Divisive Societal Collectivism Is a Primary Driver of Total Control Over the People
The scourge of today's Technocommunism...
To better understand the nature of divisive societal collectivism, we may want to familiarize ourselves with Antonio Gramsci, who some political science experts rightly consider The Greatest Political Strategist in History.
In an article entitled, From Marx to Lenin, Gramsci & Alinsky that features excerpts from The Keys of this Blood by Malachi Martin we may better appreciate the PSYOP-NEO-MARXISM project as accelerated under the CIA’s ground up creation in their Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama; to wit:
Obama's Ideological Father: "Gramsci... organized the Italian Communist party in 1921.... Since this was four years after the Russian Revolution, Gramsci assumed Italians would welcome a Bolshevik convulsion of their own. But it didn’t happen.... He found three explanations: Christianity, nationalism and charity. ...the way to set the stage for a Marxist revolution was in coming to grips with these three conditions....
The first stratagem was the assault on Christianity by arguing religion should not inform or be employed in public discourse. Gramsci realized that if religion were confined to private worship, its hold on Italians would dissipate....
Second... Gramsci contended Italians were part of a grand global mission....
Last... Gramsci engaged in efforts to persuade Italians that the way, the only way, to express humanitarian concern for the poor or those left behind as the detritus of capitalism is through a government that can be benevolent....
"Obama... has suggested overtly and tacitly that religion should be a matter relegated to private worship outside the confines of public life.... [Through] his proposal to deny tax deductions for charitable gifts, government is being converted into the only public charity. Moreover, the transfer of wealth in the stimulus package and the increased tax burden on the most productive element of society will inevitably decrease incentives and expand the size and influence of government..... Our leaders may not identify themselves as Gramscians and may even mock the designation, but make no mistake: Gramsci’s DNA is in their bloodstream."
It is crucial to understand that Gramsci’s evil genius what to update Marxism’s class struggle lie with various social issues. The CIA took this concept and ran with it, creating feminism and, for example, deploying Manchurian Operatives like Gloria Steinam:
Of course, feminism put tremendous pressure on the nuclear family, and thus stoked the Marxian “class struggle” by socially engineering less familial wealth by programming woman to desire “career” over rearing children and being homemakers; this program was aided and abetted by the other illicit Federal government “agency” in the IRS:
Let’s take a gander at the 10 Planks of the Communist Manifesto and see just how today’s illegitimate Federal government is quite literally foisting these very Marxist crimes on We the People:
Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
Abolition of all right of inheritance.
Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equal distribution of the population over the country.
Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, &c., &c.[6]
According to the Communist Manifesto, all these were prior conditions for a transition from capitalism to communism (but Marx and Engels later expressed a desire to modernize this passage[7]).
Now let’s skip over to Gramsci’s novel at the time approach to the Communist scam which today has given birth to the globalist’s posthuman Technocommunist power grabs:
Antonio Gramsci (Chapter 13)
"...the political formula Gramsci devised has done much more than classical Leninism -- and certainly more than Stalinism -- to spread Marxism throughout the capitalist West." [p. 243]
"By 1913, he was a member of the Italian Socialist Party. In 1919, he founded a newspaper, whose name alone—L’Ordine Nuovo, The New Order—gave clear indication of his bent of mind and of the fact that, like Lenin, he was both a visionary and a doer of deeds. In 1921... Gramsci [co-]founded the Italian Communist Party. The next year...Benito Mussolini came to power.... Italy became a Fascist nation. And Gramsci took off for what he no doubt expected would be the safer haven of Lenin’s USSR."Marxist though he was, and as fully convinced as Lenin that there was a force completely inner to mankind driving it on as a whole to the Marxist ideal of the 'Workers’ Paradise,' Gramsci was too aware of the facts of history and of life to accept other basic and gratuitous assumptions made by Marx, and accepted unquestioningly by Lenin....
"Gramsci himself rejected Christianity and all its transcendent claims. Nevertheless, he knew Christian culture existed.... For that was the force binding all the classes... into a single, homogeneous culture. It was a specifically Christian culture, in which individual men and women understood that the most important things about human life transcended the material conditions in which they lived out their mortal lives.
"Gramsci agreed that the great mass of the world’s population was made up of workers. That much was just plain fact. What became clear to him, however, was that nowhere—and especially not in Christian Europe—did the workers of the world see themselves as separated from the ruling classes by an ideological chasm. ...
"There would never be a glorious uprising of the proletariat. There would be no Marxist-inspired violent overthrow of the ruling 'superstructure' by the working 'underclasses.' Because no matter how oppressed they might be, the 'structure' of the working classes was defined not by their misery or their oppression but by their Christian faith and their Christian culture....
