Thanks so much for condensing it so well. At the beginning of the scamdemic, I pulled the principal of the private school where I work aside and told him what my previous career had been…determining the overhead rate for federally sponsored health research, provided books on the utter scam the vaccination programs have been, told him I believed that jabs would be given to make people ill or kill them and that our country was ready to collapse economically. I am rather accustomed to being called a conspiracy theorist so I really did not care as long as people, staff, teachers, parents did not run out and get an experimental jab. I already knew masks were BS because I was in and out of BSL 3 and 4 labs suited up like an astronaut, NOT wearing cloth over my face. Sure enough, people ran out and got them anyway. The principal did read the books I provided….3 freaking YEARS after I gave them to him. Meanwhile, his mother died post jab, teachers have cancers, nearly everyone is chronically ill……just like I said would happen. He said a few weeks ago, “I wonder if my mother died from the vaccines?” And this man has a PhD. Hmm…I wonder….NOT. It is very frustrating to watch this all go down. I loathe TV more than I can possibly express because that is how a LOT of folks make decisions that will impact the rest of their lives….stupid television. None of us were required by our employer to get the stupid jabs, but people did so they could travel and go out to eat. “My TV said I should”….”some clown on TV said I should”…and I watch people drop like flies now. So I truly appreciate the “depopulation or weaken with kill shots” statement as I am watching it in real time. Ok…rant over…..
So what are "the books" you mentioned? Of course the various vaccines given to people in the last 70 years killed them or their underlying physical illnesses were exacerbated by a vaccine (the side effects of anything we put in our body has risks, even food). However, the lives saved with vaccines outweighs the lives lost, though we certainly could stand for a virus like the Plague that takes out 50% of the worlds population and that may happen sooner than later. Just for edification of all y'all: The US is currently at a .38 percent population growth. ( If you question my fact based opinion's validity, good, but do some research on the rollout of the Polio vaccine back in the 50s. Do some research on the Spanish Flue (a good look back at actual comparison from 1918-19 to 2020-2021: Lastly, mRNA treatments may be one the ways medical science beats certain types of cancer, btw. It's your life, go and live it! #freakpower
In Australia they made it mandatory for people to get vaxxed. They did it through employers by saying it came under OH&S laws. Quite clever really. I was the only person out of 10 staff who didn't have it, even though there were several who didn't want it. I was lucky that they let me work from home & that I had the sort of job I could do from home. For others it wasn't so simple.
I have always tried to operate from a place of logic. I must say that this is a level of evil and destruction that I do not comprehend. I chose career paths based upon logic…this is just wrong on so many levels.
First, your handle is great. Debussy’s Claire De Lune is one of my all-time favorites. Second, I am so glad you did not have to take it. Finally, we had the same thing in the US with regards to coercion from a lot of employers to get employees jabbed. I work for a small private organization, a deliberate move on my part, and we were not required to receive them so I was really hoping this small group would escape harm. That did not prove to be the case which is just so sad. I feel so bad for the children who are losing their parents to illnesses or suicide and I cannot stop it. I tried for the first year….I have to accept that people are going to do what they are going to do. I am not “there” yet. It’s like watching a train wreck and being helpless to prevent it. My roommate’s parents both died within 6 months of injection from embolisms, her adult children are not well, nor is she….and I warned them and provided literature to back up my assertions. Aside of one adult who is training to become a physician’s assistant, no one was required to receive the jab and it was information provided by the television (not medical professionals in person) that was the catalyst for deciding to don masks and get jabbed. Anyhow, I am relieved you did not receive it. Best wishes for good health- E.
All this said, though, if someone comes to a person and says, “I have information that could save you from harm. I even have FREE books for you to read to corroborate what I am proposing.” and that person is like, “um, no thanks, I’ll just do what I am told. I don’t like to read. There’s a football game on that I’d rather watch.” then that is straight up intellectual laziness and I give up on that. If I had a dollar for every time I have heard, “I don’t like to read.” I’d be a very wealthy woman again. The football game quote is a real life anecdote. There is NO saving those folks.
Dominion Voting machines in Maricopa County found to have executable programs on them. Yep, just as we learned and published: these programs can flip votes and run undetected. The source of these scam programs? Dominion Voting machines in Maricopa County AZ. #DominionVoting
So this means a recall should be made like what was done in CA with Newsom which I heard was going on again. Kari Lake would likely be the winner. One pointed out her following increased that of Katie Hobbs 10 fold.
