many years ago, a man and his wife decided to leave the rat race. they bought a run down farm near athens, georgia and started farming regeneratively. the wife was a sensitive animal lover and had named their 1000 chickens and could literally tell them apart.
one day she came to her husband in a panic and said "doris looks like she's having an asthma attack!" within a few hours, doris had died. by afternoon they noticed other chickens choking, gasping, wheezing and dying. they called the vet.
he diagnosed Newcastle virus and told them to cull their entire flock, buy all new chickens and he would vaccinate them against the virus. the vet went back to his office to await their decision.
they talked about it and decided that chickens in nature aren't vaccinated and, while it would be hard to watch, they should just let the disease play out.
what happened was utterly predictable to anyone with half a brain and a modicum of common sense. one third of the chickens died of the virus, one third got pretty sick but pulled through and one third never got sick at all.
so instead of killing their entire flock of 1000 birds, having to buy more chickens and then incurring a large vet bill, they were left with 2/3 of their original flock of which 1/3 had natural immunity and the other third had acquired immunity. they did not buy any new chickens, but rather allowed their immune chickens to reproduce. years later, they have healthy strong birds and no vet bills. they've never had a problem with Newcastle virus again.
after i read this story in the book written by the farmer about his early experiences on the farm, i looked into Newcastle virus. when it does spread to humans through very close contact with chickens like you'd have on a regenerative farm, it manifests as a case of pink eye AND confers immunity to certain cancers. in fact MSKCC in NY was studying Newcastle virus as a possible treatment for cancer (shades of Coley's toxins).
this raises a few questions. if you think back into history, people had much closer contact with a variety of animals. my grandmother kept chickens in the backyard of her NJ 2 family house. so chicken farmers and mostly everyone else would come into regular contact with poultry. a farmer might have 1000 birds and your grandmother might have only 5 but everyone would have had regular contact with chicken viruses which would give their immune systems a work out. in addition, their backyard gardens would afford them exposure to all manner of soil bacteria, microbes and fungi.
not only did they have a degree of independence when it came to their food, they also were probably less prone to cancers and were generally hardier than the vaccinated for everything kids you see now who can't live in the world if there's a peanut nearby.
some years back, we visited the farm for a two day class in cheese making. by then the farmer had discovered his gift with cheese, expanded his cheese cave and was providing cheese to all the best restaurants in and around athens, had won many awards and had started a thriving mail order cheese business.
i'm 70 and so had only 3 childhood vaccines. i'll stack my health up against any 20 year old. needless to say, i've never heard anything again from the MSKCC research into Newcastle virus and cancer.
wow! i was talking about this earlier today! here's another story: many years ago, i was working for the famed modern dance pioneer Martha Graham when she got shingles. i'd never heard of shingles except as something that very old people got in dickens' novels. i didn't think it existed anymore. suddenly i knew someone who had it and said it was awful. she was very old at the time.
a couple of decades later, i met- in one year!- 3 people who all had shingles!!! by then there was the first shingles vaccine out (the one that was replaced by a "better" one eventually). they were young men, all 23 years old by coincidence. they did not know each other and were not living near each other (one was a NY stagehand, one was a ballet student in DC who had to miss his opening night and i can't remember what the 3rd guy did) but were all about 27 years too young for the shingles vaccine to be of any use to them and all of them would been vaccinated for chickenpox. unlike me, who actually had chicken pox.
to me this was an epidemic- how could i possibly meet 3 young men in one year who all suffered from a virtually extinct victorian disease of the very elderly? what are the odds?
i decided that vaccinating children against chickenpox created this explosion of shingles. back in the day, when i got chickenpox, my parents would have been exposed to me and even though they didn't get sick, the exposure would have topped up their immunity. later i would be exposed to my younger brother's chicken pox and then we'd all be exposed to our cousins. i didn't have any children but i can imagine that in the normal course of events, an immune adult would be exposed to chicken pox at fairly regular intervals until such time as they were warehoused in a nursing home where their grandchildren would not be allowed if they were sick. and so the natural periodic exposure would come to an end and an aging immune system would drop the ball, allowing shingles to manifest.
let me state clearly for the record- I AM NOT A DOCTOR OF ANY KIND, NOT A VIROLOGIST OR A VACCINOLOGIST. i am a forcibly retired (for refusal to take the covid vaccine) theatrical costumer with a long career in the arts, but based on what i observed in the normal course of my life, i came up with this little hypothesis which seemed to make sense.
some years later, i stumbled on a youtube talk by a russian woman virologist who said exactly that- vaccinating for chickenpox CAUSED the shingles epidemic which just confirmed what i knew in my craw to be true.
honestly, had she said the opposite- that the two things were not connected- i would have written her off as a tool of the vaccine industry. because she agreed with what i believed, i figured she was great.
