If anyone has links to specific protocols please post them. My aunt has Alzheimer's and has just been moved from my pharma uncle to a different, natural-minded aunt and we are trying to figure out what we can do to help her now. Thank you !

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Please be sure she is not on statins. They are the most common culprit of neuro decline. Look into "a Midwestern Doctor" on substack for more information.

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Still trying to convince my 91 yr old dad to go off statins. He’s afraid to go off them. His doc does a super job to keep him on them. 🤬

They read the Epoch times and I sent them the Epoch article on statins, but he’s still afraid. Will send the Midwestern doc substack today.

And yes, he’s slowing down mentally. Everyone attributes it to his age of course.

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The brain needs cholesterol, as do the synapses. The whole dementia epidemic began with the advent of the Cholesterol Cult.

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Statins may also have contributed to countless deaths from PsyOp COVID-19 according to Dr Uffe Ravnskov MD who wrote this Rapid Response to a BJM Article, during the pandemic.

From Uffe Ravnskov MD

Rapid Response:

Cholesterol-lowering treatment may be a major cause of serious Covid-19 infections

Most researchers consider the association between low cholesterol and infection as reverse causality, meaning that it is the microorganisms or the inflammation which lower cholesterol.

However, there is much evidence that the explanation is that low cholesterol predisposes to infection because, as I have mentioned in a previous comment (1), there is solid evidence that LDL partakes in the immune system by adhering to and inactivating almost all kinds of microorganisms and their toxic products (2).

In accordance is a study of hospitalized patients with various types of infectious diseases, where those with the lowest LDL-C measured previously had the largest risk of developing sepsis and where the risk was highest among those on statin treatment (3).


Uffe Ravnskov MD (personal website)


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She was (maybe still is, have to check). 💯 know that's a factor. Thanks for the reminder. That will be first.

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Get onto a well formulated KETOGENIC DIET.


It has long been known that the brain can use ketones to meet a large portion of its fuel needs. Your liver creates ketones from fatty acids, either from fat in your diet or fat stored in your body.


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This is excellent advice, but it is important to carb cycle these diets as well, unless it is turbo cancer situation.

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According to Dr. Berg, the amyloid plaques are not the problem in the brain. His explanations are very good - highly recommending the keto diet.

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As noted by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World above, it's very important to cycle the diet from strict keto into moderated keto.

I know some people don't trust Dr. Mercola but I've found many good things on his site and this article addresses the issue of strict keto diets; how they are detrimental to our health if used long-term. Here's the link:


Feel Drained? Fix This Energy-Enemy Near Your Adam's Apple

And for those who may not want to read the entire article; here's the part about keto diets:

"Low-Carb and Fasting Are Ill-Advised

As noted by Attia, weeklong fasting significantly deteriorates thyroid function, and that can be explained by the lack of nutrients during a fast. While he does not address this, the same applies to low-carb eating and time-restricted eating (TRE). All three of these strategies will activate your adrenals, trigger cortisol release and down-regulate your thyroid function and metabolism.

So, while low-carb and various fasting regimens can be helpful in the short term to address extreme obesity, I now believe there are safer, albeit slower, ways to address that.

As explained in "Important Information About Low Carb, Cortisol and Glucose," elevated cortisol is highly problematic, as it breaks down your lean muscle, bones and brain to make amino acids that your liver then converts to glucose. It also promotes inflammation and is a primary driver of aging.

If cortisol is chronically elevated, you will likely die prematurely, as it is highly catabolic, meaning it will break down your body tissues. Cortisol is released when your body doesn’t have enough glucose available, so it’s important to eat enough healthy carbs and not deprive your body of glucose for extended periods."

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Longterm keto actually breaks down muscle fibers and could be dangerous.

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I have a relative who was on strict keto for a while. He lost a lot of weight and felt better in other ways too, like his skin condition (I don’t know if it was dermatitis or what) totally cleared up after years of dealing with it.

But now he only eats keto occasionally and I think he feels better having a more balanced diet. Not surprisingly.

When will we learn that almost ANY “diet” that is extremely strict and narrow is rarely truly healthy for us long term? Balance, balance, balance. And what works for one may not work for another.

