Denmark takes the lead, no one under 50 years of age will be offered COVID injection vaccines, no one, Danish Health Authority website updated as of 13 SEP 2022; NO mandate!!!!!
No mandate, just offered, and only 50 years of age and over
Why would the Danish Health Authority still push the DEATHVAX™ for 50 and older when there is zero evidence that it does anything to prevent, and attenuate COVID symptoms? The very same evidence that informed their updated policy irrefutably shows that these slow kill bioweapon injections increase mortality, hospitalizations and cause VAIDS across all age groups.
The only explanation for the Danish Health Authority still recommending these poisonous injections to the elderly is that they are UN and WEF “penetrated” and are simply more focused on rapidly depopulating the geriatrics in order to discharge their pensions and other liabilities while keeping their younger native Danish population from going anymore negative, for now. And younger indebted people that inherit wealth from murdered parents will spend it that much faster back into the system because house always wins.
Do NOT comply.
Here’s the Denmark Link
And here’s a misleading Reuters “Fact Check” on the subject:
Fact Check-Headline that claims Denmark has banned COVID-19 vaccines for children is misleading
And, here’s why this FactCheck itself is misleading:
Denmark link above:
“... The purpose of vaccination is not to prevent infection with covid-19, and people aged under 50 are therefore currently not being offered booster vaccination.”
Not a lot of difference between “banned” and “not being offered”. Reuters trying to be slippery.
I was on Twitter, the land of Twats, and I was surprised everyone seemed ant vax now. I think the tide has turned and peeps are pissed. Really pissed. I mean, we are pure, but they probably are going to get sick or worse. I would be pissed.