It's a start. Now do the rest of the three-letter agencies.

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they are the implicit coconspirators. all of them are unconstitutional, and subverting law of land.

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Australia has one of the US' largest NSA-CIA facilities at Pine Gap. It's quite insane.

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5 eyes blind.

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Oh, they're certainly watching everything I do. I will be able to apply for my ASIO file in 25 years on a rolling basis. This conversation will likely be in it.

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that's quite the assumption. at current trajectories anyway...

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Yep, lots of creepy stuff including earthquake as deniable weapon stuff going on there for decades.

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And every one of them knows it!

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And every other agency under the UN umbrella.

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Still all tools.

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And even then,we'd only just be getting started.

I'm a crap writer, so I'll reuse something I left elsewhere:

"ALL joint-stock limited liability corporations are the enemy of the people! The culmination of this affliction is the modern MNC - multinational corporation. The entire legal process and the creation of a separate legal entity or corporation is inimical to the people. The modern corporation is an independent legal personality that grants a corporation the rights and obligations similar to that of a natural person (the legal definition of person, being any human or non-human entity that is recognized as having privileges and obligations; a legal fiction which is used to abstract away the differences between natural persons, juridical persons and even other entities such as countries). It has shared ownership in the form of stock that can be held by many persons. The corporation has Limited liability in order that the owners are insulated from the liabilities - including the crimes - of the company, thus ensuring that they cannot lose more than the capital that they invest, or get hanged for the crimes.

All of this chicanery has been for the capital reason of expediting the looting, plundering, resource removal, slavery, and extermination of indigenous people from native lands by the aristocracies, and more recently it has been the foundation and wellspring of the entire techno-totalitarian military-surveillance-biomedical complex. Get back to me when you've destroyed this and maybe then we'll talk about...." Destruction of the World 'Health' Organization (WHO).

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Yep and I have a video about microwaves and the like leading up to DEW and HAARP. They lost.

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I am of the considered opinion that there already is a world government in place and that the global government is conducting fifth-generational warfare and democide against the masses. The government is a pathocracy. The pathocracy has a few branches or arms. One arm of the pathocracy is the World Health Organization.

It’s an unrealistic fantasy that the pathocracy will destroy the WHO. I think that David Martin, who many consider to be a leader in the Medical Freedom Movement, is out of touch with reality. I don’t really like the term “controlled opposition” and I don’t know of a better term to describe (so-called) “leaders” who advocate for unrealistic solutions (other than calling them “deluded”), but I seriously distrust David Martin as a member or leader of the (so-called) “resistance”.

Just my two cents. Thanks for reading.

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I like your two cents. I think the same. It happened while we were sleeping

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I’m somewhat chagrined at myself that it took the Covid scam/hoax/gaslighting to wake me up, although I was still dozy and bleary-eyed for some months afterward. Fake epidemics and pandemics have been around for decades. I didn’t know that. I only discovered the historical evidence years after the fact.

Oh well. Better late than never.

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I was even stupider. I knew WTC was an operation to get the Patriot act passed, I knew about the wholesale gathering of our data, and the CBDC's planned, and that Covid was one big psy op with the experimental jab for shits and giggles...but it took me a year after March 2020 to realize it was a global operation, and that we are already under their rule. That our Congress has no power. They work for them. Blackmail and money do wonders.

Zev Zelenko said it, and I got kicked off of twitter for repeating it...that it is an easy decision to make Either you go along with us, and you get xxx amount in a Swiss bank account that no one knows about (money varies depending on whether its the President of a country or the reps etc.) OR, we kill your family.

THAT is what was done all over the Western Democracies, down to the least rep.

For the rest, they either go along to get along, or the INtelligence service in their countries blackmail them, or threaten to. All they have to do is threaten to download child porn on your computer, and you are toast.

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“...but it took me a year after March 2020 to realize it was a global operation, and that we are already under their rule.” This doesn’t seem all that “stupid” to me, Duchess. I think that all of us who understand criminal conspiracies perpetrated by psychopaths -- whether the psychopathic (so-called) “elites” who constitute the ruling class or the lower class psychopaths who make up a percentage of the prison population -- still want to have hope for a better future for our adult children and our grandchildren and our great grandchildren. (I only have one grandchild.) That hope can manifest as the self-deception “I know things are really bad, but they can’t be really, really bad” or something mental like that.

