Disease X: World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting To Release Followup PSYOP-19 "Pandemic"
The ruling “elites” will be gathering next week at the 54th annual WEF meeting to scheme their followup “pandemic.” Disease X may very well be the next phase of their ongoing global democide project.
Disease X was actually cooked up by the United Nation’s genocide “health” organization the WHO way back in 2018, or less than 2 years before these sociopaths deployed their PSYOP-19 “pandemic;” in other words, all of these manmade Gain of Function (GoF) bioterror releases are always preplanned, and Disease X has been long in the making.
Because it really is all a sick and twisted game for these people, and the WEF was always targeting lower-income demographics, and Bill Gates’s favorite African nations, along with India, for vaccine-based depopulation.
What is especially ironic, more at exceedingly depraved, is that this year’s WEF meeting is branded “Rebuilding Trust.”
Because after murdering millions upon millions of “useless eaters” with lockdowns, hospital protocols, prevention of early treatment, and the ultimate payload in the slow kill bioweapon “vaccines,” rebuilding trust may just very well be a necessity for the successful continuation of this planetary democide.
The WEF’s partners-in-crime in the Intelligence Industrial Complex, the various NGOs, “nonprofits,” and BigPharma manufacturing the C-19 Modified mRNA poisons on behalf of the patent holders in the DoD and Pentagon, need your trust and cooperation so that they can have you participate in their mass ritual bio-suicide. Because the most effective way to kill large swaths of the world is to get the average “global citizen” to willingly off themselves without even realizing it.
Of course, the WEF’s annual meeting is also hyper-focused on their endgame PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE, which will leverage all of the surviving genetically modified humans (GMH) with Universal Basic Income (UBI), and a perma-lockdowns in 15 Minute Cities as managed by the AI within the X Everything App social credit score system.
And for anyone still doubting that Klaus Schwab & Co. are somehow not technocommunist eugenicists:
Yes, that really is a bust of Lenin in Schwab’s office. No, you can’t make this up.
The WEF wants to reduce the global population by at very least 90% so they can then fully control the remaining GMH slaves in their hell on earth technocommunist dystopia.
They always telegraph their plans for you, and Disease X will be their followup, irrespective of how it is ultimately branded for public fear porn consumption.
Luckily, inexpensive repurposed drugs like Ivermectin and Fenbendazole are quite literally the kryptonite to all of these diseases, adverse events, shedding, and followup GoF “pandemics.” Which is precisely why they do not want you to have access to these miraculous medicines.
They want you dead.
Do NOT comply.
Typos edited.
If you further explore the relationship between CIA, MI6 and the WEF, you’ll find they’re all involved in this operation together. If they weren’t, Schwab and his globo-communist friends would have been eliminated long ago due to their extreme threat to American government, sovereignty and freedom.