Wonderfully written piece. I love Vera Sherav! She is the best!

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Thank you! Great post. I wrote about the Holocaust comparisons being made, it's such a highly emotional topic.


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There is an excellent book written about this, by Dr E. Mullins, Death by Injection. It tells how the Rockefellers and a few other rich families demolished the natural healers that were practicing all over the states, monopolized the medical world and ruined the whole system. It also tells of how they forbid meds that heal (even cancer) and instead promote crap. Very interesting book, although I skipped a part where he lists all the rich families involved. The book was written in 1988 but is still on the market, which means something ! I hope the poor man survived, because these people are infiltrated everywhere (CIA) and do not hesitate to kill.

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Didn't someone say there was some kind of crazy "cult requirement" that they announce their intentions, often in literature, movies, books both fictional and documentaries, perhaps even the "Event 201" style "exercises?"

Sure would explain a lot, as well as "predict" a hell of a lot more.

I always wondered why we hadn't had a "Red Storm Rising" till now (in Ukraine and possibly coming to a city or county near you).

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Whitney has the most integrity and intelligence of anyone I've seen looking at these things.

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LOVE the George Carlin quote!!!

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Link to interview now does not work. ☹️

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Mar 29, 2022
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The Rothschild family directly supported Hitler.

The Sabbatean Jews have slaughtered Jews for centuries.

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Exactly. Zelensky is a Jew, yet recently a Ukranian film maker, very anti-Putin, was banned from a film festival for making a film about the holocaust.

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Mar 29, 2022Edited
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Well my all of my entire family that remained in the Poland/Ukraine on one side was lost in the Holocuast so much so that all we know now is they they came from Poland Ukraine area. I am of a universal mind and exclude no one based on group affiliation. As my previous comments have stated, the death cults have often masqueraded within a Jewish guise, but not exclusively by any means.

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What a wonderful way to divide and control those who start to see a pattern: get them to see the death cult as a Jewish thing, versus just a Satanic thing that corrupts every institution where it can. Then when people see the cult , at least they will blame the world conspiracy on all Jews rather than the few elites who happen to be prominent Jews or just evil people pretending to be Jewish.

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Mar 30, 2022
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This substack is 100% free speech, but I ask you to not disparage any religions. Thank you.

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You obviously know a lot about secret cults. I do not. I know my dad is ethnically Jewish. He never had any religion or tradition at all - his parents were unable to believe in anything at all after the holocaust. I believe in calling out inversion wherever I see it. When Israel is inverted, I do call it out. When a Jew is inverted, I call it out, same as anyone else. I do not discriminate. I certainly have no hatred or malice for Gentiles, and by your definition I am not Jewish, yet that lineage is a part of what shaped me. The Jewish people I know aren't terribly religious - most it's about tradition and family and some of them are into zen buddhism. I don't know any of them to have the slightest interest in Satanism or the cult.

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Also if you look at the pfizer newly released documents, most of the names on it are Chinese. That doesn't make your average Chinese person evil, either.

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Astrozeneca has Eugenics ties, via Whitney Webb

Also, I just read that according to the Hill,

“BioNTech CEO Uğur Şahin warned that COVID-19 will continue to spread unless countries do more to ramp up vaccine distribution. This is also misinformation, because research has shown that countries with lower vaccination rates tend to have fewer cases, and in fact my neighbor commented last year that he thought it took India a long time for the people to start dying and I told him it was probably the vaccines and it got awkward but we still like each other.

The BioNtech CEO goes: “We need to ensure really high vaccination rates worldwide. Otherwise, no one will be safe,” Şahin said, adding that the pandemic will end only once the entire globe reaches herd immunity." 

This is an odd statement. As the CEO of a company that makes vaccines, you’d think they would be up on the research showing that herd immunity with an imperfect, leaky vaccine such as the bioNtech/Pfizer one, is impossible. Actually, mass vaccinating people during a pandemic puts evolutionary pressure on the virus to mutate. Why do I know this and the CEO of the bio science company apparently missed it? Were they too getting their news from CNN, perhaps over a supper party with Rochelle Walensky? I don’t know!

