Oh, they're certainly watching everything I do. I will be able to apply for my ASIO file in 25 years on a rolling basis. This conversation will likely be in it.
I'm a crap writer, so I'll reuse something I left elsewhere:
"ALL joint-stock limited liability corporations are the enemy of the people! The culmination of this affliction is the modern MNC - multinational corporation. The entire legal process and the creation of a separate legal entity or corporation is inimical to the people. The modern corporation is an independent legal personality that grants a corporation the rights and obligations similar to that of a natural person (the legal definition of person, being any human or non-human entity that is recognized as having privileges and obligations; a legal fiction which is used to abstract away the differences between natural persons, juridical persons and even other entities such as countries). It has shared ownership in the form of stock that can be held by many persons. The corporation has Limited liability in order that the owners are insulated from the liabilities - including the crimes - of the company, thus ensuring that they cannot lose more than the capital that they invest, or get hanged for the crimes.
All of this chicanery has been for the capital reason of expediting the looting, plundering, resource removal, slavery, and extermination of indigenous people from native lands by the aristocracies, and more recently it has been the foundation and wellspring of the entire techno-totalitarian military-surveillance-biomedical complex. Get back to me when you've destroyed this and maybe then we'll talk about...." Destruction of the World 'Health' Organization (WHO).
It's a start. Now do the rest of the three-letter agencies.
they are the implicit coconspirators. all of them are unconstitutional, and subverting law of land.
Australia has one of the US' largest NSA-CIA facilities at Pine Gap. It's quite insane.
5 eyes blind.
Oh, they're certainly watching everything I do. I will be able to apply for my ASIO file in 25 years on a rolling basis. This conversation will likely be in it.
that's quite the assumption. at current trajectories anyway...
Yep, lots of creepy stuff including earthquake as deniable weapon stuff going on there for decades.
And every one of them knows it!
And every other agency under the UN umbrella.
Still all tools.
And even then,we'd only just be getting started.
I'm a crap writer, so I'll reuse something I left elsewhere:
"ALL joint-stock limited liability corporations are the enemy of the people! The culmination of this affliction is the modern MNC - multinational corporation. The entire legal process and the creation of a separate legal entity or corporation is inimical to the people. The modern corporation is an independent legal personality that grants a corporation the rights and obligations similar to that of a natural person (the legal definition of person, being any human or non-human entity that is recognized as having privileges and obligations; a legal fiction which is used to abstract away the differences between natural persons, juridical persons and even other entities such as countries). It has shared ownership in the form of stock that can be held by many persons. The corporation has Limited liability in order that the owners are insulated from the liabilities - including the crimes - of the company, thus ensuring that they cannot lose more than the capital that they invest, or get hanged for the crimes.
All of this chicanery has been for the capital reason of expediting the looting, plundering, resource removal, slavery, and extermination of indigenous people from native lands by the aristocracies, and more recently it has been the foundation and wellspring of the entire techno-totalitarian military-surveillance-biomedical complex. Get back to me when you've destroyed this and maybe then we'll talk about...." Destruction of the World 'Health' Organization (WHO).
Yep and I have a video about microwaves and the like leading up to DEW and HAARP. They lost.