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Get onto a well formulated KETOGENIC DIET.


It has long been known that the brain can use ketones to meet a large portion of its fuel needs. Your liver creates ketones from fatty acids, either from fat in your diet or fat stored in your body.


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This is excellent advice, but it is important to carb cycle these diets as well, unless it is turbo cancer situation.

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According to Dr. Berg, the amyloid plaques are not the problem in the brain. His explanations are very good - highly recommending the keto diet.

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As noted by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World above, it's very important to cycle the diet from strict keto into moderated keto.

I know some people don't trust Dr. Mercola but I've found many good things on his site and this article addresses the issue of strict keto diets; how they are detrimental to our health if used long-term. Here's the link:


Feel Drained? Fix This Energy-Enemy Near Your Adam's Apple

And for those who may not want to read the entire article; here's the part about keto diets:

"Low-Carb and Fasting Are Ill-Advised

As noted by Attia, weeklong fasting significantly deteriorates thyroid function, and that can be explained by the lack of nutrients during a fast. While he does not address this, the same applies to low-carb eating and time-restricted eating (TRE). All three of these strategies will activate your adrenals, trigger cortisol release and down-regulate your thyroid function and metabolism.

So, while low-carb and various fasting regimens can be helpful in the short term to address extreme obesity, I now believe there are safer, albeit slower, ways to address that.

As explained in "Important Information About Low Carb, Cortisol and Glucose," elevated cortisol is highly problematic, as it breaks down your lean muscle, bones and brain to make amino acids that your liver then converts to glucose. It also promotes inflammation and is a primary driver of aging.

If cortisol is chronically elevated, you will likely die prematurely, as it is highly catabolic, meaning it will break down your body tissues. Cortisol is released when your body doesn’t have enough glucose available, so it’s important to eat enough healthy carbs and not deprive your body of glucose for extended periods."

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Longterm keto actually breaks down muscle fibers and could be dangerous.

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I have a relative who was on strict keto for a while. He lost a lot of weight and felt better in other ways too, like his skin condition (I don’t know if it was dermatitis or what) totally cleared up after years of dealing with it.

But now he only eats keto occasionally and I think he feels better having a more balanced diet. Not surprisingly.

When will we learn that almost ANY “diet” that is extremely strict and narrow is rarely truly healthy for us long term? Balance, balance, balance. And what works for one may not work for another.

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Keto works until it doesn’t. I have cycled out of keto and very low carb. Keto exacts a toll on natural metabolic function by using the less optimal and long haul damages of energy generation of ketones through the bodies back up system. This exerts more stress on organs and energy production. The brain prefers sugar. It’s been 2 months and eating regular meals with more carbs has been a revelation. I no longer intermittent fast. I realized I was under eating and not getting nutrients a 75 yo gal needs. I eat clean carbs and much more fruit . I don’t eat many salads now. I just got sick of them. A lot of what “ Keto experts” say I’ve found out is ridiculous and suspect. I would initiate it for cancer though. But no more for daily life. Jay Feldman has a rocking website and YouTube. Explains our metabolic needs and processes plus skewers what I thought I knew. Kate Deering book as well. Mercola tipped me off.

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Keto no doubt explains my hashimotos thyroid and hypertension.

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Hmmm.....It doesn't appear that the link I shared has been activated.

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Fixed it! Sorry about that!

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It says subscribers only.

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Sorry about that. I will have to look at it again. I had thought it gave the option of looking at it without subscribing. If I can find a way of sharing it without you (Or anyone else) having to subscribe; I will. Sorry again; and thank you.

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That’s the only thing that is frustrating with Mercola, but I guess it all can’t be free 😉

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I know. I admit I hate it when people are required to pay and/or subscribe in order to read articles.

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I'm kinda ticked that I need to pay for Tucker now, but who can blame him?🤣

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I know, but you’re right, I can’t really blame him either.

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Dr Mercola and Dr Berg are my Drs. Wonderful human beings!

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I know I’ve learned an awful lot from both of them. Of course no one is perfect, and I’m sure that there are things that both of them have said that have turned out to be wrong, But the vast majority of everything I’ve read or heard from both of them have been very beneficial and helpful.

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Yes me. too. Dr Mercola is no longer keto and found a different advisor named Ray Peet. I tried Keto and intermittent fasting but after a short while my sugar resistance was awful, I had several instances of hypoglycemia episode that I had to have someone cook my food, and I don't need to lose one ounce of weight I only weigh 95 as it is. It didn't help my thyroid issues, my adrenal fatigue, or my hypoglycemia. I avoid PUFA's and take The E and niacin, plus many others. But Dr Berg has other good advice. He get Adrenal Fatigue, also.