"I AM NOT A DOCTOR OF ANY KIND, NOT A VIROLOGIST OR A VACCINOLOGIST" - No, you're a logical/critical thinker which is way smarter!!!! You've made such excellent points and observations. Again, thanks for sharing!!
you know when something makes sense and when it doesn't. you can read a "scientific" paper that says butter is bad and margarine is better and you just know it's bull shit. or that raw milk is dangerous since it's what everyone drank until 3 generations ago. i think most people have pretty poor memories so they can be fooled easily by people claiming to be "experts." i don't trust anyone more than i trust my own instincts. when mammograms first came out, i thought "these will cause cancer and lead to over diagnosis" so i've never had one. these days, i think the jury is leaning in my favor.
i have a great memory (you have to when you make costumes) so everything i see gets filed away with anything similar that i've seen before.
i'm old enough (70) that i can remember the experience of having measles, mumps and chickenpox so that when some newscaster tells me that i'm supposed to have a melt down over 9 measles cases in florida, i recall that when i was a kid 100% of my schoolmates got measles and none of us died. i remember my parents being pretty nonchalant about my having measles, like they didn't call in the priest for last rites or anything. my mother made me an oatmeal bath to stop the itching, not a big deal.
also, when you work in professional theater for 40 years, you have great stories involving all kinds of semi-famous and even super famous people with varying degrees of egos and neuroses. i was on track for a PhD in psychology when i decided i'd rather open a costume shop instead, do something real with my hands. but i always said that i was a psychologist anyway, what with all the personalities i had to navigate around.
during the pandemic, my brother in NY was trapped in his apartment with his wife who listened pretty exclusively to CNN and MSNBC and only left the house 3 times, covered head to toe. my brother, on the other hand, went for 5 hour bike rides all across manhattan almost every day, places you normally can't go because of traffic. he dutifully got his two shots and went along with the insanity until i sent him a link to the Highwire. he listened and said "finally, this makes sense!"
i don't really understand what's happened to people. friends you thought were pretty smart and reasonable seemed to lose their ability to think clearly. i have a lot fewer friends these days. still, if i saved my brother, i guess that will have to do.
You can still help your brother to detox if he's willing. I hope we each are finding our niche of how to help anyone who will listen. Mine is through helping people with info on how to detox the crap out of themselves. Unfortunately, all of us need to detox because we've been around those that have gotten the vax and probably are shedding on us. Nobody seems to know when these people will stop producing spike proteins. Nobody seems to have the same info on whether there's even spike proteins in the shots or it's all hydrogels with graphene oxide. Whatever the toxins are in the shots, they are toxins that need help to be removed.
Zeolite powder (not the liquid - if you want I can explain why further) is a negatively charged crystalized substance that binds to and removes positively charged toxins from the body (glycoproteins - spike proteins are glycoproteins, lipid nanoparticles, graphene oxide, mold, fluoride, heavy metals, etc. It also helps to remove glyphosate which they do put in vaccines, btw). Your cells are negatively charged and that's how these toxins can bind to the cell's receptors and cause problems. Minerals are positively charged but zeolite powder works with minerals not against them. When the positively charged toxins bind to the cell receptors then the minerals can not bind to "their" receptors and that's a huge issue for the body.
There are other supplements that are helping people as well. If you'd like I can go into more detail.
Btw: it's not just humans that are being poisoned by the shedding but dogs, cats, ferrets, etc that live with these vaxxed humans. I've known of several dogs that have gotten very sick and have died. I know of a ferret who was 3 who lived with vaxxed people and died.
If you want more info, lmk. Thanks again for your logical input. It's so refreshing to read logic.
thank you. my brother believes that he got an inadvertent placebo or at the very least, one of the more benign lots. i don't know. i've urged him to take nattokinase.
we, fortunately but not by design, have not been around too many people. my friend said to me, when she learned that we weren't getting vaccinated, "i hope you're okay with being lonely." most of my remaining friends were not vaccinated or else got, under duress, a single J&J shot. since i was immediately fired from my job of 40 years as Costume Director of the Spoleto Arts Festival, i am certainly near a lot fewer people.
we take a pretty strong dose of nattokinase every day, keep our vitamin D levels high and buy 95% of our food from local regenerative farmers who don't use any chemicals or vaccinate their animals. i've also recently started sipping baobab power mixed in my mineral drink. i think you'll find this article, by Dr Kory's clinic partner, to be very useful:
the health coach at my doctor (functional medicine) was very interested in this and i sent her the article. i'm trying it for a month and then she'll run some blood work on me to see what's changed. i don't think they can test for spike protein but i was interested in all it's other properties as well. i should get tested for glyphosate some time, not that i eat anything with it, but i think it's everywhere.
we used to act as hosts for the local symphony's visiting musicians. their mask, test or vaccine card policy for admission during the "pandemic" really pissed me off. now we will only house a russian couple (violin and percussion) who are unvaccinated. the last thing i want staying with us is a 5 time boosted hypochondriac wearing 2 dozen masks and making me feel uncomfortable in my own home!
as for the rest, we have a large red light panel and a far infared sauna in my gym on the 3rd floor. we compost our food scraps and i grow vegetables in the back yard. we have a berkey filter for our drinking water. i won't have a microwave oven in the house, won't put a cell phone near my head and pay extra to have an actual human come out to our house to read our analog electric and gas meters.
