Well we knew it was bad but this puts it all in a new and scarier light! Very damning information to be sure. But when will people realize this is really happening? Getting very weary of the wait!

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When they're on the slab, unfortunately.

Most of the public are blind and stupid when it comes to the miracle jab.

Suicidally so.

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Remember kiddies, it's a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Your TV says so. 🤡🙄

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And their "patience is wearing thin" - says the senile presidential potato. What a total clusterf*ck.

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Where are the US stats? I hope someone can get them. Im sure they are similar. In NYS tey are still advertising/ pushing the shots- even on kids. Sad.

Thank you!!!

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They will never be seen.

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As useful as this would be, we won’t see it because we don’t have nationalized healthcare...they are getting closer with Epic being used everywhere, but I’d like to opt out of that! I do not wish for socialized medicine or a national registry containing my data.

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Only conspiracy theorists and right wing nutjobs, along with their racist, homophobic, transphobic, anti-science, women-hating, illegal alien hating cohorts would want to see actual data. Don't get fooled, government knows best!

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Shoot your TV

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In CT this am another Sophomore High School child is dead. No idea why of course! Football player no less. Grief counseling available. What a joke. How is that possible when they can't or won't address why.

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So sad. They want us dead is correct. Agenda 2030, all part of the Great Reset. People are waking up but I’m afraid it’s too late. The open border is just about ensuring that.

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It's only too late when you give up, keep that in mind :)

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Please send details to this site .... https://goodsciencing.com/covid/athletes-suffer-cardiac-arrest-die-after-covid-shot/

Contact via top right.

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Mark Crispin Miller has a substack on all these deaths. He does a great job.

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Yes, I follow MCM as well (GOOD LAD - I do not know how he does it !) and send from his site, the athlete names; if the numbers do not depress me that much .... he knows about that..

Hhave a couple few more sites for you below.

The reason I posted this specific site is that the poor kid mentioned was an athlete and this site is ONLY for athletes.

Anyway a few more sites for you:

https://www.bitchute.com/channel/AiTGDgsgfEmI/ (look for Young Hearts AND NOTE WHAT EPISODE THE LATEST IS)


https://rumble.com/user/TruthSeekerNews1984 (Breakdown into categories)


https://makismd.substack.com/ (Again when applicable, a breakdown in categories; but general and not as "comprehensive as above).


I have contact them all and just wish they would all somehow work together; to get the info out to more people !!.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I have a real problem with the paid only substacks. Most cannot afford and need the life saving info. Dr. Makis for one. If they truly cared it would be available to all. Regardless of ability to pay. Thank you. Much appreciated.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

A person after my own heart; same here. I just unsubscribe as soon as I get the message inferring that "commenting is only allowed for paid members". ... had a few heated conversations about it as well, with the "owners / editors / writers".

Only posted that link, as I know many who do subscribe and do so many different substcks as well (no chance for me) ... this is where I actually follow him =


FREE OF CHARGE for what I want to read... but you cannot comment, butsomehow that does not bother me here; but on a substack it does.

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

Ditto. If they want to paywall their work that’s one thing, but I always read comments on every substack I read and think that the paywalls should allow us to read comments. I follow him on GR too but lately he’s posting less cases and points to his website. I wish he’d post some that everyone can read. I guess I could search go fund me like he does and copy and paste the cases.

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I could not agree more.

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I am so sorry. May he rest in peace.

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I'm one of the 30%. No needles, no premature death lurking in the wings. Ha ha

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We only have to be careful about the shedding.

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Criminals never give up their power peacefully

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At this point i'm like meh, i'm tired and sound like a broken record, let them die if that is what they want. Two relatives have cancer again, and a third is dead and gone, friends and people I knew are all dead and gone, all of them under 60 years of age, and I can only guess more are on the way. I tried.