"The Marxist insistence that everything valuable in life was within mankind—was immanent in mankind and its earthly condition—was impotent against such a bulwark." [pps. 244-245]
"Gramsci did not live to witness Hitler’s betrayal of Stalin and the failure of yet another plan for violent proletarian revolt.... Nor did he live to see even the first traces of the vindication and victory of his ideas. Nevertheless, when the first volume of what he had written in prison was published in 1947—a full ten years after his death—the voice of the long-dead Marxist prophet became a reality for which the world at large had no ready answer. A reality that would bedevil Joseph Stalin and each of his successors until Mikhail Gorbachev, who listened at last, would finally take the hand of Gramsci’s ghost and set off on the Leninist-Marxist road to the twenty-first century." [p. 247]
"A key element of Gramsci’s blueprint for the global victory of Marxism rested on Hegel’s distinction between what was 'inner' or 'immanent' to man and what man held to be outside and above him and his world—a superior force transcending the limitations of individuals and of groups, both large and small." [p. 247][The next section shows how the church must be adapted to this-worldly vision of a material paradise. The emerging church has already embraced this counterfeit vision of an earthly "kingdom of 'God.'"]
"Marxism's 'transcendent,' said Gramsci, was the utopian ideal....
"Gramsci argued that unless you can systematically touch what is immanent and immediate to individuals and groups and societies in their daily lives, you cannot convince them to struggle for any transcendent." [p. 248]
"...therefore, the call of Marx and Lenin to impose their 'transcendent by violent force was a futile contradiction in human logic. It was no wonder that... the only Marxist state that existed was imposed and maintained by for e and by terrorist policies.... If Marxism could not find a way to change that formula, it would have no future.
"What was essential,' insisted Gramsci, was to Marxize the inner man. Only when that was done could you successfully dangle the utopia of the 'Workers' Paradise' [the classless society] before his eyes.... And he was totally convinced that the material dimension of everything ... was the whole of it....
"Even Stalinist terror methods, Gramsci predicted, could not eliminate what he called “the forces of bourgeois reaction.” Instead, he warned,
those reactionary forces—organized religion, the intellectual and academic establishment, capitalist and entrepreneurial circles—all would be compressed by any such repression into dense streams of tradition, resistance and resentment. ...
"Clearly, if Gramsci was to change the common cultural outlook, the first order of business had to be to change the outward face of the Communist Party. For starters, Marxists would have to drop all Leninist shibboleths. It wouldn’t do to rant about 'revolution' and 'dictatorship of the proletariat' and the 'Workers’ Paradise.' Instead... Marxists would have to exalt such ideas as 'national consensus' and 'national unity'....
"Further, advised Gramsci, Marxists around the world ... would have to engage in the practical and normally accepted democratic processes, in lobbying and voting and the full gamut of parliamentary participation. They would have to behave in every respect the way Western democrats behave—not only accepting the existence of many political parties but forging alliances with some and friendships with others. They would have to defend pluralism, in fact." [p. 249-250]"And—heresy of all Leninist heresies—Marxists would even have to defend different types of Communist parties in different countries. The Central Committee of the CPSU would still be the operational center of world Marxism—would still direct this new style of world revolution by penetration and corruption. But no Communist Party in any country outside the Soviet Union would be a forced clone of the CPSU.
"On top of all that, Marxists must imitate, perfect and expand the roles already invented by Lenin and his 'intelligence expert.'... Marxists must join with women, with the poor, with those who find certain civil laws oppressive. They must adopt different tactics for different cultures and subcultures. They must never show an inappropriate face. And, in this manner, they must enter into every civil, cultural and political activity in every nation, patiently leavening them all as thoroughly as yeast leavens bread.
"Even such a pervasive blueprint as that would not work in the end, however, unless Gramsci could successfully target Marxism’s greatest enemy. ... the Christianity that had created and still pervaded Western culture in all its forms, activities and expressions. ....
"For this purpose, Gramsci felt the timing was rather good. For though Christianity appeared on the surface to be strong, it had for some time been debilitated by unceasing attacks ag failing remnant of Christianity. ... Marxists must change the residually Christian mind... so that it would become not merely a non-Christian mind but an anti-Christian mind." [p.250]
"...he needed to get individuals and groups in every class and station of life to think about life’s problems without reference to the Christian transcendent, without reference to God and the laws of God. He needed to get them to react with antipathy and positive opposition to any introduction of Christian ideals or the Christian transcendent into the treatment and solution of the problems of modern life." [p. 251]"...Gramsci was a Marxist through and through. And the bedrock essence of Marxism—the cornerstone of the Marxist ideal of a this-worldly Paradise as the summit of human existence—is that there is nothing beyond the matter of this universe. There is nothing in existence that transcends man—his material organism within his material surroundings."