my boyfriend was an early adopter of IVM and we keep a stash of it on hand. we did get covid finally last summer. a vaccinated and boosted friend asked if she could come over to use my sauna on a friday morning since she was feeling poorly. of course, i said yes and set it up for her. i felt weird on sunday night and took an epsom salts/ essential oil bath. by monday morning i had the worst headache and assumed i was dehydrated. then the body aches kicked in and i had a low grade fever. we upped my dose of IVM and i spent 2 days in bed with what felt like a very mild flu, nothing to shred the constitution over. on tuesday, my boyfriend brought home some rapid antigen tests which said i had covid. by wednesday, i felt 100% fine and my BF was sick. he had a slightly worse time of it than i did because sick men are like babies. he never had a fever but did have the worst sore throat. i made him nebulize once an hour alternating between a saline/H2O2 solution and iodine. that really helped his throat. he was better in 3 days. we were 69 and 75 respectively at the time so we were what was considered "high risk" except that we are very fit, strong and healthy.
during the canadian truckers convoy, which- let's face it- was the only bright spot in a very bleak time, i had donated money and even called ontario premiere doug ford, leaving a message with his receptionist calling him a thief. when trudeau invoked the emergency act and froze people's bank accounts, i realized that the only thing keeping me safe was our american citizenship but how much longer can we depend on that?
i found a 19 1/2 acre restored plantation, got a younger friend interested in it and used our retirement money to buy it. we have 7 cows, a few chickens, 3 long term tenants and some short term rental units which are always booked. at our age, it's unlikely that we'll ever make back our investment but that wasn't the point. we get some small amount of money each month and we love going there.
i always love more information. i think everyone here would benefit from learning about detox
by the way, we are going in june to a Beyond Labels conference at Polyface Farm in virginia. Sayer Ji is the keynote speaker and the theme this year is detox.
no. never, ever. no colonoscopies either. i can count my trips to the GYN on one hand. no annual check ups. only one flu shot which was a sneak attack. in 1976, my cousin's wife spent a year in a wheelchair after taking the swine flu vaccine. that was it for me. better to take my chances with the flu!
here's a great story that you never heard and you'll love:
i know this guy. his wife worked for me when they were just dating. why did this treatment never get explored further? where were the successively larger trials? surely this doctor saw a nobel prize in his future? how much was he paid (or threatened) to go back into obscurity?
this is a story that needs a real investigative journalist to explore every nook and cranny!
Yes, you're right; but decentralized is tricky in more ways than one. If you form any kind of community group that shows signs of being at all effective, the local police and/or intelligence services will infiltrate and subvert the leadership. Any individual who shows interest in being a leader is probably being paid by the police/FBI. Proceed with caution!
I think it is a true shakedown. The average person will have no tangible assets, property or money. The average person will also be stripped of their health and well-being at whim.
I bet China is happy that Japan bought the Covid con hook, line and sinker.
The Unabomber got it right in his manifesto. Technology will destroy us.
The documentary on his 20 year bombing binge never mentioned he was a test subject of the CIA's LSD experiments at Harvard. They claim he was deranged from childhood. I wonder why?
I also believe this is a cascading effect to usher in CBDC by governments, that is, placing everyone on a blockchain for digital ID and currency to control merchandise buying and selling. It is the "Beast System." My question is, if everyone is placed on a blockchain with digital currency, how will corrupt politicians take cash bribes like Bob Menendez did, and how will the drug cartels stay in business with digital currency? They deal in cash!
Cash gives everyone anonymity. Using digital money of any kind removes that veil. Doesn't need to be CBDC, just using banks and credit cards eliminates the benefit of cash. They're giving illegal border jumpers debit cards so it would simple to track them. And they probably do track them or at least know who's using what where if not individually. The difference from cash is that digital money allows the controllers to control who is allowed to grift. That's thing these politicians and media people pushing CBDC don't understand. Once their usefulness is done, that being getting the system in place, they are eliminated. The first people Stalin shot were the journalists who helped him. The reasoning is if they're willing to whore themselves they can't be trusted.
I can't decide if that is a GOOD thing or not. I mean, I think the POS's should have to be stripped of everything they own and tossed in the garbage heap that (would be) the rest of humanity and forced to eat ze bugs like everyone else...but I do like the idea that they would be shot too...I am so on the fence here...
It won’t matter because the cartels drug dealers and mob are a part of the shit show you are witnessing from the ancient global controllers, who usurped humanity 3000 years ago ancient priests from Egypt to Babylon and use the Jews as tools.
Many "people of color" don't have and don't want bank accounts due to mistrust of the government/ banking system. How is the concept of CBDCs not racist?
Exactly; I keep telling people the Amish had it figured out for years! If we haven't learned from them then who can we learn from? We are watching a repeat of the Roman Empire in real time!
Thanks. I was just thinking the same thing this morning. It's the Roman empire all over again. We really haven't moved on from that system. Can't we be the ones to finally retire it to the dustbin of history? They just morphed into the 'Holy Roman Empire' and decided that they owned all souls in Earth. Now we have the UN/WHO/WEF trying to introduce a new paradigm based on 'health' & 'climate'. So annoying that so many can't see it.
Agree Claire; it is going to take a large majority of people to push back against rogue governments. I refused to comply with the mandates (mask, vaccines, and etc).
"Furthermore, the Japanese government is currently soliciting large scale clinical trials worth $900 million from pharmaceutical companies that are taking on the challenge of developing vaccines to prepare for the next pandemic by Disease X proposed during the Davos conference this year."
You just can't make this insane shit up. It's impossible to make a vaccine before you know what atributes the next "virus" has. So, there you have it. They already know that.
