The latest PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE scam involves adding a highly toxic chemical to cow feed in order to radically alter their microbiome such that they no longer produce methane.
By any means necessary. If BS works they run with it. Else they may have to get kinetic
I'd call it attempted genocide or prelude to genocide
If the climate change BS works to get the murderously subversive "Safe and Effective" mitigations in place then they'll have their slow motion mass death which is of course
Plausibly Deniable
VERY IMPORTANT to protect the guilty else there may be a few survivors with pitchforks (from the destroyed farms?) to exact a "re-calibration"
Meanwhile. While they're working on mass sterilization and mass starvation with bonus looting thrown in, using the more conventional means of genocide tested and proven by Stalinist and Maoist governments repeatedly, IE starvation and fear, the clot shots are doing the same dirty work in the interim. So the Globalist death cult can move inexorably to their goals by clot shots starvation by any means necessary. May be too late for some of the current Devil leaders but hey, legacy is leaving an empire built on death and looting for your heirs. Who knew that psychopaths might care about the legacy they leave their kiddies?
Frankly, I love that you know the proper use of ‘superlatives’. That, in itself, is a rarity these days. I no longer believe that intelligence nor common sense prevails.
"I no longer believe that intelligence nor common sense prevails"
Part of the plan is to normalize the nonsensical
And they've done (are doing) a pretty decent job at it. Whodda thunk that cutting a adolescent's (or pre-adolescent's) genitals off would be called "gender affirming" and that the state would step in with funds and it's power to enforce it? Going so far as to threaten sanction or jail for parents "bigoted and homophobic enough" to resist
Normalizing the insane is part and parcel to driving us insane. Shocking how many people who make the adjustment to insanity because they've no will or resources to resist.
The shocking thing to me was how many times I brought the fact up that children are being mutilated as well as incredible rates of child trafficking in staff meetings at work and I received long, uncomfortable, silent stares or immediate subject changes. I worked at a church. Really, who would have thought it? I wear my Not My New Normal hoodie pretty often these days. I’m resisting until the bitter end.
When the truth is too horrible it is astonishing the lengths people will go to avoid accepting it. Particularly if they sense they've been punk'd.
Most of us have only to look to ourselves to realize the truth of that statement.
Many of us (maybe just me) grew up in a world where shots of all sorts were never even questioned. And the idea of trafficking and mutilation was so far from our small town secular-Christian up-bringing that we could not believe it existed in any place other than 3rd world hell holes. Certainly not a big issue for the USA. We were the good guys and most people we knew were so virtuous they did nothing to dissuade us from that assumption.
When you're young and formative you do not viscerally realize that the baser instincts have a overwhelmingly disproportionate impact on EVERYONE the world over. Just because your own surroundings seem virtuous does not mean that is the norm the world over. Or even in your own country or state. You don't realize that all that nice wholesome church going that you did and mostly accepted without complaint was a valiant effort by our elders to keep the beasts in you under control. "Burn in hell for eternity" if you stray seemed extreme at the time the pastors were feeding it to the flock but in retrospect it seems actually nuanced compared to the evil that humanity struggles to control.
You may be imprinted with "burn in hell for eternity" by a church near you but somehow we all figure out a way to put it behind us and get on with making the compromises called life.
ALL and I do mean ALL of the people we (I) knew and most trusted and respected were signed up to and abided by the vaccine narrative. (I STILL trust and respect them even though the vax-no-vax psyop has tested all of us, but I know it was the weapons-grade psyop to blame). AND, while I (we?) still have utter deep respect for all of those people who cared for us (me) and brought us to where we are we realize that the brainwashing was monstrously evil and complete. EVERYONE just took it face value like "thou shalt not kill" and "thou shalt vax". To do or believe otherwise was to be a mad man. Anti vax was a lunatic proposition. And giving up the lunatic proposition of "vax'ing without question" almost required equal lunacy (my friends let me know:)
Then covid and the clot shot horror came along and the biggest horror was realizing that YOUR GOVERNMENT WOULD HAPPILY LIE TO YOU AND KILL YOU FOR PROFIT AND CONTROL. Then you realize the lies are part of a continuum of lies and the fact that you and your friends were willing to serve, some with mortal outcomes, to benefit those who lied to you makes you feel like a real schmuck. In the face of the collective history of vax lies and vax acceptance it was (and is) a truth almost too horrible to embrace.
Seriously. I do not want to believe that some of my childhood best friends died in Vietnam (for example) for LIES!! But it has become inescapable. You know that that best friend of yours who "did his duty" and made you so proud because others didn't and avoided their duty may have died for monstrous lies. Now all these years later they are STILL calling on our duty to "protect grandma" and you watch in horror and rage as people die for it.
