Thank you. I think I have posted this before but haven't had much luck getting a reply - from Profs Fenton and Neil either. Hopefully a smart someone will see this and help out. The Australian government is using this paper to 'sew up' excess deaths due to cancer until 2044 and therefore not investigate excess deaths at all.
The mockingbirds are all singing the same song in South Florida. The temperatures are all normal, but when they add the “humidity” factor all temps displayed on the screen are 104, 106, 107.
Thought of the day....... "I learned long ago that we cannot rely on others to do what's best for us and others. Most people in positions of leadership - be it in government, educational institutions, and the corporate world - are primarily incentivized to look after themselves. Yes, some people do care about the greater good and the well-being of each individual that they have influence over in life, but we must always think for ourselves, do our own research, and respect our own developing knowledge-base and intuition. "
Thought of the Moment: No one will come and save you. No one will come riding on a white horse and take all your worries away. You have to save yourself, little by little, day by day.
i know everyone wants to blame everything on the vax but couldn’t it all be blamed on the vax as well as covid? i know people who did not have vax but had covid and have all sorts of problems. which is scary. i just feel like this should be part of the conversation.
This is why I believe most people, institutions and government are Satanically captured. The old gods have returned and fires of Moloch are blazing. I will keep fighting for the children, but I'm getting tired. Everyone is throwing their children into the fire and smiling and being rewarded for it and I cannot stop it. It's not even slowing down. Jesus, come quick.
I agree, we have 5G towers up and operating now, chemtrails, trains derailing (who needs nuclear war? We have that), weaponized mosquitos, people looking older (this ties into 5G) before time. So yes.
I’m in that catagory. Got it for 3 1/2 weeks. No tests, jabs, masks(ever).Treated by symptoms! Energy med (NAET) and neuroflam for brain inflammation (Apex) was needed for 5 months! Dysautonomia was triggered badly. Luckily my dr. Recognized it and upped two meds. Just coming out of it! I’m 79! So doctors must learn about dysautonomia, tho they appear to be resistant. A good cardiologist should know.
... and that's why the next phase of whatever's planned, and think "shock and awe" societal version here, for real, and as they're even forcasting to us, will work just fine for them. We're fuddling around in details of imaginary bullshit and can't grasp what's really going on, generally speaking. ... and I'm referring to people that largely consider themselves to be "awake."
There are mental barriers in people's brains that prevent them from even considering the reality of what's to come. Many of these "awake" people are planning for future financial security decades down the road and seem to have zero cognizance of what looms. SMH
IT's going to be FAR worse than that Lucy, FAR worse.
Two things, first of all, Gates is nothing but a lackey in their system. To us he's huge, to them he's a pawn and chump change.
The second thing is that their ultimate goal is to control everyone and everything economically. Picture it as a near global Company Store model, with EVERYONE in the westernized societies participating in their Company Store model. There's no where to run to unless EVERYONE, or most everyone, stands up and shakes those shackles off.
Here's the thing however, people have amassed much "wealth," for as ill-gotten and evil/anti-Christian that it's been. 90-some % of the so-called "awake" are absolutely clueless on that!
Think about all of the "lucrative" means of amassing wealth in their coopted systems that further their agenda. People have no issues availing themselves of this fleeting "wealth," aka mammon, despite selling themselves down the river. Not only themselves, but their children, grandchildren, and the rest of their lineage as well.
LAW: Entirely controlled by the perps
GOVERNMENTS, entirely controlled by the perps as we easily see, just look at all of the corrupt leaders that many assume are stupid. They're not stupid, their either bought-and-paid-for (corrupt) or blackmailed. Often attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild over 200 years ago, the quite on-point quote is, "Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes its laws."
Now HEALTH: Our "good" and "trustworthy" doctors, nurses, and other healthcare practitioners are entirely devoid of any significant knowledge as to how Rockefeller has entirely coopted their industry to the extent that it now, literally, is killing people. Willingly and for more of that precious mammon/wealth.