They know because they made it themselves. Duh. Just like the last pandemic, everything in its place before we begin folks!! Plan it out then execute! Pun intended
I know a lot of people are asleep still but I wish every comment section I read on Substack complain about how everyone still asleep and nobody cares and just sits around getting fat everyday that’s becoming less and less true and I’m tired of that comment because what I see is an awakening by everyday people
The commentary is astonishing and threatening at multiple levels.
A question immediately arises. Other than the exposure of the various nefarious schemes mentioned, what can we do to stop this apparently well organized and decades long subversion ?
Even now, one would think, organizations of "Resistance" would have sprung up, worldwide.
Perhaps they are not coordinated but they must be there. Who are they and where are they ?
The problem with organizations of resistance is that they are easily infiltrated, subverted and de-fanged by the police/ FBI. Probably better to stay away from them. Each of us must make the decision to not comply and push back hard and take responsibility for ourselves and our families.
That's true, of course but the French managed to deal with it during the occupation.
It is good news that there is strong resistance arising in the U.S. Congress to renewing the "FISA" act which appears to have been used for all sorts of domestic snooping and/or other possibly unconstitutional activities. That people in the DOJ apparently called congress members directly and demanded that they vote for passage is astounding, if true.
Yes, but surveillance and eavesdropping technologies were a lot less sophisticated during WWII than they are today, unfortunately; and, if Snowden is to be believed, Congress and due process are not terribly relevant. It seems to me that the Constitution and all its institutions have been thoroughly subverted.
That's a nice idea but Congress seems to be a big part of the problem rather a part of the solution from where I'm standing. If our democracy were ever real, it has long since become just a pretense - and scarcely even that these days :(
That's what they said about Argentina but look at it now
Sure part of congress is "subverted". But politicians are really good political weather watchers and when they see change in the air, they adapt because they know their job and all those perks, depend on it. Democracy is doing just fine. WE are the democracy.
They are there, but fragmented still. People wake up at different times, prompted by different aspects of the overall agenda. That's what the censorship is for too, so we don't connect, but stay in our personal bubbles following different people & groups all over the world.
The key is working out how to get everyone pushing together in a unified way. In fact, not even 'pushing', but just organising communities at a local level with international support for each other. An important thing that everyone should study, however m, is how to live in the private. That is another key to avoiding all of their agendas.
There's a lot of great info here. Unfortunately, I think the reach at the the moment is limited.
I know a lot of people who are still under the spell of the vaxx. If you could somehow cull the vaxx info out of this substack and make it more liberal/ vaxx hypnotized friendly, I think you'd be able to reach more people with it. Aka people could forward it to those who are open to info that's NOT vaxx related.
Not a matter of not complying anymore. Western society is too caught-up in their “constitutional” rights. Tell me how those rights were upheld in the past four years. The courts are useless also. We are in a no-win situation. We need to take a page from our Japanese friends. Unleash a full-on kamikaze sacrifice against these evil fuckers. It’s our only way out.
The end goal has always been the one world government, new world order, whatever they want to call it. This has been the strategy since before WW1. I dare say it was all talked about at Jekyll Island when elite’s first met to launch the corrupt Federal Reserve. As far as the parallel economy to enable the corruption goes, I think there is going to be only two classes of citizens going forward. They will continue to decimate the middle class with increasing inflation and taxation (carbon taxes),until the middle class is gutted. People will lose everything financially and have to become dependent upon the government just to survive.. universal basic income. Which will require digital identity. Once that is established you will have only two classes. The haves and have nots. This will create two separate classes of digital currencies. The have nots will have their digital money strictly regulated by the government, social credit score style, while the “haves”..elites,movie stars, music stars,politicians, drug lords,bankers etc will have full unregulated control of their digital currency… just like cash. The corruption will be rampant, and there will be nothing us pions can do about it. Protest.. your money is gone,post on social media,your money is gone,tell your neighbor about it.. he rats you out and your money is gone.
This is the reason why they are destroying the economic hearts of the west.. to eliminate the middle classes. All the folks worshiping Taylor Swift and other such celebrities should soon realize how stupid they were for enriching their enemies!
You were never a part of their “Class”. That being said, the blind false idol worshipers will still save up their UBI and go without food in order to buy Taylor Swift concert tickets.. which will still be allowed!
many years ago, a man and his wife decided to leave the rat race. they bought a run down farm near athens, georgia and started farming regeneratively. the wife was a sensitive animal lover and had named their 1000 chickens and could literally tell them apart.
one day she came to her husband in a panic and said "doris looks like she's having an asthma attack!" within a few hours, doris had died. by afternoon they noticed other chickens choking, gasping, wheezing and dying. they called the vet.
he diagnosed Newcastle virus and told them to cull their entire flock, buy all new chickens and he would vaccinate them against the virus. the vet went back to his office to await their decision.
they talked about it and decided that chickens in nature aren't vaccinated and, while it would be hard to watch, they should just let the disease play out.
what happened was utterly predictable to anyone with half a brain and a modicum of common sense. one third of the chickens died of the virus, one third got pretty sick but pulled through and one third never got sick at all.