Seriously! They STILL have the balls to play the "protect grandma" card?!
The betrayal is a hard thing to get past.
So the choice was (is) to accept the truth that we've been lied to and we must either embrace that or enter the clot shot death lottery so as not to offend those we love and will eternally respect no matter what. There is no rejection that can make me disrespect those I've always respected for good reason. But I do NOT extend that magnanimity to a vicious manipulative elite and the government that serves them.
They REALLY know how to mess with our psyche and for that bit of vicious manipulation they shall NEVER get forgiveness from me because I know it was done with well researched well tax extorted and funded intent.
Clot shot me once (they didn't) shame on me
Clot shot me twice shame on everyone
I forgive and understand the victims because we ALL are victims of the vicious intent
BUT I DO NOT forgive the high level perpetrators. Perhaps their foot soldiers knew no better or were "just trying to survive" because their livelihoods and feeding their families were at stake. BUT, THE TOP DOGS were and are the elites that come out of places like the Ivy league. Elite institutions of mass indoctrination and things like messing with the vulnerable Unibomber's fragile brain. The elites that have so many options they are paralyzed by choices. Too many choices is a good problem to have so I have no sympathy. The best and the brightest who can almost write their own ticket and tell the prospective employer "you're lucky to have me". I do not begrudge them the gifts that God and hard work gave them. BUT! I have no forgiveness for them because they had options other than the path of mass murder.
I think about what has happened, over and over. I gave up my friends (or so I had thought them to be) and my career (because I realized too late that "medicine" was a lie). I tried so hard to convince people to see what I saw, but was ignored by most--screamed at by some. My parents listened to me, thankfully.
I was fortunate that I was able to walk away--I lived very frugally.
I used to be a doctor, a good doctor.
It makes me sad.
Most of my neighbors pretend nothing happened--I am not sure how they are able to do that.
Oh boy, I’m so sorry. I had really good friends who were doctors. One was an anesthesiologist, another was a neurosurgeon. They used to talk about their battles with hospital administration and insurance companies. It ended up not being at all what they went into medicine for to begin with. Sadly, both got into really harmful ways of numbing their frustration and both are deceased. It was such a complete waste of intelligence and talent…and compassion as they both really cared about patients. I’m glad your parents are supportive of you and that you were able to get out. I don’t know how people can pretend nothingness happened. It is beyond me. Maybe Stockholm Syndrome? That’s a wild guess, though. I have no rational explanations anymore.
Fortunately I did not have to confront "the clot shot or you're fired". But thought about it a lot. "What would I have done?" For many average people in that position without unlimited options and a big resume that allows you to write your own ticket it is a stark no win choice. If you lose your job you may also lose your house and kids everything because it is often a fair weather world out there. All I had to confront was some real awkward conversations and exclusion from some once in a lifetime family events. But, because I realize that I was in a relatively fortunate period of life for this thing to be happening I was fully aware of what was happening to others in different situations. I do know of one Doctor who had to resign because of clot shot demands. He is prime of life, big job big responsibilities big mortgage & big expectations. A wife and kids dependent on him. But he stuck to his principles and landed on his feel. Have a lot of respect for him because NO ONE needs that sort of stress. Particularly when it is unnecessary "they just want to mess with you" stress.
At this juncture, I’d rather be on my feet wearing my Non-Compliant t-shirt or my ‘I’m Already Naturally Immune To Bullshit’ t-shirt than on my knees if it truly comes to it. I made my choice a long time ago and since I was on the periphery of the so-called elite behind much of this nonsense and it cost me literally everything to get out, certainly everything that mattered to me, I do fully understand that there are worse things than death. What has been planned for us is worse than death.
Resistance may be futile but I take comfort in knowing the fictional Don Quixote tilted at windmills despite the futility
It may be Quixotic to do the right thing but it feels good so may as well keep up the resistance. In the end you're dead either way. At least you tried
As someone who has been raising dairy goats for 41 years, I must wonder how interfering with rumination could be safe for cattle and ruminants in general. These animals have a multi-chambered stomach, one chamber being the rumen which acts as a fermentation vat. Interfere with activity in the rumen and you run the risk of bloat, scours and other disorders that will require immediate intervention in order to save the animal, and even then the animal may still die. Likewise, altering the microbiome in the rumen may reduce the availability of nutrients to these animals and lead to deficiencies. This is not something I would feed to my goats.
