A bit of a correction to your choice of word to describe Canada, we are not TechnoCommunist but rather TecyhnoFascist may be a bit of a fine point but our government is not under the control of the people or a workers collective as a communist society would be but we are very much under the dictatorial control of the TecyhnoFascist or maybe better Technocorporists It is very clear we are under the control of companies such as the big pharma ones
Spell it out! kanada like all "the west" is in control of zionists. All zionists are communists/fascists, call them what you want. Rabbi weiss said; "some call it communism but I call it what it really is, judaism"
You are confusing the terms communist and fascist. One common point between them is the agree that in many ways they are the opposite of each other. One is worker driven and the other is corporist driven. In Canada today our society is definitely not worker driven
There is no requirement to agree or disagree with either but in order to have ones comments considered seriously the difference is important.
Caveat: what I am about to post is crazy. Read at your own risk.
So, there's a guy on Substack named Clif High. Does what is called predictive linguistics. Computer guy with an interest in linguistics, languages, history and religion. Long story short, he's convinced that those in charge [WEF/globalists and their controllers] are expecting THEIR rulers to return soon. As in the next year or two. BTW... they supposedly believe their rulers are extraterrestrials who are on their way here now, and they are required to get things in shape by the time their rulers arrive. In his theory, THAT'S why there is such a panic to get everything done all at once now, Now, NOW.
Crazy, I know. As an aside, I do have to add-- it doesn't matter what we believe ,it's what those who are pushing these insane ideas believe. We just have to passionately push back.
There is a schedule- 2040 is end date. The schedule they are working to is a laid out to see.😐 I don't know what happens in 2040, but something does, because all critical documentation, trialled programs, political goals, industry goals, etc, all work towards 2040 as the set point.🤷♀️🤔🤨
The magnetic pole has been moving for millennia. I was chairman of our little airport commission. Three years ago, we resurfaced the main runway - and we had to re-number it, as magnetic north had moved! It went from Runway 11/29 to Runway 12/30…
I remember Trump wanted the US to be first with 5G, then he coerced the FDA to skip some safety protocols in creating the Covid vaccine. Some have said the formula changed around the time Biden mandated it. This was determined to be unlawful to everyone except those in the medical field. The people we need the most one would think. Some have speculated that 5G & Covid vaccines are connected. Their were rumors that Bill Gates owned the patent to technology where humans would mine cryptocurrency. I thought this was too off the wall. Sure enough it's true. You can ask Bing Chat about Bill Gates patent 060606 and here are the results. Please note I did not ask about microchips and this was just volunteered. Title: Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data
Abstract: This patent describes a system where human body activity associated with a task provided to a user can be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. Here’s how it works:
A server provides a task to a user’s device (which is communicatively coupled to the server).
A sensor in the user’s device senses body activity (such as movement, brain waves, or body heat) of the user.
Body activity data is generated based on the sensed activity.
The cryptocurrency system verifies if the body activity data satisfies certain conditions set by the system.
If the conditions are met, the system awards cryptocurrency to the user1.
It’s important to note that this patent does not mention anything about implanted microchips. While it does explore the concept of using body activity for cryptocurrency mining, it doesn’t involve injectable microchips2. So, no need to worry about any sci-fi scenarios involving chips under the skin!
If you’d like to explore the patent further, you can find it on the WIPO website. The unbelievable becoming reality. I won't comply but it makes one question if they want to live in such a world too.
They are so full of themselves that they are certifiable lunatics. They walk among us as pedophiles, rapists, murderers and we all know it and just ignore it and even make jokes about it.
I don't think the turd is the penetrator. I'd say he was the penetrated. The turd and the rest of the filth in the kanada federal gov issued tenders in 2015 for tear gas and canisters "as part of canada's response to the (surprise) covid 19 pandemic". Clearly they thought kanadians had the balls to rise up but no. Compliant as usual except for some truckers.