so instead of killing their entire flock of 1000 birds, having to buy more chickens and then incurring a large vet bill, they were left with 2/3 of their original flock of which 1/3 had natural immunity and the other third had acquired immunity. they did not buy any new chickens, but rather allowed their immune chickens to reproduce. years later, they have healthy strong birds and no vet bills. they've never had a problem with Newcastle virus again.
after i read this story in the book written by the farmer about his early experiences on the farm, i looked into Newcastle virus. when it does spread to humans through very close contact with chickens like you'd have on a regenerative farm, it manifests as a case of pink eye AND confers immunity to certain cancers. in fact MSKCC in NY was studying Newcastle virus as a possible treatment for cancer (shades of Coley's toxins).
this raises a few questions. if you think back into history, people had much closer contact with a variety of animals. my grandmother kept chickens in the backyard of her NJ 2 family house. so chicken farmers and mostly everyone else would come into regular contact with poultry. a farmer might have 1000 birds and your grandmother might have only 5 but everyone would have had regular contact with chicken viruses which would give their immune systems a work out. in addition, their backyard gardens would afford them exposure to all manner of soil bacteria, microbes and fungi.
not only did they have a degree of independence when it came to their food, they also were probably less prone to cancers and were generally hardier than the vaccinated for everything kids you see now who can't live in the world if there's a peanut nearby.
some years back, we visited the farm for a two day class in cheese making. by then the farmer had discovered his gift with cheese, expanded his cheese cave and was providing cheese to all the best restaurants in and around athens, had won many awards and had started a thriving mail order cheese business.
i'm 70 and so had only 3 childhood vaccines. i'll stack my health up against any 20 year old. needless to say, i've never heard anything again from the MSKCC research into Newcastle virus and cancer.
RIP common sense. We're right behind you..
EXCELLENT COMMENT! I totally agree! Nature KNOWS what to do!
Thanks for sharing. Important info for people to understand and to know.
Ha !!
wow! i was talking about this earlier today! here's another story: many years ago, i was working for the famed modern dance pioneer Martha Graham when she got shingles. i'd never heard of shingles except as something that very old people got in dickens' novels. i didn't think it existed anymore. suddenly i knew someone who had it and said it was awful. she was very old at the time.
a couple of decades later, i met- in one year!- 3 people who all had shingles!!! by then there was the first shingles vaccine out (the one that was replaced by a "better" one eventually). they were young men, all 23 years old by coincidence. they did not know each other and were not living near each other (one was a NY stagehand, one was a ballet student in DC who had to miss his opening night and i can't remember what the 3rd guy did) but were all about 27 years too young for the shingles vaccine to be of any use to them and all of them would been vaccinated for chickenpox. unlike me, who actually had chicken pox.
to me this was an epidemic- how could i possibly meet 3 young men in one year who all suffered from a virtually extinct victorian disease of the very elderly? what are the odds?
i decided that vaccinating children against chickenpox created this explosion of shingles. back in the day, when i got chickenpox, my parents would have been exposed to me and even though they didn't get sick, the exposure would have topped up their immunity. later i would be exposed to my younger brother's chicken pox and then we'd all be exposed to our cousins. i didn't have any children but i can imagine that in the normal course of events, an immune adult would be exposed to chicken pox at fairly regular intervals until such time as they were warehoused in a nursing home where their grandchildren would not be allowed if they were sick. and so the natural periodic exposure would come to an end and an aging immune system would drop the ball, allowing shingles to manifest.
let me state clearly for the record- I AM NOT A DOCTOR OF ANY KIND, NOT A VIROLOGIST OR A VACCINOLOGIST. i am a forcibly retired (for refusal to take the covid vaccine) theatrical costumer with a long career in the arts, but based on what i observed in the normal course of my life, i came up with this little hypothesis which seemed to make sense.
some years later, i stumbled on a youtube talk by a russian woman virologist who said exactly that- vaccinating for chickenpox CAUSED the shingles epidemic which just confirmed what i knew in my craw to be true.
honestly, had she said the opposite- that the two things were not connected- i would have written her off as a tool of the vaccine industry. because she agreed with what i believed, i figured she was great.
now i have to go read your links! thank you
"I AM NOT A DOCTOR OF ANY KIND, NOT A VIROLOGIST OR A VACCINOLOGIST" - No, you're a logical/critical thinker which is way smarter!!!! You've made such excellent points and observations. Again, thanks for sharing!!
thank you.
you know when something makes sense and when it doesn't. you can read a "scientific" paper that says butter is bad and margarine is better and you just know it's bull shit. or that raw milk is dangerous since it's what everyone drank until 3 generations ago. i think most people have pretty poor memories so they can be fooled easily by people claiming to be "experts." i don't trust anyone more than i trust my own instincts. when mammograms first came out, i thought "these will cause cancer and lead to over diagnosis" so i've never had one. these days, i think the jury is leaning in my favor.
i have a great memory (you have to when you make costumes) so everything i see gets filed away with anything similar that i've seen before.
i'm old enough (70) that i can remember the experience of having measles, mumps and chickenpox so that when some newscaster tells me that i'm supposed to have a melt down over 9 measles cases in florida, i recall that when i was a kid 100% of my schoolmates got measles and none of us died. i remember my parents being pretty nonchalant about my having measles, like they didn't call in the priest for last rites or anything. my mother made me an oatmeal bath to stop the itching, not a big deal.