"ENTERTAINMENT": So many of the "awake" that I know continue to wilfully give their money to an industry that not only perpetually subverts their morals to the point of thorough demoralization, but which is also a laundering operation for global pedophelia. Of course Israel's the global hub of it all, and like Master Blaster in Mad Max, the head is Israel and the US is the huge brainless braun.
FINANCE/BANKING: The crown jewel of it all.
But before you relinquish such a system, you must be prepared to toss aside any and all ill-gotten filthy lucre you got from it. But allow me to ask, how many people do you know with this accued mammon in our Company Store model, perhaps you even as I have no idea, are perfectly willing to give it up in favor of a complete and utter rejection of that same Company Store model, in EXCHANGE for liberty? I know of absolutely no one that is, and most of my friends and acquaintances reside in "the awake."
If we're not willing to do that, then we don't deserve liberty.
Ben Franklin was right, ... "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
That includes FINANCIAL security. We WILL end up with neither at this point since almost no one understands the mountain of control that we're under currently.
What's coming is waaaay more than another "virus" or "health" fake pandemic, hell, they may even spread a real one, a crazy deadly one for real.
People don't realize who we're trifling with, and since we don't understand that, there's absolutely no way that we can effectively combat it.
BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street are mere tools of theirs, along with all but the entire global banking SYSTEM, etc. Attacking those things is meaningless. "Taking pawns to court" over "Covid lockdowns" is utterly meaningless in the grand scheme, ... they know that and are delighted that we're wasting our time with it. They absolutely LOVE IT when we talk about "how we're going to vote for [fill in the blank] in the next (s)election," and it may as well be Selection at this point as the cat's well out of the bag there too.
BTW, here's a good Brandon Smith piece, he's a fairly mainstream financial guy, and even a few of them are now starting to see the light, although in the background is still "how to protect your wealth," when there first and foremost should be HOW TO PROTECT OUR LIBERTY with EVERYTHING ELSE TAKING A BACK SEAT, hell, put it all on a trailer on the next trip even. Forget about it.
No liberty, no wealth, ever! ... Just as Orwell said, imagine a boot stomping on your face, ... FOREVER!
Also, in a different context, yet one in a myriad of dots connecting who's behind most of this, namely anti-Christ Babylonian Talmudist (read satanic) elements, here's a quote from one of them over 20 years ago now, their stance has been and continues to be the same, and they're the HEAD of the US in terms of decision-making, that's why so many people with their citizenship pollute our own government at every key position.
"Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother." I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under."
- General Moshe Dayan
In short, if they can't win then they're going to take their ball and the game stops, ... aka they'll destroy the world. Their goal is to stick it to God and Christ with every ounce of energy that they have.
And remember in the mouse experiments a decade before "covid" came along the mRNA jabbed mice were pretty much ok for as long as they left them alone but once they were introduced to the actual virus they had been "vaccinated"against every last one of them died due to antibody dependent enhancement and a massive over-reaction of the immune system to that virus. What will happen when they muster up the courage to release the Covid virus? Take a wild guess.
And didn’t they die of pretty much anything introduced to them? The flu, common colds? Wasn’t nearly everything insurmountable to them after the “vax”?
I'm not sure but what I am sure of is it is a simple way for people to get the planet all for themselves and their people i.e. get your competition to put the X on their backs themselves via the "vaccines". The Chinese and the Russians wanted nothing to do with the mRNA jabs being pushed in the West as I understand it and that is probably why, they knew that would leave them in the same position as those mice, and most of us in the West, if they had done.
Oh, it was absolutely diabolically ingenious. The books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel & Revelations couldn’t have gone through it better.
Well, they HAVE laid it out, but this whole thing is just… outside the regular, day to day human deceit. This was on a level higher (way lower, actually) than Hitler’s worst.
I think the only reason they have delayed releasing the virus is that they think they have been outmatched by the introduction of Omicron that they suspect may have removed the X from the backs of the people they were on and moved them to their backs. As God said to his people "Their weapons shall not prosper against you and indeed shall be turned against them". Of course Christ took the kingdom from those it was originally given to and he passed it to those who would bring forth the fruits of it, Christians, ...... actual Christians not those posing as Christians today. God understands their deceit.