I am not trying to discourage people from voting because I still will but this video from once respected Dr. Shiva, but now shadow banned for speaking out against the Covid 19 vaccines gives a new perspective on how the few control the many. It was jaw dropping for me because I thought the WEF was our biggest threat when they are like a small department of a mega mall working against us. Very much worth the watch and in his video section he shows the real Tucker Carlson as well.
America used to be a Constitutional Republic; but the Republic was sidelined by The Act of 1871 and subsequently dissolved, along with the federal government, by The Emergency Banking Act 1933.
On March 9th, 1933, FDR declared a banking emergency as a result of the official insolvency/bankruptcy per, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress June 5, 1933. See also Executive Order 6073, 6102, 6111, 6260; Senate Report 93-549, pgs. 187 & 594, 1973.
As a result of the insolvency, a new currency was introduced. Quote: "“The new money (paper promissory notes) is issued to the banks in return for Government obligations, bills of exchange, drafts, notes, trade acceptances, and banker’s acceptances. The new money will be worth 100 cents on the dollar, because it is backed by the credit of the nation. It will represent a mortgage on all the homes and other property of all the people in the Nation.” Senate Document No. 43, 73rd Congressional Record, 1st Session.
"Our democracy," to which our rulers keep referring, is THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION, which owns The District of Columbia plus all "federal" land and buildings as collateral for the national debt in addition to "all the homes and other property of all the people in the Nation."
The Republic is dead, the question is do we want a Terran Empire or Evil Barbarian Rule. Fight or Surrender, Either way, death is certain. They only questions are how we meet it and are we smiling and content.
It's hard to accept, but here we are. As Michael Savage astutely warned decades ago, "Borders. Language. Culture." In that order. I'm now seeing and hearing more foreign languages, in the market space and on the boob tube - commercials for a product in a language I don't understand. Is it that far gone? How soon before English is a second language in the US?
There was a memorable line in the script of the "Breaking Bad" series: "He's already dead. He just doesn't know it yet." By the time we recognize the global invasion for what it's worth, it'll be too late. It probably already is.
On immigration, surely what they are doing is implementing The Declaration of North America? So what they think they are doing is not what we think they are doing? Yet again, they are deceiving us?
Dr. Shiva has some salient points in the video link you shared, but it's still propaganda as it feeds on fear to centralize his power and his information. "The Elites" is just another name for "Aristocracy" and no one wants to lose what they have, no matter how much they have or how little they have. It's the addictions of survival, if you will; it's part of the human condition in order to survive in this world we share: to want more, to improve our lifestyle and the future lifestyle of our offspring (eg "I just want a better life for my children"). Also missing from his diagram is the 2000-ish years of human oppression in the western world by Christianity and its churches, which continues to this day, and also doesn't take into consideration Nature vs Animal population (humans included), as any species that experiences exponential growth will experience exponential death at some point. At the end he states, "I don't want to have to do this . . . this is something our parents should have done." This is a sympathetic rhetorical method to manipulate and victimize the audience through scapegoating--this rhetorical method is used by Trump on the daily--and softens the real message, which is to give him money, buy books and "education" from one source, his source, his livelihood. The salient points he proposes can be read and gleaned in thousands of books starting with Plato and Aristotle for the western mindset. Also, in the classes of human populations on this planet, the US citizens are the Elites/Aristocracy to the rest of the world's population and we along with China consume the overwhelming majority of the worlds resources. Our consumerist lifestyle and the way we create more money through debt is spreading across this world's populations and economies. The rub is there is a finite amount of resources on this planet to support this effort. "Question authority. Think for yourself" - Noam Chomsky Good luck, y'all! #freakpower
Unless I'm missing something surely you need to be a citizen to vote and these illegals aren't at least not yet and it seems unlikely they could become citizens before November.
This was always the plan.
Depopulation or weaken with kill shots.
Flood with invading army of "asylum seekers"
Lock and load, folks.