You’re totally correct about blackmail. Investigative journalists who cannot be blackmailed are often murdered, with their deaths ruled as being suicides.

The future looks bleak, but I don’t put my trust or hope or faith in human political (or religious) leaders.

How about you? Do you have a psychologically healthy vision for the future of humanity?

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I kinda of late am putting my trust in God...for I have none left for humanity. I am trying to make sure the young in my family have a bolt hole and a way to survive without enslavement...but they are much cleverer than I....I just want them to get out of the cities.

As far as a healthy view, no. I truly beleie the Constitution was the best document but we didn't interpret it strictly...first Congress gave the right to coin money to a cabal, then the income tax (not allowed) and then the general welfare clause...welfare did not mean WELFARE in that sense. I keep an old dictionary, as words meaning change. I do not beleive it is a living document except by amendment or Constitutional Convention. And I see the states have ceeded their rights to the fed.

I think the guy who wrote political Ponerology was right...we need to go back to the thirteen states, but of course, they would be large geographical regions as he points out, that have a lot in common including geography. And the states need to each be their own experiment...no fed except for maybe interhighway roads and defense.

Unless we can do this (and I doubt it, although when people wake up they may (but I don't hold out hope) that some seceed....and we start over. If we are lucky.

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one problem with the Constitution is ambiguous wording in some passages. the lizards seize on that and interpret the phrases how they like. Another is there is no real punishment for not following the Constitution. Of course the Constitution would be subverted and destroyed because people. Power and wealth, psychopaths always get in control and soon the entire organization or government is run by psychopaths.

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I’m the only one in my family who realizes the truth about the vast conspiracy to establish world government. Even when the subject is brought up, some family members believe that such a government would be benign.

I agree with you that understanding the legal definitions of the words in which the constitution was written is important, but I (unfortunately) believe that the constitutional republic is now dead. (Maybe it can be miraculously resurrected, but I doubt it.) I think that the pathocratic state is way too firmly rooted & entrenched.

Is it defeatist and fatalistic (and just plain wrong & stupid) to believe that it’s too late for humanity to save ourselves and that we need to look for the second coming of Christ? Maybe to some, but not to others. And in the meantime, there will be false messiahs and false prophets and fake saviors? Such a scenario makes sense to me.

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People need to wake up! From the very beginning democracy/republics, are Luciferian constructs devised for the end we are seeing now. They are designed to devolve into tyranny, anarchy and annilation of humankind. And, our ONLY defence is GOD. St. Paul told us in Ephesians 6:12, "For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood (aka, humans); but against principalities and power, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in high places." God has allowed this to happen because humans have abandoned Him. Only He can save us and NOT WE OURSELVES. Wake up, stupid and fooish people!

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I would say first Lincoln abrogated the Constitution and set the citizens against each other in vicious horrible warfare that killed at least 600,000 Americans and maimed and paralyzed many thousands more and left many families fatherless.

This paved the way for more restrictions on Freedom than Mr. Lincoln levied, in due time, step by step through the decades til we have Julian Assange today .

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John MacAfee who did the anti virus. They killed him. He said dont take these mrna vaccines. He said the us government with DOD biggest drug trafficker and human trafficker and jeffrey Epstein was connected to CIA and DOD

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So kind. Thank you. But I am still stupid.

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Sorry for my uninvited interjection.

" Do you have a psychologically healthy vision for the future of humanity?"

Hah! I don't even have a healthy future vision for myself, and I'm in full, vigorous health and am as strong as a bull! And yet, even that much these days only seems a necessary but still woefully insufficient condition.

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No apology needed. Thanks for the reply.

My vision? I’ll continue to get older until I eventually die. That’s fate and I’m okay with being a fatalist.

A vision for an existence after death? I’m unsure. Maybe the collection of our life’s lessons, stories/myths and experiences creates some form of psychic energy. This energy is drawn from the earth and from the breath. The Sanskrit word for breath is prāṇa.

What happens when one takes his/her last breath and the body decays into the earth or is reduced to ashes? Is this psychic energy destroyed? I don’t believe so. It merely changes form.

So then, how ought one live? Mindfully. Improve one’s mind. Live life experientially. Create a story that you can admire.

