DRACO Injections ??? No Thank you! Just stick All Your Jabs where the sun don't shine. If Ivermectin doesn't work then forgetabout it. I'm not trusting Any of the White Coats anymore. They deserve the Red Coats treatment of 1775, imo.

Organisms do not live forever, "Science" is limited to the physical universe and is blind to any other.

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Your posts are amazing! Thank you for all you do! This, in particular, is what I’ve been saying/thought for the last few years! You proved it!! The level of evil inflicted is beyond words!!

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DRACO might cure lots of viruses but I've lost trust in big pharma. If I'm infected with something flu-like that's nasty I'll try HCQ or Ivermectin with Vit D, Vit C, Zinc and Azithromax and if breathing is difficult, a steroid inhaler and/or dexamethasome. All of these I now have stashed in sufficient quantity to help my whole family if needed. No experimental biologics for me, especially the injectables. Any doctor who still thinks the C19 jabs are safe and effective is not one I choose to consult with. I don't trust brain dead physicians who think an MD after their name makes them smart. I've read too much, heard too much and seen too much that has made me more of an expert in C19 and its treatment than them.

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To be extra safe I will not allow any kind of injection in my body ever again unless it’s a local for stitches. I think we need a Globalist End Vax by where it takes control of the globalists minds and causes them to donate there entire wealth to charity leaving them penniless and destitute!

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Don't forget they will want to give you a tetanus shot as well. BTDT lately. Don't take it either.

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Viruses. Have. Never. Been. Proven. To. Exist. Look, I really appreciate your stack 2nd Smartest Guy, and there is not much we disagree on, but this is one bloody big thing. But its OK. We can still be friends and i'll continue to enjoy your writing.

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Rob, if you really believe this then please collect your easy $1m from Steve Kirsch. His bet to disprove viruses exist is ongoing and you should take him up on it.

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I have asked Steve to offer to pay me 1 million dollars if I get a covid vaccine. He has nothing to lose as I declined in advance. I wouldn’t even accept 1 billion and I am totally serious. I did this to try to prove that some people care more about their lives and their health than they do about money.

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Steve only understands money and ego and the love he has for himself

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Since I don’t know him I will reserve judgment.

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I only know him by his treatment of others

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Come on, you know better than that, and if you follow his stack and read the comments you are probably aware of the convo's i've had with him regarding this. It is up to those that claim they exist to prove contagion with an pure isolate. I can no more prove they dont exist than prove that pixies made of pure saphire are not dancing on the far side of the moon.

Steve has shown himself to be an egotistical narcisist without a shred of humility. I'm sure some would say he has done good with his campaign against the vax but in reality I think his pride was just hurt when he realised that he got sucked in to the bullshit and wanted revenge. I don't really think he's in this fight for anyone but himself.

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Also, I would add that I have been aware of the no viruses debate for about 18 months and listened to all side, read many books and in many ways followed my instinct.I did not just come this conclusion after a night on the piss with you tube video. It is something that I have considered very deeply and over a long period of time, having been on the fence for the large majority.

About 14 months ago I wrote this rather awesome poem as I was trying to get my head around it. I hope you enjoy it, even if you disagree with it


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Am a nurse and... can believe we were lied to! LOTS of folks talking about/believe “terrain theory”! Tucker just did an “original” on men and testosterone levels... sort of the same thing but can’t quite bring himself to say ?not allowed?)... it all has to do with what you eat/how you take care of yourself! Dr. Lee Merritt talks about when they laid telegram lines (and illness) and now... 5g! Just can’t rule out EMF’s, diet, drugs, etc! Off to eat my “cancer prevention” B17!

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Anyway, Steve's $1m won't be worth a bucket of my own urine in two years time.

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More like electrically charged bio-toxins, namely designer proteins.

Most evidence of ‘virus’ is the immune system’s learning/sharing response in its defence from such toxins.

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Nonsense Bob, the common cold is seasonal and spread by children as they

build their immune system and it is a virus. Has the concept of "virus" been

exploited? Go to the common drug store...find an entire aisle, or 2, of cold/flu

remedies and supplements to support health.

