I have two triple vaxxede friends who nevertheless got 'mild' covid. Less than a month later both had scans for unrelated health reasons. Doctors found blood clots in their brains and in their lungs. My one friend is practically on bedrest while blood thinners hopefully dissolve the clots before she strokes out. Clots are too numerous to be surgicall removed. Doctors say the clots are from Covid. How many others are walking around with blood clots in their brains???

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I watched this guy for about 3 hours in Sacramento a couple weeks ago and wrote it up:


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Thank you.

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Well, Dr. Fleming, very highly qualified, certainly laid it out in plain sight. Did it cause a ripple some place? Ignored by the powers, of course. For our keepers, another example of best not to bring the debate into public.

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do you mean this Dr. Fleming https://archives.fbi.gov/archives/omaha/press-releases/2009/om082009.htm - he is completely wrong with his "gain-of-function-theory", because there never was a so-called "virus"!!!!

go here https://www.bitchute.com/video/GAYtxudLAdiC/?comment=iaWmPhtGxfxV7u03fS10eQ29a33hzY8d9Fjy listen to Dr. Wagh and read the comments of "You" - if you have some common sense, then it is all logical!!!

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The Fauci Apologists say gain of function doesn’t exist

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Excellent. Thank you. Do you know the date of the video?

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July 22nd, 2022.

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Even smart guys fall for charlatans.

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Aug 1, 2022
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I agree with you about these so-called "vaccines", but about the so called "virus theories" not, because there was nothing new in 2020, THAT was a lie pushed into the global community by WHO and their sponsors, paid media, politicians, so called "experts" etc

Dr. Saeed A. Qureshi, Ph.D. - http://www.pharmacomechanics.com/expertise.html

- CDC virus testing and isolation claims for SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19: Non-scientific and pure illusion!

Saeed A. Qureshi, Ph.D https://www.drug-dissolution-testing.com/blog/files/cdc-study-article-comments.pdf



In case someone has forgotten this again or did not know yet – these eliminations of diseased/dead cells including toxins have been already confirmed by 2018 - so why hasn’t anyone behaved so crazy – until 2020 you haven’t heard a doctor, politicians, MSM, so-called „experts“, „virologists“ or the WHO, which is preferred by their sponsors and the pharmaceutical lobby https://www.bmj.com/content/bmj/340/7759/Feature.full.pdf?fbclid=IwAR1jViLItUaFchUNOfAz0zk2Kz9ZyaWCXQLm3xws4Bt0lbCyt9ZePZfxcI8

dramatizing so much!!!???



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Adjuvants and now these LNPs!) this process is interrupted, because the defense has to deal primarily with this harmful chemistry (and at some point their defense tells them that it can no longer tolerate these interruptions and then they suffer enormous illnesses, even death. but also death is part of life and no one has yet been spared) – thus diseased cells and toxins remain in the body and damage other cells and organs again – a so-called PCR test can never detect a so-called “virus” (there would have to be one https://fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/?fbclid=IwAR0FDwvIhwg09lGrTq3e1cZRIAiPtt-7rKjZOZ_dbV25aqkfX5KG6mt1r5E

), let alone detect an infection or a disease. This is scientific nonsense, since in the RT the RNA has to be converted into DNA or vice versa and there has to be a primer on both sides of this test, but we know that it was a fixed synthetic primer already calibrated for this fictitious “virus” in 2006 https://academic.oup.com/clinchem/article/52/7/1446/5627058?fbclid=IwAR0B03NYficR9XE6ECnny1aRchZK_ju38Qlvhb-mz5Xh6h5L3r27KGL7AY8&login=false

