Democide doesn't get resolved with non violent justice. Trials first. Then hangings (or remdesivir drips for weeks until kidney failure) are the minimum these war criminals deserve.

The Unforgiven:


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Be a good citizen and seek moral justice, not revenge.

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Individuals take revenge. Just societies seek justice. Killing millions in hospitals intentionally? Killing millions more with vaccines? Rendering young generations infertile and sterile? This is Nuremberg 2.0 x 1000, without the CIA rat lines for escape. A message of proper justice is sent to these psychopaths or it happens again, and again, and again.

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Yes. Yes. Yes! You know your history!!!

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Nov 1, 2022
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All these cretins care about is money, control and pure power!

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With time the lessons of nuremberg have been lost. Following this pandemic we still have several labs doing gain of function to make viruses more infection and more lethal. With time, attempts, and tools becoming more available where this ends is extinction, or near extinction, of the human race. It requires public death for anyone involved in any way, to leave a mark so severe and stark that it is clear to everyone on the planet this is verboten. This is how the human race survives the next centuries..

"Though shalt not threaten extinction of the human race by viral tinkering"

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Tell that to Boston University.

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To be fair, the vaxxers lived by the sword (vax) and will likely die by the sword (vax). So I guess god provides

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Too soft....these are crimes so big and heinous they are hard to comprehend given the large numbers that have been deliberately poisoned.

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Let's discuss "moral justice" vs "revenge". I'd rather not repeat the French revolution here. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph-Ignace_Guillotin

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There is nothing easier than to engage in cheap demagogy.

“Demagogy: the action or fact of winning support by exciting the emotions of ordinary people rather than by having good or morally right ideas” Oxford Dictionary.

Sure, let’s discuss it Mabal.

Not forgiving in a discussion context here is not the same as punishing or inciting to violence and terror. There are forces who would love to evoke this kind of emotions and do it all the time (BLM is one example), but I don’t see it in any of the preceding posts.

Not forgiving in this case means not letting certain people to absolve themselves of their conscious wrongdoings towards others in face of overwhelming tragedies. And we are not talking about not forgiving everyone who believed in the COVID hoax and went along its narrative out of fear and disinformation without hurting others. They will have to live with consequences of their decisions and probably learn how to forgive themselves.

We are talking about those who consciously, out of unidentified self-interests, cowardice or procrastination encroached on other people lives and their livelihoods by participation in enforcing the insanity of highly propagandized plandemia measures.


1. the “journalist” calling “certain names” awake and sane individuals taking seriously health and future of themselves and their children.

2. the corruptible and greedy hospital administrator calling for firing all conscientious doctors, nurses and other stuff not willing to participate in evidently false regulations that contradict not only science but common sense

3. Some other Joe Schmoe demanding all non compliers to be sent to quarantine gulag for just being a normal souls expressing their free and independent minds.

Examples can be multiplied…

Why should people of that caliber be forgiven for their deeds and just go on mingling with those they really despised in times when it was allowed and obedient?

I think that is what we can read from this exchange of opinions. It definitely is not revolutionary in Jacobin’s demagogic fashion.

Don’t you agree?


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I agree completely but I am confused by the author's comment about not seeking revenge but rather "moral justice". How will all the people harmed by illegal actions be made whole? Many authorities profited and should be punished to send a message to future abusers.

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You're dead on, Robert.

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By the way Mabal, times are never too dark for lighter, satirical approach (re. remdisivir torture chamber)

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True. The French revolution led to the reign of terror and Guillotines erected in the streets. Trebuchets would have at least redirected the gorey mess to the outskirts of town. Who wouldn't enjoy the sight of human cannonballs flying through the air and of course, no net.

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Maybe we could build ones big enough to launch invaders over the Mediterranean Sea.

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I'd suggest 50% of that distance

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Super joke, have to remember it

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Nov 1, 2022
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Take certain bible passages literally and everyone will be blind and toothless.

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Great post BTW. There may be ways we can accomplish the reestablishment of Justice without undue further violence. Nothing quite focuses the mind like these increasing attacks against our persons, our communities, our nations and our kids.

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That would be assuming no justice is possible, and everyone takes out an eye for a stolen candy bar. An eye for an eye is just allegorical for proportionate punishment. Not everyone goes blind if crimes are legitimately identified, prosecuted, and proprotional punishment is administered.

The bible is quite explicit about sanctioning punishment, even though eternal judgment is not for man. By the same token, collective justice isn't for man either, just for our god Yaweh.

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Isn’t that the old testament? Jesus came to put those archaic laws to rest. He has two Commandments – Love God supremely, And love they neighbor as thy self.

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Actually, it wa an anti vengeance law. Should you put out someone's eye or tooth you were responsible for their medical care and supporting their family until such time as they got better. If the person died, you were responsible for their family for the rest of your life.

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No jesus just ended specifically mandated sacrifices, being the final sacrifice for his people, Israel.

For those who follow God's commandments, the rest still hold. Jesus said himself 'I am not come to abolish the Law, but to fulfill it." He fulfilled the sacrifice to Yaweh.