Thanks so much for condensing it so well. At the beginning of the scamdemic, I pulled the principal of the private school where I work aside and told him what my previous career had been…determining the overhead rate for federally sponsored health research, provided books on the utter scam the vaccination programs have been, told him I believed that jabs would be given to make people ill or kill them and that our country was ready to collapse economically. I am rather accustomed to being called a conspiracy theorist so I really did not care as long as people, staff, teachers, parents did not run out and get an experimental jab. I already knew masks were BS because I was in and out of BSL 3 and 4 labs suited up like an astronaut, NOT wearing cloth over my face. Sure enough, people ran out and got them anyway. The principal did read the books I provided….3 freaking YEARS after I gave them to him. Meanwhile, his mother died post jab, teachers have cancers, nearly everyone is chronically ill……just like I said would happen. He said a few weeks ago, “I wonder if my mother died from the vaccines?” And this man has a PhD. Hmm…I wonder….NOT. It is very frustrating to watch this all go down. I loathe TV more than I can possibly express because that is how a LOT of folks make decisions that will impact the rest of their lives….stupid television. None of us were required by our employer to get the stupid jabs, but people did so they could travel and go out to eat. “My TV said I should”….”some clown on TV said I should”…and I watch people drop like flies now. So I truly appreciate the “depopulation or weaken with kill shots” statement as I am watching it in real time. Ok…rant over…..
I hear ya....very well said. Television was all about "programming". Stopped watching the boob tube 12 years ago and I don't miss it!!
Nor do I. I’m actually relieved there is another human who ditched it, too!
If you can't ditch the tv, at least stop watching the news. It's toxic.
I don’t watch any tv and haven’t for over a decade. I see enough in real life and that’s enough.
It’s propaganda with nothing factual. It’s probably been that way for longer than I know.
So what are "the books" you mentioned? Of course the various vaccines given to people in the last 70 years killed them or their underlying physical illnesses were exacerbated by a vaccine (the side effects of anything we put in our body has risks, even food). However, the lives saved with vaccines outweighs the lives lost, though we certainly could stand for a virus like the Plague that takes out 50% of the worlds population and that may happen sooner than later. Just for edification of all y'all: The US is currently at a .38 percent population growth. ( If you question my fact based opinion's validity, good, but do some research on the rollout of the Polio vaccine back in the 50s. Do some research on the Spanish Flue (a good look back at actual comparison from 1918-19 to 2020-2021: Lastly, mRNA treatments may be one the ways medical science beats certain types of cancer, btw. It's your life, go and live it! #freakpower
In Australia they made it mandatory for people to get vaxxed. They did it through employers by saying it came under OH&S laws. Quite clever really. I was the only person out of 10 staff who didn't have it, even though there were several who didn't want it. I was lucky that they let me work from home & that I had the sort of job I could do from home. For others it wasn't so simple.
I have always tried to operate from a place of logic. I must say that this is a level of evil and destruction that I do not comprehend. I chose career paths based upon logic…this is just wrong on so many levels.
First, your handle is great. Debussy’s Claire De Lune is one of my all-time favorites. Second, I am so glad you did not have to take it. Finally, we had the same thing in the US with regards to coercion from a lot of employers to get employees jabbed. I work for a small private organization, a deliberate move on my part, and we were not required to receive them so I was really hoping this small group would escape harm. That did not prove to be the case which is just so sad. I feel so bad for the children who are losing their parents to illnesses or suicide and I cannot stop it. I tried for the first year….I have to accept that people are going to do what they are going to do. I am not “there” yet. It’s like watching a train wreck and being helpless to prevent it. My roommate’s parents both died within 6 months of injection from embolisms, her adult children are not well, nor is she….and I warned them and provided literature to back up my assertions. Aside of one adult who is training to become a physician’s assistant, no one was required to receive the jab and it was information provided by the television (not medical professionals in person) that was the catalyst for deciding to don masks and get jabbed. Anyhow, I am relieved you did not receive it. Best wishes for good health- E.
All this said, though, if someone comes to a person and says, “I have information that could save you from harm. I even have FREE books for you to read to corroborate what I am proposing.” and that person is like, “um, no thanks, I’ll just do what I am told. I don’t like to read. There’s a football game on that I’d rather watch.” then that is straight up intellectual laziness and I give up on that. If I had a dollar for every time I have heard, “I don’t like to read.” I’d be a very wealthy woman again. The football game quote is a real life anecdote. There is NO saving those folks.
Dominion Voting machines in Maricopa County found to have executable programs on them. Yep, just as we learned and published: these programs can flip votes and run undetected. The source of these scam programs? Dominion Voting machines in Maricopa County AZ. #DominionVoting
The election should be overturned in that case!
So this means a recall should be made like what was done in CA with Newsom which I heard was going on again. Kari Lake would likely be the winner. One pointed out her following increased that of Katie Hobbs 10 fold.