also, when you work in professional theater for 40 years, you have great stories involving all kinds of semi-famous and even super famous people with varying degrees of egos and neuroses. i was on track for a PhD in psychology when i decided i'd rather open a costume shop instead, do something real with my hands. but i always said that i was a psychologist anyway, what with all the personalities i had to navigate around.
during the pandemic, my brother in NY was trapped in his apartment with his wife who listened pretty exclusively to CNN and MSNBC and only left the house 3 times, covered head to toe. my brother, on the other hand, went for 5 hour bike rides all across manhattan almost every day, places you normally can't go because of traffic. he dutifully got his two shots and went along with the insanity until i sent him a link to the Highwire. he listened and said "finally, this makes sense!"
i don't really understand what's happened to people. friends you thought were pretty smart and reasonable seemed to lose their ability to think clearly. i have a lot fewer friends these days. still, if i saved my brother, i guess that will have to do.
You can still help your brother to detox if he's willing. I hope we each are finding our niche of how to help anyone who will listen. Mine is through helping people with info on how to detox the crap out of themselves. Unfortunately, all of us need to detox because we've been around those that have gotten the vax and probably are shedding on us. Nobody seems to know when these people will stop producing spike proteins. Nobody seems to have the same info on whether there's even spike proteins in the shots or it's all hydrogels with graphene oxide. Whatever the toxins are in the shots, they are toxins that need help to be removed.
Zeolite powder (not the liquid - if you want I can explain why further) is a negatively charged crystalized substance that binds to and removes positively charged toxins from the body (glycoproteins - spike proteins are glycoproteins, lipid nanoparticles, graphene oxide, mold, fluoride, heavy metals, etc. It also helps to remove glyphosate which they do put in vaccines, btw). Your cells are negatively charged and that's how these toxins can bind to the cell's receptors and cause problems. Minerals are positively charged but zeolite powder works with minerals not against them. When the positively charged toxins bind to the cell receptors then the minerals can not bind to "their" receptors and that's a huge issue for the body.
There are other supplements that are helping people as well. If you'd like I can go into more detail.
Btw: it's not just humans that are being poisoned by the shedding but dogs, cats, ferrets, etc that live with these vaxxed humans. I've known of several dogs that have gotten very sick and have died. I know of a ferret who was 3 who lived with vaxxed people and died.
If you want more info, lmk. Thanks again for your logical input. It's so refreshing to read logic.
thank you. my brother believes that he got an inadvertent placebo or at the very least, one of the more benign lots. i don't know. i've urged him to take nattokinase.
we, fortunately but not by design, have not been around too many people. my friend said to me, when she learned that we weren't getting vaccinated, "i hope you're okay with being lonely." most of my remaining friends were not vaccinated or else got, under duress, a single J&J shot. since i was immediately fired from my job of 40 years as Costume Director of the Spoleto Arts Festival, i am certainly near a lot fewer people.
we take a pretty strong dose of nattokinase every day, keep our vitamin D levels high and buy 95% of our food from local regenerative farmers who don't use any chemicals or vaccinate their animals. i've also recently started sipping baobab power mixed in my mineral drink. i think you'll find this article, by Dr Kory's clinic partner, to be very useful:
the health coach at my doctor (functional medicine) was very interested in this and i sent her the article. i'm trying it for a month and then she'll run some blood work on me to see what's changed. i don't think they can test for spike protein but i was interested in all it's other properties as well. i should get tested for glyphosate some time, not that i eat anything with it, but i think it's everywhere.
we used to act as hosts for the local symphony's visiting musicians. their mask, test or vaccine card policy for admission during the "pandemic" really pissed me off. now we will only house a russian couple (violin and percussion) who are unvaccinated. the last thing i want staying with us is a 5 time boosted hypochondriac wearing 2 dozen masks and making me feel uncomfortable in my own home!
as for the rest, we have a large red light panel and a far infared sauna in my gym on the 3rd floor. we compost our food scraps and i grow vegetables in the back yard. we have a berkey filter for our drinking water. i won't have a microwave oven in the house, won't put a cell phone near my head and pay extra to have an actual human come out to our house to read our analog electric and gas meters.
my boyfriend was an early adopter of IVM and we keep a stash of it on hand. we did get covid finally last summer. a vaccinated and boosted friend asked if she could come over to use my sauna on a friday morning since she was feeling poorly. of course, i said yes and set it up for her. i felt weird on sunday night and took an epsom salts/ essential oil bath. by monday morning i had the worst headache and assumed i was dehydrated. then the body aches kicked in and i had a low grade fever. we upped my dose of IVM and i spent 2 days in bed with what felt like a very mild flu, nothing to shred the constitution over. on tuesday, my boyfriend brought home some rapid antigen tests which said i had covid. by wednesday, i felt 100% fine and my BF was sick. he had a slightly worse time of it than i did because sick men are like babies. he never had a fever but did have the worst sore throat. i made him nebulize once an hour alternating between a saline/H2O2 solution and iodine. that really helped his throat. he was better in 3 days. we were 69 and 75 respectively at the time so we were what was considered "high risk" except that we are very fit, strong and healthy.
during the canadian truckers convoy, which- let's face it- was the only bright spot in a very bleak time, i had donated money and even called ontario premiere doug ford, leaving a message with his receptionist calling him a thief. when trudeau invoked the emergency act and froze people's bank accounts, i realized that the only thing keeping me safe was our american citizenship but how much longer can we depend on that?
