so much pressure to get those shots. I got mine. I needed to travel to a wedding, and besides my kids wouldn't let me see the grandkids without one. We did what we had to do. I really didn't want to get one, but I figured it wouldn't hurt, and everyone was getting one. I know a few people who had a bad reaction. So far, I seem OK and hopefully that means I got a 'placebo.' I'm not getting any more, though."
3. "why would I ever put something so obviously experimental and a likely bioweapon in my body? I can't believe how many supposedly 'smart' people fell for this!"
I will tell you also why this works for unshotted people. Remember that we are in the minority. Therefore, anyone looking to lie to get laid is likely to choose category #1 or #2 because the odds are greater. Anyone looking to mate, for a long-term relationship, is going to be honest and choose category #3. But don't give your position away first.
Also, your admission of being unshotted is likely to yield a spontaneous grin on steroids that can only happen when someone is so happily surprised to meet a kindred spirit. This cannot be faked.
Ask the questions in person. Not online. Not even over the phone. Face to face.
I look around today, and people act like nothing has occurred the last four years!
Yeah, something did occur. I lost my job of 23 years, got kicked out of stores, berated for not wearing a suffocation device, etc! Pure insanity! Try it again…I dare you to stupid sheep!
What’s 🤯 is when these fools say, “but everyone was getting one.” That’s someone who goes along to get along... the pitiful, dumb sheep.
Lions are unpredictable, calculating and fierce and will stand against all odds because they use their god-given instincts. Those lions are some of the most intelligent, respected, successful, critical thinking leaders on this planet.
Go read up on AIDS and another alleged virus never isolated or proven to cause immune deficiency! How did they test for HIV? Take blood and if antibodies found, HIV+. Wait a minute, when you get a vaccine, your body hopefully makes antibodies which, they claim, primes your body to recognise future "viruses." So, complete opposites. We were too dumb and trusting back then. It was the AZT treatment that killed most, thank Fauci. has a series, well referenced, on plenty experiments carried out on people without their knowledge. The Perth Group website is another good site, demonstrating no proof. I was young back in 80's and they managed to scare young people, gay or not. Don't be fooled again, Covid was not the first scam.
if they'd had a female partner, they wouldnt have had aids, something is suspect about the whole argument. P.s if thats the way they view the world and their role in it, they probably shouldn't be your friends.
Elon Musk is supposed to be really smart, he has 3 jabs in him? My primary doc for yrs said the FDA is gold & if they are recommending them I'm recommending them? I'm so happy 15% of us said, FU!
I've heard "genius" Elon say some other really DUMB, stupid things. I know he's busy with his rocket boosters but anybody who took the jab is NOT my kind of genius.
And I enjoyed saying FU to some of the doctors and medical people I had conversations with during the dark years. I recently had the opportunity to pass that under the table to another jabbed doctor. They do NOT like knowing that you judge them to be an idiot with a medical degree. When they took the jab, they took a low probability event like a 40 year old having a heart attack to something to worry about. And there are over 700 "side effects" for the jabbed doctors to worry about.
I thought there were around 1200 side effects. an M.D. I knew took the injections, when I asked him why would anyone take an E.U.A. injection to begin with, he started speaking nonsense. Appeal to authority nonsense. We agreed not to talk about it.
No I don’t blame them. there is no use in blaming them. they are only reacting the way they were taught to react. as I’m sure I’ve done in other situations.
how would you quantify the number of side effects to an unknown potion? We are witnessing an experiment in real time, the numbers are still being tallied. The uninjected are the control group.
I would never try to assign a number to the known side effects, its a moving target. You don't try to quantify the number of side effects of jumping off a 10 story building, you just realize its most often fatal and stay off rooftops.
It wasn't about quantifying at least I didn't intend that. The idea was to show there are a lot more known negative side effects than what ever the number was in the post I replied to. As if I suppose that would make a difference. Your point is a good one.
You can’t! I flew a few weeks ago, and I haven’t flown in years! I was sick after my flight and I haven’t been sick in approximately 15 years! I will bet that every person on the packed to the brim flight was jabbed!
Not to mention riskier than it used to be. Apparently there are roughly 300 Boeing planes still currently operating that have a potentially major malfunction and they haven’t done a damn thing about it. Fly at your own risk!
At this point in time???? I trust no one, except God, and two people. I think many people will realize how “alone” they truly are. Which, isn’t necessarily a bad thing like we’ve been brainwashed to believe. It strengthens you, once you adapt to reality, accept many forms of loss, mourn for what WAS…
This is the cycle of life…birth and death. I’m referring to a spiritual birth, and death as well 😉.