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I can tell your heart has been breaking and you can only live in that state of suspecting that there are still more dangers from the vaccines damaging your loved ones and they unaware of it. And it must feel like they are obstinately unaware of it and that there is not much you can do at this point. (It’s almost like people were herded into a cult and don’t know they are in it.) Really I sympathize (and empathize) with you, this is a really weird situation to deal with and you are just doing the best you can. I would suggest sharing with them some of the plant medicines and nutraceuticals that may be helpful. I mean we can’t know for sure what might work but if extra vitamin d might help get those T cells working again to stop cancer, or if intermittent fasting might help detox stuff and if the wellness group has stuff that might help stop the spike proteins, I mean we might be able to turn it around for some people (I can’t say for sure but it’s worth a try). (I am praying for you to get through this and find happy moments, like a lotus flower in a puddle of mud.Ps I am proud of you.)

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Bless you for your kind words, I am sure they will be of value to many, they are to me. For all of my family are triple vaxed. I wait and pray.

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Can understand this sentiment, which is ironic since it is similar to the stance taken by the parasite elites, F the masses. To a certain extent I can see why they want to get rid of everyone. - too dumb or ignorant to live. If the shots are an IQ test, then those that fail, well... too bad.

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Don't forget kids, trust your Health Dept. Grim Reapers!!

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With the claim that 11,000 NZ politicians were exempted from the jab, there needs to be a global FOI storm to find out how many parasitic politicians in every country, were excused the poison.

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politicians and elite/essential people/top health advisers etc. not a claim its Fact from OIA Official information Act request provided data from Govt, and turned down many other requests (businesses) to cover entire workforces and or top level employees ( up to 83 requests I believe)

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Regardless of what they say; in the background I always hear Nancy Reagan saying, “Just Say No.”

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30% of UK refused to get the shot?! Wow, good on them! I think it was just over 90% got it in Canada, which blew me away when I heard that. I had not realized I lived in such a land of sheeple until then. Although being someone who usually glazes over when stats are presented, and understanding how we were lied to right from the start, I have hardly paid attention to the numbers. and no one I know has been adversely affected (or should I say they have not attributed it to the shot) or died--that I know of--so far.

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Keep in mind, the same people who were lying to you about the vax, may well have lied about the number of people who took the shots.

Great way to get compliance would be to lie about how many had taken it.

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Excellent point. Almost everyone I know got it, so pretty close to 90% there.

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I am Canadian too. I am lucky to know a few unvaccinated people but most seemed to have gotten it, I can’t say if the 90% number is accurate or not, but I know the media here was really controlling the message. I think when Trudeau et al made it so that you couldn’t get on a plane without it, he really cornered a lot of people into it. I think it was also needed for local buses, definitely was required to get on buses for sports teams, to go into hockey arenas, restaurants etc, if you were a nurse, a teacher, almost all government jobs, to visit someone in the hospital they were checking. And our media here was giving reports of people dying (from (or with...)) covid daily and constantly blaming the unvaccinated (and they had that if you are vaccinated u still r considering unvaxxed for 2 weeks thing -which I m suspect was skewing the actual numbers). So although I m sad more Canadians didn’t resist, the messaging was online, tv, radio, billboards, newspapers even just stuff posted on businesses doors all warning people... I mean this was shockingly similar to psychological warfare👀( multiple times a day, everyday constantly pushing fear), and most Canadians have been socialized to think our government is for the most part decent or reasonably good and not expected to give too much bad advice and that vaccines were probably safe (for most people- or not able to cause too much harm to healthy people) and that doctors would always sort of know the best health options and give fair and balanced information. They trusted the media to provide them with the important information they would need to know. And Trudeau is still saying his smarmy crap about how conservatives are “going down rabbit holes”, (trying to paint a picture of all people who have questioned anything as crazy conspiracy theorists).

I think most Canadians were just not prepared that their own government and media could (allegedly) just lie to them everyday about such a serious thing.Even now it’s so hard to know who (of the vaccinated) is psychologically prepared to even hear the truth, even tiny parts of it slowly coming out are probably causing some cognitive dissonance. Like they are only now maybe starting to hear it was a lab made virus... how many years before they get to the next question and can connect some dots?

And we can’t even share articles on Facebook anymore...

