Last month this Substack covered the horror show US data:
Today we will review the latest excess crude mortality coming out of Germany:
The trend is your premature death friend.
Like all other nations, the year of the “pandemic” had no statistical rise in mortality in Germany, ex-democidal hospital protocols, and prevention of early treatments. (Note the 85+ turquoise bar for the year of PSYOP-19 2019/20 is due to mandated nursing home geronticide.)
Post slow kill bioweapon rollout, life takes a sharp and grim turn for the worse.
And Germany is certainly no outlier when it comes to excess mortality; in fact, since the above are all government generated datasets, we may assume that the actual real-life death and destruction is magnitudes worse. (Think VAERS URF [Underreporting Factor] at a conservative 41, and extrapolate excess mortality accordingly.)
The only hope that the “vaccinated” now have in Germany and the rest of the world is to counter their mRNA and DNA contamination by using inexpensive repurposed drugs to fend off the spike protein damage, VAIDS, prion-based diseases, cardiac damage, turbo cancers, etc. & etc.
The unvaccinated may also want to consider said inexpensive repurposed drugs as prophylaxis from infections, shedding, cancers, etc.
Do NOT comply.
Mortality and Morality -> typo edited.
The title requires correction.