These dating scenes look like they are dominated by 'older' people. I'm wondering how to get my children hooked up with someone unvaxxed before they fall in love with someone that is. How many children were protected from taking the vaccine, are there any events that parents could encourage them to go to so they can socialize with each other? I definitely don't want my daughters getting sterile or have lifelong bleeding problems just cause some boy lied to them about his vaccine status
Consider the only way to rebel against a corrupt system, is to withdraw from the corrupt system. It only continues when we participate. a nation of indivduals who start their own experiments in free living, is a million points of a failure in the corrupt machine.
Withdraw from the cities, build communities of self sufficient peoples, find like minded individuals, live in the real world, withdraw from the digital domain. Learn to build the world you want to live in.
The system is being built to make you weak and unable to live without it, walk away and learn the skills to live without the system..
Certain young church volunteer groups might be a start. YoungLife is a national Christian group that might attract those types you seek. Have seen some good, quality relationships built...and marriages.
TRUMP AND THE SATANIC 2000 TRILLION DOLLAR ROTHSCHILD PHOENICIAN MEGA TRILLIONAIRE DEEP STATE This Article is the Truth, and Only the Truth, Only Knowing the Truth, can set us Free of the 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild inspired Mind Control Propaganda.
“We’ll know our Disinformation Program is complete when everything the American Public knows is False” William Casey - CIA Director…
It is as funny as it is pathetic to read about the sheep who allowed themselves to be jabbed with an experimental injection to express any concern whatsoever about being around those of us who are not jabbed. If you really did get a “vaccine“ and if that vaccine actually works, then you have nothing to worry about.
They have a better point when they look down upon us as being “stupid” that we didn’t willingly allow ourselves to take an experimental injection. That’s their right to that perspective, as stupid and primitive as it is. It is good that they wouldn’t want to associate with me because I certainly would have nothing to do with them. And my reason would be the same - I view them as imbeciles as well as sheep.
You could try a weekly Ivermectin therapy for starters. I've been using it weekly since the bioweapon was released and I feel healthier than I did 10 years ago. I've also of course boosted my vitamin e, k2 and associated minerals, copper,zinc and magnesium. looking into boosting his mitochondrial health with AKG, taurine, glycine and other factors.
The body can heal itself if it has the raw materials and energy. Thats why the bioweapon needed an immunity destroying injection disguised as a vaccine to help it debililtate and depopulate and decimate economies and the indviduals whe comprise economies.
I remain unconvinced this event was in any way natural, and that the "cures" offered were meant in anyway to be helpful to the afflicted. I can trap a squirrel with peanut butter, apparently trapping humans requires a "like" and a free donut and a mystery injection.
waiting and watching to see how the 2 order consequences of the plan unfold...
to accomplish things that people might not want,its best to start by destroying the meaning of words. It complicates thinking and destroys communication. MRNA=Vaccine is a new destruction of language, but just one of many stones on a gravel road built by the media and the pundits.
I stopped getting most vaxxs years ago but the mRNA component is first and foremost the evil part. Prior to that they were probably unnecessary and the toxic part of adjuvants and preservatives. That's bad but I only viewed it so in a tangential way, like junk food or pesticides or glyphosate. Something that with just a minimum of research you could see is bad and could almost completely avoid. To some extent not putting the mRNA in your body should at least prevent making your body a GMO factory but I'm not sure if anyone can say shedding is real or harmful. My guess is that TPTB want us sick, sterile or dead but they'd stop at something that they knew could escape and contaminate them. But OTOH they are inbred dumb shits so they may in fact be just that stupid to unleash a self procreating death that takes them out, too.
agree mostly, but glyphosphate is exceedingly difficult to avoid in the USA. Its routinely sprayed on crops before harvest to dry the products in the field. wheat,oats etc all are used widely in the food of the average of citizen. I think it manifests as Gluten sensitivity, but its really the roundup in your digestive tract.
There was a female Gynaecologist that early on stated the vaccine was also an STD. She told women patients to advise their husbands to stay unvaccinated. She of course was banned off of YouTube.
That would be a fast way to make the population decrease.
My wife and I are not vaccinated but if I was single I would not date a vaccinated woman and would damn well want to know her history.
a japanese study showed that the MRNA vaccine tended to accumulate most heavily in the testes and the ovaries. For a vaccine against a respiratory illness thats a strange target. thats the sort of thing you'd do if fertility was the real target of the vaccine.
I’ve noticed this everywhere! Women and men do not look or act healthy…at all. I’m 60, and I could probably out run all of them! I’m not bragging, but people weren’t in this kind of shape when I was growing up. It’s quite disturbing.