As for the claim that "Most ruminant methane emissions come from Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)", while I support regenerative agriculture I question the validity of this statement, especially in light of several studies over the last twenty years that suggest some 75% of so-called "greenhouse" gases attributed to ruminant livestock and 56% of "greenhouse" gases attributed to monogastrics (pigs and poultry) comes from animals owned by some of the poorest people on the planet, meaning pastoralists and small land holders. (For the record, I'm also skeptical in regards to the climate change narrative.)
Yes! Completely agree. We don’t know the impact of interfering with these animals’ digestive systems! Just changing feed too quickly on a ruminant can cause dire consequences.
Please, don't believe the "climate change" BS. I no longer have the links, but "The truth is out there."
Our beautiful little planet is not a static system. As we move around the solar system things change and we change with them. Our climate cycles between hot/warmer and cold/cooler on a long term regular basis. We're supposed to be coming into the cooler cycle in a few years.
Sign petitions or do what you can to help prevent them murdering us off.
The climate may indeed in the fullness of time change in a manner that will consume us. But it is not our doing and it is hubris to think we can stop it any more than we can stop a moon sized meteor.
Turns out we are NOT that immortal or special when it comes to the physics and plans of the universe. Time would be better spent accepting our place in the scheme of things and preparing for any eventuality INCLIDING annihilation by a remorseless uncaring universe
As long as cattle are paid for by the pound that is unlikely to happen.
BUT! IMO (in my opinion) what is more likely to happen is they change the pay protocol. Perhaps they'll want you to pay for the cow based on it's fraudulent digital carbon footprint. The lower the footprint the higher the price per pound.
Since mass murder (for profit or for fun) is on the table you there is no lunacy OFF the table. So you can dream up any scenario and the more lunatic it is the more likely it could happen
Because another principle is normalize lunacy
Think about the things you witness every day and have been trained on threat of great punishment to ignore. The normalization of lunacy is progressing nicely
Heard it on a Michael Crichton interview (which I haven't been able to find) but not sure if he was the original purveyor of the thought
The lower (more fundamental) the interference the greater the impact
IE (for example) if you come up with something that messes up photosynthesis at the cellular level, perhaps just interrupt an enzyme reaction or something, that silly little thing could be the whole ball game because ultimately almost all life is dependent on photosynthesis
So it is real cowboy doomsday stuff when these psychopaths start messing with ruminant digestion-composting-fermentation processes. How long before some nut gets the idea to sprinkle it on forest floors, because you know, global warming, AND PROFIT. I'm sure bugs similar to what you find in a cow's gut break down bio mass in your compost pile.
I would say they could nuke the whole mammalian ecosystem "accidently" doing such things. I no longer believe in "accidently" any more than I believe the covid fiasco was a "accidental" lab leak, ... or if it was even a lab leak at all. We're dealing with lunatics that are missing critical brain parts that allow them to make judgements that say "ah, perhaps we should NOT be messing with ruminant digestion"
Kill off a few invisible but essential silly little bugs that no one even knows exist and that could be the ball game for much of humanity's protein food supply
And no one would know the difference meaning the perpetrators get off free AS USUAL. Rather than realizing it was a planned and well funded genocide using their own extorted dollars the target populations would be thinking "the God's have abandoned us"
We would end up worshipping our enemies in a misguided belief that they are going to help us, never fully realizing THEY planned and funded the existentially important biome die off.
So all European milk products including chocolates are now suspect. This is because we don't know where these product manufacturers source their milk from.
It gets worse! The Australian government has allowed Coles (a major super market chain, who's largest stock owners are Blackrock and Vanguard), to sell meat from cattle fed this poison. As a cattle producer I consider this animal cruelty, and anyone associated with this a criminal!
I am also a stud stock Angus breeder. For those unfamiliar with stud bulls, the Angus Societies around the world produce estimated breeding values to assist buyers on the likely value associated with heritable traits like growth rates, marbling, ribeye area etc. This WAS done primarily with raw data collected by producers like me. In more recent times this is increasing reliant on "genomic" predictions, produced by big data associations from "snp's" which are DNA markers of some kind. (No one can "read" DNA.) These are conducted by companies like Zoites, owned by Pfizer, and Neogen, major stock owners Blackrock and Vanguard. The cost to producers like me is a tick over $50 per animal, with all sale bulls, and stud cows and heifers being genomic tested. This is incentivized by the usual means, Angus Australia gets a cut, and staff have a career path moving to the providing companies. Now I am not suggesting this is all BS, but I wonder as to the accuracy for many traits and the actual science behind this. As a stud producer this an increasing cost to us, and clients rely upon these numbers in their selections thus increasing and decreasing the value of stock sold. I think many would love to see deep dive on this. I also wonder if these genomic predictions will be used to manipulate the cattle breeds (all breeds have this), in some way associated with the climate scam.