"...such goals, like most of Gramsci’s blueprint, had to be pursued by means of a quiet and anonymous revolution. No armed and bloody uprisings.... Rather, everything must be done in the name of man’s dignity and rights.... [The new world must not only move beyond -- it must learn to despise] the claims and constraints of Christianity, above all. ..."Do that, he promised, and in essence you will have Marxized the West. The final step—the Marxization of the politics of life itself—will then follow." [p. 251]
"Liberation Theology was a perfectly faithful exercise of Gramsci's principles. It could be launched with the corruption of a relatively few well placed Judas goats. Yet it could be aimed at the culture and the mentality of the masses. It stripped both of any attachment to the Christian transcendent. It locked both the individual and his culture in the close embrace of a goal that was totally immanent; the class struggle for socio-political liberation. [p. 260-261]
"In the United States and Europe, meanwhile, the poor were too small in numbers, too isolated and too uninterested to serve as a primary target for Gramscian opportunity. No matter, For in both areas there were major seminaries that were already a... anti-traditional in their theology. They rapidly enshrined Liberation Theology as the new way of thinking about all the old questions. [p. 261-262]
The process of secularization in the Catholic and Protestant churches progressed so rapidly and with such energy that, just as Gramsci had foreseen, it fed into other streams of anti-Church influence in the West. Those were streams that, seemingly independent of Marxist influence, advocated a materialistic interpretation of all sectors of human through, investigation and action. [p. 262]
"...the academic faculties of Europe and America, already proud of the position in the vanguard of liberal and forward-looking political thinking, took like ducks to the rising tide of Marxist interpretations of history, law, religion and scientific inquiry.
"(Dawkins -- no God -- just aliens - Look Who's Irrational Now).... All the meaning of human life and the answer to every human hope were contained within the boundaries of the visible, tangible, material world of the here and now." [p. 262]
"The 'liberalized' culture of the West nations essentially converged with the process of mounting secularization, sharing freely and solidly in the new sacred principle that all the life, activities and hopes of mankind rested on the solid structures of this world alone. [see WSJ article on religious superstition]
...secular systems of beliefs-- Humanism, Mega-religion and the grab bag of New Age....forged their own not-so-strange alliances with Gramsci's heirs, rushing into the religious vacuum of formerly Christian societies. For they too, were united in insisting... that faith had no function expect to help all mankind to unite and be at peace within this world, in order to reach its ultimate peak of human development." [p.264]
"...Gramsci's ghost had captivated them all into his "Marxist hegemony of the mind.." The transcendent had bowed to the immanent. Total materialism was freely, peace fully and agreeably adopted everywhere in the name of man's dignity and rights... autonomy and freedom from outside constraints. Above all, as Gramsci had planned, this was done in the name of freedom from the laws and constraints of Christianity." [p.265]
"George Orwell once wrote that 'at any given moment, there is a sort of all-pervading orthodoxy -- a general tacit agreement not to discuss some large and uncomfortable fact.'... What now passes for philosophy is nothing more than a hybrid complex of fashions... and impulses and theories ant mold public opinion..." [p.266]
"They join with the Christian churches in brotherly dialogue and in common humanitarian ventures. But the object is to confirm the new Christianity in its anti-metaphysical and essentially atheistic pursuit of liberation from material inconvenience, from the fear of a nuclear holocaust, from sexual restriction of any kind and, finally, from all supernatural constrictions.... Total liberation is to construct the long-dreamed Leninist-Marxist Utopia.... By just that process, authored by Antonio Gramsci... has Western culture deprived itself of its lifeblood." [p.267-268]
"Mikhail Gorbachev burst upon the world scene as the first Soviet leader big-minded enough to appraise, appreciate and fully embrace the Gramscian formula.... Gorbachev is being very faithful to his hard-core Leninism, while adding his own updating and correctives." [p.272]
Gramisci for all intents and purposes is the grandfather of the ultra-synthetic Statist transgender divide and conquer program. Precisely because Gramsci understood that the world’s population was during his day made up of workers that had to be manipulated into constant us vs them thinking, with religion being a powerful cultural glue that kept the power of the State at bay, he went after Christianity just like Obama would later do. Today religion is under attack, with Christians especially being targeted as “domestic terrorists” by the real terrorist organization known as the Federal government.