I'll suggest they investigate Australia's role next, then the UK's, then New Zealand, then I would suggest they look at Japan's future plans....😉🤨🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
A bit of a correction to your choice of word to describe Canada, we are not TechnoCommunist but rather TecyhnoFascist may be a bit of a fine point but our government is not under the control of the people or a workers collective as a communist society would be but we are very much under the dictatorial control of the TecyhnoFascist or maybe better Technocorporists It is very clear we are under the control of companies such as the big pharma ones
Spell it out! kanada like all "the west" is in control of zionists. All zionists are communists/fascists, call them what you want. Rabbi weiss said; "some call it communism but I call it what it really is, judaism"
You are confusing the terms communist and fascist. One common point between them is the agree that in many ways they are the opposite of each other. One is worker driven and the other is corporist driven. In Canada today our society is definitely not worker driven
There is no requirement to agree or disagree with either but in order to have ones comments considered seriously the difference is important.
Caveat: what I am about to post is crazy. Read at your own risk.
So, there's a guy on Substack named Clif High. Does what is called predictive linguistics. Computer guy with an interest in linguistics, languages, history and religion. Long story short, he's convinced that those in charge [WEF/globalists and their controllers] are expecting THEIR rulers to return soon. As in the next year or two. BTW... they supposedly believe their rulers are extraterrestrials who are on their way here now, and they are required to get things in shape by the time their rulers arrive. In his theory, THAT'S why there is such a panic to get everything done all at once now, Now, NOW.
Crazy, I know. As an aside, I do have to add-- it doesn't matter what we believe ,it's what those who are pushing these insane ideas believe. We just have to passionately push back.
Cliff is a nut job.
Of course he is.
That being said, there might be a timeline that we don't know about, which is why all this is being forced down our throats.
There is...2030. Or before. The money is crap now worth nothing.
Gold. Silver. Storable food. Barter items.
Just saying.
There is a schedule- 2040 is end date. The schedule they are working to is a laid out to see.😐 I don't know what happens in 2040, but something does, because all critical documentation, trialled programs, political goals, industry goals, etc, all work towards 2040 as the set point.🤷♀️🤔🤨
I heard that 2030 was the end date, and then it got moved up. But... yeah, who knows?
If suspicious observers on YouTube is correct about magnetic pole shifting within the next 10 years or so then some of us won't make it to 2040
Open Minded Approach on Twitter talks about it as well.
Then there is this, from Ethical Skeptic:
Might happen soon, might not. No one knows.
nice! much appreciated
The magnetic pole has been moving for millennia. I was chairman of our little airport commission. Three years ago, we resurfaced the main runway - and we had to re-number it, as magnetic north had moved! It went from Runway 11/29 to Runway 12/30…
I remember Trump wanted the US to be first with 5G, then he coerced the FDA to skip some safety protocols in creating the Covid vaccine. Some have said the formula changed around the time Biden mandated it. This was determined to be unlawful to everyone except those in the medical field. The people we need the most one would think. Some have speculated that 5G & Covid vaccines are connected. Their were rumors that Bill Gates owned the patent to technology where humans would mine cryptocurrency. I thought this was too off the wall. Sure enough it's true. You can ask Bing Chat about Bill Gates patent 060606 and here are the results. Please note I did not ask about microchips and this was just volunteered. Title: Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data
Abstract: This patent describes a system where human body activity associated with a task provided to a user can be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. Here’s how it works:
A server provides a task to a user’s device (which is communicatively coupled to the server).
A sensor in the user’s device senses body activity (such as movement, brain waves, or body heat) of the user.
Body activity data is generated based on the sensed activity.
The cryptocurrency system verifies if the body activity data satisfies certain conditions set by the system.
If the conditions are met, the system awards cryptocurrency to the user1.
It’s important to note that this patent does not mention anything about implanted microchips. While it does explore the concept of using body activity for cryptocurrency mining, it doesn’t involve injectable microchips2. So, no need to worry about any sci-fi scenarios involving chips under the skin!
If you’d like to explore the patent further, you can find it on the WIPO website. The unbelievable becoming reality. I won't comply but it makes one question if they want to live in such a world too.
They are so full of themselves that they are certifiable lunatics. They walk among us as pedophiles, rapists, murderers and we all know it and just ignore it and even make jokes about it.
Example the term Arkancided.....
I don't think the turd is the penetrator. I'd say he was the penetrated. The turd and the rest of the filth in the kanada federal gov issued tenders in 2015 for tear gas and canisters "as part of canada's response to the (surprise) covid 19 pandemic". Clearly they thought kanadians had the balls to rise up but no. Compliant as usual except for some truckers.
I'll suggest they investigate Australia's role next, then the UK's, then New Zealand, then I would suggest they look at Japan's future plans....😉🤨🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️