I would love to know more about this, is it a cash cow for big pharma?
Will it graduate to humans? Your genomics say you NEED this vaccine?
The money grafting opportunities are endless!
How much is real? How much is BS?
Also are any animal vaccines (huge industry) beneficial? That's a huge topic on it's own!
Not sure there should even be the need for an approval process because these sorts of interventions are potentially as harmful and perhaps uncontrollable as the run of the mill Gain of Function bio weapons. This sort of research probably should not even be permitted.
Why would you want to detrimentally interrupt a cow's digestion unless you had some REALLY sinister intent? A few degrees of Global warming is no where near as threatening as starvation
Of course we know that if there is a moratorium on this sort of lunacy like there was on Gain Of Function (wink wink) there will be no actual Moratorium. So the march to death research can continue unmonitored
Good grief, couldn't we just prescribe a little Simethicone instead of these toxic chemicals, maybe to the worst offenders. It worked well on babies didn't it, or have they removed it too (I don't know).
Somebody needs to tell Gates and the Climate zealots that the worry about methane is over. In this article from MIT there is one error in that methane breaks down normally in 10 to 12 years. Not the two decades as the article states.
The new method of methane capture covered in the article though will wipe out any worries about methane climate issues as not only is it extremely efficient it produces enough heat in its process to produce a large amount of usable electricity. Anybody that has money in Bovaer better liquidate holdings soon.
Critters have been farting for millions of years and seems the critter (and plants) ecosystem found ways to deal with it nicely. What's waste for one critter or plant is food for another
Of course that was before enclosed spaces like elevators were invented. THAT"S a serious problem we still haven't solved. I'd be OK with some of our stolen trillions being used to research solutions to THAT problem rather than research mass murder gain of function and climate "solutions" BS
The MIT process is not an additive. It is an air filtration system that can be used right in coal mines , cattle barns etc. So zero human / animal physical impact. Undoubtedly Gates has and is vigorously fighting this filtration process as it upsets his population reduction products.
If the cows were actually fed grass, they don't produce as much methane.😐
Also if they didn't spray herbicides on the grass they wouldn't have to fatten them up by feeding them grain.😐
And if they farmed regenerative, instead of conventionally, they wouldn't destroy the microbes in the topsoil that exclusively EAT methane gas produced, through the addictive use of pesticides/herbicides and excessive tilling😐
Finally, we wouldn't even have these pesticides/herbicides, etc if the war mongers had been trying to hide all the waste and unused military chemicals from WW1&2 and sold it as agrochemicals, for a non-existent problem.😐
I have exhausted my vocabulary of negative superlatives to describe my disgust and horror.
Call it what it is: Climate change BS!
Good characterization
But I'd go further
I'd say climate change BS is prelude to genocide
By any means necessary. If BS works they run with it. Else they may have to get kinetic
I'd call it attempted genocide or prelude to genocide
If the climate change BS works to get the murderously subversive "Safe and Effective" mitigations in place then they'll have their slow motion mass death which is of course
Plausibly Deniable
VERY IMPORTANT to protect the guilty else there may be a few survivors with pitchforks (from the destroyed farms?) to exact a "re-calibration"
Meanwhile. While they're working on mass sterilization and mass starvation with bonus looting thrown in, using the more conventional means of genocide tested and proven by Stalinist and Maoist governments repeatedly, IE starvation and fear, the clot shots are doing the same dirty work in the interim. So the Globalist death cult can move inexorably to their goals by clot shots starvation by any means necessary. May be too late for some of the current Devil leaders but hey, legacy is leaving an empire built on death and looting for your heirs. Who knew that psychopaths might care about the legacy they leave their kiddies?
Me too, the english language is limited
Whereas the imaginary "climate change" fiction is apparently boundless in its excesses.
Frankly, I love that you know the proper use of ‘superlatives’. That, in itself, is a rarity these days. I no longer believe that intelligence nor common sense prevails.
"I no longer believe that intelligence nor common sense prevails"
Part of the plan is to normalize the nonsensical
And they've done (are doing) a pretty decent job at it. Whodda thunk that cutting a adolescent's (or pre-adolescent's) genitals off would be called "gender affirming" and that the state would step in with funds and it's power to enforce it? Going so far as to threaten sanction or jail for parents "bigoted and homophobic enough" to resist
Normalizing the insane is part and parcel to driving us insane. Shocking how many people who make the adjustment to insanity because they've no will or resources to resist.