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Keto works until it doesn’t. I have cycled out of keto and very low carb. Keto exacts a toll on natural metabolic function by using the less optimal and long haul damages of energy generation of ketones through the bodies back up system. This exerts more stress on organs and energy production. The brain prefers sugar. It’s been 2 months and eating regular meals with more carbs has been a revelation. I no longer intermittent fast. I realized I was under eating and not getting nutrients a 75 yo gal needs. I eat clean carbs and much more fruit . I don’t eat many salads now. I just got sick of them. A lot of what “ Keto experts” say I’ve found out is ridiculous and suspect. I would initiate it for cancer though. But no more for daily life. Jay Feldman has a rocking website and YouTube. Explains our metabolic needs and processes plus skewers what I thought I knew. Kate Deering book as well. Mercola tipped me off.

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Keto no doubt explains my hashimotos thyroid and hypertension.

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Hmmm.....It doesn't appear that the link I shared has been activated.

Let me try again:


Fixed it! Sorry about that!

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It says subscribers only.

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Dr Mercola and Dr Berg are my Drs. Wonderful human beings!

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I know I’ve learned an awful lot from both of them. Of course no one is perfect, and I’m sure that there are things that both of them have said that have turned out to be wrong, But the vast majority of everything I’ve read or heard from both of them have been very beneficial and helpful.

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Not too sure about Dr. Berg after learning he is a practicing Scientologist. This is from his homepage:https://drericbergscientology.com/

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Oh My Sweet Lord. "The Importance of Being Ernest," and vetting. (Felt there was SOMEthing off but, couldn't quite put my finger on it. Seems you've solved (and provided the piece to) my puzzle .;-)

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I dunno we been using his recipes for a while and I watch alot of his videos.

WHat ever his personal beliefs are does not trouble me that much.

Religions are like burger joints any more 40 thousand plus.

Each one with its own special sauce.

On thing they all agree on is the other guys are wrong.

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Have you heard of Turmeric dissolving the amyloid plaques?

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No I haven't. But I'm glad I take it now even more!

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Keto works until it doesn’t. I have cycled out of keto and very low carb. Keto exacts a toll on natural metabolic function by using the less optimal and long haul damages of energy generation of ketones through the bodies back up system. This exerts more stress on organs and energy production. The brain runs on sugar. Your stress back up system is making the sugar. Excreting stress hormones of cortisol and adrenaline as part of the process. Long term is not healthy. It’s been 2 months and eating regular meals with more carbs has been a revelation. I no longer intermittent fast. I realized I was under eating and not getting nutrients(especially calcium) a 75 yo gal needs. I eat clean carbs and much more fruit . I don’t eat many salads now. I just got plain sick of them. I cook some vegetables but raw is harder on the gut plus the toxins in raw veg aren’t that good either. A lot of what “ Keto experts” say I’ve found out is ridiculous and suspect. I would initiate it for cancer though. But no more for daily life. Jay Feldman has a rocking website and YouTube. Explains our metabolic needs and processes plus skewers what I thought I knew. Kate Deering book as well. Mercola tipped me off. Low carb keto most certainly explains my Hashimotos thyroid and hypertension as I was on this since 2011. No more for me. I’ve increased calories and carbs and I have actually lost some weight or my body composition is changing. I became very disenchanted with Dr berg. Does he still recommend 7 cups or more of raw veg salad? 😝. You do you though Fain. We all have to find our best ways.

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Yes, he does. lol I don't do it, either. It would take me hours to eat that. He has other good advice. I don't do Keto or intermittent fasting. I tried that for a few days and it was a disaster. I also have Hashimoto probably since childhood but wasn't discovered until I was about 38 but my TSH wasn't hitting their ridiculous mark. They didn't bother to Check my Free T3 or Free T4 or any of those. Dr 's are quacks I found my own thyroid meds without a prescription and dumped the Allopath's about 15 years ago. I don't want their poison pills anyway. Hopefully people wake up and they stop "practicing" medicine. Let us know when you get it right, humor

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Does carb-cycle mean you take a break and reintroduce healthy carbs? If so, how long before returning to keto? And how often do you carb cycle?

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All depends on variety of goals. There is no one answer.

I generally suggest for first timers to do 30 day strict keto diet, then reintroduce carbs for 2 days, then go 5 days keto, then 2 days carb load. You go catabolic if on keto too long, and start losing muscle, etc. It's a very tricky diet factoring risk/reward. 5 days keto and 2 days carb loading is good general strategy.

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Coconut oil and the MCTs it contains are effective for Alzheimer’s and dementia. Adding coconut oil to your diet has protective benefits for brain health.


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Alzheimer's Disease: What If There Was a Cure (3rd Edition): The Story of Ketones https://a.co/d/1MzqZwp

This book will give much needed advice & the hope you will need.

