David Martin Uncovers The Continuing Coverups & Politicized Misdirects: "Transparently Hiding...Again"
Two days ago David Martin produced a YouTube video further establishing incontrovertible evidence that the entire COVID-19 operation was a criminal conspiracy years in the making.
His presentation is germane to today’s earlier article on the Republican COVID-19 declassification bill that is ultimately more of the same obfuscation blame game and further vilification of China; to wit:
…the Wuhan Institute of Virology was not merely funded by the CCP, but was for all intents and purposes created by the CIA, DoD, Pentagon, BigPharma and Fauci’s network of tax theft agencies and institutes. All of the Gain-of-Function technology that Wuhan was weaponizing came from Fauci’s bioweapons research point man Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina. In other words, this is not a China operation, and the intentional lab leak was not ordered by the CCP.
Of course, the virus was leaked so that the real bioweapon "vaccine" could be deployed.
Martin references a research paper published in early 2016 whereby the scientist team and their funders implicate themselves by their very own admissions. They confess to performing illegal Gain of Function (GoF) research during the GoF moratorium.
Fauci’s criminal research network consisting of the NIH, NIAD and GoF mastermind Ralph Baric elaborated on their Crimes Against Humanity research in plain sight. They knew full well at the time that no one would have dared prosecute their Intelligence-Military-Medical Industrial Complex conspiracies to commit global bioterrorism.
The research paper:
Note above underlined citation 27, entitled “Release of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus nuclear import block enhances host transcription in human lung cells.”
Keyword “release” can only mean one thing: intentionality.
Keyword “mutant” refers to their illegal GoF in addition to their splicing “wild-type” viruses into human lung epithelial cells.
Basically, Fauci, Baric & Co. have across several research papers openly admitted to a variety of crimes that ultimately led to both the viral and “vaccine” components of their PSYOP-19 scamdemic program. Said program was the payload delivery system that the CIA and the likes of Bill Gates were concurrently developing across their various tabletop “exercises” like Dark Winter, SPARS, etc.
Here is moderna, a DoD and Pentagon front corporation that filed COVID-19 patents in 2015 on behalf of their handlers, admitting to a new round of royalty-bearing license agreements for 2023:
(Note that the year moderna filed their COVID patents occurred at the exact same time the above “human emergence” research was being conducted.)
Thus, we can be certain that another “pandemic” and associated royalty-bearing mRNA poison injections is ready to be deployed as part of the continued POLYPSYOP program.
As is now well known by many, Fauci would perjure himself multiple times in front of Congress, all while has was continuing to fund banned GoF research throughout 2022 and into 2023, and up until his peculiarly timed retirement last month. All of the usual suspects have not only been indicted, but have received additional tax theft monies to continue with their illegal “research.”
Essentially, the illegitimate Federal government is both directly and indirectly involved in this “pandemic” Crimes Against Humanity program. As such, the foreign nation of Washington, D.C. is wholly captured, and is actively working to depopulate We the People as they persist in socially engineering reality inversion narratives.
Active participation in the mass ritual biosuicide is thankfully waning, and few are now subjecting themselves to booster injections, but the carefully engineered damage has been done. And many more mass induced fear operations are on deck.
As per Martin, no Republican politician will dare go after the most blatant crimes as outlined above. Blaming China instead of the real enemies operating within the “attacked” nation itself is precisely the kind of deflection that will be used to justify ever more wars. Because war is the ultimate solution for discharging untenable debts, justifying global financial market collapse, and covering up the worst crime in the history of the world.
They want you dead.
Do NOT comply.
It had to be 'years in the making,' in 2013 at a conference Fauci was talking about a pandemic that would kill most of the populations. 2015 Gates and Obama got patents on the vax. 2017 they began work in earnest on CV. 2019 you know what happened then.
When you finally realize your whole life has been lived in a horror movie, the tension building for decades, finally obvious.