DEATHVAX™ DEPOPULATION UPDATE: Increased Risk of Miscarriage After Injection Against SARS-CoV-2
If anyone still has even a scintilla of doubt that we are in the midst of an worldwide slow kill bioweapon genocide, then this latest research study entitled, Miscarriage after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination: A population-based cohort study should dispel any and all dubiousness once and for all.
The reason this latest research study is especially fascinating is because it attempted to coverup the “vaccine” death and destruction by obfuscating the raw data (rate/100k) with "adjusted" rates; in other words, the authors deliberately rigged their methodologies to hide the blatant “vaccine” induced miscarriage increases.
The current findings confirm the lack of association between SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and miscarriage, including after accounting for induced abortion. Accordingly, the current study findings reiterate the importance of including pregnant women in new vaccine clinical trials and registries, followed by rapid dissemination about vaccine safety around the time of conception and across each trimester of pregnancy.
And yet, despite this fraudulent conclusion, we can show from their very own raw data the following chart:
As per the unsealed documents, why would Pfizer in the first place ever had been so concerned with miscarriages for a “vaccine” that was allegedly inoculating against a respiratory disease? A “vaccine” that they always knew could never ever stop the spread, or attenuate symptoms; in fact, it is scientifically impossible for any vaccine to prevent a respiratory disease.
The reason Pfizer was obsessed with studying miscarriages was because this “vaccine” was always a deliberate democide bioweapon that not only sterilizes, but, also, hugely increases the chances for miscarriage.
(The very same “vaccine” whose patents are owned by the DoD and Pentagon, not Pfizer.)
Some more color on this scam study:
The fact that the vaccinated cohorts show a doubling of miscarriage risk should horrify anyone reading this, and, yet, we have “experts” and “scientists” cranking out whitewash research papers on behalf of their Intelligence Industrial Complex and BigPharma handlers.
From the research paper itself we have the following damning admissions:
This study received funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), grant number WI3 179960 (Operating Grant: Addressing the Wider Health Impacts of COVID-19 – Exacerbation of existing disparities among marginalized populations). This work was also supported by the Ontario Health Data Platform (OHDP), a Province of Ontario initiative to support Ontario's ongoing response to COVID-19 and its related impacts.
The Canadian Institutes of Health Research and Ontario Health Data Platform are the WEF “penetrated” socialist government’s “vaccine” peddling nodes. These agencies are deeply mired in all kinds of conflicts of interests, thus the grants were strictly for goalseeked “research” that would push the Statist “Safe and Effective” narrative despite the grim reality on the ground.
But it gets worse, way, way worse:
MV, JS, JK, JR: None reported. During the conduct of this work, DBF worked for the University of Ottawa and had academic appointments at the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute and ICES; she is currently employed by Pfizer.
The University of Ottawa is essentially controlled by the Canadian government, which in turn is controlled by the WEF, with much funding, more at bribery, coming from their BigPharma partners-in-crime. (It is no coincidence that Justin Trudeau made a fortune in kickbacks from these Modified mRNA poison injections during the height of PSYOP-19). So the fact that the lead author of this fraudulent study is now employed by Pfizer should surprise no one at all.
And how can pregnant women that were genetically modified and poisoned by varying degrees treat themselves now? The same way that everyone else who was hoodwinked into getting these “vaccines” and/or was exposed to shedding should: by using inexpensive repurposed miracle drugs Ivermectin and Fenbendazole to attenuate the spike protein (SP2)damage, and treat the various adverse events like turbo cancers, prion-bases diseases like Alzheimer’s, etc. & etc.
They want you and your unborn children dead.
Do NOT comply.
I know couples that have had miscarriages lately! My daughter’s mother-in-law just mentioned to me the other day (she’s had the shots and was actually sick at the moment) how odd it was that so many young women around her were miscarrying. She even mentioned to me that she thinks the government is doing this to us.
A friend of mines daughter just miscarried her baby. The baby had not formed a face and just died in the womb. She was a beautiful young healthy girl, other than she had gotten the death shots. My heart breaks for these people. I would never want this for anybody. I just still can’t believe so many healthy young people went and got them!
The authors have outed themselves as players on Team Bioweapon Genocide. May the world know their names and their faces and their crimes.