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I'm reading this book now - awesome info! Dr. Mary Newport

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Thanks for this. Hadn’t seen it earlier.

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Your Welcome. Interesting articles on a particular subject may help someone out.

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I know of at least one case where using this product caused a severe distortion of the penis - to the point the man could no longer have sex. The doc said it was a side effect.

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Research Dr Chris Exley PhD.


Aluminum is a common Ingredient in vaccines.

So is Mercury in multi-dose flu vaccines.

Together, aluminum and mercury work synergistically in a very negative way on the brain.


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The Charlie Foundation has built a network of private ketogenic diet nutrition specialists who will work with you, and, your physician if none are available locally.

Our credentialed health professionals have experience with ketogenic therapies and have been vetted by the Foundation’s head nutritionist.

Each specialist has his or her own area of expertise, and consults with individuals digitally or in person on a fee for service basis.


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Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s & Dementia


Dedicated to people with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia, and other neurological diseases, their families, and caregivers…and for people who want to prevent these tragic diseases.

Ketones are an alternative fuel to glucose for the brain. In many brain disorders, there is a problem getting glucose into brain or nerve cells.

Ketones are anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is also a key factor in these disorders.

Providing ketones through MCT and coconut oil, ketogenic diet, and/or ketone supplements could help. Many people combine all of these strategies along with overnight fasting and exercise, which also increase ketone levels.

Caregivers need more energy too!


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This doctor is on the right side of the battle:

Dr Steven Phillips zerospin.substack.com/

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Yes that is Dr. Mary Newport's web site! Great info!

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Studies Show Efficacy of Keto for Alzheimer’s



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We know that drinking a silicon-rich mineral water (ie. FIJI WATER) facilitates the removal of aluminium from the body in urine. We know that this is the case in Alzheimer's disease, we know that this is the case in individuals with multiple sclerosis and we know that it is also true for healthy young volunteers (see PhD theses of S Davenward and K Jones available through Keele University library). I emphasise such as known since the data were generated in clinical trials, peer-reviewed and published in high esteem scientific journals. All of the data are published and openly available to be confirmed or refuted. Both the Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis studies additionally had positive clinical outcomes.


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Issue with Fuji brand water is that it is high in various toxins like arsenic ("6.31 micrograms of arsenic per liter in the Fiji bottle”) and is in plastic bottle, etc.

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Make your own Silicone rich water. Adapted from:


I adjusted this and removed the steps that used water that was not filtered.

(I use a ZERO Water filter as it removes 100% of aluminium)


1. Add 1 level dash & 2 level smidgens of sodium silicate to a one-cup Pyrex container

2. Add 1/8 cup of filtered water to the one-cup Pyrex measuring container

3. Heat the contents of the Pyrex measuring cup to boiling and boil for at least 30 seconds

4. Dilute immediately with a small amount of unheated filtered pure water

5. Pour all the contents of the Pyrex measuring cup into a 1 gallon container containing filtered water

6. Add 1 level dash of sodium bisulfate to the one gallon container

7. Stir the mixture thoroughly and then add 2 level smidgens of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to the mixture and stir Silicade to dissolve the baking soda

8. Enjoy the health benefits of drinking Silicade!

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How exactly do you measure a DASH and a SMIDGEON??

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Dash = 2 shakes from spice bottle. Smidgeon is half a pinch? 🤣

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What kind of spice bottle? There are many!! I have multiple spice bottles of different sizes. Most have large opening - this would have to be a tiny opening at the top.

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Have you vetted other water brands?

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Mountain Valley Spring Water is good, and comes in glass bottles, but i would always go with an RO system over anything else.

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We have RO water. The problem is that it has NO Minerals left either! So , I add a few shakes of Trace Minerals@

(find at Amazon) Trace Minerals | 40,000 Volts Liquid Electrolyte Concentrace Drops | Supports Normal Body Hydration, Muscle Stamina and Energy | Ionic Minerals, Magnesium, Potassium

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Don't buy anything on Amazon unless you want to support your own demise.

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I think Gerolsteiner is good too.

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word. high in Bicarbonates, Magnesium & Calcium. approx 10% of Ca n Mg in 1/2 a bottle. 1800 dissolved bicarbonates per bottle. Tho it comes from Germany; and don't know how long stuff like that will be OK.

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Try a keto diet! "Clearly Keto" - great book by a doctor whose husband had dementia an was helped amazingly with MCT and coconut oil in the diet. by Dr. Mary T. Newport.