Well, you know they're trying to kill us with the food, too. Just because they didn't take the jab doesn't mean they eat right. Then, they might be under extreme stress. Cortisol causes weight gain. I know that was PART of my problem. I quit my toxic job and lost 50 lbs. Then lost some more a few years later.
Damn straight Bandit! I’ve lost over 40lbs. after being “fired” from my job, and beating ovarian cancer. I’m at the same weight I was at 35, and I’m nearly 61. I walk 5 miles/day, and do intermittent fasting, and LOTS of sunshine…NATURE!
So many people would constantly tell me how to eat "right," because I was so fat. I was anxious 24/7, with migraines daily. Every bite I took turned to fat. I did also binge eat to try and calm my anxiety. That worked well for me. 😳🤪 Best thing I ever did was quit that horrible place! (And file for divorce.)
I love you Bandit! We’re fighters in this insane world.
I’m “filing for divorce” now! A bad relationship will bring you down like a weight around your neck.
The Universe/God/Creator has a way to get you out of anything negative in your life…ask! I believe God’s time is not necessarily, our time. Trust in that.
There is so much pushing human beings away from being at their best. I work as a massage therapist in a chiropractic office and the number of people who work a desk job and do nothing otherwise as far as movement goes is astounding. Probably 80%. And on top of it, most of them drink, have a lot of stress, it just comes from all directions and unless you really make an effort, it’s easy to just go along. Tragic for our country, it makes me so sad for them.
I agree, I am 65, thin and in shape. I don't see many others that look like I do. It is difficult to find age appropriate clothing as the sizes have all been upsized(vanity sized) so much. I found an old prom dress in the closet at my dad's. It still fit(snugly) but it was a junior 7. I now wear a 0 or 00 even though I weigh slightly more than at 16 years old when I wore that dress!
When one plants a seed, one tries to do it where it is most favorable for it to grow. An inhospitable area is to be avoided. If one has no choices, one has only one choice, to find a suitable area where one possesses choices.
Consider you may be living in a desert looking for a rice paddy, suggest you seek more favorable terrain.
intermittent fasting is the "bomb" when it comes to weight loss and health. 5 months in and I've lost 30 lbs and feel much better. Its a simple philosophy, to stop a fire, stop feeding it fuel. Not that hard to fast 48hrs in a week, and well worth 2 days of effort for the results.
Yes the world changed in the late 90s, girls began experiencing puberty at younger ages, and the world began growing more obese. Obviously estorgen or estrogen mimicing chemicals were at work in the food chain and the water. we reap what they sow...
I would be extremely resistant to get involved or close to someone without knowing for certain. I've almost resigned my self to be single forever, how do you know if anyone is honest?
the basis of any relationship is trust, partners dance for years if necessary testing and building that trust. Suggest opening with a conversation and listening with your brain not your heart or other organs.
I've found women as a whole to be quite clever in constantly building traps to prove trust and other knowledge they seek, often they will destroy a relationship over a trivial thing because their DNA forces them to constantly push to find flaws imagined or real.
Put that native wariness to use in ferreting out the truth by all means possible. Its only men you're dealing with and we know what they do 90% of their thinking with it. amirite?
I agree. I think the alternately reported figure of 68% of Americans jabbed, with an a smaller number boosted, is more likely. The jab uptake was very high among the many seniors I know but definitely much, much lower among the blue-collar men here in rural NC. All the working-age men we speak to in landscaping, masonry, auto shops, HVAC and appliance repair, etc. say they were not jabbed even though some did lose a previous job because of that.
ALL jabs are bad. If someone doesn’t understand this by NOW, they’re literally stupid people. Being stupid is a choice…and being a collectivist is a choice as well.
Agree completely!! All jabs are meant to 'trick' our God given immune systems - God was not negligent in creating us, our immune systems are magnificent because we are created in His image. :)
Our bodies are VERY intelligent! Divine Creation and Divine Intelligence…
You noticed, did you? My favorite is the sticker which says "I have a healthy distrust of authority and I'm vaccinated" 🙄💩
🐑 "Bah!..." 🐑 "BAAH!..." 🐑 "b-a-a-ah!" 🐑 "BAH!!" 🐑
You mean all COVID jabs or all vaccines in general? And if the latter, why is that so? I ask to reevaluate my position, not to accuse.
You can accuse anytime you’d like 😉. I’m a ALL free speech advocate and non-censorship advocate.
ALL “vaccines”, and flu shots.
So, including polio, smallpox, chickenpox, and other vaccines that actually work? I know COVID doesn’t and the Flu shots are iffy, but we’ve actually gotten rid of polio and others with effective vaccination. How are those ones bad?
