In older times Godless heathens sacrificed babies to their silly gods, now today our medical/ political heathens still sacrifice millions of babies, but now they’re coming after us adults,[by the millions] to please their god’s, money & power! (Gee so now we have Equality!)
This is one of the ways they killed my mother.
Midazolam is in her records.
Documents do not lie unless you doctor them!
The shit is hitting the fan now and they will run!
Cowards always run and the cowards that have murdered babies…oh boy…I’d hate to be in their shoes!
In older times Godless heathens sacrificed babies to their silly gods, now today our medical/ political heathens still sacrifice millions of babies, but now they’re coming after us adults,[by the millions] to please their god’s, money & power! (Gee so now we have Equality!)
Our medical/ political heathens are no better than the politicos of the past who sacrificed young women and children to appease their "gods."
Many today still practice "The Old Religion" aka Luciferianism.
Sick and evil is too good of a word