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zerospin.substack.com/ Check out the 4 part series on Monolaurin

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Follow Dr Dale Bredesen, MD

Get his Book, watch his YouTube videos and interviews.



His X (Twitter) Page




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My aunt who is caring for her mentioned bredesen protocol as an option she's eying for her. I will look into this. Thank you for all the links! I appreciate it so much.

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Dr Eric Berg has a good YouTube page Low Carb Diets. There are plenty of good Podcasts as well to learn about the benefits of Low Carb and how.


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Read the labels of any Rx Prescriptions he’s taking. Many have Dementia listed as an Adverse Event Risk.

Heart Burn Medications can be problematic.

“A recent study published in the journal Neurology suggests that people who take a prescription PPI for more than four years may have a higher risk of developing dementia compared to people who don’t take these medications.”


A LOW CARB KETOGENIC DIET CAN IMPROVE AND EVEN ELIMINATE HEARTBURN, which is often caused by simple carbohydrates fermenting in the gut.


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Meryl Streep did a movie for The Charlie foundation called, FIRST DO NO HARM, regarding the ketogenic diet for Epilepsy, which is a Brain Disorder.



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It is a defiency is fatty acids required for mylin formation that insulates nerves!

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Dr Steven Phillips of Zerospin substack talks about this a bit here:

Autophagy Cure? or Curse?



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VIRTA HEALTH uses a ketogenic diet to reverse type-2 diabetes. Many insurers will pay for the program if you have type two diabetes.



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It's amazing how fast one's taste for sugar disappears when you stop eating sugar...and how clear the mind gets. Fermented and distilled sugars [read potato vodka] seem to be more tolerated. I would also like to point out the link between Nattokinase and Ivermectin. Both come from soil based elements, and both seem to have similar properties.

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I believe parasites are the cause of most diseases & illnesses.

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I believe Dr. Lee Merritt is also a proponent of this theory and recommends a particular protocol using various drugs -- some of which require prescriptions. Do you know of a more holistic list of ingredients that have similar results and can be acquired without prescriptions?

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I get mildly dizzy from ivermectin. Perhaps I should get some natto to have on hand?

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My mom had late onset dementia. She had always eaten super healthy but very late in life she started craving sugar. she did have reoccurring bouts of candida… this article makes sense of it all. She was also on statins… which have recently been linked to dementia.

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My mom also got a craving for sugar right around the time her dementia became noticeable...She saw some kind of “alternative health care practitioner” (perhaps a naturopath) and while she was not able to explain what had been said to her, she returned with medication intended for dogs. Makes me wonder whether the practitioner gave her FBZ or something similar.

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Hey 2nd...this will blow your mind, India, which treats the population for parasites twice per year with albendazole, a fenbendazole analog, not only has one of the lowest incidences of cancer but also of Alzheimer’s Disease as well https://fenbendazole.substack.com

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Dr Steven Phillips addresses this in his talk - the lowest incidence of dementia due to the high curcurmen (Turmeric) in the diet:


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Unless curcumin eradicates fungal infections, as fenbendazole does, it’s not germane to the present discussion.

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Fair point. Thank you.

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Thank you, Butternut! Appreciate your dropping in the link!

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I take curcumin daily - in my smoothie and capsules to boot!!

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My all time favorite stack

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Thank you for the link!

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Good to know.

Here's the link to The Epoch Times article:


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Anecdote, (oh the horror, it is not a corrupted RCT run by big pharma.) My wife is dying from Alzheimer's, late stage 7. Last year she quit walking, July this year, she quit picking up finger food to feed herself. She's been living on liquids I give her from a bottle. I got a bit lazy and tried only taking care of her in the evening. Mistake, the depends had to be changed more often. She scratched herself and I found an huge open staff infected sore in her elbow when I finally changed her shirt. It was very bad.

I started taking better care, cleaning and feeding her at noon and in the evening. Obviously bandaging the elbow. Neosporin doesn't work as she has some allergy to it. Nothing bad happens but wounds do not heal if I use Neosporin. She told me about this a decade ago. I use calomine lotion on a gauze pad for her wounds caused by her scratching herself. Seems to work. Out of desperation I broke out the emergency use drugs, ivermectin and fenbendazole. I added Vitamin D+K2 and NAC and blend all of these into her Insure.

It is working. The swelling of her arm has gone away. The wound is still large, but the exposed flesh is red and alive, the surrounding skin, pink and slowly closing the wound. There is some clean puss on the bandage, her immune system is actively defending the wound.