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Yes, I remember reading that Dr. Marcola had done keto for a while, but there is no longer on it.

The one relative that I have that was on keto for quite a while, did wonderfully on it, he had some skin issues that all cleared up, he lost a lot of weight, and he felt great. But after doing some more research, he decided to do a sort of modified keto, he started introducing some healthier carbs into his diet, he does eat keto on a regular basis, just not strictly, and that seems to be working for him.

Gee, I’m sorry that keto caused you so many issues. It’s why I hate formal “diets“; I would rather that no one go on any specialized diet, but just to simply eat more healthy By eating, a truly balanced diet. Organic, free range meets and organic fruits and vegetables, lots of non-fluorinated water, and to be outside throughout all four seasons as much as possible.

Yes, I really love the advice that Dr. Berg gives on a wide variety of topics. As some people pointed out, he does practice Scientology, which makes me sad, but I’m not going to him for my spiritual needs, only physical, and as long as what he shares Has 0% ties to Scientology, I’m not overly concerned about that.

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They don't do big pharma medicine. He's just assisting everyone that you don't really need allopathic poison pills.

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Yes, that’s one of the things I love about both doctors, they give you suggestions for natural things to take rather than the man-made chemicals that the pharmaceutical companies try to push on us.

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Not too sure about Dr. Berg after learning he is a practicing Scientologist. This is from his homepage:https://drericbergscientology.com/

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Oh My Sweet Lord. "The Importance of Being Ernest," and vetting. (Felt there was SOMEthing off but, couldn't quite put my finger on it. Seems you've solved (and provided the piece to) my puzzle .;-)

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I dunno we been using his recipes for a while and I watch alot of his videos.

WHat ever his personal beliefs are does not trouble me that much.

Religions are like burger joints any more 40 thousand plus.

Each one with its own special sauce.

On thing they all agree on is the other guys are wrong.

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Have you heard of Turmeric dissolving the amyloid plaques?

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No I haven't. But I'm glad I take it now even more!

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Keto works until it doesn’t. I have cycled out of keto and very low carb. Keto exacts a toll on natural metabolic function by using the less optimal and long haul damages of energy generation of ketones through the bodies back up system. This exerts more stress on organs and energy production. The brain runs on sugar. Your stress back up system is making the sugar. Excreting stress hormones of cortisol and adrenaline as part of the process. Long term is not healthy. It’s been 2 months and eating regular meals with more carbs has been a revelation. I no longer intermittent fast. I realized I was under eating and not getting nutrients(especially calcium) a 75 yo gal needs. I eat clean carbs and much more fruit . I don’t eat many salads now. I just got plain sick of them. I cook some vegetables but raw is harder on the gut plus the toxins in raw veg aren’t that good either. A lot of what “ Keto experts” say I’ve found out is ridiculous and suspect. I would initiate it for cancer though. But no more for daily life. Jay Feldman has a rocking website and YouTube. Explains our metabolic needs and processes plus skewers what I thought I knew. Kate Deering book as well. Mercola tipped me off. Low carb keto most certainly explains my Hashimotos thyroid and hypertension as I was on this since 2011. No more for me. I’ve increased calories and carbs and I have actually lost some weight or my body composition is changing. I became very disenchanted with Dr berg. Does he still recommend 7 cups or more of raw veg salad? 😝. You do you though Fain. We all have to find our best ways.

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Yes, he does. lol I don't do it, either. It would take me hours to eat that. He has other good advice. I don't do Keto or intermittent fasting. I tried that for a few days and it was a disaster. I also have Hashimoto probably since childhood but wasn't discovered until I was about 38 but my TSH wasn't hitting their ridiculous mark. They didn't bother to Check my Free T3 or Free T4 or any of those. Dr 's are quacks I found my own thyroid meds without a prescription and dumped the Allopath's about 15 years ago. I don't want their poison pills anyway. Hopefully people wake up and they stop "practicing" medicine. Let us know when you get it right, humor

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Does carb-cycle mean you take a break and reintroduce healthy carbs? If so, how long before returning to keto? And how often do you carb cycle?

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All depends on variety of goals. There is no one answer.

I generally suggest for first timers to do 30 day strict keto diet, then reintroduce carbs for 2 days, then go 5 days keto, then 2 days carb load. You go catabolic if on keto too long, and start losing muscle, etc. It's a very tricky diet factoring risk/reward. 5 days keto and 2 days carb loading is good general strategy.

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