Very interesting and I recommend taking a listen…
I’ll be sure to look into all of that. The two titles you mentioned in your first comment are books on the topic? Also, one final question concerning your position if I may: do you oppose only intravenous vaccination or oral vaccines as well? I know that might sound stupid, but I was wondering if submitting the contents of certain vaccines to digestive processes (e.g. simultaneously boiling the germs with one’s body heat and dunking them in hydrochloric acid) might lower certain risk factors as opposed to just pushing it into straight into one’s bloodstream. Thanks for your help and God bless!
May God be with you too Matthew! I oppose all “vaccines”. I’m 61 and I’ve had no vaccines or flu shots. I did have the MMR (separate “vaccines”) when I was an infant, but that’s it.
Our bodies KNOW what to do! It’s only when human beings fuck with it, we have a problem. And THAT is the problem!
Go down the rabbit hole! After losing my job of 23 years for non-CONvid compliance, I’ve done research. Not good…
May I suggest: “Dissolving Illusions-Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History”, and “Turtles All the Way Down-Vaccine Science and Myth”.
Also Salk, the “inventor” of the Polio “vaccine” was a eugenics advocate. He admitted that the Polio jab caused Polio. Oooops!
The dating world has become a war zone and toxic wasteland. The real scary part of this is that the mixing of vaxxed with unvaxxed is a potentially fatal risk to the unvaxxed due to the shedding of the toxic material now made perpetually by the vaxxed individuals. And, dare ye unvaxxed to utter the question of vax status to a potential partner, ye will be scorned and cancelled. Ironically, this rejection may well be a lifesaver.
My dear hubby of 40+ years insisted on getting the toxic shot. It affected his health so badly, he is now cured of wanting another.... but his health is shot now. life is much harder than it needed to be. I love him & am committed to him, so I stay, but it's so hard.
please, friends, don't forget those of us who are left behind.
I'm unvaxxed and will always be.
Nearly all of my nieces and nephews are jabbed. We have no children. The inheritance situation might be solved by who is unvaxxed and still alive.
half our kids got the jab, half didn't... trouble is, its such a sad thought, but so valid! in one nearby town there are whole blocks where half or more of the houses are empty. But being alive may not be adequate. The shots have damaged so many (I'm preaching to the choir); will survivors be able to handle their inheritance, physically or mentally? I'm glad we have ours in a trust; it's a start anyway.
"there are whole blocks where half or more of the houses are empty"
Are you serious? 😳
Br. Alexis Bugnolo would appear to be being vindicated.
"A Stark Warning for Politicians, Journalists and Doctors" -
yes, the town is Chisholm MN and it is keeping real estate agents busy, trying to sell the homes.
Meanwhile in lovely Victoria BC where I have the personal misfortune to live, nothing like that at all, and this is what mobile homes on native land are going for:
Something very very strange is going, worldwide...🤔
Wow! 2b 2b … quarter of a million!
The risk of shedding the toxic byproducts to you as a result of the perpetual processes now going on in your dear hubby's body is ever present for You as well... I'm so sorry for your situation. :(
Almost everyone I know is vaccinated. Some regret it. The super libs are either deeply ignorant about the risks/history of the vaxx or too ideologically twisted to acknowledge the problems and failings and so keep going back for boosters. They are totally impervious to any information that contradicts their thinking on the subject. It kind of freaks me out. Vaxxes are the sacrament for the new religion. Too bad they are so dangerous.
I totally agree! I feel like I’m living in a sci-fi movie.
Oh wait! I AM!
Excellent comment. !!!
This one sentence really stood out for me.
“They are totally impervious to any information that contradicts their thinking on the subject.”
Vaxes are not the only thing they are impervious too. Have two sister in-laws that won’t look or listen to ANYTHING that doesn’t confirm their thinking. Period.
Sounds like you're describing the vast majority of my friends. My closest friends are jabbed to the max and can't understand why they can't get over a cold or why they are getting numerous SAEs and have to take greater and greater numbers of prescriptions. 😳🙄🤪🤪🤪
I have family like this. Fortunately they stopped after the first round of jabs
This deadly vaccine, and the satanic people behind it, are going to crater the US birth rate...Was that part of the plan≥..
Which is another reason for flooding the country with third world illegal alien invaders. They are more compliant than the natives and besides the aliens have no seditious ideas like those contained in the Declaration of Independence or the Bill of Rights.
45 millions of illegals are here . Don't worry about the population drop.
Until the war starts.