I think this is understandable for every logical thinking person - the biggest problem that mankind has now are 1. these conditionally approved, experimental, synthetic-chemical, genetically based substances ( youtube.com/watch?v=OJFKBritLlc&t=5844s – and if youtube censors again here you can hear it too https://bitchute.com/video/vpXBSmDRbfqQ/ Bayer Management Board member Stefan Oelrich: „The mRNA vaccines are an example of cell and gene therapy. If we had done a public survey two years ago and asked who would be willing to take gene or cell therapy and have it injected into their body, probably 95 percent of people would have rejected it. This pandemic has opened a lot of people’s eyes to innovation in a way that wasn’t possible before.“ – Only as we know now, there was NEVER a so-called „pandemic“, but exclusively lies and fraud!! It is crazy and a high-grade crime to give people a gene therapy against the process of natural elimination of rendered harmless sick cell particles by exosomes including toxins, which serve the preservation of health, which interrupts this process and makes it impossible and brings so much chemical poison into the body that the internal defense force comes to a standstill and the people become sick up to death! Read on here https://www.bitchute.com/video/GAYtxudLAdiC/?comment=iaWmPhtGxfxV7u03fS10eQ29a33hzY8d9Fjy at the comments of "You" - I find here everything is logical and easy to understand! And of course it is a good job of Dr. F. that he enlightens! Best regards for you and everyone here!!!

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Every year humans excrete these RNA sequences/nucleic acid snippets(NOT VIRUSES, but dead, diseased cell debris including toxins through EXOSOME and EVs!!!) as it is part of the natural genetically engenireeed-based and toxic substances – no health-hazardous masks, lockdowns, the stupid distance or anything else!!!!

Have you all ever thought about why mankind has survived so long? This is because the organism has its own natural processes which keep the body healthy – man does not get sick of so-called “viruses”, but of free radicals/oxidative/intracellular stress https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5551541/?fbclid=IwAR3EhWF_Jx3LpppNRjb2vEQXocE4ATOWZGdUJIPDFkzF984WF0KoRoVs9uM

which, if they get excessively into the body, can cause diseases, especially in older people, who are affected by the natural aging of the cells, but also by chemicals for several years(in medicines, vaccinations, irradiations, etc. ) are weakened and our own defence against these radicals is no longer functioning properly, or in the last two years our natural defence has not been properly updated due to these harmful “masks” – our organism functions excellently if it is given the opportunity to control the natural process of excretion from to enable dead cells, diseased cells crushed by macrophages/bacteriophages and toxins which are then excreted from the body by exosomes(exosomes, which are natural cellular „caretakers“ of cells, performing cleaning operations… the last one stage of purification is the elimination of toxins… which manifests as a „sick person“…. being “sick” is actually a function of “getting well”… dead cells, diseased cells and toxins MUST be eliminated – they also influence a wide range of physiological processes such as tissue repair, stem cell preservation, communication of the central nervous system (CNS) and pathological processes in cardiovascular diseases, neurodegeneration, cancer and inflammation) and EVs also contribute to cell regeneration) – this happens particularly often when the organism is exposed to extremely high oxidative/intracellular stress due to the changeover from warmer to cold season and vice and also by includes anxiety and EVs also contribute to cell regeneration) – this happens particularly often when the organism is exposed to extremely high oxidative/intracellular stress due to the changeover from warmer to cold season and vice and also by includes anxiety and panic https://www.healthline.com/health/nosophobia?fbclid=IwAR1hNtwM5Zqfb3QiqIx6r-4AzYIRKutNxfDkPMy2Qj5ib6Ub-my0qGLhIHA

stress, as we all know, makes you sick) – Exosomes are an essential part of the body’s defense, contain RNA, DNA, nucleic acids, amino acids, lipids and proteins, they do NOT pose any risk in the form of contagion – if however regularly in this process due to a surge of chemistry (vaccination, with every vaccination chemicals remain in the body and organs – https://medcraveonline.com/IJVV/IJVV-04-00072.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3Nm3VcIaJ3cbYkWX-Z0uEG5JfKUaJGZqonBtNu6BesRP–2QyXJPTXybc

or here https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3056430/

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I would say that. What ever they were doing in that lab was not in fact gain of function but something to do with weaponising gene therapy. Yes, I have seen all the paperwork to support the NIH funding GOF at Wuhan, and I'll agree its very convincing and provides a wonderful red herring to those who would love everyone to believe and be fixated on the false binary between lab release/wet market. When in actuality, there is no virus, just good old fraudulent PCR, propaganda, confirmation bias in doctors and patients alike and deadly injections.