The shocking thing to me was how many times I brought the fact up that children are being mutilated as well as incredible rates of child trafficking in staff meetings at work and I received long, uncomfortable, silent stares or immediate subject changes. I worked at a church. Really, who would have thought it? I wear my Not My New Normal hoodie pretty often these days. I’m resisting until the bitter end.
When the truth is too horrible it is astonishing the lengths people will go to avoid accepting it. Particularly if they sense they've been punk'd.
Most of us have only to look to ourselves to realize the truth of that statement.
Many of us (maybe just me) grew up in a world where shots of all sorts were never even questioned. And the idea of trafficking and mutilation was so far from our small town secular-Christian up-bringing that we could not believe it existed in any place other than 3rd world hell holes. Certainly not a big issue for the USA. We were the good guys and most people we knew were so virtuous they did nothing to dissuade us from that assumption.
When you're young and formative you do not viscerally realize that the baser instincts have a overwhelmingly disproportionate impact on EVERYONE the world over. Just because your own surroundings seem virtuous does not mean that is the norm the world over. Or even in your own country or state. You don't realize that all that nice wholesome church going that you did and mostly accepted without complaint was a valiant effort by our elders to keep the beasts in you under control. "Burn in hell for eternity" if you stray seemed extreme at the time the pastors were feeding it to the flock but in retrospect it seems actually nuanced compared to the evil that humanity struggles to control.
You may be imprinted with "burn in hell for eternity" by a church near you but somehow we all figure out a way to put it behind us and get on with making the compromises called life.
ALL and I do mean ALL of the people we (I) knew and most trusted and respected were signed up to and abided by the vaccine narrative. (I STILL trust and respect them even though the vax-no-vax psyop has tested all of us, but I know it was the weapons-grade psyop to blame). AND, while I (we?) still have utter deep respect for all of those people who cared for us (me) and brought us to where we are we realize that the brainwashing was monstrously evil and complete. EVERYONE just took it face value like "thou shalt not kill" and "thou shalt vax". To do or believe otherwise was to be a mad man. Anti vax was a lunatic proposition. And giving up the lunatic proposition of "vax'ing without question" almost required equal lunacy (my friends let me know:)
Then covid and the clot shot horror came along and the biggest horror was realizing that YOUR GOVERNMENT WOULD HAPPILY LIE TO YOU AND KILL YOU FOR PROFIT AND CONTROL. Then you realize the lies are part of a continuum of lies and the fact that you and your friends were willing to serve, some with mortal outcomes, to benefit those who lied to you makes you feel like a real schmuck. In the face of the collective history of vax lies and vax acceptance it was (and is) a truth almost too horrible to embrace.
Seriously. I do not want to believe that some of my childhood best friends died in Vietnam (for example) for LIES!! But it has become inescapable. You know that that best friend of yours who "did his duty" and made you so proud because others didn't and avoided their duty may have died for monstrous lies. Now all these years later they are STILL calling on our duty to "protect grandma" and you watch in horror and rage as people die for it.
Seriously! They STILL have the balls to play the "protect grandma" card?!
The betrayal is a hard thing to get past.
So the choice was (is) to accept the truth that we've been lied to and we must either embrace that or enter the clot shot death lottery so as not to offend those we love and will eternally respect no matter what. There is no rejection that can make me disrespect those I've always respected for good reason. But I do NOT extend that magnanimity to a vicious manipulative elite and the government that serves them.
They REALLY know how to mess with our psyche and for that bit of vicious manipulation they shall NEVER get forgiveness from me because I know it was done with well researched well tax extorted and funded intent.
Clot shot me once (they didn't) shame on me
Clot shot me twice shame on everyone
I forgive and understand the victims because we ALL are victims of the vicious intent
BUT I DO NOT forgive the high level perpetrators. Perhaps their foot soldiers knew no better or were "just trying to survive" because their livelihoods and feeding their families were at stake. BUT, THE TOP DOGS were and are the elites that come out of places like the Ivy league. Elite institutions of mass indoctrination and things like messing with the vulnerable Unibomber's fragile brain. The elites that have so many options they are paralyzed by choices. Too many choices is a good problem to have so I have no sympathy. The best and the brightest who can almost write their own ticket and tell the prospective employer "you're lucky to have me". I do not begrudge them the gifts that God and hard work gave them. BUT! I have no forgiveness for them because they had options other than the path of mass murder.