Most of them were also pre heavily armed for when they later arrived. During the Obama years ammo and guns were being bought up and stored by the government.
The globalists want America destroyed and have been planning it for decades, back to Kissinger's early days if not before.
The federal reserve was the original snare to hang the populace. 1913 I think it was.
Yes, and that was the 3rd central bank in the US. The banksters run this world, the politicians are just there to divide and distract while the true operators carry on unperturbed behind the smoke and mirrors.
The entire banking/money creation scheme is the greatest trick ever played. Or maybe there's another level above that we're not aware of. This world is all an illusion.
the government has been stocking up on weapons, since the world war II treaties were signed. Luckily so has the civilian population where still allowed to own firearms...
Yes, most absolutely! And they're not done yet!
Various sources have written about how blood from un-vaccinated people is becoming indistinguishable from that of the jabbed, due to "shedding". If so, how can anybody *prove* that they have neither been jabbed nor shed upon?
The blood is only part of it. The other part is finding someone who can see through all the BS, who stands strong under pressure, whose values align with your own.
The shotted people I know -- some of them are still true believers and quite a few of them now say they only took it for this or that reason that seemed important at the time, but that they won't take any more. I'm not sure I believe them.
Sure - I understand all that. But the question remains - how to 'prove' that you did see through the BS & never took a jab in the first place? Blood tests could backfire, as said earlier. Lie detector tests have always been BS in their own right. It's a genuine question.
I have known people who would lie & make any required declaration in pursuit of a quick shag - not all of them male, I might add. It's just a variation on "Of course I'll still love you in the morning" & so on.
here's where I'm at with it. I can totally tell, by talking to people, whether they got one or more shots, or none. Maybe not on a dating app, but I don't do online dating. I'm older.
But meeting people in person is really the only way to tell.
All you have to do is set up a few "get to know you" types of questions that approach this a bit sideways, and gauge their response. People cannot fake this. Also.... ask questions in a neutral way, without giving away your own POV or status.
They respond basically in 3 ways:
1. "I really locked down during 2020, and that was hard. Thank goodness those vaccines came along, and if it weren't for those horrible anti-vaxxers, we would have been out of the woods far sooner. I hear there's a new flu-COVID booster coming out this fall, which is good because I know so many people are sick right now, and this variant doesn't even show up on the tests."
2. "well, you know.... there was so much pressure to get those shots. I got mine. I needed to travel to a wedding, and besides my kids wouldn't let me see the grandkids without one. We did what we had to do. I really didn't want to get one, but I figured it wouldn't hurt, and everyone was getting one. I know a few people who had a bad reaction. So far, I seem OK and hopefully that means I got a 'placebo.' I'm not getting any more, though."
3. "why would I ever put something so obviously experimental and a likely bioweapon in my body? I can't believe how many supposedly 'smart' people fell for this!"
***pro tip: date people in category #3
I will tell you also why this works for unshotted people. Remember that we are in the minority. Therefore, anyone looking to lie to get laid is likely to choose category #1 or #2 because the odds are greater. Anyone looking to mate, for a long-term relationship, is going to be honest and choose category #3. But don't give your position away first.
Also, your admission of being unshotted is likely to yield a spontaneous grin on steroids that can only happen when someone is so happily surprised to meet a kindred spirit. This cannot be faked.
Ask the questions in person. Not online. Not even over the phone. Face to face.
"the old fashioned way"
your method is probably the only viable way. the only problem is when nature takes over. at a certain age that is a real thing.
BOOM💥! Good job Dani!
I look around today, and people act like nothing has occurred the last four years!
Yeah, something did occur. I lost my job of 23 years, got kicked out of stores, berated for not wearing a suffocation device, etc! Pure insanity! Try it again…I dare you to stupid sheep!
What’s 🤯 is when these fools say, “but everyone was getting one.” That’s someone who goes along to get along... the pitiful, dumb sheep.
Lions are unpredictable, calculating and fierce and will stand against all odds because they use their god-given instincts. Those lions are some of the most intelligent, respected, successful, critical thinking leaders on this planet.
I had two male friends in years past that said if they had AIDS they wouldn't tell a potential female partner. I told them they were mentally sick!!!
I am sure the JAB is getting spread.
Wow! That is major moral, and mental illness. Right up there with psychopath behavior!
I hope you found some new friends 😉!
That’s actually a criminal offense in some places no? Wow. The dating world is just plain dangerous nowadays.