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Sep 14, 2023
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I certainly like the idea of getting rid of the worst of the worst psychopaths who are on the top of the power hierarchy. I simply don’t know HOW.

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Very well said.

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Blackrock the shadow government

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If we keep up these defeatest attitudes, we are giving up what generations fought for. We can't just go to slaughter without a fight. We have some great leaders but they're fragmented and they need to join each other, get a plan and we all globally, need to stand with them. They're taking our land, poisoning our food, killing our livestock, taking our money, building camps for the non-compliant, 15 minutes cities, freezing bank accounts, preparing for us to eat bugs, killing us with EMF's, Wi-fi, lazers, vaccines, chemtrails, terrorists and replacements coming over the borders... When is enough, enough? We outnumber these psychopaths. Maybe our job is to connect with our leaders (the doctors, scientists, activists, some in Govt., all who speak on our behalf and plead with them to join together to get a plan asap. Look what we've allowed already being complacent. It's time!

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I’m pretty sure that it’s not “defeatist” to examine (so-called) “good people” and (so-called) “great leaders” in order to try to determine for ourselves if they have integrity. As for “going to the slaughter without a fight” I think it’s paramount to understand the nature of the war. So much of the war is about deception and, personally, I don’t want to side with deceivers who are pretending to be good or who are leading people astray (proverbial false prophets).

There’s way too much fear porn being generated by the we-need-better-vaccines-and-better-drugs camp, because of their faith in viruses, even if the fear porn generators are paying lip service to how dangerous the new injections are.

Yeah, psychopaths are real, they have taken control of the most powerful political and financial and cultural institutions, they have formed a pathocracy, it will take some time & lots of work & lots of bloodshed to remove the pathocrats from power. Seemingly, the psychopaths are united, while the non-psychopaths are fragmented. There doesn’t seem to be one single true solution which is unifying the non-psychopaths. Is bringing our lack of solution-based thinking and our lack of solution-based actions to the attention of the non-psychos “defeatist”? I don’t believe so. It’s merely calling a spade “a spade”.

If you have a practical solution to the lack of unity among the non-psychos, I’m listening.

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By "defeatest", I'm referring to those who seem to be giving up in some of the comments, not those who are questioning integrity of leaders. You're misreading my comment, maybe my fault. Of course we have to figure out who we're dealing with but we're running out of time and we're going to have to trust someone. WE don't have the organization that collectively might be found with these "non-psychos" if they come together and maybe they can figure out a plan. I go by their track record of how much dedication they put in to fighting the good fight. Such as James Roguski. He tried, but there aren't enough people listening. Big problem not having a large enough platform.

I think lack of unity among the non-psychos is that they have different agendas. They see the bigger picture, but (speaking of those with a platform) focus on either COV deaths, mandates, origin of the virus, banking system... everything's compartmentalized. My point is we all have a good idea of that, now let's move on and save the world.

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Yeah. I misread your comment about who’s being defeatist. Mea culpa.

I agree with you that compartmentalization is a problem. Funny analogy. Some people think like waffles. Compartments. Some people think like spaghetti. Interconnected.

Everything is connected.

My solution? Rebuild communities. Learn how to create Conscious Tribes. See the book by Mark the mystic activist “Love and Revolution”, if interested.

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Thank you for saying this. It is so exasperating to hear people saying that they can't change anything. At the end of the day, if nothing changes for the better and it looks like we are all doomed I, for one, will get myself some bang bangs, and go a-hunting (and I don't mean animals if you get my drift). There comes a point where you have nothing left to lose, so may as well take some evil-doers out with you.

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I agree. I'm not going down without a fight. I can't believe no one has snapped yet and started eliminating.

Best to you, Claire.

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“Maybe our job is to connect with our leaders (the doctors, scientists, activists, some in Govt., all who speak on our behalf) and plead with them to join together to get a plan asap.”

Maybe it begins here: https://drsambailey.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Why-Are-We-Doing-This_-Final.pdf

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Yeah, just giving up is always the best solution.

And surely the good Dr is indeed deserving of condemnation for not giving up.

Such untrustworthy behavior must be roundly rejected.

Cooperation and Compliance must be the Keys to Freedom.

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What made me lose my step was the realisation of how large and diverse the 'C orchestra' was. They all believe this was necessary and by playing along would better their standing.