And now that AI is being seeded as the replacement for large swaths of the workforce while the Southern Border remains deliberately wide open for the replacement migration hyper-slave program, these two events are not unrelated; in fact, the PSYOP-NEO-MARXIST divide and conquer program requires constant mass induced fear and hatred updates for the programmed populace.
A godless, sexless, genetically modified society that is at perpetual odds with itself while imprisoned in the X Everything App social credit score digital gulag system is the easiest society to control. This is the hyper-material dimension that is being sold to humanity, and thus further reinforces the exploitation loop. The State pretends to grant natural rights to the populace, give away free things that was stolen through violence (e.g. taxation), and now leveraging the ultimate materialism in the body itself through DEATHVAX™, sexuality, gender and mass child mutilation via sex reassignment procedures.
All of this naturally enriches the corporations that are in bed with the WEF/UN globalist “penetrated” governments. A most viscous materialism feedback loop that requires the citizenry to remain trapped in the lowest vibrational and spiritual planes of existence…
“But we must realize that even this tendency to restrict the exploitation of class privileges is a fairly common ingredient of totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is not simply amoral. It is the morality of the closed society—of the group, or of the tribe; it is not individual selfishness, but it is collective selfishness.”
~ Karl Popper, The Open Society and Its Enemies – Volume One: The Spell of Plato
The might of the State relies exclusively on the destruction of the individual, and participation, acceptance, allowance, and support of State as god, by the collective members of ‘society,’ who have succumbed to the State’s efforts to divide them into a multitude of groups at odds with every other group. The focus of this purposeful mass antagonism is to build differing aggressive personalities in order to set the stage for unrestrained division and chaos. This intentional distractive methodology pits one against another, in the age old strategy of divide and conquer. It has worked against the people and their freedom for most all of history, but has taken on new meaning in this immoral, consumption-based, irresponsible, apathetic, and postmodern culture, now consumed by a cold technological existence.
Without this gross division of society, the individual and individuals en masse, would reign supreme, and the ruling class and government would become politically impotent considering its endless drive toward power and control over large numbers of non-thinking collectives. This revelation is evident, so the solution necessary to lessen or destroy those who seek and practice authoritarian dominance, seems obvious and also simple, but due to the weaknesses and flaws of man, it is not as simple it appears.
The history of all politics, government, and rule, is one of unbridled authority, theft, perversion, organized crime, power, control, and mass murder. It is not, and never has been, any endeavor to ‘serve’ the people, but only to serve the State or personal and business desires. Those who choose politics, have voluntarily chosen the path of rule over others, which in effect, is an admission of power seeking, oppression, and dominance. To adhere with the political belief system, to accept voluntarily a ruling master class due to the fraud of voting; is little more than intentionally giving up your freedom in favor of tyrannical rule and serfdom.
Consider the deranged divisive nature of this population today. It is one of black against white, men against women, democrat against republican, the religious against the secular, confused and unhinged ‘transgenders’ against everybody, the reality of biology against stupidity, neo-Marxists against children and all white males, tradition against postmodernism, and race against race. It is actually even much worse than this idiocy; it is all against all in this environment of hate, with the State (governments and rulers) waging war on all of humanity.
This is not the natural progression of all mankind as I see it, even though the human species is flawed almost beyond comprehension. I think this because humanity has not always been consumed by this gross indifference, apathy, ignorance, and herd mentality. The idea of right over wrong, (good over evil) considering most general populations, was much more evident in past times, and that attitude was held in higher regard overall. But in modern times, the long-term conditioning of people by means of propaganda, all meant to indoctrinate minds in order to create a condition of hiding from the truth and turning away from compassion, has reached a critical mass.
So-called ‘civilizations’ have waged brutal war against each other since the very beginning, seeking more power and control at every turn, but the scope of that aggression is now universal throughout most States and their subjects. This is now evident worldwide. Was this due only to government’s and ruling classes’ efforts to control all, or are the people themselves at fault? Did the State initiate this plot, and did the people eventually cave to power, and accept it is normal? Obviously, the fault lies with both. The slaughter of innocents during most of our existence could be viewed as the founding element of our downfall, creating a lack of empathy for others, but what caused such aggression and murder amongst a single species if it is not the natural state of man? In my view, and as always, it comes down to evil against good, but is that determination based on the age old belief of ‘God’ against ‘Satan,’ or has this conclusion been accepted due to a purposely-structured narrative by those who seek to control the collective masses? If so, would that explain the progression of the non-caring blindness that is seemingly universal today?