Go read up on AIDS and another alleged virus never isolated or proven to cause immune deficiency! How did they test for HIV? Take blood and if antibodies found, HIV+. Wait a minute, when you get a vaccine, your body hopefully makes antibodies which, they claim, primes your body to recognise future "viruses." So, complete opposites. We were too dumb and trusting back then. It was the AZT treatment that killed most, thank Fauci. has a series, well referenced, on plenty experiments carried out on people without their knowledge. The Perth Group website is another good site, demonstrating no proof. I was young back in 80's and they managed to scare young people, gay or not. Don't be fooled again, Covid was not the first scam.
if they'd had a female partner, they wouldnt have had aids, something is suspect about the whole argument. P.s if thats the way they view the world and their role in it, they probably shouldn't be your friends.
Elon Musk is supposed to be really smart, he has 3 jabs in him? My primary doc for yrs said the FDA is gold & if they are recommending them I'm recommending them? I'm so happy 15% of us said, FU!
I've heard "genius" Elon say some other really DUMB, stupid things. I know he's busy with his rocket boosters but anybody who took the jab is NOT my kind of genius.
And I enjoyed saying FU to some of the doctors and medical people I had conversations with during the dark years. I recently had the opportunity to pass that under the table to another jabbed doctor. They do NOT like knowing that you judge them to be an idiot with a medical degree. When they took the jab, they took a low probability event like a 40 year old having a heart attack to something to worry about. And there are over 700 "side effects" for the jabbed doctors to worry about.
Well said, I can feel it, I know if we all got together we would respect/really like each other! It took courage to say, Hell No!
I thought there were around 1200 side effects. an M.D. I knew took the injections, when I asked him why would anyone take an E.U.A. injection to begin with, he started speaking nonsense. Appeal to authority nonsense. We agreed not to talk about it.
When you do that, it forces them to look at themselves. I think many have cognitive dissonance. Can you blame them?
I can blame them to a certain extent.
No I don’t blame them. there is no use in blaming them. they are only reacting the way they were taught to react. as I’m sure I’ve done in other situations.
how would you quantify the number of side effects to an unknown potion? We are witnessing an experiment in real time, the numbers are still being tallied. The uninjected are the control group.
I would never try to assign a number to the known side effects, its a moving target. You don't try to quantify the number of side effects of jumping off a 10 story building, you just realize its most often fatal and stay off rooftops.
It wasn't about quantifying at least I didn't intend that. The idea was to show there are a lot more known negative side effects than what ever the number was in the post I replied to. As if I suppose that would make a difference. Your point is a good one.
I love it! It’s the collectivist mind hive!
I highly recommend “Rape of the Mind”-Joost Meerloo…excellent book!
I just added it to my KINDLE library. Thanks for the recommendation
100% correct. 👍
You can’t! I flew a few weeks ago, and I haven’t flown in years! I was sick after my flight and I haven’t been sick in approximately 15 years! I will bet that every person on the packed to the brim flight was jabbed!
I’ve had no jabs or flu shots.
Trapped in a tube of sick people for hours with the immune suppressed.
You got that right Jay! I’m done with flying. Flying used to be such a great experience.
Not anymore! It’s like torture.
Not to mention riskier than it used to be. Apparently there are roughly 300 Boeing planes still currently operating that have a potentially major malfunction and they haven’t done a damn thing about it. Fly at your own risk!
and cockpits full of newbie DEI pilots, and control towers populated by the same cohort. what could possibly go wrong?
ps try a dose of ivermectin before and after flying. keeps the immune system on its toes regarding viral infections etc..
Good question. You really can't believe what people say.
At this point in time???? I trust no one, except God, and two people. I think many people will realize how “alone” they truly are. Which, isn’t necessarily a bad thing like we’ve been brainwashed to believe. It strengthens you, once you adapt to reality, accept many forms of loss, mourn for what WAS…
This is the cycle of life…birth and death. I’m referring to a spiritual birth, and death as well 😉.
Not to mention, those that got Injected but now regret it, what's to prevent them from outright lying about it.
This whole satanic charade is far from over.
These dating scenes look like they are dominated by 'older' people. I'm wondering how to get my children hooked up with someone unvaxxed before they fall in love with someone that is. How many children were protected from taking the vaccine, are there any events that parents could encourage them to go to so they can socialize with each other? I definitely don't want my daughters getting sterile or have lifelong bleeding problems just cause some boy lied to them about his vaccine status
Consider the only way to rebel against a corrupt system, is to withdraw from the corrupt system. It only continues when we participate. a nation of indivduals who start their own experiments in free living, is a million points of a failure in the corrupt machine.
Withdraw from the cities, build communities of self sufficient peoples, find like minded individuals, live in the real world, withdraw from the digital domain. Learn to build the world you want to live in.