I think about what has happened, over and over. I gave up my friends (or so I had thought them to be) and my career (because I realized too late that "medicine" was a lie). I tried so hard to convince people to see what I saw, but was ignored by most--screamed at by some. My parents listened to me, thankfully.
I was fortunate that I was able to walk away--I lived very frugally.
I used to be a doctor, a good doctor.
It makes me sad.
Most of my neighbors pretend nothing happened--I am not sure how they are able to do that.
Oh boy, I’m so sorry. I had really good friends who were doctors. One was an anesthesiologist, another was a neurosurgeon. They used to talk about their battles with hospital administration and insurance companies. It ended up not being at all what they went into medicine for to begin with. Sadly, both got into really harmful ways of numbing their frustration and both are deceased. It was such a complete waste of intelligence and talent…and compassion as they both really cared about patients. I’m glad your parents are supportive of you and that you were able to get out. I don’t know how people can pretend nothingness happened. It is beyond me. Maybe Stockholm Syndrome? That’s a wild guess, though. I have no rational explanations anymore.
Fortunately I did not have to confront "the clot shot or you're fired". But thought about it a lot. "What would I have done?" For many average people in that position without unlimited options and a big resume that allows you to write your own ticket it is a stark no win choice. If you lose your job you may also lose your house and kids everything because it is often a fair weather world out there. All I had to confront was some real awkward conversations and exclusion from some once in a lifetime family events. But, because I realize that I was in a relatively fortunate period of life for this thing to be happening I was fully aware of what was happening to others in different situations. I do know of one Doctor who had to resign because of clot shot demands. He is prime of life, big job big responsibilities big mortgage & big expectations. A wife and kids dependent on him. But he stuck to his principles and landed on his feel. Have a lot of respect for him because NO ONE needs that sort of stress. Particularly when it is unnecessary "they just want to mess with you" stress.
Wow….thank you for this response. I need to ponder it for a while. I appreciate all the thought and time you put into it, sir.
I totally believe in, "Do not comply," but in my gut feel, "Resistance is futile," will win.
At this juncture, I’d rather be on my feet wearing my Non-Compliant t-shirt or my ‘I’m Already Naturally Immune To Bullshit’ t-shirt than on my knees if it truly comes to it. I made my choice a long time ago and since I was on the periphery of the so-called elite behind much of this nonsense and it cost me literally everything to get out, certainly everything that mattered to me, I do fully understand that there are worse things than death. What has been planned for us is worse than death.
Resistance may be futile but I take comfort in knowing the fictional Don Quixote tilted at windmills despite the futility
It may be Quixotic to do the right thing but it feels good so may as well keep up the resistance. In the end you're dead either way. At least you tried
Thank you, Elizabeth!
: )
Agree. I say we now look to the German lexicon. Everything sounds angrier in German.
Haha! I LOVE the German language.
Any suggestions?
As someone who has been raising dairy goats for 41 years, I must wonder how interfering with rumination could be safe for cattle and ruminants in general. These animals have a multi-chambered stomach, one chamber being the rumen which acts as a fermentation vat. Interfere with activity in the rumen and you run the risk of bloat, scours and other disorders that will require immediate intervention in order to save the animal, and even then the animal may still die. Likewise, altering the microbiome in the rumen may reduce the availability of nutrients to these animals and lead to deficiencies. This is not something I would feed to my goats.
As for the claim that "Most ruminant methane emissions come from Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)", while I support regenerative agriculture I question the validity of this statement, especially in light of several studies over the last twenty years that suggest some 75% of so-called "greenhouse" gases attributed to ruminant livestock and 56% of "greenhouse" gases attributed to monogastrics (pigs and poultry) comes from animals owned by some of the poorest people on the planet, meaning pastoralists and small land holders. (For the record, I'm also skeptical in regards to the climate change narrative.)
Yes! Completely agree. We don’t know the impact of interfering with these animals’ digestive systems! Just changing feed too quickly on a ruminant can cause dire consequences.
So you won't be feeding it to your goats either!
Please, don't believe the "climate change" BS. I no longer have the links, but "The truth is out there."
Our beautiful little planet is not a static system. As we move around the solar system things change and we change with them. Our climate cycles between hot/warmer and cold/cooler on a long term regular basis. We're supposed to be coming into the cooler cycle in a few years.
Sign petitions or do what you can to help prevent them murdering us off.
The climate may indeed in the fullness of time change in a manner that will consume us. But it is not our doing and it is hubris to think we can stop it any more than we can stop a moon sized meteor.
