Yes me. too. Dr Mercola is no longer keto and found a different advisor named Ray Peet. I tried Keto and intermittent fasting but after a short while my sugar resistance was awful, I had several instances of hypoglycemia episode that I had to have someone cook my food, and I don't need to lose one ounce of weight I only weigh 95 as it is…
Yes me. too. Dr Mercola is no longer keto and found a different advisor named Ray Peet. I tried Keto and intermittent fasting but after a short while my sugar resistance was awful, I had several instances of hypoglycemia episode that I had to have someone cook my food, and I don't need to lose one ounce of weight I only weigh 95 as it is. It didn't help my thyroid issues, my adrenal fatigue, or my hypoglycemia. I avoid PUFA's and take The E and niacin, plus many others. But Dr Berg has other good advice. He get Adrenal Fatigue, also.
Yes, I remember reading that Dr. Marcola had done keto for a while, but there is no longer on it.
The one relative that I have that was on keto for quite a while, did wonderfully on it, he had some skin issues that all cleared up, he lost a lot of weight, and he felt great. But after doing some more research, he decided to do a sort of modified keto, he started introducing some healthier carbs into his diet, he does eat keto on a regular basis, just not strictly, and that seems to be working for him.
Gee, I’m sorry that keto caused you so many issues. It’s why I hate formal “diets“; I would rather that no one go on any specialized diet, but just to simply eat more healthy By eating, a truly balanced diet. Organic, free range meets and organic fruits and vegetables, lots of non-fluorinated water, and to be outside throughout all four seasons as much as possible.
Yes, I really love the advice that Dr. Berg gives on a wide variety of topics. As some people pointed out, he does practice Scientology, which makes me sad, but I’m not going to him for my spiritual needs, only physical, and as long as what he shares Has 0% ties to Scientology, I’m not overly concerned about that.
Yes, that’s one of the things I love about both doctors, they give you suggestions for natural things to take rather than the man-made chemicals that the pharmaceutical companies try to push on us.
Yes me. too. Dr Mercola is no longer keto and found a different advisor named Ray Peet. I tried Keto and intermittent fasting but after a short while my sugar resistance was awful, I had several instances of hypoglycemia episode that I had to have someone cook my food, and I don't need to lose one ounce of weight I only weigh 95 as it is. It didn't help my thyroid issues, my adrenal fatigue, or my hypoglycemia. I avoid PUFA's and take The E and niacin, plus many others. But Dr Berg has other good advice. He get Adrenal Fatigue, also.
Yes, I remember reading that Dr. Marcola had done keto for a while, but there is no longer on it.
The one relative that I have that was on keto for quite a while, did wonderfully on it, he had some skin issues that all cleared up, he lost a lot of weight, and he felt great. But after doing some more research, he decided to do a sort of modified keto, he started introducing some healthier carbs into his diet, he does eat keto on a regular basis, just not strictly, and that seems to be working for him.
Gee, I’m sorry that keto caused you so many issues. It’s why I hate formal “diets“; I would rather that no one go on any specialized diet, but just to simply eat more healthy By eating, a truly balanced diet. Organic, free range meets and organic fruits and vegetables, lots of non-fluorinated water, and to be outside throughout all four seasons as much as possible.
Yes, I really love the advice that Dr. Berg gives on a wide variety of topics. As some people pointed out, he does practice Scientology, which makes me sad, but I’m not going to him for my spiritual needs, only physical, and as long as what he shares Has 0% ties to Scientology, I’m not overly concerned about that.
They don't do big pharma medicine. He's just assisting everyone that you don't really need allopathic poison pills.
Yes, that’s one of the things I love about both doctors, they give you suggestions for natural things to take rather than the man-made chemicals that the pharmaceutical companies try to push on us.