The system is being built to make you weak and unable to live without it, walk away and learn the skills to live without the system..
Certain young church volunteer groups might be a start. YoungLife is a national Christian group that might attract those types you seek. Have seen some good, quality relationships built...and marriages.
And if you live in a blue state it’s almost impossible to find an unjabbed woman 😞. Crazy how all the leftists took the Trump WarpSpeed Jab
I am the only one.
However, I am too old to bear more children.
I am sad about that, because I would totally do my part to repopulate the planet.
I live in Commiefornia, and I can say there are plenty of unjabbed women here. You just need to stay clear of SF and LA. ;)
TRUMP AND THE SATANIC 2000 TRILLION DOLLAR ROTHSCHILD PHOENICIAN MEGA TRILLIONAIRE DEEP STATE This Article is the Truth, and Only the Truth, Only Knowing the Truth, can set us Free of the 2000 Trillion Dollar Rothschild inspired Mind Control Propaganda.
“We’ll know our Disinformation Program is complete when everything the American Public knows is False” William Casey - CIA Director…
Beware people telling you they bring you the "Truth and only Truth"...
Do the women tell you they are injected? Have any of them said I regret the decision?
First you gotta avoid the vaxd. Next you have to avoid the vegans. 😆
And green, pink haired nose ringers🧑🎤👩🎤🦄🤪.
Nature provides warning signs for dangerous creatures. Beleive them when they show you their true colors..
It is as funny as it is pathetic to read about the sheep who allowed themselves to be jabbed with an experimental injection to express any concern whatsoever about being around those of us who are not jabbed. If you really did get a “vaccine“ and if that vaccine actually works, then you have nothing to worry about.
They have a better point when they look down upon us as being “stupid” that we didn’t willingly allow ourselves to take an experimental injection. That’s their right to that perspective, as stupid and primitive as it is. It is good that they wouldn’t want to associate with me because I certainly would have nothing to do with them. And my reason would be the same - I view them as imbeciles as well as sheep.
You could try a weekly Ivermectin therapy for starters. I've been using it weekly since the bioweapon was released and I feel healthier than I did 10 years ago. I've also of course boosted my vitamin e, k2 and associated minerals, copper,zinc and magnesium. looking into boosting his mitochondrial health with AKG, taurine, glycine and other factors.
The body can heal itself if it has the raw materials and energy. Thats why the bioweapon needed an immunity destroying injection disguised as a vaccine to help it debililtate and depopulate and decimate economies and the indviduals whe comprise economies.
I remain unconvinced this event was in any way natural, and that the "cures" offered were meant in anyway to be helpful to the afflicted. I can trap a squirrel with peanut butter, apparently trapping humans requires a "like" and a free donut and a mystery injection.
waiting and watching to see how the 2 order consequences of the plan unfold...
They keep using the word ‘vaccine’ like it’s all vaccines when the main thing people are concerned about is mRNA, which isn’t a vaccine at all.
to accomplish things that people might not want,its best to start by destroying the meaning of words. It complicates thinking and destroys communication. MRNA=Vaccine is a new destruction of language, but just one of many stones on a gravel road built by the media and the pundits.
I stopped getting most vaxxs years ago but the mRNA component is first and foremost the evil part. Prior to that they were probably unnecessary and the toxic part of adjuvants and preservatives. That's bad but I only viewed it so in a tangential way, like junk food or pesticides or glyphosate. Something that with just a minimum of research you could see is bad and could almost completely avoid. To some extent not putting the mRNA in your body should at least prevent making your body a GMO factory but I'm not sure if anyone can say shedding is real or harmful. My guess is that TPTB want us sick, sterile or dead but they'd stop at something that they knew could escape and contaminate them. But OTOH they are inbred dumb shits so they may in fact be just that stupid to unleash a self procreating death that takes them out, too.
agree mostly, but glyphosphate is exceedingly difficult to avoid in the USA. Its routinely sprayed on crops before harvest to dry the products in the field. wheat,oats etc all are used widely in the food of the average of citizen. I think it manifests as Gluten sensitivity, but its really the roundup in your digestive tract.
There was a female Gynaecologist that early on stated the vaccine was also an STD. She told women patients to advise their husbands to stay unvaccinated. She of course was banned off of YouTube.
That would be a fast way to make the population decrease.
My wife and I are not vaccinated but if I was single I would not date a vaccinated woman and would damn well want to know her history.
a japanese study showed that the MRNA vaccine tended to accumulate most heavily in the testes and the ovaries. For a vaccine against a respiratory illness thats a strange target. thats the sort of thing you'd do if fertility was the real target of the vaccine.