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Yep, my elected officials ignore my pleas to exit the WHO....or they say what a wonderful "health" agency they are

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And your solution is?

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You want my idea for the solution to this pathocracy?

Destroy it. Put another system in its place. See

https://www.systemsthinker.com/interests/mind/psychopathy.shtml if you are interested in all of the details.

“We are, in a sense, in a race. It is a race not just against any particular current manifestations of destructive behavior – war, poverty, environmental threats [eg pollution & wildlife habitat destruction], economic collapse, domestic and child abuse and so on. Rather, it is a race against an overall pattern of various forms of harm, ever-evolving, mutating and adapting to newfound opportunities and resources, driven by and encouraged within a vulnerable populace by psychopaths and similarly-disordered people.”

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What you have said here is not worthless, like the dollar or any other fiat currency. Definitely not two cents - this is two silver ounce coins, at least!

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"I don’t really like the term “controlled opposition” and I don’t know of a better term to describe (so-called) “leaders” who advocate for unrealistic solutions (other than calling them “deluded”), but I seriously distrust David Martin as a member or leader of the (so-called) “resistance”."

There are a lot of people using the term "controlled opposition". I don't like it either. I only use it when it is obvious that a person is. An obvious example of controlled opposition is someone who mocks people that do not believe the official conspiracy theory of what happened on 9/11/2001, like Glenn Greenwald, Noam Chomsky is also one that adheres to that CT.

I agree that anyone who thinks that the destruction of the WHO will happen is delusional. It's like believing the real perpetrators of 9/11, or the people mentioned in the so-called Twitter files will one day stand in a court of law and face charges.

Hear that, Matt? ........, and don't even get me started on Elon Musk.

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Aaand the Dumbmasses will stand shoulder to shoulder and call This guy crazy. I won't.. This Is something I have been wishing for.

Hey! Let's not leave the Bilderbergers out. Wanna save billions? Get rid of a few thousand.

A crowd surrounded Gate's car not long ago and cussed him out.

They failed to Drag him out. Ohhh well,, a step in the right direction.

Funny how the left destroy everyone who argues against the Climate Crisis, especially if they are not Trained Weather forecasters. But they rally around some autistic girl as if she knows more and Gates is somehow supposed to be listened to about medical stuff.

We graduated from medical school together. And I never went Either.

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I wish something would happen to stop this maddness!

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W.H.O. is a tool, NOT the core issue.

Cognitive Dissonance among the "awake":

(Fewer than) 3 million, minus "6 million", equals 5 million+ and counting.

EVERYTHING about THEIR plan is currently tracking. They're out in the open burning people to death around the world.

Their plan, according to the redacted Deagel planning site, is a majority reduction in population within the next year or so. We're talking BILLIONS!! But almost noone believes that.

It's like trying to explain to people at the beginning of PSYOP19 that it was all bogus. But they're not going to pull anything over on us again, ... yeah, OK.

: /

We have the "final seconds" to figure this out, no longer. But the vast majority are still primarily concerned with preserving their wealth.


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Can anyone fill me in on why Doc Martin is a huge Freemason and why Dr Yeadon says he's in on all of it and not to be trusted? Genuinely confused. Tx

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Well Jimychanga, for one there is no virus so there are no weaponised viri so there is no need for vexines. For two, he is not pointing to DOD which ran the whole thing. WHO is a red herring. Three, he is a Mason and tattooed with the all seeing eye which unavoidably means that he is one of them. He tells a partial truth but obscures so much more.

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Interesting points. Agree to disagree on the "virus". I think there was definitely a bioengineered part 1 followed by a weaponized vax Part II, in addition to all the deliberately fuzzy math and rundeathisnear/ventilator killings to inflate the death count early on.

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the "virus" piece is regarding the normative understanding of "germ theory" which has germs and viruses causing disease. an expanding idea is that germs and viruses are created as a result of disease or decay and that toxins or poisons and nutritional imbalances are the true cause of disease. If one digs into the PROOF of viruses exist IN THE CONTEXT we have been taught - acting as we are told they are - there is actually none. Hard to believe, but the demonstration is usually circular and illogical.