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Sorry Suzzanna, why do you say nonsence? Please explain how they currently prove contagion with a virus isolate..

But yes, viruses, whether or not they exist, have been exploited to kingdom. Much like any dis-ease that has ever befallen mankind

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Dracos are a type of ET that the UFO hobbyists discuss frequently. The cabal always leave a sign in their work, knowing that most will choose to ignore it. I wouldn't take any remedy named after an ET race, whether I think they exist or not.

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Agreed, these posts are amazing/and prolific.

Further, this bit introducing covert research, past and present, confirms as factual

the many "science fiction" themes and rumors about this research.

The subconscious mind does have the ability to "break through" to conscious

thinking/awareness. Yet, who has time or resources to take the time to cultivate this

awareness? Further, beyond the gossip/speculation level, who even wants to explore

the subconscious awareness? The topics are frightening, and unless looking to write

a screenplay? One doesn't want to dwell on evil fantasies. However we must face facts.

Yet these are not silly fantasies. Albeit, in dribs and drabs, we have heard/learned/been

exposed to the plans that billionaires (B.Gates & G.Soros & P.Thiel & J. Bezos & Zuckerberg)

are hinting or speaking about. They are the front men. The real actors are DARPA that

along with "grants" which subsidize / fund / scientific research into chemical and sonic wave

and radio frequencies /wireless tech and the lot, to control people or murder them. I believe

the new tech is tested in the phony wars. Many are growing rich in many ways that serve to

harm humanity; enslave and exploit and eliminate humanity. The above paragraph is both

a simplistic view of far deeper research and actions and plans, as we find ourselves in a very

tangled web that we aren't capable of escaping. Again, they (people with $$$ and means and

the power to act) are "all in on it". Like a separate species of living creatures, that tell people

they will subsist on insects if they are to remain alive at all. We indeed live on a prison planet,

that we can't escape, or hope to be "free" in, as bad actors laugh at us, if they even recognize

us at all.

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A few nerds rule the world and we all, like sheep, are led to the slaughter.

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Not nerds, "Bluebloods" that loathe us and our spawn.

The Blues are from sacred bloodlines, they have ruled from the beginning,

and are destined to continue. The common people have grown beyond

comprehension, dirty and stupid, or smart and dangerous competition...thus

we have to go.

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Forget this unavailable DRACO nonsense and get yourself several chlorine dioxide kits (https://kvlab.com/chlorine-dioxide-products/chlorine-dioxide-kit-w-hcl-activator-NKP-H4), make some chlorine dioxide solution (CDS) (https://rumble.com/search/video?q=how%20to%20make%20chlorine%20dioxide%20solution), put 10ml CDS in a liter of water and drink throughout the day, every day and never get sick from anything. On top of that, you'll rid yourself of arthritis, cancer, diabetes, lyme disease, and a host of other chronic ailments.

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There are no cures for a virus because viruses don't exist. No virus has ever been isolated using Kochs postulates. Dr Tom Cowan has weekly podcasts and discusses viruses.

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What do we do when we know this 100%? Big important question.

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Were our voice of import? We expect a snipers bullet to the cranium,

then ruled a suicide.

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I don't expect that. I see many people speaking out, reaching ever more people. Yes, there are murders that are ruled suicides. And there are gains on many fronts.

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I'm glad you have the idea of gains. Maybe I am too sour today and I am sour.

Two significant rains in 5 weeks and the garden is failing.

Lately I learn more about the extreme entrenchment of negative forces. I had always

believed (since childhood) that the entire masses would be ruled within feudalism.

Yet some days I feel good overall, and other days I just feel sad.

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We're very different. I've never had the idea we'd be ruled within feudalism. In fact, I've needed to do more learning to acknowledge the extent of the power of those against human rights and freedoms. If my approach interests you, you can look at my first few posts on Substack - or at an overview of my work: https://elsathoughtcreativitypassionlife.com/ All the best to all of us.

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