In the evening I give her a bottle of Insure + some almond chocolate milk plus the drugs. Then another bottle of fruit juice with added vitamin C. Last night she finished the Ensure and I told her I was going to refill the the bottle with juice.

She said, "'kay." !!!! That is the first time in a year she responded calmly and audibly and responsive to something I said. Did the fenbendazole, twice a day kill off a fungus in her brain? She seems more alert, her eyes are open more often. It has only been a week.

Damn doctors, the first letter in MD is upside down, they are witch doctors, waiting for the CDC to approve some expensive drug to stabilize Alzheimer's rather than stop the infection with cheap, available drugs. What did the doctors prescribe for her? Vitamin E, a statin for cholesterol, and a SSRI anti-depressant. The last two are worse than useless, they are actively harmful, but big pharma makes money and spreads the wealth to the witch doctors that play along.

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The paste of fenbendazole can be used topically on that sore, and will likely help it heal faster as it is also anti fungal and many skin issues are of fungal origin.

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Hey GaryP, any updates on your wife? I hope she’s doing well, and I’m curious to know if there were more improvements using your protocol.

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All pharma drugs are toxic and work against the body. These drugs have so many side effects, including death. It's all about the $$$, keeping witch doctors in business to pay for their expensive homes, cars, vacations, etc.

As for statin drugs, do not take them. Our cholesterol is supposed to be high, not low, especially in our older years. Our bodies make cholesterol if we don't have enough of it from foods. The same for anti-depressant drugs, they don't work, they make you feel worse.

Glad your wife finally spoke, that's a big improvement. Give her coconut oil or MCT oil in her liquid drinks. Good fats for her brain.

My Mom had Alzheimer's for several years and passed away in 2012 at age 84. I took care of her for a while. This was before I knew of the many dangers of pharma drugs.

Hope your wife continues to get better.

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Parasites have also been implicated in MS.

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When I was in my 40's, I suffered from recurrent bladder infections and every time I would start on a new antibiotic prescription, I would get a yeast infection within a few hours of swallowing the first pill. I ended up looking to prevention and natural treatment methods as it was a vicious cycle. Did not rely on my doctor any more as their "cures" were useless.

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I had this same problem back in the 80's & 90's taking anti-biotics. In the 90's, I started reading more about health, diet and nutrition. The last time I had a UTI was in the late 90's and decided to cure myself without taking anti-biotics. And it worked!! This was my protocol:

1 bottle Nature's Answer UT Answer Healthy Urinary Tract Support D-Mannose & Cranberry Concentrate 3 Day Regiment (liquid formula). You finish this bottle as directed for 3 days.

Along with the above, I also took the following supplements for 10 days:

Colloidal Silver (30 PPM) - 2 teaspoons per day - 1 tsp in the am & 1 tsp in the evening.

Olive Leaf Extract 250mg capsules - take 3 each day (1 in the am, afternoon & evening).

Power of Nature Orega Max wild non-GMO capsules - 6 capsules per day (2 in the am, afternoon & evening).

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Thanks for this -- awesome information!

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You're very welcome:)

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Methylene blue is great for UTI

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wow that's so good. thank you! so much good info coming out of EYES WIDE OPEN from covid and vax. Appreciate your time and efforts and studies to tell us these things.

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I find it hard to believe anything from an institution that kicks out Dr. Peter McCullough!

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Thank God somebody is finally looking at this. I had a very strong sense that many of the neurological disease were actually fungal. The overuse of antibiotics has caused me to have all sorts of issues but mainly gut. its been a constant fight to fight off Candida for over 30 years. if you mention this to a medical doctor, they claim ignorance of it. Recently I developed hyperthyroidism & brought up Candida to the Endocrinologist who actually BARKED at me that se didn't know anything about it. If the Epoch Times is aware, maybe she should do some reading! Thanks for this!

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I’ve realized that most doctors know sh#t about health. They just tick off boxes. Give meds. Treat symptoms I have a couple of test questions I ask if I happen to see a new GP. Their answer depends on if I walk out the door. The age of Covid has added a few more. I rarely see a conventional doc now. My functional medicine doc is great plus she and most of her staff is unvaxxed. Glad you pushed back a little. They pull the “ Im smarter than you are because I’m a doctor” crap--some more than others, of course.

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would love to know what your questions are -- will you share?

