We are a like a drop of water in an ocean of lies... I saw a maybe 45 year old man yesterday mowing his lawn with a big ass mask on his face... I would bet he is lining up for the 4th Jab? It is like we are living vaccine Idiocracy. If fact... between the Spike Proteins cutting off blood supply to their brains combined with a recent fin…
We are a like a drop of water in an ocean of lies... I saw a maybe 45 year old man yesterday mowing his lawn with a big ass mask on his face... I would bet he is lining up for the 4th Jab? It is like we are living vaccine Idiocracy. If fact... between the Spike Proteins cutting off blood supply to their brains combined with a recent findings that each Covid "breakthrough" reinfection actually shrinks their brains and makes them dumber, Pure Bloods will soon be the geniuses of the world. 105 IQ will mean you are like really smart and Brawndo has like electro-lights and the vaccine is like safe and effective.. man. https://youtu.be/kAqIJZeeXEc
Mowing your lawn is really the only time a mask makes sense, since it is capable of filtering large particles like those distributed while mowing. It's the single drivers in their cars who get me.
Yes you are correct... but at 85 degrees and humid...? Sometimes the dirt and grass does bother me when I mow... so it kind of makes sense for filtering dirt out. The lone masked drivers are just hilarious to me. I point and laugh at them. You just want to stop them and ask, "Can you get Covid from your car? Is your car asymptomatic? Did you hit your head recently?"
We are a like a drop of water in an ocean of lies... I saw a maybe 45 year old man yesterday mowing his lawn with a big ass mask on his face... I would bet he is lining up for the 4th Jab? It is like we are living vaccine Idiocracy. If fact... between the Spike Proteins cutting off blood supply to their brains combined with a recent findings that each Covid "breakthrough" reinfection actually shrinks their brains and makes them dumber, Pure Bloods will soon be the geniuses of the world. 105 IQ will mean you are like really smart and Brawndo has like electro-lights and the vaccine is like safe and effective.. man. https://youtu.be/kAqIJZeeXEc
Mowing your lawn is really the only time a mask makes sense, since it is capable of filtering large particles like those distributed while mowing. It's the single drivers in their cars who get me.
Yes you are correct... but at 85 degrees and humid...? Sometimes the dirt and grass does bother me when I mow... so it kind of makes sense for filtering dirt out. The lone masked drivers are just hilarious to me. I point and laugh at them. You just want to stop them and ask, "Can you get Covid from your car? Is your car asymptomatic? Did you hit your head recently?"