He still thinks those in higher risk groups shouldn't be given a choice,my father of 76 falls in that category, never had Covid,and no vaccine, friends of ours got seriously ill dosed themselves with Ivermectin and saw a huge improvement in 2 days no vaccine or hospital treatment needed.

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He and his wife should do restitution every day of their life. Stripped of all their money. Give it to everyone who has lost their jobs, their abilities, their lives!

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No. Fines nor jail time is justice for what this vile and disgusting person did and did it knowingly. There is only one thing that can be justice for him. It has to be a very public trial and then the final solution the world needs to know what evil he did and what happens to evil.

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should be like the Lincoln assassination, everyone involved, even peripherally, was hanged or went to prison.

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Nov 21, 2023
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Yes I agree. But even if he exposes those other people he still has to pay the ultimate price. We can not allow this evil to go unpunished

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Yes. It won't stop the reptilians from trying again but it will stop them for awhile.

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People who have so much money, nobody has ever said 'no' to them, nor have they had to clean up their own messes? Who think that because they thought of it, they will be allowed to make it happen? Those people admit nothing of the sort. Fauci will do as he is told, always has, and has been well paid for it. The person occupying the title of Pope is a lost cause; part of the problem, never part of the solution. The Jesuits and the Club of Rome.

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Bill Gates and his foundation should never influence public health decisions again. The WHO should not be allowed to touch that Judas money.

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They enjoyed the high life for their entire adult lives. I hope it was worth the eternity they will spend in HELL.

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They need to pay the price for what they've done in this life on earth as well.

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Nov 21, 2023
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lawful hanging is also good.

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My husband got banned from Instagram for saying the same thing................

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Nov 21, 2023
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Thanks for that info. I am listening to them now.......................

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Mask mandates are returning to Australia along with “new” COVID vaccines. Apparently <10% lined up for the last booster, so you just know what’s coming. The change of season cold is now Covid. I can detect panic, so when their backs are against the wall expect another BS variant.

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Yes, I saw that re: Australia. I truly hope the Aussies finally push back hard.

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Most of the people in the US have NO IDEA what you endured in Australia. I have an incredible amount of respect for those that stood their ground...🙌🏼

The tyranny that you experienced was so much worse than we had it over here.

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And yet, not a single politician has been arrested, charged, convicted or punished for their heinous crimes.

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They were rewarded. For example, the Chief Health Officer from the state of Queensland was given the state Governor’s position. The Premier from the state of Victoria (aka Dictator Dan) quietly resigned and went off in the sunset with his corrupt payouts. Living his best life. You can’t make this up.

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This guy shows how unsanitary the masks are made. STRONG language warning.


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And another eye-opening video.

Video Shows Covid-19 Testing Kits Being Packed In A Slum Near Mumbai


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Maybe he just knows they have something more sinister coming that will take us out regardless of mandates. As Bill Gates says “the next one we will take seriously!” I had an appliance repair scheduled for my oven. The company that was supposed to send someone to fix it called and said they couldn’t make it because their company was shut down for 2 weeks due to illness of their employees. You could hear fear in the girls voice as she was telling me that half of their employees were hospitalized! She said they were tested for Covid (a joke) but it was negative. She said whatever it was, was super contagious. Here we find ourselves at the holiday times when people are getting together. What a great time to start upping 5G and spreading things through the air, water and food on a larger scale. They want us dead!

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Take ivermectin 2x week for prevention of all viruses!

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The winter-spring seasonality of influenza https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#4.1 and COVID-19 https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/#4.2 is primarily due to lower 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels at those times.

Most people who do not supplement vitamin D3 properly (such as 0.125 mg 5000 IU a day on average, for 70 kg 154 lb body weight without obesity) and who have not recently had extensive ultraviolet-B exposure of ideally white skin have half or less of the 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D their immune system needs to function properly.

Please see the research articles cited and discussed at: https://vitamindstopscovid.info/00-evi/. This begins with vitamin D3 supplemental intake recommendations by New Jersey based Emeritus Professor of Medicine, Sunil Wimalawansa, to attain at least 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L) circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin, without the need for blood tests. These recommendations are based on his recent article in Nutrients: Rapidly Increasing Serum 25(OH)D Boosts the Immune System, against Infections - Sepsis and COVID-19 https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/14/14/2997 .

"5000 IUs" sounds like a lot, but it is 1 gram every 22 years - and pharma grade vitamin D3 costs about USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory.

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I agree with everything except a small quibble: "cunning psychotic" should be "cunning psychopath". Psychosis is a mental disorder, an involuntary break from reality like hearing voices or having delusions. Although psychopathy is also classified as a mental disorder, it's really not - it's about character. Psychopaths lack the ability to be honest, ethical, modest and authentic. To them, life is a game, 24/7, where the goal is to win at any cost.

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Agreed. Edited. Thx.

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Yes, and don't forget soulless. They may be human but without a soul, they have no empathy or any other human emotion that makes us unique among all God's creatures. Fauci, Gates and their ilk exchanged their souls for material gain and prominence.

