It's what they do!

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It absolutely is!

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Not a chance. Trump is part of the club - they've simply mastered, and I mean mastered, the art of Hegelian dialectic. Trump will gain far more popularity through perceived "persecution," and he will be back in the WH in '24.

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100% correct.

Skimming down the comments I was hoping to find someone who sees exactly what it is. Trump is backed by the same powers as his "persecutors". There is no voting your way out in the US and many other places in the world.

This is nothing more than theatre and aims to further divide and enrage people by party and ultimately lighting the flames of civil unrest that these evil perps wish for so dearly.

Trump will have many cheering they got the MAGA anti establishment hero and it's really just the same paint on a different brush. The world is a stage.

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Perhaps, and the concept has entered this mind. However, the fact of Trump's extraordinary and enduring popularity among not only his followers, but also among the increasing number of people finally having their eyes opened about the true nature of politics, seems to make it highly unlikely such cleverness and artifice would be necessary to enable what was a foregone conclusion back in Nov, 2020.

Furthermore, the nature of evil demonstrated by the entrenched powers is perfectly consistent with the simplest reading of the narrative: politburo tactics used against the only individual who poses a credible threat to the ruling class as a result of that very popularity.

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He is probably right. I would not want Trump to run, because I think we need some younger people. The government looks more like a retirement home. And the few young ones seem not to be the best we have !

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Biden is a dementia patient who should be in a memory ward.

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He’s sharper and smarter than most half his age !

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I was talking about DJT in the above, not Magoo!

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yeah may be ivana should be his running mate ... she is a WEF Davos young leader ... cant do better than that ...

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They have already tried numerous times to assassinate our President. He is anointed by God Almighty who has placed a hedge of protection around him. Maybe they’ll try tossing him into a fiery furnace.

They are desperate and it’s hilarious to watch them expose themselves to the normies. It causes more to wake up out of their comas.

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I am very ambiguous about Trump. I think the raid is very serious. (by the way, read Robert Reich substackers for shocking liberal reaction in comments...).

But explain warp speed, stating military would roll out vaccines

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Gain of function was banned here under Obummer. He and Fraudci moved the research to Wuhan with $430,000,000 of our money!

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Listen to Dave on X22 Report! Explains it all.

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Really? I stopped listening to him ages ago. Strings you along.

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Trump is protected by God and this will not happen!

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I understand there have been many assassination attempts on Trump already that failed over the last 6-7 years. He is very well protected in 3d world and spiritual world. Just like Churchill during WWII, he sometimes uses doubles to stand in for him.

The DS may try again. Some Manchurian Candidate may be programmed to attack him. Some crazy leftie might go for it.

I doubt any will work.

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This isn’t just Democrats. The GOP globalists are targeting him too. Revisit dick Cheney’s ad for daughter Liz. At the end he threatens and promises in regard to keeping Trump from the Oval Office.

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ivna is a WEF davos young leader .... DJT has outsmarted that crowd .... they believe they control him ... but he outsmarts them ... look at operation warpspeed and ventilators - a great success!!

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I have no doubt. While they scream about "The Guns! The Guns!", they'll quietly ammo up their paid assassin.

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Believing Trump is part of the club is as assinine as believing Q is going to save us all.

Deep State has been trying to take Trump down since day one.

Not a huge Trump fan, but they need him out of the way. That's been made clearly evident. Why they need him removed is also just as evident. Our country is devolving into a shithole these past two years and the decline is accelerating under this installed administration.

I too, questioned why Trump would push the jab through production. Ask yourself, if the medical society said "hey look, we have the cure for the most deadly disease in our lifetimes" and he didn't act on it, what would the fallout be then??? Rock and a hard place...

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Turck- Yes, I agree, at the time, I think Trump was in a no-win situation. At the time, EVERYBODY seemed to want a vaccine!

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When he was in office, I prayed for him almost every day, especially around the stupid Wiccan “ holidays “, they regularly did rituals and spells. I know we like to pretend that doesn’t happen in America, only places like Africa. Wrong.

My small group of friends are stepping up prayers for protection.

We know from killary and bill how dangerous they are. the swamp still needs draining.

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lock her up !!!

arrests any day now ... DJT will reveal .... good old days ....

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I’m sorry, you sound like the false Hope “trust the plan “people. I followed it for a while myself. . Based on the psyop used during the Bolshevik revolution to keep people complacent .

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you're off the mark there, pandelis is mocking the hopium crowd, hence the "good old days" ending.

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Mocking is a fantastic tool& it went right past me! Duh.

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Kerik, you should believe in conspiracies because 90% of them are true.

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I figured the would have succeeded at it already...glad the haven't but I figure it fits their narrative

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JFK and the CIA thing.

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Unfortunately, we are watching a red and blue sock puppet show. Trump and biden's regime both approve of Powell as FED boss. Trump and biden regime both kept dr fraudxxi as medical director. Trump and biden regime both, even now, push for the C19 vaxs, boosters, etc.... even though it is proven to be deadliest stuff labeled vaxxine in history of man. The puppeteer(s) are well-hidden... and in positions of almost invincible power... in most countries.

If a plan doesn't work - resulting in possibilities of revolt, like the trucker's revolt in Canada, USA and elsewhere (never really covered by mainstream media), then they create a diversion... Is it possible that the Ukraine/Russian debacle might be a diversion from the trucker's advancing positions?

Clearly the puppeteers care less whether people suffer, die, etc. That's clear from the mortality of the Vax's. What's up in the air is the reality of C19. A story of a new "virus" - with no unique symptoms - plus the relabeling of symptoms of other maladies and "diseases" as C19 would be quite sufficient to explain the plandemic. Dr Genevieve Briand, who got blackballed when she wrote about this, did the statistics on the relabeling of things into C19 here: https://www.jhunewsletter.com/article/2020/11/a-closer-look-at-u-s-deaths-due-to-covid-19 . JHU deleted the article for "misin format ion"!! Here is the archive of Briand's article: https://web.archive.org/web/20201126171926/https://www.jhunewsletter.com/article/2020/11/a-closer-look-at-u-s-deaths-due-to-covid-19

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Arrest? Yes.

Assassination? Nope.


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Nor would I doubt they'd try it.. This is war.

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