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I have some disconcerting news regarding the latest 'flu/cold' going around. Mid January, my nose began running like crazy (not a marathon ha-ha) and my husband was constantly sneezing and I told my husband I was worried we were coming down with a bug but he poo-poo'd me and said I was paranoid. Fast forward a couple days and my husband told he was definitely getting sick and had been taking Ivermectin for two days and so I immediately started taking Ivermectin and stayed on it and thought I was beating it but on the 6th day I got one of the worst flu/cold I've ever had.

I'm FINALLY recovered from this thing but it attacked my lungs so bad I was coughing so hard I pulled muscles I didn't know I even had (rotfl)! OMG, I felt like I was drowning in the thickest lung boogers. It was terrifying and I was kitchen sinking this vile thing with everything I had including Ivermectin, Vitamin D, black seed oil, Vitamin k2, quercetin, olive leaf, astragalus, garlic, ginger, methyl blue, etc.

I slept for three straight days in utter exhaustion. My body was fighting but wanted me to rest. As a last ditch effort I switched to FenBen and immediately got some energy back and felt like I was going to pull through.

The fact that this latest WEF incarnate managed to attack me being on daily doses of Ivermectin has me wondering if 'they' are designing the latest pathogen to override Ivermectin?

That being said, my husband didn't get nearly as sick as me (he got really sick but it didn't enter his lungs like it did me) but, he started on Ivermectin two days before me and per usual that's the key is starting IVM as soon as your body tells you something is off. I'm still thoroughly spooked by this latest immune assault. I can't even imagine surviving something like this if I was elderly.

So, all I can say is take IVM as soon as you get a sniffle/body ache/sneezes and if you're too late and stuck in the throes of it, use FenBen. Even though IVM didn't stop me from getting sick this time, I do believe it saved my sense of smell which I lost the last time I got c19.

I'm just so glad to feel healthy again.

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Get a nebulizer and checkout Dr Levys hydrogen peroxide protocol. Doing that along with ivermectin would have saved you some pain.

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Don't forget to mention the Chlorine Dioxide use as well.

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Did you follow the full flccc protocol down to the last steps? I have helped close to 200 treat their covid quickly and fully. Most are symptom free in 36 to 48 hours. However a small percentage get even sicker around day 3 with chest symptoms and higher fever. That is when you immediately add the final protocol steps of a steroid and antibiotic ( dosages in protocol). My 81 yo husband progressed to that stage despite prompt early treatment. Luckily I had the prednisone and doxycycline ready. It was a scary 24 hours but he was fever free in 24 hours. Like you he was very tired for 10 days but fine. I had all already on hand. Sounds like you got the secondary lung infection that the unlucky few get. Hope you have recovered now. But look at flccc early treatment and you will see that final step that is usually not needed. But you MUST have everything ready and on hand before.

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Did you get the vax? I did read that they recently changed the formula in Ivermectin. Don't know how true that is.

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Know multiple people who have developed cough - some with multiple symptoms, others just a cough that won’t go away for weeks - that wasn’t diagnosed as covid, flu, RSV. One went into serious sinus/throat infection.

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That is very scary… I’m so glad you’ve both recovered. It sounds exactly like the illness my 85 yo mother had mid December . She’s just now getting her energy back. I told her to take Ivermectin immediately but she went with her Dr’s regimen. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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