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So when I initially searched Ivermectin and found out it had been prescribed billions of times and it’s people had won the Nobel Prize and what a fabulous safety

record it had, it was easy to

locate this info. NOW, they have flooded the internet with articles claiming Ivermectin damages your liver and isn’t for covid, JUST for parasites. Evil liars…

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People who are hospitalized died of remdisivir which kills you kidneys I HAVE STOPPED TAKING ADVIL FOREVER

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Big problem... he assumes there is a virus, yet no virus has ever been isolated and proven to be the cause of disease... just more germ theory fear porn propaganda

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I think most of us don't have competence to discuss germ theory

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Not the point... Dr. Fleming should know this

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Those pushing germ theory don't seem to have the competence to understand nature or comprehend terrain.

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Oh there is a 'virus' but they MADE it

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there is no virus... no virus has ever been properly isolated and purified and proven to be the cause of disease... you cannot make something that doesn't exist...

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True but they made something that madea lot of people sick and that same something ( a spliced in, patented genetic code ) that isperpetuating more sickness My triple vaxxedfriendgot 'mild' covid and amonth later has been diagnosedwith blood clots in her brain and lungs

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I watched it last night. It will make your head spin. Here is the video.

"Truth all coming out now"


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Anyone like to speculate when this nightmare will end? Which country or authority will be the first to break? Do you think they can possibly keep on keeping on as millions die?

I say it's over for covid jabs by march 2023. Japan or Norway will be the first to fess up. Someone's gonna have to fess up, right? Because if they don't everything is going to broken past saving, and will effect every single person we know.

These are uneducated guesses. I'm just trying to imagine good things.

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So when do the people start blaming Trump and Operation Warp Speed? I have two adult children that are triple vaxxed.

Is there any way to undo the damage?? And should everyone who had covid OR were vaccinated get a brain scan???

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Who did this man testify TO????

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And why didn't anybody DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT ????

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Almost all our nations, institutions are compromised. And that's saying it nicely.

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Janssen or J&J is not mRNA based. Spike is there but in J&J it is not supposed to be produced in a body. Correct?

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They both instruct the cells to manufacture the spike. Pfizer and Moderna through mRNA and the others (DNA ones) use adenovirus.

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They all do the same thing. mRNA tech (Moderna, Pfizer) uses messenger RNA, the viral vectors (Jansenn, AZ, Sputnik) use adenovirus. They are still "gene therapies". All induce the body to create spoke protein.

Novavax is different as it has nanotechnology for the spikes which are in the injection itself. The Chinese supposedly used a whole inactivated virus.

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That is the impression I had

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What level of exposure does it take for exposure??

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There is NO variant, Not novel, NO pandemic – Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich


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i read that Moderna had a patent on vaccine back 2015...? anybody else read this?

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2014 the code spliced into the 'virus' and the vaccine. Super creepy that there is a synthetic thing they are forcing people to accept. But, we have either accepted organ transplants, 3D printed body parts What I object to is the fact that it was done surreptitiously ( evil ) or by accident ( incompetent ). What is frightening is that, not even the CREATORS have no idea what the virus OR the vaccine is going to do next.

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There is NO variant, Not novel, NO pandemic – Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich


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Man. An amazingly realistic psyop but how did they put blood clots in my friends brains and lungs? Or is that from the vaccine? They say its from Covid. Does anyone know of people getting multiple blood clots from covid who were NOT vaccinated???

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its alot to understand, if you have a friend thats a medical tech to help break it down. it appears this is the possible effect what happens for some not all...almost like target the ones who might have medical issues with out knowing it..

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