Anyway be relieved that some of us have survived this onslaught.

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

I wonder if you are back east from all you say. We could still ride busses here on the Wet Coast, and I rode without a mask almost all the time after the beginning bs. Have not watched msm for years, so only had glimpses of that part of the total psy-op. We so have to resist if they try to come down hard again.

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I am in BC but have family in all across Canada so I know that not every place was affected in the same way at the same time. (So my comments were not reflective strictly of this province) For a while BC seemed better then most (I recall in Manitoba they had sections of Walmart closed off (before Christmas the one year) and you could only buy essential items like food, I had a friend who couldn’t get a new mattress as they forced those businesses to close and police were harassing people who were having church services outside in the parking lot, in Ontario one of my friends was kept from her dad for two weeks while he was near death because she was unvaxxed and the hospital was giving her a hard time. And I remember in Alberta when the police physically captured ( kinda assaulted🤷‍♀️)a teenager trying to skate on an outdoor rink. But here in BC it wasn’t as extreme for a while we seemed a bit better, although Bonnie Henry has held onto not allowing unvaxxed nurses back to work. So it’s still not right here, sort of normal but not completely, like an unvaxxed person can’t seem to be a care aid for a disabled person here.

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I think the percentage in Canada that did not get any shots is at least 25%. Whoever said it was over 90% is very wrong.

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It is true that this figure comes from the ones with the jab. Who can know, really? I have no faith in the data. The percentage of those I know who got it is high. Most went along.

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I said from the beginning that we would not get good data in North America. The data is captured and they are frigging with it.

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Absolutely. I do not trust it.

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I thought the UK counted natural immunity as valid right away, so if you had recovered from a documented case of Covid or had the shots, you were permitted to live your life

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

Not as far as I was ever aware.

We had our own versions of Fauci.

Whitty and valance were the "experts" rolled out to tell everyone that their tyranny was good for us

There was a constant government push to vaccinate everyone and social pressure was applied to get everyone poisoned.

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I stand corrected - it definitely came across the pond that way, which to me explained your lower compliance numbers...I like that the lower numbers are simply due to folks saying no though! (Still horrible that 70% compliance is “low” though)

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Catherine Austin Fitts who I greatly respect said in one of her interviews that the world uptake of the vax was far, far lower than they had hoped. And far, far lower than you are told.

My guess is the US is around 60% tops.

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I honestly think the number who did not take it is high, no real guesses on the rest. Catherine has enough contacts worldwide for me to trust her judgement.

They are getting NO buy in on the covid or flu shot here from what I can see and I am in Massachusetts. That means a lot for Massachusetts was all in for the vax.

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Yes, I’m not so sure about that. I believe 32% didn’t take the Autumn 2023 vaccine. I’ll look at this in detail over the weekend, but it doesn’t jive with what I have read over the years. Like this:

‘Over 9 in 10 people aged 12 years and over in the UK had received one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, nearly 9 in 10 had received two doses and around 7 in 10 had received three or more doses by the end of August 2022.’

Source: UK ONS...


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This data is SHOCKING!

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Why can't there be different colours on the death charts? Has anyone checked the source data, I like the Expose but their maths sucks. 40% still turning up for boosters...

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If UK Kingdom is only 67 Million, then 1.34% of the population has died from Covid and the Injections.

Does that mean the US death toll is much greater? Is the FDA hiding the true death rate in the US?

Can not phantom that we are not stopping this massive crime against humanity. I guess the money people and the politicians all have invested in this con game. https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/crispr-viewpoint

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Wow. I don't see how it could get any more stark than this. Guess the numbers just aren't big enough yet. Makes me wonder what next year's monthlys will look like. Is Degal corret?

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What is the definition of "dose" in your presentation? The pattern for "vaccinations" was 2 shots at the very beginning. That could be 1 dose or 2. I think that researchers are wanting to call that initial 2 shots "1 dose." After that, the shots were called boosters, each one counted as one dose. What's the consensus and what is the answer for this analysis? Thank you.

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