i found a 19 1/2 acre restored plantation, got a younger friend interested in it and used our retirement money to buy it. we have 7 cows, a few chickens, 3 long term tenants and some short term rental units which are always booked. at our age, it's unlikely that we'll ever make back our investment but that wasn't the point. we get some small amount of money each month and we love going there.
i always love more information. i think everyone here would benefit from learning about detox
by the way, we are going in june to a Beyond Labels conference at Polyface Farm in virginia. Sayer Ji is the keynote speaker and the theme this year is detox.
no. never, ever. no colonoscopies either. i can count my trips to the GYN on one hand. no annual check ups. only one flu shot which was a sneak attack. in 1976, my cousin's wife spent a year in a wheelchair after taking the swine flu vaccine. that was it for me. better to take my chances with the flu!
here's a great story that you never heard and you'll love:
i know this guy. his wife worked for me when they were just dating. why did this treatment never get explored further? where were the successively larger trials? surely this doctor saw a nobel prize in his future? how much was he paid (or threatened) to go back into obscurity?
this is a story that needs a real investigative journalist to explore every nook and cranny!
Until people form communities that separate from the state, the mechanisms of slavery will continue.
Local and decentralized is the way out. Common law, not Federal law.
Yes, you're right; but decentralized is tricky in more ways than one. If you form any kind of community group that shows signs of being at all effective, the local police and/or intelligence services will infiltrate and subvert the leadership. Any individual who shows interest in being a leader is probably being paid by the police/FBI. Proceed with caution!
Have you looked at the Community Assemblies of The World network?
But...But...But... if we don't lock everybody into slave cities and make them eat bugs... people will die!!! Uhhh... everybody dies!!
I think it is a true shakedown. The average person will have no tangible assets, property or money. The average person will also be stripped of their health and well-being at whim.
OJ's prostate cancer was no doubt hastened by the DEATHVAXX (™).
1st thing i thought.....
PREDICTION: July or August, after the WHO mass-murder death certificate is signed...and before the US election
I bet China is happy that Japan bought the Covid con hook, line and sinker.
The Unabomber got it right in his manifesto. Technology will destroy us.
The documentary on his 20 year bombing binge never mentioned he was a test subject of the CIA's LSD experiments at Harvard. They claim he was deranged from childhood. I wonder why?
I also believe this is a cascading effect to usher in CBDC by governments, that is, placing everyone on a blockchain for digital ID and currency to control merchandise buying and selling. It is the "Beast System." My question is, if everyone is placed on a blockchain with digital currency, how will corrupt politicians take cash bribes like Bob Menendez did, and how will the drug cartels stay in business with digital currency? They deal in cash!
Cash gives everyone anonymity. Using digital money of any kind removes that veil. Doesn't need to be CBDC, just using banks and credit cards eliminates the benefit of cash. They're giving illegal border jumpers debit cards so it would simple to track them. And they probably do track them or at least know who's using what where if not individually. The difference from cash is that digital money allows the controllers to control who is allowed to grift. That's thing these politicians and media people pushing CBDC don't understand. Once their usefulness is done, that being getting the system in place, they are eliminated. The first people Stalin shot were the journalists who helped him. The reasoning is if they're willing to whore themselves they can't be trusted.
I can't decide if that is a GOOD thing or not. I mean, I think the POS's should have to be stripped of everything they own and tossed in the garbage heap that (would be) the rest of humanity and forced to eat ze bugs like everyone else...but I do like the idea that they would be shot too...I am so on the fence here...
Criminals are always one step ahead of honest people...the politicians have already figured a way to grift CBDCs
Don't worry. They've got it all figured out.
How will the cartels and low level drug dealers, as well as "the Mob" be able to do deals if cash is gone?
There will always be cash in one form or another.
Even privately minnted, with guaranteed amounts of silver or gold in it, can happen as it has in the past.
It won’t matter because the cartels drug dealers and mob are a part of the shit show you are witnessing from the ancient global controllers, who usurped humanity 3000 years ago ancient priests from Egypt to Babylon and use the Jews as tools.
Gold … lots & lots of gold… during Covid countries were bringing all their Gold back home
exactly, that has always been my question! But then again, Governments are figuring that out with parallel economies that only include them!
Question #2:
Many "people of color" don't have and don't want bank accounts due to mistrust of the government/ banking system. How is the concept of CBDCs not racist?
Exactly; I keep telling people the Amish had it figured out for years! If we haven't learned from them then who can we learn from? We are watching a repeat of the Roman Empire in real time!
Thanks. I was just thinking the same thing this morning. It's the Roman empire all over again. We really haven't moved on from that system. Can't we be the ones to finally retire it to the dustbin of history? They just morphed into the 'Holy Roman Empire' and decided that they owned all souls in Earth. Now we have the UN/WHO/WEF trying to introduce a new paradigm based on 'health' & 'climate'. So annoying that so many can't see it.
Agree Claire; it is going to take a large majority of people to push back against rogue governments. I refused to comply with the mandates (mask, vaccines, and etc).
