13,133% increase since 1990 is a huge frightening VAERS number.

Thanks for posting.

Equally frightening is the vaccine caused epidemic since mid 1980's of childhood asthma, autism, cancer etc . The numbers are staggering and horrific.

My point is :

Those who claim they are "not anti-vax but against mandatory experimental covid jabs " must know that all vaccines, not just some are designed specifically as bioweapons.

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Am wondering if any of them are worth the risk because none of them are safe enough for the manufacturers to run honest safety trials. Sooooo disillusioning: I suspect one of my daughters was vaccine injured but I saw no connection between her illnesses and the shots:(

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Thanks for your reply Judy.

I think the only connection between the illnesses and the vaccines can be found in the statistical relationships that point to cause and effect.Like the sudden increase in autistic children statistics dating from after the vaccine dosages were increased. These statistics become useful in class action lawsuits.

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Vaccines really are the primary cause of autism. The most dangerous component in conventional shots is the aluminum adjuvant, which is used to boost antibodies (which have never been proven to truly prevent infection and yet are widely used as a surrogate for "effectiveness"!). Aluminum content varies tremendously per lot and the Al can end up in bones, muscles, the gut and the brain (in which case it'll cause a neurological condition like autism). Drinking silica water (e.g. Fiji water) helps detoxify the body of Al. Check out Exley's "Aluminum atom" book for more info. I have an autistic son so I had to learn this stuff the hard way.

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Each of those numbers is senseless suffering. Heart numbing.

I have shared some of the statistics and the reply is that the numbers don’t mean anything because the percentage of people dying is low and the death count is high due to the large number of vaccines administered. I disagree because most American children have had shots but I have not run the numbers myself and my little chart would look wonky compared to Jessica’s!!! I do think contrasting deaths of specific vaccines with the death count of the injected experimental gene ‘therapies’ would be powerful. These are not your mom’s measles jab.

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cdc: what signal?

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