This is why I believe most people, institutions and government are Satanically captured. The old gods have returned and fires of Moloch are blazing. I will keep fighting for the children, but I'm getting tired. Everyone is throwing their children into the fire and smiling and being rewarded for it and I cannot stop it. It's not even slowing down. Jesus, come quick.
My nurse friends call remdesivir, “run death is near”. They say they’ve never seen hospitals
do the same exact same unsuccessful thing over & over with zero discussion nor brainstorming.
This is why I believe most people, institutions and government are Satanically captured. The old gods have returned and fires of Moloch are blazing. I will keep fighting for the children, but I'm getting tired. Everyone is throwing their children into the fire and smiling and being rewarded for it and I cannot stop it. It's not even slowing down. Jesus, come quick.