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1 The big one is about statins. Why? 2 Then what should my diet be if I want to handle cholesterol levels without medication? Dietary cholesterol is proven not to affect cholesterol level because our bodies produce it and every cell needs it. The story of statins is long and sordid. So why lower total cholesterol? HDL and LDL isn’t even cholesterol as such. They just move it around like a cars on a train. They will probably lose interest in you then. Lol. Another one is how much Vit D3 should I get. (Some docs may have twigged on to the correct answer by now—-much more than earlier recommendations but still Covid revealed the lack of education on how effective it is to immune system to keep viruses at bay.). Ask them about red meat and plant protein. If they whiff about red meat and saturated fat causing type 2 diabetes they have really flunked the test. My interest is in dietary and lifestyle solutions to gain real health.so most of my possible questions come from that angle. Most, not all of course, are not up on current research. They get practically no nutrition training in med school. I rarely visit conventional medicine docs now. I trained myself. Look at the advice brochures around a doctors office and med system newsletters. Even health insurance recommendations. Lots of clues there—even the recipes conform to the dismal state of nutrition information these days. Good luck. It was the cholesterol con that woke me up. Covid just nailed the coffin tight for good. 😁👍🏻

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These are fantastic questions -- I appreciate your sharing them. I dread going to the doctor (so I haven't, actually). I will accompany my elderly parents to their next visit, and I'm going to try out a few of your questions.

What are your thoughts on the screening tests they push at every checkup (stool sample for colon cancer screening, mammogram)?

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I’m 75 and not getting mammograms anymore. Even Medicare only pays every 2 years. If I was to get one it would be a thermal one in a private screening shop as I’m sure a doc won’t ok one. My last mammogram in 2021 hurt like hell and the sonogram? one Hurt bad also. The regular one has risks and leads to over diagnosis and unnecessary treatment in many cases. Not all, of course but most are slow growing with some time for further testing. Now with the turbo cancers they might be more needed. Im unvaxxed, even flu no shots but 1 or 2 in the past. I did a colonoscopy in a box last. No family history of colon cancer and I eat clean. I had to have hip surgery after an accident last year and that was scary but no one asked about shots and no masks. My last visit before that was before Covid so no shot records were there anyway. Small local hospital with staff I actually knew. But I purchased a post jab protocol advised on FLCCC and did that after I got home just for my peace of mind. I have never done those multi tests that go around in a van. Not about to start. Good luck. Our health and life is in our hands now. Thank God for substack.

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You are a woman after my own heart!! Just 68 but avoid mainstream medicine like the plague. (Pun intended!)

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Mammograms is another money making scam. Stopped going for mammograms over 15 years ago. Every year you go for your mammogram, you're increasing your chances of getting breast cancer. That's a fact. Also, many Americans are very deficient in Vit D3, so must have your Vit D levels checked and start taking this much needed supplement, especially if you're elderly.

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My naturopath had me do a huge urine test instead of bloodwork. It showed my T3 was low. Endocrinologist barked that he can’t go by urine tests. He tested my blood every quarter. 6 months later another blood test showed, low and behold, low T3. I reminded him I told him that months ago 😆 I never went back to him.

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Thank you for yet again Actionable Data to repair the damage from the Bio Weapon and the American Sick Care System.. Keep it Up!

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alz fungal brain This should have been obvious. In private, doctors call Alzheimer's diabetes of the brain. The more sugar you eat, the more yeast you will have. The older generation of physicians recognized the same link to cancer... Biden is a perfect example...

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Geez… connecting the dots ! It’s ALL making so much sense! Thank you for sharing 🌹

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Nothing to worry about. We’ve been assured already, that in the brave new world Dementia does not disqualify us from running for US presidency. Should therefore be a non-discriminatory issue for any other job we aspire. Busdrivers, airplane pilots, military …. and life goes on….

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For Equity, doncha know.

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Exactly ! And voila, we eradicated unhinged discrimination.

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In the comments, a day or 2 ago, it was pointed out that liquid IVM can be used by measuring it out and adding it to water. CAN the liquid fenbendazole also be used the same way in water? I did not see that stated anywhere. I am quite interested in finding this out. Thank-you to whom ever can and will help me out with this knowledge!

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I don’t know about liquids, but I do know that you’re supposed to take these two at different times, for example iver in the am, Fenben at night. But I also know fenben needs to be taken with oil. Open a capsule and sprinkle over a tablespoon of olive oil, when it sinks in swallow it all.

Look on FLCCC for a dosing chart.

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