We will not be able to answer such a contentious and philosophically complicated question in full here of course, but one has to wonder why so many have turned away from logic, reason, compassion, cooperation, and common sense, in favor of the false belief that everything under the sun has to be accepted as normal. The only way for this utter madness to have become normalized, is for people to have abandoned the idea of the individual and individual sovereignty, and accepted societal collectivism, which can only bring about mass ignorance and division. Collectivism is a cancer of the mind, and can only result in a meaningless existence.
One extreme example of absurd collective mentality, is the recent bogus’ phenomenon’ called ‘transgenderism. Depending on which particular survey is accepted, and accepting any is questionable, it is stated that approximately 1 million to 1.5 million people supposedly ‘identify’ as ‘transgender’ in the U.S. Considering that this population is 335 million people, that means that about .4% have ‘identified’ themselves as ‘transgenders. Worldwide numbers would indicate between .1% and .6% identify as transgender.’ That is of course a vast minority, even if these figures are not grossly exaggerated. But if an alien space traveler from another planet was to suddenly land in the U.S., he would think immediately that most every human was transgender, and was biologically ignorant. The airwaves, all major media, the entirety of government, large and even smaller corporations, most all institutions, especially government schools, and nearly every commercial ad, sporting event, television program, and movie, among almost all other venues, are inundated with ‘transgender’ characters and ‘transgenderism’ in general. This is of course ludicrous.
Children are being bombarded with lies, and are being targeted by government and private institutions, in order to force the heinous notion that they should all respect ‘transgender’ identities, and should accept that they may all be confused about their own gender. Depraved ‘trans’ programs meant to confuse and indoctrinate children are rampant, and completely immoral, and the obvious rub here, and the most telling element of this horrible deception, is that most all who ‘identify’ as ‘transgender,’ are young children to young adults. Those over 50 who are confused, make up only about 0.3% of the total. This should be no surprise at all, as children are targeted in this evil campaign only because they are innocent and vulnerable to lies, propaganda, and indoctrination.
This is a mass effort by the State to corrupt and destroy this and future generations of children, so that future adults will be unable to function as normal human beings. This will lead to depopulation of course, a desired goal of the globalist rulers, but will also lead to a completely dumbed down and manipulated future adult population, making them susceptible to total control. Using and abusing children in order to gain power over future generations is deplorable and beyond any evil, but is now being accepted as normal by many in this country. How can such an atrocity as this be allowed to happen in any country made up of decent and moral people? The answer to this question, is that it cannot be allowed by any moral society, so what does that say about the sorry state of morality in what is referred to as ‘America?’
Societal collectivism in the midst of this divisive atmosphere, whether fomented by the State or not, and accepted by the illiterate herd; is the epitome of unintelligible stupidity, and can only lead to self-destruction. The only viable solution to change this course that has consumed this country, is to resurrect the importance of the individual in society, re-establish freedom by eliminating all power of the State, and abandon any idea that a collective mass of followers who expect someone else to solve all their problems for them, can be successful in any way.
This requires personal responsibility, and that cannot be achieved by any group, nor can any simple solution crafted by another, release you from your own slavery. Each individual is responsible for his own lot in life, so either stand up and negate all tyranny, or understand that you have no right to freedom.
“The socialist submerging of the individual under the collective’s prerogative is a perverse and putrid vision for humanity.”
~ A.E. Samaan
Reference Link:
(Note that the information on this subject is conjectural at best, and likely much overstated, and exhibit extreme bias in favor of the State narrative. Regardless, the numbers and ages are telling of the plot to destroy children.)
Do NOT comply.
Apologies in advance for the typos...
makes a strong circumstantial case for Obama being selected to help accelerate the destruction of Christian faith- to further secularize the masses. Also suggests a plausible motive for orchestrating that his 'partner' be rolled out as a full blown tranny- utilizing shock trauma of the public through this unspoken but obvious mockery of the highest public office (the Jewish Kabalistic process called "shockinawe" (sound familiar ? - bombing campaign in 2nd Iraq war(?) exactly the kind of occult mockery that the Nazi/CIA MK programs have focused on and excel at- it is about subjecting victims to overwhelming outrageous acts - ( for ex showing footage over and over of the fire bombing of orphanages filled with women and children using incendieary irradiated plutonium waste, or the repeated showings of the twin towers being "hit" etc)). It could be argued that there was an equivalent level of shockinawe for certain Americans to be exposed to the spectacle of the first "lady" of the United States being presented as obviously a gay black man in drag presented as the "wife" of the president of the free world, and yet -no one would admit to it out loud.
A never ending, unforgetable mind fracturing nightmare = MK Ultra level trauma