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The idea (or initial conjecture) that microbes cause disease is a hypothesis and the idea was prematurely elevated to a scientific theory. Arriving at a premature theory is one intellectual demonstration that both scientists and the general public have an extremely challenging time with understanding what genuine science, utilizing the scientific method, actually IS. There is a genuine scientific debate happening right now about the legitimacy & validity of the germ hypothesis. It’s mind boggling that so many people -- scientists and non-scientists (who consider themselves to be scientifically literate) alike -- are so indoctrinated and brainwashed into becoming true believers that (so-called) “germ theory” is settled science and that the debate is over.

I think that it’s way Way WAY too late for science to save the day for humanity. Too many intellectuals in the STEM fields are too corrupted. Too many scientists have abandoned the philosophy of science and have abandoned the scientific method in favor of science-by-consensus. In my opinion, the consensus is predetermined by those who fund the research. If research doesn’t corroborate what the grant funders want to know (or knowledge they can use), the research is buried.

I don’t trust what’s called “the Science” anymore.

I agree with you that the confirmation of the hypothesis that germs cause disease is more often than not various failures of logic, aka logical fallacies.

I guess that I rarely trust human reasoning and human critical analysis anymore. I think that (overall) humanity is in cognitive decline. Overall, we’re getting senile and demented.

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so many external factors seem to be leading to this decline. And since science is so much more about funding these days, it, like most else, has found itself corrupted.

Yet more seem to be expanding their awareness. My guess is there will be true overstepping which will mute the drip drip drip and slow raising of the temperature in the pot and show in a way virtually impossible to unsee what almost are complicit with. How long

for that, who knows. It comes closer yet the plate spinning has been quite masterful.

This conversation likely would have been quite different 2 years ago. In that I find hope.

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Thanks for writing about more people expanding our awareness. That’s luminous. My post was pretty bleak.

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I believe that there are many people who have worked out that no virus has ever been isolated. There is a lot of literature 'out there'. I saw a doco on the Gardisil vax and the evidence they used to link genital warts to cervical cancer is an absolute joke. So much of what is called 'science' is actually a giant leap of faith - connecting dots that have no apparent connection.

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I never heard Dr Yeadon say that.

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If you have telegram follow Dr Mike Yeadon -everything you dont want to know is there Martin as well as RFK are all involved

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I do read there often. Just don’t recall him saying that. If they are in on it, then we all are f***d. I mean who is on the side if humanity then?? Are there enough of the good guys to save us?

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FWIW, I don’t believe (trust, have faith in) that the people who are generally considered to be the “leaders” of the Medical Freedom Movement are all that “good” (or righteous, or just). I don’t consider them “bad”, like they’re (so-called) “controlled opposition” or whatever. I simply believe that the leaders -- such as David Martin and Robert Malone and RFK Jr -- are still deceived and deluded. (And I very well could be wrong about this, that I’m making hasty judgements or coming to hasty conclusions.)

If David Martin is part of Freemasonry, that’s problematic. So too with Malone’s connections with various national security and intelligence agencies. So too with RFK’s connections with the eco-fascists.

“Who precisely is on the side of humanity?” is an excellent question worth delving into.

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No matter whether David Martin is telling the entire truth or not--if just a few more people listen to him and wake up and open their eyes, then we're better off than we were. The main weapon we have is the truth, and to open people's eyes to what is going on.

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I’d merely prefer unadulterated truth to truth mixed together with untruths.

I recently read a scathing critique of David Martin, so I’m trying to understand Martin’s value as a truth-teller. For me personally, it’s about Martin’s hidden agenda and his motives.

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We are the only ones on the side of humanity. There are no good guys coming to save us. That just happens in movies - this is real life. We must save ourselves. Just about everyone/thing in the public domain has been hijacked. Once you actually open your mind to that, you will eventually feel calmer because you can shut out all that 'noise' and focus on what is really achievable and what is really important. We don't need 'leaders', we never did - they just convinced us that we did. We are 7-8 billion people strong, they are 8,000 strong (someone else's guess, but quite possibly correct).

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I'll try to dig more, but I'm getting same message from several readers

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Me either. If he did, I would like to see a link to it.