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Additionally, BioNtech is a German company.

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"During the taxi ride, “the scientist told him data suggested there was going to be a pandemic not unlike the 1918 flu.”

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Victoria Nuland, born to JEWs.

Check Lily Chili's blog for my notes there!

"Nuland Coupland"

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Zelenksky is also Jewish.

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Now look who funded him - I don't know about his background, but he also funded the Neo Nazi Group the Asov Battalion AND Hunter Biden, it looks like. Who are the pawns and who are the chess masters? Is it really Kolomoysky or someone above him? I once heard the evil doers are basically people who do not leave and go back to God at death but jump bodies without going back to God before reincarnating. In that case, the human faces could change, but we would not see who is really playing the chess match. As Kaia Ra, who is a survivor of the elite military satanist child rape and death cult has said, "They are playing chess and your sovereign divinity is the checkmate." Her book is called The Sophia Code.

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Shortly after the Obama Administration’s Ukrainian coup, on March 2, 2014, Kolomoysky, who supported Yanukovych’s overthrow, was appointed the governor of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine. Hunter Biden, with no experience in the industry or region, would join Kolomoysky’s Burisma Holdings two months later on May 12, 2014. ^

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My 19 year old called me and mentioned, "It's really funny that they want to say Zelensky is working with the nazis but he is JEWISH. I told her, "Hitler was also (part) Jewish." Our current Vice President is black by her own definition but as far as I can tell she has done a tone of damage to communities of color. Yet many still vote for her because they want representation. Many people who are people of color as well as white people would do a better job creating a world were racism does not exist and where black and brown people flourish. Power and Energy dynamics of the inverted/exploitative/satanic use "identities" but they only USE them. Our job is to see past the division and love one another.

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White women did the same thing with HRC, just wanting representation of women and being willing to overlook everything else. So this not about race.

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Don't be antisemitic. Evil cowers in every guise it can, including prominent Jews and also in Priests/The Vatican and in the elite child sex trade that spans the corporate-political-satanic death cult, Republicans and Democrats, Jews and non Jews. All slavic people are not evil because Stailn was, along with a lot of his helpers we may not know by name in the West. At the same time, we SHOULD call out people who happen to be Jewish but do evil, including Lesley Wexner, who amazingly no one is talking about.

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Exactly. The real enemy are the crypto-satanists, who pretend to be Jewish, Christian, Muslim and atheist. They don't care about us non-satanists and are trying to cull us as part of their New World Order. The people behind the curtain are apparently the Rothschilds (central bankers), Rockefellers, European monarchy, Pope, Jesuits, etc. If communism=satanism, then that includes the CCP as well. All recent presidents (including Trump) and most members of Congress are also Freemasons (satanists).

The Great Reset= New World Order is about the elites securing their wealth and power with Central Bank Digital Currency, UBI and depopulation of us "useless eaters". I used to think the motive for the Great Reset was imminent financial collapse due to massive debts. After more research, I now conclude the Illuminati planned financial collapse a century ago in order to cull us- but only after they'd obtained the requisite technology for their NWO. Killing us is apparently a religious sacrifice for them.

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I more or less agree with you a few nuances. I stay away from digging too deep into the dark as I find I learn what I need to in order navigate, but a teacher I respect said of conspiracies something along the lines that while yes the term "conspiracy theoriest" was coined to keep us from digging and looking under the hood, if you become obsessed with the dark, you start to get swallowed by it, and that is what it wants." Like if you choose to resonate with it enough to get really deep into it, you start to resonate with it, lol. So then since resonance is everything and that energy is exploitative, it takes you that way. It's strategic too, because if it can't get you by making you totally blind, and it cant get you by making you half blind and willing to kill like the Nazis AND those on the left who are taught to hate to an extreme those on the right - then they try to get you by making you obsesse with conspiracies so much so that you lose touch with your light, your power, your inner freedom to create change, to embody the natural joy, connectedness, reverence for life etc that literally dissolves the darkness as we move into times where the energetics support the dissolving of the old structures, but we must do our part, both in being the Truth and Being Love.

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