I am not trying to discourage people from voting because I still will but this video from once respected Dr. Shiva, but now shadow banned for speaking out against the Covid 19 vaccines gives a new perspective on how the few control the many. It was jaw dropping for me because I thought the WEF was our biggest threat when they are like a small department of a mega mall working against us. Very much worth the watch and in his video section he shows the real Tucker Carlson as well.
I think Shiva is way over the top. I also believe he’s wrong about Tucker!
....I wish mr tucker swanson would leave the public square with his perma-scowl, 3 letter resume, and pied piper personality.
The only people who call what is going on all around us "Conspiracy Theories" are the conspirators themselves!
Why not? If fake ‘president’ lying biden wins, they won't be prosecuted.
The rule of law is dead in the (former) United States of America.
I’ve been saying for years,eventually there will necessarily be some killing that needs to take place.
America used to be a Constitutional Republic; but the Republic was sidelined by The Act of 1871 and subsequently dissolved, along with the federal government, by The Emergency Banking Act 1933.
On March 9th, 1933, FDR declared a banking emergency as a result of the official insolvency/bankruptcy per, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress June 5, 1933. See also Executive Order 6073, 6102, 6111, 6260; Senate Report 93-549, pgs. 187 & 594, 1973.
As a result of the insolvency, a new currency was introduced. Quote: "“The new money (paper promissory notes) is issued to the banks in return for Government obligations, bills of exchange, drafts, notes, trade acceptances, and banker’s acceptances. The new money will be worth 100 cents on the dollar, because it is backed by the credit of the nation. It will represent a mortgage on all the homes and other property of all the people in the Nation.” Senate Document No. 43, 73rd Congressional Record, 1st Session.
"Our democracy," to which our rulers keep referring, is THE UNITED STATES CORPORATION, which owns The District of Columbia plus all "federal" land and buildings as collateral for the national debt in addition to "all the homes and other property of all the people in the Nation."
The Republic is dead, the question is do we want a Terran Empire or Evil Barbarian Rule. Fight or Surrender, Either way, death is certain. They only questions are how we meet it and are we smiling and content.
There are worse things than death.
I have learned that the hard way more than once.
YOU and yours take care.
Thank you. You, too!
It's hard to accept, but here we are. As Michael Savage astutely warned decades ago, "Borders. Language. Culture." In that order. I'm now seeing and hearing more foreign languages, in the market space and on the boob tube - commercials for a product in a language I don't understand. Is it that far gone? How soon before English is a second language in the US?
There was a memorable line in the script of the "Breaking Bad" series: "He's already dead. He just doesn't know it yet." By the time we recognize the global invasion for what it's worth, it'll be too late. It probably already is.
On immigration, surely what they are doing is implementing The Declaration of North America? So what they think they are doing is not what we think they are doing? Yet again, they are deceiving us?
It’s amazing how complex this web is… But this did a good job of explaining a lot of it that is currently occurring.
I think they're giving the immigrants what is called a natural citizenship ID you should check it out
Dr. Shiva has some salient points in the video link you shared, but it's still propaganda as it feeds on fear to centralize his power and his information. "The Elites" is just another name for "Aristocracy" and no one wants to lose what they have, no matter how much they have or how little they have. It's the addictions of survival, if you will; it's part of the human condition in order to survive in this world we share: to want more, to improve our lifestyle and the future lifestyle of our offspring (eg "I just want a better life for my children"). Also missing from his diagram is the 2000-ish years of human oppression in the western world by Christianity and its churches, which continues to this day, and also doesn't take into consideration Nature vs Animal population (humans included), as any species that experiences exponential growth will experience exponential death at some point. At the end he states, "I don't want to have to do this . . . this is something our parents should have done." This is a sympathetic rhetorical method to manipulate and victimize the audience through scapegoating--this rhetorical method is used by Trump on the daily--and softens the real message, which is to give him money, buy books and "education" from one source, his source, his livelihood. The salient points he proposes can be read and gleaned in thousands of books starting with Plato and Aristotle for the western mindset. Also, in the classes of human populations on this planet, the US citizens are the Elites/Aristocracy to the rest of the world's population and we along with China consume the overwhelming majority of the worlds resources. Our consumerist lifestyle and the way we create more money through debt is spreading across this world's populations and economies. The rub is there is a finite amount of resources on this planet to support this effort. "Question authority. Think for yourself" - Noam Chomsky Good luck, y'all! #freakpower
Where is Mayorkas's disinformation project that has been in existence for many years?
Unless I'm missing something surely you need to be a citizen to vote and these illegals aren't at least not yet and it seems unlikely they could become citizens before November.
What am I missing?