Democrats Paid For Hit Pieces Used To Impeach Trump With USAID Money
"The map of 55,000 NGOs, that was essentially just democratic propaganda machine that was exposed. That was all just money being funneled in a circular manner.”
The Trump administration has been hard at work trying to shutter one of the most criminal government agencies in USAID, which is nothing more than a CIA black ops money laundering node that foments wars, executes coups, and engages in a broad range of other illicit foreign and domestic meddling operations.
USAID funds terrorism such that they keep keep funding terrorism in the Hegelian Dialectic of perma-war whereby money laundering off the backs of the tax mules never ends:
The reality inverting social engineering Intelligence-Industrial Complex programs designed to destabilize and subvert societies like DEI and transgenderism were also funded by USAID:
We also know that USAID was instrumental in the PSYOP-19 scamdemic and associated slow kill bioweapon “vaccines” as part of a greater global eugenics depopulation program:
Dr Karen Saylors, Eco Health Alliance and Metabiota worked together on the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) ‘PREDICT’ program from 2009, while Labyrinth Global Health worked alongside EHA and Metabiota on the PREDICT program from 2017.
Launched in 2009 and funded by USAID, PREDICT was an early warning system for new and emerging diseases in 21 countries. It was led by the University of California’s (“UC”) Davis One Health Institute and core partners included EcoHealth Alliance (“EHA”), Metabiota, Wildlife Conservation Society, and Smithsonian Institution, and as we’ve just revealed; Labyrinth Global Health. PREDICT was a forerunner of the more ambitious Global Virome Project.
The USAID describes PREDICT as having made “significant contributions to strengthening global surveillance and laboratory diagnostic capabilities for both known and newly discovered viruses within several important virus groups, such as filoviruses (including ebolaviruses), influenza viruses, paramyxoviruses, and coronaviruses“.
USAID was also funding and colluding with — from monies stolen from “income” taxes — DARPA, the DOD and the Pentagon to develop gain of function bioterror viruses and “vaccines:”
In an interview with The Defender, University of Illinois international law professor Francis Boyle, J.D., Ph.D., a bioweapons expert who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, said:
“They fully intend to use synthetic biology to research, develop and test biological warfare weapons. That’s DARPA’s motivation for funding this.
“It fits in with Predict and its successor, also funded by USAID [U.S. Agency for International Development], which is a front organization for the CIA, to go out into the world and find every exotic disease, fungus, toxin, virus they possibly can and bring them back here and then weaponize them in their BSL3 [biosafety level 3] and BSL4 labs.”
According to Boyle, the Broad Institute is one of the country’s leading DARPA-funded synthetic biology research centers.
It is important to note that both the DOD and Pentagon own many of the C19 “vaccine” patents, also paid for via the theft of “income” taxes; in other words, the tax slaves have been paying for their own demises for far too long.
The Shadow Government’s top puppets Bill Gates and George Soros have also been funded by USAID, and used as front men in their destruction of the planet; to wit:
Basically, USAID is both a global and domestic terror outfit; in terms of the latter, we now have even more evidence of just how this felonious and utterly unconstitutional agency has been waging a full-on war on We the People; to wit:
WOAH Democrats paid for the hit pieces used to IMPEACH DONALD TRUMP WITH USAID
Mike Benz “That dirt came home and was used as part of the basis for the 2019 impeachment of the sitting President Donald Trump. That would've never happened unless USAID sponsored that hit piece”
“There's a group, a group called the OCCRP, which you can think of as the Corruption Reporting Project. This is a group that half of its funding comes from OCCRP. USAID and the State Department have a veto right over the staff that it can hire. This is the largest consortium of investigative journalists on planet Earth.”
“This is the group that broke the Panama Papers. You know, they got all these hacked documents, they got special access to it — A group funded by a major CIA funding conduit, USAID, while the CIA has the ability to hack, you know, any target around the world that's authorized by the National Security Council”
Mike Benz goes over all the media operations, prosecutors and justice system operations they’ve been taking over with USAID and State Department funding
“Now USAID gets a veto right over who they can hire. OCCRP has to submit an annual work plan to be submitted to and reviewed for approval by the State Department and USAID
Here's the kicker of it all:
OCCRP paid for it by us U.S taxpayers dug up dirt on Rudy Giuliani's work in Ukraine. This is 'cause this was part of the 2019 impeachment and, you know, Rudy Giuliani and his work in Ukraine. So they went and dug up dirt on Rudy Giuliani, a domestic U.S citizen and high-profile political figure, actually attorney to the U.S president. And then that dirt came home and was used as part of the basis for the 2019 impeachment of the sitting president Donald Trump. That would've never happened unless USAID sponsored that hit piece or work
Then they did the same thing with Paul Manafort because it's the same foreign policy blob that went after Trump in the first place because of his foreign, his difference in foreign policy vision around Ukraine, Russia”
This case is related to the Ukraine perfect phone call hoax Democrats used to impeach Donald Trump
And USAID is intimately involved in funding and directing the rat’s nest of illicit NGO’s.
People need to go to prison
Joe Rogan brought up with Mike Benz the “map of 55,000 NGOs, that was essentially just democratic propaganda machine that was exposed. That was all just money being funneled in a circular manner”
A breakthrough artificial intelligence tracking system called Fractal technology maps previously hidden connections between 55,000 liberal NGOs, revealing how tax dollars allegedly flow through major institutions straight back to Democrats
This new ai and machine learning mapping system reveals the hidden web of financial relationships, the famous example is
(Black Voters Matter Fund's $4M distribution network was invisible until quantum mapping revealed dozens of subsidiary organizations - via PeterBernegger)
It’s all money laundering and embezzlement
From toppling foreign governments to global bioterror depopulation programs to domestic coups d'état like the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, the J6 scam, the non-stop ongoing Mockingbird MSM disinfo brainwashing and so on and so forth, USAID is truly a source of much evil both at home and abroad.
The fact that all of these crimes were funded thanks to the unconstitutional theft of “income” taxes from We the People makes it all that much more grievous and unconscionable.
As such, the IRS, its partner-in-crime the Federal Reserve Bank, and various criminal agencies like USAID must all be shuttered as soon as possible; in fact, over 80% of the Federal Government needs to be eliminated, or else the busybody Marxist miscreant bureaucrats that have been hard at “work” subverting America will continue to infect and destroy this nation from within.
Mass arrests can’t come soon enough.
Do NOT comply.
I wouldn't say it's two sides being played against each other. More like actors portraying two sides to an audience. Like WWE wrestling. Is this to make us so disgusted with our government that we accept what will be offered to replace it?
Do you truly believe there will be mass arrests? I just don't see that happening. I wish it would happen. I pray it will happen. I just have no hope in it happening.