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The problem is: The jab/vaccines are the way for big pharma/medical/gov’t to get contrived/man-made viruses into you, VIA INJECTION!!! If it were possible to create a virus to wipe out the world, you wouldn't need a rabid (fascist) vaccination program. The FLU vaccination campaign was failing, so let’s scare the people about coronaviruses, most have not heard of, and voila a pan coronavirus vaccination campaign! $$$

Viruses do not fly around in the air. They are non-living, made by YOUR cells to break down tissue toxins wherever they may reside after your lil bacteria/parasites (living) could not get the job done w/o dying themselves. YOUR viruses are not compatible with others’ viruses (RNA/DNA that they are imbedded with is not compatible with your RNA/DNA). FEAR not! And don’t get any jabs either!!! 😊

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Maybe remembering that "No novel (new) coronavirus has been found in twenty years." may help. That's from Dr. Simon Gold, she's a pretty smart cookie. Also remember it takes 400years for a virus to grow naturally.

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It does not take 400 years for your body to create any viruses, your disease state will dictate:

~Science says viruses are indiscriminatory, they attack cells w/o regard to the immune system

~And yet Science admits that toxicity, pollution, obesity, smoking, etc. cause a person to have an increased chanced of producing viral illness

~Sooooo that tells you the BODY dictates viral replication, not viruses...

~That means viruses are caused by the disease state

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Not your body, we don't live for 400 years. I guess she meant in a petri dish.

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I had the flu a few days ago, it's gone now.

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There needs to be a public information campaign similar to the ones that convince people about all the wrong things, eg. A fear based one that alerts the “General” public about the WHO & the UN. If you did a man on the street interview today you would learn that most people have no idea what these organizations are or what they are doing....this can be turned around with some creativity.....or with new leadership in the US...

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Until all the fake news media report the truth, there are still too many people with their heads in the sand that refuse to believe the truth! We already have public information campaigns with all these substacks, the Gateway Pundit, Natural News, Alex Jones, all the doctors speaking out, etc., and other like minded publications. It’s just that too many people, especially liberals, love living in a controlled environment like the covid plandemic created. Just look at all the people running around in masks!!!!

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It's pandemonium out there. I would however add that the controlled opposition of the Hegelian dialectic variety, have either initiated their own anti-disinformation, hijacked even the most revered icons of free speech, and subverted crucial information that you could potentially be missing out on. You can't trust anyone these days. Incidentlty that is precisely the climate of distrust that they are aiming to create, chipping away at our spirits. We need to take a more ethical approach.

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I'm amazed at how shockingly uninformed people are! They truly believe that by listening to NPR and reading the NYT they have "trusted" information! Most have never heard of Substack....they ALL consider themselves very intelligent!

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......., but, but, but..... The NYT is the newspaper of record....... Right?


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Absolutely. Abolish Global Totalitarianism, the Madusa of our Age. Sever it's many snake heads, using the shield of Perseus and the sword of Democles, and go in for the kill. Sever that vain and narcistic creatures head clean off. With one swipe.

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So let's go!

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Read this short piece first to get a basic understanding of viruses and how and why they are made by our cells. It is good news!: https://virusesarenotcontagious.com/why-viruses-happen-annually-how-they-dissolve-waste/

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All these government and private, lettered agencies, FTA, WHO,UN ... need to have Register charters in the hall of records. Everyone can access the hall of records. Go in and see how many of these agencies are operating illegally as they are not registered charters in the hall of records.

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Most people don’t have any idea that they are in a “Spiritual Battle “ just because it doesn’t look like it doesn’t mean that it’s not. A question was asked of me it was this. “ When the children of Yasharael were in bondage in Egypt did they know it was a Spiritual battle “ The answer was No!” Until Moshe was sent for them and even then, they didn’t believe him. Nothing is as it seems, they R 3mays-sons all of them.

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Yes, but we know it.

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Destroy the WHO!! Excellent idea!!

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This Dr. David Martin needs to be put in a leadership role. The whole Rothschild, Zionist, Communist, Neo-con, Satanic, Talmudic, Jewish Cabal needs to be taken down for crimes against humanity!

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No he does not!!

He is freemasonry controlled opposition so to speak!!

Don't be deceived alot of them are!

I trust no one!!

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"Humanity is the problem. WE did this." D.Martin who profited immensely via his index funds...what is his motivation here? Let's look DEEPER.

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Dr. David Martin’s speech/presentation is incredible, as always! Thanks for sharing!!

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