Turns out we are NOT that immortal or special when it comes to the physics and plans of the universe. Time would be better spent accepting our place in the scheme of things and preparing for any eventuality INCLIDING annihilation by a remorseless uncaring universe
Next, they will give ozempic to cows who are overweight .. the pharma gears are always turning for the constant profit…
As long as cattle are paid for by the pound that is unlikely to happen.
BUT! IMO (in my opinion) what is more likely to happen is they change the pay protocol. Perhaps they'll want you to pay for the cow based on it's fraudulent digital carbon footprint. The lower the footprint the higher the price per pound.
Since mass murder (for profit or for fun) is on the table you there is no lunacy OFF the table. So you can dream up any scenario and the more lunatic it is the more likely it could happen
Because another principle is normalize lunacy
Think about the things you witness every day and have been trained on threat of great punishment to ignore. The normalization of lunacy is progressing nicely
Heard it on a Michael Crichton interview (which I haven't been able to find) but not sure if he was the original purveyor of the thought
The lower (more fundamental) the interference the greater the impact
IE (for example) if you come up with something that messes up photosynthesis at the cellular level, perhaps just interrupt an enzyme reaction or something, that silly little thing could be the whole ball game because ultimately almost all life is dependent on photosynthesis
So it is real cowboy doomsday stuff when these psychopaths start messing with ruminant digestion-composting-fermentation processes. How long before some nut gets the idea to sprinkle it on forest floors, because you know, global warming, AND PROFIT. I'm sure bugs similar to what you find in a cow's gut break down bio mass in your compost pile.
I would say they could nuke the whole mammalian ecosystem "accidently" doing such things. I no longer believe in "accidently" any more than I believe the covid fiasco was a "accidental" lab leak, ... or if it was even a lab leak at all. We're dealing with lunatics that are missing critical brain parts that allow them to make judgements that say "ah, perhaps we should NOT be messing with ruminant digestion"
Also, regarding those "bugs", roughly 50% of a ruminant's protein intake comes from the microorganisms that live and die in their rumen.
Kill off a few invisible but essential silly little bugs that no one even knows exist and that could be the ball game for much of humanity's protein food supply
And no one would know the difference meaning the perpetrators get off free AS USUAL. Rather than realizing it was a planned and well funded genocide using their own extorted dollars the target populations would be thinking "the God's have abandoned us"
We would end up worshipping our enemies in a misguided belief that they are going to help us, never fully realizing THEY planned and funded the existentially important biome die off.
Especially when we literally depend on that pathway, to create foods that contribute to our biologicalit metabolic pathways.😐🙄🤦♀️🤦♀️
So all European milk products including chocolates are now suspect. This is because we don't know where these product manufacturers source their milk from.
And I was so proud of Europe for banning GMOs! Figures they'd screw it up.
This is insane. The European authorities have capitulated to insanity.
I echo your sentiment.
It gets worse! The Australian government has allowed Coles (a major super market chain, who's largest stock owners are Blackrock and Vanguard), to sell meat from cattle fed this poison. As a cattle producer I consider this animal cruelty, and anyone associated with this a criminal!
Where are you based?
Are you using regenerative techniques?
South Australia, learning regenerative practices every day.
Once your awakening it is impossible to go back!
I am looking to partner with a regenerative rancher based in America soon for an interesting project.
Glad you are learning every day!
This is an integral part of freeing ourselves from this tyranny.
I am also a stud stock Angus breeder. For those unfamiliar with stud bulls, the Angus Societies around the world produce estimated breeding values to assist buyers on the likely value associated with heritable traits like growth rates, marbling, ribeye area etc. This WAS done primarily with raw data collected by producers like me. In more recent times this is increasing reliant on "genomic" predictions, produced by big data associations from "snp's" which are DNA markers of some kind. (No one can "read" DNA.) These are conducted by companies like Zoites, owned by Pfizer, and Neogen, major stock owners Blackrock and Vanguard. The cost to producers like me is a tick over $50 per animal, with all sale bulls, and stud cows and heifers being genomic tested. This is incentivized by the usual means, Angus Australia gets a cut, and staff have a career path moving to the providing companies. Now I am not suggesting this is all BS, but I wonder as to the accuracy for many traits and the actual science behind this. As a stud producer this an increasing cost to us, and clients rely upon these numbers in their selections thus increasing and decreasing the value of stock sold. I think many would love to see deep dive on this. I also wonder if these genomic predictions will be used to manipulate the cattle breeds (all breeds have this), in some way associated with the climate scam.
I would love to know more about this, is it a cash cow for big pharma?
Will it graduate to humans? Your genomics say you NEED this vaccine?
The money grafting opportunities are endless!
How much is real? How much is BS?