So how do these groups know for sure that anyone is truthful about not having the jab? Also what about shedding?
Where I live it is exacerbated by the fact that almost every woman of any age is at least morbidly obese.
I’ve noticed this everywhere! Women and men do not look or act healthy…at all. I’m 60, and I could probably out run all of them! I’m not bragging, but people weren’t in this kind of shape when I was growing up. It’s quite disturbing.
Well, you know they're trying to kill us with the food, too. Just because they didn't take the jab doesn't mean they eat right. Then, they might be under extreme stress. Cortisol causes weight gain. I know that was PART of my problem. I quit my toxic job and lost 50 lbs. Then lost some more a few years later.
Damn straight Bandit! I’ve lost over 40lbs. after being “fired” from my job, and beating ovarian cancer. I’m at the same weight I was at 35, and I’m nearly 61. I walk 5 miles/day, and do intermittent fasting, and LOTS of sunshine…NATURE!
Cortisol is from fight/flight constantly. I know!
Love ya Bandit!💜🌻🕊️
Much love back at'cha Renee Marie!
So many people would constantly tell me how to eat "right," because I was so fat. I was anxious 24/7, with migraines daily. Every bite I took turned to fat. I did also binge eat to try and calm my anxiety. That worked well for me. 😳🤪 Best thing I ever did was quit that horrible place! (And file for divorce.)
I love you Bandit! We’re fighters in this insane world.
I’m “filing for divorce” now! A bad relationship will bring you down like a weight around your neck.
The Universe/God/Creator has a way to get you out of anything negative in your life…ask! I believe God’s time is not necessarily, our time. Trust in that.
There is so much pushing human beings away from being at their best. I work as a massage therapist in a chiropractic office and the number of people who work a desk job and do nothing otherwise as far as movement goes is astounding. Probably 80%. And on top of it, most of them drink, have a lot of stress, it just comes from all directions and unless you really make an effort, it’s easy to just go along. Tragic for our country, it makes me so sad for them.
I agree Valerie! If Holistic medicine was doled out, society would probably be a happier place.
People are definitely missing SUNSHINE🌞!
Sunshine is a HUGE benefit to our bodies, I totally agree!
I agree, I am 65, thin and in shape. I don't see many others that look like I do. It is difficult to find age appropriate clothing as the sizes have all been upsized(vanity sized) so much. I found an old prom dress in the closet at my dad's. It still fit(snugly) but it was a junior 7. I now wear a 0 or 00 even though I weigh slightly more than at 16 years old when I wore that dress!
When one plants a seed, one tries to do it where it is most favorable for it to grow. An inhospitable area is to be avoided. If one has no choices, one has only one choice, to find a suitable area where one possesses choices.
Consider you may be living in a desert looking for a rice paddy, suggest you seek more favorable terrain.
intermittent fasting is the "bomb" when it comes to weight loss and health. 5 months in and I've lost 30 lbs and feel much better. Its a simple philosophy, to stop a fire, stop feeding it fuel. Not that hard to fast 48hrs in a week, and well worth 2 days of effort for the results.
Yes the world changed in the late 90s, girls began experiencing puberty at younger ages, and the world began growing more obese. Obviously estorgen or estrogen mimicing chemicals were at work in the food chain and the water. we reap what they sow...
The endocrine systems are being manipulated.
They call them the Tons of Fun .
So where is the proof that potential partners are unvaccinated?
I would be extremely resistant to get involved or close to someone without knowing for certain. I've almost resigned my self to be single forever, how do you know if anyone is honest?
Diogenes did some work in that field which is available for reference.
the basis of any relationship is trust, partners dance for years if necessary testing and building that trust. Suggest opening with a conversation and listening with your brain not your heart or other organs.
I've found women as a whole to be quite clever in constantly building traps to prove trust and other knowledge they seek, often they will destroy a relationship over a trivial thing because their DNA forces them to constantly push to find flaws imagined or real.
Put that native wariness to use in ferreting out the truth by all means possible. Its only men you're dealing with and we know what they do 90% of their thinking with it. amirite?
With a 15% unvaxed population, I think I understand their desperation on fishing in a drastically reduced size pond.
I think the unvaxxed are much high than 15%. The media would like you to believe that number.
I agree. I think the alternately reported figure of 68% of Americans jabbed, with an a smaller number boosted, is more likely. The jab uptake was very high among the many seniors I know but definitely much, much lower among the blue-collar men here in rural NC. All the working-age men we speak to in landscaping, masonry, auto shops, HVAC and appliance repair, etc. say they were not jabbed even though some did lose a previous job because of that.
I believe 65%, or less, are jabbed.