It was so cold Tue in Seattle I was shivering. The official temp for the day was in the 80s. At noon at my house it was 66 and I was shivering in the living room. No I do not have air conditioning. We do not need it in Seattle. I do have a wood stove for heat though.
Had heard about a person in the neighborhood who died of cancer in January. Healthy looking person mid 60s. Was diagnosed with stage 4 bladder cancer in December 2022. Dead in January 2023. I have no doubt they were jabbed and likely boosted. (no proof but they were a lib)
Why is he getting a prize? I remember wondering why so many Victoria Crosses were won by people who had gone to the big private schools in England such as Eaton, Rugby, Harrow etc etc etc. I imagined that these people must be somehow taught to be very brave but someone told me the real reason. The committees handing out the VCs down the years were chock full of "old boys" from those schools and even more in your face was that the ratio of VCs won down the years by each school roughly matched the proportion of "old boys" from each school that had been on the committees down the years. That of course is one of the reasons that we have gone down a cul-de-sac in physics because the people advising the committees handing out the prizes are almost exclusively advising they be awarded to people who think like them which is the antithesis of how progress comes about. Just look at the electric universe guys who time after time predict precisely what a new scientific instrument will see years in advance only for the mainstream physicists to be constantly dumbfounded and "baffled" by what they see. This rot is across all areas and is why the West is collapsing. A small group have captured everything and are awarding themselves honours for being dishonourable, fraudulent and worst of all utterly incompetent.
Thank you. I think I have posted this before but haven't had much luck getting a reply - from Profs Fenton and Neil either. Hopefully a smart someone will see this and help out. The Australian government is using this paper to 'sew up' excess deaths due to cancer until 2044 and therefore not investigate excess deaths at all.
Australian excess deaths in 2023 and my take if anyone is interested further. WHO is calling the shots and government is reducing the reporting rate during democide. We are in a lot of trouble, fam.
The Lancet is now a clown publication. It's shocking isn't it? All these deaths.
The mockingbirds are all singing the same song in South Florida. The temperatures are all normal, but when they add the “humidity” factor all temps displayed on the screen are 104, 106, 107.
Thought of the day....... "I learned long ago that we cannot rely on others to do what's best for us and others. Most people in positions of leadership - be it in government, educational institutions, and the corporate world - are primarily incentivized to look after themselves. Yes, some people do care about the greater good and the well-being of each individual that they have influence over in life, but we must always think for ourselves, do our own research, and respect our own developing knowledge-base and intuition. "
Thought of the Moment: No one will come and save you. No one will come riding on a white horse and take all your worries away. You have to save yourself, little by little, day by day.
- Charlotte Eriksson
I just saw the WHO just announced that aspartame is a carcinogen. Just another thing to blame turbo cancers on besides the vax.
They can't tax or control the sun but they can lie about the sun to tax and control you.
The gift (grift) that keeps on taking.
Well said! Truth. 😑
i know everyone wants to blame everything on the vax but couldn’t it all be blamed on the vax as well as covid? i know people who did not have vax but had covid and have all sorts of problems. which is scary. i just feel like this should be part of the conversation.
Both are bioweapons, but the "vax" is magnitudes worse. Blame whatever you prefer.
Murder by hospital protocol as well.
My nurse friends call remdesivir, “run death is near”. They say they’ve never seen hospitals
do the same exact same unsuccessful thing over & over with zero discussion nor brainstorming.
This is why I believe most people, institutions and government are Satanically captured. The old gods have returned and fires of Moloch are blazing. I will keep fighting for the children, but I'm getting tired. Everyone is throwing their children into the fire and smiling and being rewarded for it and I cannot stop it. It's not even slowing down. Jesus, come quick.
To "know" it was Covid, people shoved a stick up the nose which could be giving off toxins and resulting in ailments.
I agree, we have 5G towers up and operating now, chemtrails, trains derailing (who needs nuclear war? We have that), weaponized mosquitos, people looking older (this ties into 5G) before time. So yes.