"Furthermore, the Japanese government is currently soliciting large scale clinical trials worth $900 million from pharmaceutical companies that are taking on the challenge of developing vaccines to prepare for the next pandemic by Disease X proposed during the Davos conference this year."
You just can't make this insane shit up. It's impossible to make a vaccine before you know what atributes the next "virus" has. So, there you have it. They already know that.
They know because they made it themselves. Duh. Just like the last pandemic, everything in its place before we begin folks!! Plan it out then execute! Pun intended
Same poison, different label.
I know a lot of people are asleep still but I wish every comment section I read on Substack complain about how everyone still asleep and nobody cares and just sits around getting fat everyday that’s becoming less and less true and I’m tired of that comment because what I see is an awakening by everyday people
How can we defund the UN and evict them from the NY Headquarters as well as revoke the ambassador privileges? Anyone?
Do you remember the People Power Revolution in The Philippines in 1986?
Mostly I recall Imelda's vast shoe collection. Reading the link re the vast resistance movement was more interesting.
Yes, she had huge feet :)
Yes, Do Not Comply!
The commentary is astonishing and threatening at multiple levels.
A question immediately arises. Other than the exposure of the various nefarious schemes mentioned, what can we do to stop this apparently well organized and decades long subversion ?
Even now, one would think, organizations of "Resistance" would have sprung up, worldwide.
Perhaps they are not coordinated but they must be there. Who are they and where are they ?
Become very self reliant! They hate that!!!
The problem with organizations of resistance is that they are easily infiltrated, subverted and de-fanged by the police/ FBI. Probably better to stay away from them. Each of us must make the decision to not comply and push back hard and take responsibility for ourselves and our families.
That's true, of course but the French managed to deal with it during the occupation.
It is good news that there is strong resistance arising in the U.S. Congress to renewing the "FISA" act which appears to have been used for all sorts of domestic snooping and/or other possibly unconstitutional activities. That people in the DOJ apparently called congress members directly and demanded that they vote for passage is astounding, if true.
Yes, but surveillance and eavesdropping technologies were a lot less sophisticated during WWII than they are today, unfortunately; and, if Snowden is to be believed, Congress and due process are not terribly relevant. It seems to me that the Constitution and all its institutions have been thoroughly subverted.
Regretfully true.
But congress, perhaps with the right President, has the power to UNSUBVERT them ! !
That's a nice idea but Congress seems to be a big part of the problem rather a part of the solution from where I'm standing. If our democracy were ever real, it has long since become just a pretense - and scarcely even that these days :(
That's what they said about Argentina but look at it now
Sure part of congress is "subverted". But politicians are really good political weather watchers and when they see change in the air, they adapt because they know their job and all those perks, depend on it. Democracy is doing just fine. WE are the democracy.
They are there, but fragmented still. People wake up at different times, prompted by different aspects of the overall agenda. That's what the censorship is for too, so we don't connect, but stay in our personal bubbles following different people & groups all over the world.
The key is working out how to get everyone pushing together in a unified way. In fact, not even 'pushing', but just organising communities at a local level with international support for each other. An important thing that everyone should study, however m, is how to live in the private. That is another key to avoiding all of their agendas.
There's a lot of great info here. Unfortunately, I think the reach at the the moment is limited.
I know a lot of people who are still under the spell of the vaxx. If you could somehow cull the vaxx info out of this substack and make it more liberal/ vaxx hypnotized friendly, I think you'd be able to reach more people with it. Aka people could forward it to those who are open to info that's NOT vaxx related.
Don't be so sure; some of this Substack's articles get more eyeballs than the NY Times. People are waking up.
I SO hope you are right!
That's great to hear this.
Yup…Pysop-19 was used to catch up to the goals of Agenda 21…
Not a matter of not complying anymore. Western society is too caught-up in their “constitutional” rights. Tell me how those rights were upheld in the past four years. The courts are useless also. We are in a no-win situation. We need to take a page from our Japanese friends. Unleash a full-on kamikaze sacrifice against these evil fuckers. It’s our only way out.
Excellent write up.
The end goal has always been the one world government, new world order, whatever they want to call it. This has been the strategy since before WW1. I dare say it was all talked about at Jekyll Island when elite’s first met to launch the corrupt Federal Reserve. As far as the parallel economy to enable the corruption goes, I think there is going to be only two classes of citizens going forward. They will continue to decimate the middle class with increasing inflation and taxation (carbon taxes),until the middle class is gutted. People will lose everything financially and have to become dependent upon the government just to survive.. universal basic income. Which will require digital identity. Once that is established you will have only two classes. The haves and have nots. This will create two separate classes of digital currencies. The have nots will have their digital money strictly regulated by the government, social credit score style, while the “haves”..elites,movie stars, music stars,politicians, drug lords,bankers etc will have full unregulated control of their digital currency… just like cash. The corruption will be rampant, and there will be nothing us pions can do about it. Protest.. your money is gone,post on social media,your money is gone,tell your neighbor about it.. he rats you out and your money is gone.
This is the reason why they are destroying the economic hearts of the west.. to eliminate the middle classes. All the folks worshiping Taylor Swift and other such celebrities should soon realize how stupid they were for enriching their enemies!
You were never a part of their “Class”. That being said, the blind false idol worshipers will still save up their UBI and go without food in order to buy Taylor Swift concert tickets.. which will still be allowed!