Also are any animal vaccines (huge industry) beneficial? That's a huge topic on it's own!
Thanks for the good work, and God bless.
The real Alex Phillips two weeks ago rung the alarm bell on the UK trial.
‘Safe and Effective’
The Farming and food regulators need an Audit, the approvals have been pushed through without proper study.
Concept Dairy on YT, states Lurpak and anchor will be effected… BUT… Denmark package Lurpak butter their farms have been using BOVAER upto two years.
Was UK Lurpak contaminated and not correctly marked on the packs ?
“the approvals have been pushed through without proper study”. Exactly like the Covid jabs. These authorities don’t care.
Not sure there should even be the need for an approval process because these sorts of interventions are potentially as harmful and perhaps uncontrollable as the run of the mill Gain of Function bio weapons. This sort of research probably should not even be permitted.
Why would you want to detrimentally interrupt a cow's digestion unless you had some REALLY sinister intent? A few degrees of Global warming is no where near as threatening as starvation
Of course we know that if there is a moratorium on this sort of lunacy like there was on Gain Of Function (wink wink) there will be no actual Moratorium. So the march to death research can continue unmonitored
"Safe and effective" ...
Where have we heard that phrase before?
Read - Controligarchs by Seamus Bruner.
They buy the legislation, own the solution and no one can even question it.
No defence from corrupt legislators they regulate themselves
Gates hates meat, cows and humans. Therefore, you gotta go.
Gates doesn't have a problem with meat on his own plate. He just doesn't want it on your plate.
A great win for bovine flatulence.
Reveal the scam. Replacing one sham strategy to address a fiction with a second sham strategy is not admitting to the scam.
Maybe cows should take Gas-X. Worked for me after a Taco Bell dindin and a brewski ....
Yep! That stuff works wonders!
Good grief, couldn't we just prescribe a little Simethicone instead of these toxic chemicals, maybe to the worst offenders. It worked well on babies didn't it, or have they removed it too (I don't know).
Do not comply.
Somebody needs to tell Gates and the Climate zealots that the worry about methane is over. In this article from MIT there is one error in that methane breaks down normally in 10 to 12 years. Not the two decades as the article states.
The new method of methane capture covered in the article though will wipe out any worries about methane climate issues as not only is it extremely efficient it produces enough heat in its process to produce a large amount of usable electricity. Anybody that has money in Bovaer better liquidate holdings soon.
My preface stated dozen years...
Critters have been farting for millions of years and seems the critter (and plants) ecosystem found ways to deal with it nicely. What's waste for one critter or plant is food for another
Of course that was before enclosed spaces like elevators were invented. THAT"S a serious problem we still haven't solved. I'd be OK with some of our stolen trillions being used to research solutions to THAT problem rather than research mass murder gain of function and climate "solutions" BS
I bet there was a lot of methane in the air when the dinosaurs roamed the earth!
I'm sure!
It was also very warm and humid.
Prepare for famine.
That's what they really want.
Its not about Methane, Its not about CO2.
Its a bit of a coincidence that reproductive injury is a side effect,
There was a recent large scale product that also affected fertility.
Read -Controligarchs by Seamus Bruner, you will be livid ?!!
The MIT process is not an additive. It is an air filtration system that can be used right in coal mines , cattle barns etc. So zero human / animal physical impact. Undoubtedly Gates has and is vigorously fighting this filtration process as it upsets his population reduction products.
Great reply.. add a link
Oh my GOSH!
This is just hysterical!
You all are so sad, can you not SEE the jokes on us?
Farts? Literally FARTS...
Man Cannot control one stupid thing, not even his stupidity....
We are now at a place where the scientific world has devolved into an attempt to believe man can control everything down to the last cow-fart!
We are messing with Nature, it will not end well.
As a farmer I call BS on the narrative.
If the cows were actually fed grass, they don't produce as much methane.😐
Also if they didn't spray herbicides on the grass they wouldn't have to fatten them up by feeding them grain.😐
And if they farmed regenerative, instead of conventionally, they wouldn't destroy the microbes in the topsoil that exclusively EAT methane gas produced, through the addictive use of pesticides/herbicides and excessive tilling😐
Finally, we wouldn't even have these pesticides/herbicides, etc if the war mongers had been trying to hide all the waste and unused military chemicals from WW1&2 and sold it as agrochemicals, for a non-existent problem.😐
But sure, blame the cows.😐🤬🙄
#follownone #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised
National Geographic may have once stated in a documentary that TERMITES are know to create the largest amount of methane in world!
How cows became the culprit...
And NOT the food they are eating...
Again, laughable...