We are implored to make sacrifices for our brother, in the spirit of charity.

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Nov 3, 2022
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Both are. That's what 'catholic' originally meant as per the apostles. Those who accept both Old and New Testament are those who walk in his way.

It just is very difficult nowadays, as we suffer mistranslations and corrupted institutional churchianity.

It can be done though!

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I vote for the rundeathisnear drip AND a ventilator turned up on high.

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I love the remdesivir drip😂. A classic two birds with one stone kill: a bunch of Sabbatians eliminated and the surplus of their own venom not going to waste.

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The only good thing that came from her amnesty post is AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THAT THE POWER HAS SHIFTED. IT'S MOVING FAST NOW. HOLD ON.

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nope. what this means is that the Elitist will get the hot [civil] war that they want to justify a more open martial law.

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November is a big month. Don't their operations ever fail. Are they infallible. UK is a bit dissenhertaining. The chess board dances without any votes.

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doing this video unnerved me. But here it is DOD CCP and TECH web birthed in 2015.

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Nov 1, 2022
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You know that the higher "they" are not even close to finished with us. The torture has just begun.

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They didn't figure on so many waking up. So many of us see them coming.

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Am I the only one that read the article? Near the end of it she talks about how we need more government involvement and vaccine mandates. No amnesty of any kind is due.

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You’re not wrong. She exhibits no change of heart. No new realizations. No apology. No contrition. Far down the page, after all the rambling, she CALLS FOR MORE!

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Libs lie. All the time. If they are talking, they are lying.

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Bill Gates KNEW from the very outset that these jabs alter human dna and are irreversible.

Anthony Fauci KNEW from the beginning that these jabs killed all of the cats, killed all of the ferrets, and killed all of the mice before they had a chance to reproduce.

This pathetic request is a thinly veiled attempt to save herself from being rounded up as a covid criminal of which there are many.

The unfortunate people who have been coerced, bullied, hated, vilified, sacked, and mandated into taking these dna altering jabs have no chance of ever going back.

That includes the children too.

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Of course he knew. ALL of the perps at the top did.

The fact that the ignorant underlings chose not to even consider that it was all BS is entirely on them.

But it was and still is ALL deliberate. People need to wake up to THAT fact or we'll lose the war.

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I posted this on another substack (Dr Paul Alexander) that commented on the same amnesty plea by the liberal quislings....

Bravo! It has gone way past amnesty. Justice must be served to fit the enormity of this crime. But, some individuals are more culpable than others, so perhaps those at the bottom of the food chain “could” be offered some kind of amnesty if they provide irrefutable evidence of who authored their directives.

The reason for this is that IMHO the actions of the door watcher insisting on a mask before entry to a venue cannot be compared to the monstrous evil and criminality perpetrated on humanity by the likes Fauci, Bourla, Gates et al. Having said that, any person who has had any part to play must be held accountable for their actions. As we all know, “I was just following orders,” is no defence. These people must know what they did was wrong and publicly accept their culpability and suitable punishment.

Anyway, this is how I feel about anyone who has in ANY way contributed to these crimes against humanity. No blanket amnesty, but justice according to their part played. This will be painstaking and require Herculean effort on the part of lawmakers, but it must be done as quickly as possible so that we can pick up from the shards of what's left. We must never forget this diabolical chapter of human history, but instead record it for posterity so that no one EVER forgets.

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Agreed. The difficulty lies in situations where legislators and in the justice system perpetrated and/or abetted the worst crimes. Then we may be in a position of relying on them to correct their own crimes. I can’t remember ever seeing that happen.

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Never forget treason, never forget cowardice and procrastination. They are the slimy, ruthless and selfish souls.

Happened many times before when the real characters had to be displayed.

The oppressors always play dumb and deceived when their time runs out:” I didn’t know, I was just following the orders”. Have we heard it somewhere before?

Forgive them and they will stab the knife in your back at the earliest favorable opportunity for them. Skunks!

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Don't you love the way the word "we" us used? As in "we" need to forgive them cause they know what's coming. Justice is needed for those who were pushed, prodded, cajoled, lied to, in order to put that needle into resistant arms. Justice for those who were muzzled, cancelled, masked, shunned, forced to choose between their job and being injected with an experimental gene therapy. Justice is needed for the injured and the families of same, especially those who watched family and friends die as a result of being injected. Justice is needed for those that blindly did as told, people credentialed to diagnose disease and who took an oath to do no harm but did the exact opposite. People who believed the lies, believed the narrative pushed by government, big pharma, media and the technocracy and turned a blind eye and deaf ear to others who cautioned against widespread use of an experimental gene therapy during a pandemic.

Doctors, nurses, clinical assistants, administrators, pharmacists, insurance companies, employers, clergy, school boards, teachers unions, government agencies, social media, advertisers, on and on and on. Those that added to the 24x7x365 drumbeat to get vaccinated, get boosted, don't ask questions, don't complain, just comply, comply, comply. There needs to be a complete housecleaning of everyone involved and in positions of authority. These people cannot be trusted, cannot be allowed to instruct, advise, control, anyone ever again. This extends to the medical credentialing and licensing boards, who followed big pharma and governmental pronouncements without question.