I’m in that catagory. Got it for 3 1/2 weeks. No tests, jabs, masks(ever).Treated by symptoms! Energy med (NAET) and neuroflam for brain inflammation (Apex) was needed for 5 months! Dysautonomia was triggered badly. Luckily my dr. Recognized it and upped two meds. Just coming out of it! I’m 79! So doctors must learn about dysautonomia, tho they appear to be resistant. A good cardiologist should know.
I believe long Covid is dysautonomia!
... and that's why the next phase of whatever's planned, and think "shock and awe" societal version here, for real, and as they're even forcasting to us, will work just fine for them. We're fuddling around in details of imaginary bullshit and can't grasp what's really going on, generally speaking. ... and I'm referring to people that largely consider themselves to be "awake."
There are mental barriers in people's brains that prevent them from even considering the reality of what's to come. Many of these "awake" people are planning for future financial security decades down the road and seem to have zero cognizance of what looms. SMH
IT's going to be FAR worse than that Lucy, FAR worse.
Two things, first of all, Gates is nothing but a lackey in their system. To us he's huge, to them he's a pawn and chump change.
The second thing is that their ultimate goal is to control everyone and everything economically. Picture it as a near global Company Store model, with EVERYONE in the westernized societies participating in their Company Store model. There's no where to run to unless EVERYONE, or most everyone, stands up and shakes those shackles off.
Here's the thing however, people have amassed much "wealth," for as ill-gotten and evil/anti-Christian that it's been. 90-some % of the so-called "awake" are absolutely clueless on that!
Think about all of the "lucrative" means of amassing wealth in their coopted systems that further their agenda. People have no issues availing themselves of this fleeting "wealth," aka mammon, despite selling themselves down the river. Not only themselves, but their children, grandchildren, and the rest of their lineage as well.
LAW: Entirely controlled by the perps
GOVERNMENTS, entirely controlled by the perps as we easily see, just look at all of the corrupt leaders that many assume are stupid. They're not stupid, their either bought-and-paid-for (corrupt) or blackmailed. Often attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild over 200 years ago, the quite on-point quote is, "Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes its laws."
Now HEALTH: Our "good" and "trustworthy" doctors, nurses, and other healthcare practitioners are entirely devoid of any significant knowledge as to how Rockefeller has entirely coopted their industry to the extent that it now, literally, is killing people. Willingly and for more of that precious mammon/wealth.
"ENTERTAINMENT": So many of the "awake" that I know continue to wilfully give their money to an industry that not only perpetually subverts their morals to the point of thorough demoralization, but which is also a laundering operation for global pedophelia. Of course Israel's the global hub of it all, and like Master Blaster in Mad Max, the head is Israel and the US is the huge brainless braun.
FINANCE/BANKING: The crown jewel of it all.
But before you relinquish such a system, you must be prepared to toss aside any and all ill-gotten filthy lucre you got from it. But allow me to ask, how many people do you know with this accued mammon in our Company Store model, perhaps you even as I have no idea, are perfectly willing to give it up in favor of a complete and utter rejection of that same Company Store model, in EXCHANGE for liberty? I know of absolutely no one that is, and most of my friends and acquaintances reside in "the awake."
If we're not willing to do that, then we don't deserve liberty.
Ben Franklin was right, ... "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
That includes FINANCIAL security. We WILL end up with neither at this point since almost no one understands the mountain of control that we're under currently.
What's coming is waaaay more than another "virus" or "health" fake pandemic, hell, they may even spread a real one, a crazy deadly one for real.
People don't realize who we're trifling with, and since we don't understand that, there's absolutely no way that we can effectively combat it.
BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street are mere tools of theirs, along with all but the entire global banking SYSTEM, etc. Attacking those things is meaningless. "Taking pawns to court" over "Covid lockdowns" is utterly meaningless in the grand scheme, ... they know that and are delighted that we're wasting our time with it. They absolutely LOVE IT when we talk about "how we're going to vote for [fill in the blank] in the next (s)election," and it may as well be Selection at this point as the cat's well out of the bag there too.
BTW, here's a good Brandon Smith piece, he's a fairly mainstream financial guy, and even a few of them are now starting to see the light, although in the background is still "how to protect your wealth," when there first and foremost should be HOW TO PROTECT OUR LIBERTY with EVERYTHING ELSE TAKING A BACK SEAT, hell, put it all on a trailer on the next trip even. Forget about it.