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It is a spiritual war - more than most realize. I've always wondered how psychopaths seem to intuitively know all the 'tricks': how to 'get ahead' and also how to attract and victimize their victims. Father Ripperger, a Catholic priest and exorcist, talks about how abusers and demons use the same tactics. So maybe it isn't intuition, per se, but that they are literally tapping into the dark side. We already know some people invoke Satanic powers intentionally with rituals, but perhaps there are ways to tap into those powers without being completely cognizant of where those power come from. It would explain so much.

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I'm on board with all you said. According to my understanding of Rudolf Steiner, Satan/Ahriman will incarnate through building up a materialistic world (AI) and those that succumb to his influence ultimately make a choice. As the world gets darker, more entities can be called in, to inhabit bodies, hence the need for an exocrcist. Dr. Douglas Gabriel has an excellent account of working with a priest and performing exorcisms.

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I have read that around 3% (maybe more) are psychopaths. Psychopaths gravitate to positions of power over people so they can inflict harm and damage. To me that means that government agencies/big corp etc and politicians represent far more psychopaths than the 3% in the general population.

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If anyone would like a short(ish) video to share that highlights exactly this....I made one...hoping to show the map of how we got here....I included some of the same clips you linked in this article. This video is certainly not exhaustive, but I do hope it's helpful.

Many people (especially outside of Substack) are unbelievably unaware of the legal framework that has that has been built around these agencies and figureheads....calculated and executed for many decades. If all the "useless eaters" don't start piping up, I don't know that I see a way out.


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Please watch everyone! Amazing video!

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Thank you, AJ.

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On balance, “cold weather” doesn’t cause people to get sick. It’s the lack of vitamin D, C and other vitamins, and the poor diets around the holidays that tank our system, especially the sugar, alcohol, and processed seed oils. We’ve been trained like seals to think otherwise. Walensky, like Fauci needs to be held accountable- anytime anyone says “our data suggests” it doesn’t mean it’s even true. The panic caused worldwide by these mouthpieces is a symptom of a larger more nefarious problem.

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That and the vaxes pushed.

It must be a connection between Flu/ The Vax shot increase, and winter illness.

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no, it appears to be just the drop off in serum Vit D from no sun exposure

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This story, told in a Western movie, would end in Fauci being roped and dragged out of town, through the horse shit in the street and the first cactus patch on the way to the hardest, rockiest patch nearby.

The townspeople giving chase and cheering.

Once he was sufficiently wounded to certainly die in a day,dropped off to cry and die,while another rider roped Schwab,,

And the others stood chained,trembling in fear,awaiting their trip out of town..

I just Love happy endings.

I Do! Go ask them up to the Massage Parlor..

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Now that sounds like a justifiable mob! What a damn Christmas present😁

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Merry Christmas, from Longview, Texas!

There would be songs and poems written about the day justice was served..

I Hope that prick is Afraid of being in public. I hope he's Terrified of the idea that his car might have a flat or break down and be forced to be exposed to The People who he abused. I want that, ( your choice of adjerktives) to live in fear that shortens his life.

Adjerktive,, new word..it's an adjective,, too.

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Amen southern brother! Back atcha...From Marshall Texas!🙏

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He has been given Secret Service protection because of the threats to his life, given he was 'just obeying orders'.

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RFK ,on the other hand, nope..

Naah,, not a single sign of corruption..

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The bad thing now is also that there are again msm TV addicted fellow humans, who still react very sensitively to phrases like: 'New cases have been discovered'. They still don't seem to have figured out ( either because no one has told them or because it is simply considered too unimaginable ) that all major 'important' media is an extension of the power of the moment! And again, we will see the presenting media whores speak as if they would have actually wanted it to be different as well and show "compassion" for the people, but that it is "force majeure" and unfortunately not different.

How glad I am that I have not been following the MSM for many years!

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The time has come to stop referring to corona virus as COVID. We should revert to calling it what we always called it, "a cold". Insert "came down with a cold" in place of "infected by COVID" in all the official speak and one can see clearly through the nefarious plot.

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Fauchi the Face of the Psyop and certainly the first to be put on trial when Nuremberg II convenes.. there will be many many others.. Big Brother is getting all lawyered up.. from the DoD to the CIA, the CDC to the FDA, and all Covid DeathVax manufacturers... A tidal wave of Class Action suits.. years of litigation ahead .. but We the People will get our Nation back

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Mussolini treatment for all of them.

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Every drug poses risk. Even aspirin and Tylenol. Consumers accept those risks because those drugs work so they feel the benefits outweigh the risks. The coronavirus vaccines do not work. Even Bill Gates admitted they were disappointing. Of course that was after he made major bank off them. Still, one wonders, given that they are non-sterilizing (can’t stop spread) and can’t prevent illness, and will pose a risk to some people, why are they still on the market? When will people stop rolling the dice with their health on a product that sucks?

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Fauci flush with cash. $250M USD.

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he was worth less than a tenth of that before the pandemonium

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Covid 'tests' are completely meaningless bullshit if it helps, as are all the mandates, snakeoils etc etc as it doesn't exist!!

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Its not COVID that is getting people sick; it is the Bio-Weapon, get over this COVID horse crap! They are fixated on COVID! Tired of the COVID, COVID, COVID Hysteria!!

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