The ONLY doctors that should be permitted to direct how medicine should be practiced from this point forward are those that resisted the edicts. Those that stood up and said NO. I WILL NOT COMPLY with this craziness. they are the ones who refused to do harm and were loyal to both patients and their Hippocratic Oath. They put their reputations, their livelihoods, their years of study and medical practices on the line.

Amnesty will not and should not be considered, not for one second.

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Well said!

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I was hoping to get your take on this. You did not disappoint! Well done. No words really, except thinking it's a bit like after discovering the extent of the horrors of the Holocaust and suggesting "Meh, Let's move one." She is entirely ignorant of the horrors that occurred during the past couple of years, and because of the vaxx, those injuries will continue indefinitely. Maybe instead of amnesty, she could just catch up a bit on what happened while she restricted her information to the MSM news. She still is unaware this was a scamdemic with a much larger agenda. Thanks for your work!

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I love how she announces “Prof.” Which means: I’am all knowing, you must listen to me! These “people” disgusting in every way! The arrogance to tell others how to live without making the slightest effort to have any clue what you’re talking about. Piled high and deeper, I guess?

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My takeaway from her article is now they know that they were wrong and that we were right all along. It's kind of a big deal that this is being stated now - a sort of paradigm shift in their mentality. The fact that the Atlantic is actually publishing this is significant. They are publicly admitting being wrong. (And I use "they" for the sheep collectively because nearly all of them operate via groupthink. Oster is just one of the lead sheep stating these things - the rest will soon follow.)

My other significant takeaway is that they feel the need to ask for forgiveness/amnesty. Of course, it is couched in the article that both sides need to forgive each other in order to minimize their negative feelings about their actions and thoughts. Why would they need to ask for amnesty and forgiveness on such a public level? They sense something very bad is coming in the very near future. They have realized the hell that has been unleashed, the millions dropping dead, the violations of human rights of which they have participated. I believe this realization is only subliminal right now and that is why this article was written and published.

The tsunami is coming.

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At the end of every science article related to COVID, especially, you read this "The Atlantic’s COVID-19 coverage is supported by grants from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation."

Chan Zuckerberg is Mark Zuckerberg's wife and obviously tied to Facebook which is not a medical authority. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is connected to the J&J vaccine...conflict of interest?? https://www.rwjf.org/en/library/coll... This organization is also funding vaccine projects......We also received $46,369 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation in this quarter. SciCheck’s COVID-19/Vaccination Project is made possible by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. https://www.factcheck.org/our-funding/

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Nice sleuthing Stella !

This needs to become common knowledge if we are to affect a change of heart in the compliant.

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Thank you....I have been sharing this since Dec 2021......so please, be my guest and share.... :)

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No. Gtfo Emily.

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I must admit I’m frustrated by a lot of these comments. People are speaking in terms as if this fight is over. That we’ve won the war. My guess is the monsters on the other side are saying everything is going as planned. We are at the very beginning of the 10 year genocidal war. There is nobody truly fighting for us in governments across the globe with the exception of Africa. The unlimited money they have created all this mess. Satashi Nakamoto is fictitious.bitcoin was created to allow for digital identites. The plans for CBDC’s is well underway. I don’t see how we make any of these psychopaths pay for anything. They’ve been concocting these plans for 60 plus years. I don’t see Nuremberg 2.0 happening. Who will enforce it?

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unfortunately you might be right.

But is just to have some fun of them after 3 years.

As they say: winning a battle is not winning the war.

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It's quite amazing how so many of the masses think that were not a part of this. Oh yes they were for saying nothing, and just bending over.

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I think she and many others in (formerly) trusted institutions are in a tough spot right now. Her essay is a cry for amnesty in an attempt to regain lost trust. I think it is a fair perspective between common people, because many were insulated from good information, and it’s fair to say they didn’t know. But even they need to recognize that they gave in to hysteria and abandoned common sense. Wisdom comes (in part) from learning from mistakes.

I don’t, however, have the same view re people who are in positions of responsibility and are by virtue of those positions stewards of public trust. All doctors, CDC, governors, departments of health, presidents, media talking heads, and many who used their positions of influence to advocate for harmful policies and/or failed to speak out against them violated the public trust, and for that there must be a reckoning that accords with the level of trust. In some cases, a “sorry, my bad” might be enough, but for most in the public trust, that won’t do.

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Please note her CV and twitter profile. She had all the data from day 1.

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Agreed. My comment about “common people” does not apply to her. Positioning herself as a data-based parenting expert, then advocating for masks, anti-social paranoia, and vaccine mandates puts her in the “violated public trust” category.

My post was addressing the implications of her plea in a broader context. I think it would have been more meaningful if it had included a more honest mea culpa, which we will not likely see. “We didn’t know” does not cut it for her, but maybe for some it does.

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