No liberty, no wealth, ever! ... Just as Orwell said, imagine a boot stomping on your face, ... FOREVER!
Also, in a different context, yet one in a myriad of dots connecting who's behind most of this, namely anti-Christ Babylonian Talmudist (read satanic) elements, here's a quote from one of them over 20 years ago now, their stance has been and continues to be the same, and they're the HEAD of the US in terms of decision-making, that's why so many people with their citizenship pollute our own government at every key position.
"Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother." I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under."
- General Moshe Dayan
In short, if they can't win then they're going to take their ball and the game stops, ... aka they'll destroy the world. Their goal is to stick it to God and Christ with every ounce of energy that they have.
Sun Tzu said "an evil nation, will burn its country to the rule over the ashes"
And remember in the mouse experiments a decade before "covid" came along the mRNA jabbed mice were pretty much ok for as long as they left them alone but once they were introduced to the actual virus they had been "vaccinated"against every last one of them died due to antibody dependent enhancement and a massive over-reaction of the immune system to that virus. What will happen when they muster up the courage to release the Covid virus? Take a wild guess.
And didn’t they die of pretty much anything introduced to them? The flu, common colds? Wasn’t nearly everything insurmountable to them after the “vax”?
I'm not sure but what I am sure of is it is a simple way for people to get the planet all for themselves and their people i.e. get your competition to put the X on their backs themselves via the "vaccines". The Chinese and the Russians wanted nothing to do with the mRNA jabs being pushed in the West as I understand it and that is probably why, they knew that would leave them in the same position as those mice, and most of us in the West, if they had done.
Oh, it was absolutely diabolically ingenious. The books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel & Revelations couldn’t have gone through it better.
Well, they HAVE laid it out, but this whole thing is just… outside the regular, day to day human deceit. This was on a level higher (way lower, actually) than Hitler’s worst.
I think the only reason they have delayed releasing the virus is that they think they have been outmatched by the introduction of Omicron that they suspect may have removed the X from the backs of the people they were on and moved them to their backs. As God said to his people "Their weapons shall not prosper against you and indeed shall be turned against them". Of course Christ took the kingdom from those it was originally given to and he passed it to those who would bring forth the fruits of it, Christians, ...... actual Christians not those posing as Christians today. God understands their deceit.
Hitler saved the West from the Communism Uncle Joe had planned for the world.
There is no man more maligned in history than Mr. H.
The Khazars have made sure of that.
Look up the Holodomor and you'll understand why it's never spoken of, but the Holocaust is never forgotten......Hmmmm?
It was so cold Tue in Seattle I was shivering. The official temp for the day was in the 80s. At noon at my house it was 66 and I was shivering in the living room. No I do not have air conditioning. We do not need it in Seattle. I do have a wood stove for heat though.
Had heard about a person in the neighborhood who died of cancer in January. Healthy looking person mid 60s. Was diagnosed with stage 4 bladder cancer in December 2022. Dead in January 2023. I have no doubt they were jabbed and likely boosted. (no proof but they were a lib)
Why is he getting a prize? I remember wondering why so many Victoria Crosses were won by people who had gone to the big private schools in England such as Eaton, Rugby, Harrow etc etc etc. I imagined that these people must be somehow taught to be very brave but someone told me the real reason. The committees handing out the VCs down the years were chock full of "old boys" from those schools and even more in your face was that the ratio of VCs won down the years by each school roughly matched the proportion of "old boys" from each school that had been on the committees down the years. That of course is one of the reasons that we have gone down a cul-de-sac in physics because the people advising the committees handing out the prizes are almost exclusively advising they be awarded to people who think like them which is the antithesis of how progress comes about. Just look at the electric universe guys who time after time predict precisely what a new scientific instrument will see years in advance only for the mainstream physicists to be constantly dumbfounded and "baffled" by what they see. This rot is across all areas and is why the West is collapsing. A small group have captured everything and are awarding themselves honours for being dishonourable, fraudulent and worst of all utterly incompetent.